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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1968, p. 11

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:-"k THE M&ENBY PLMNDEALEH Male HelpWanted Male' Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR \ ! • DATA PROCESSING MANAGER with experience in manufacturing applications. • INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS with experience in predetermined time and methods. • CHEMIST with experience in rubber processing. • COMPUTER OPERATORS experience'"with Honeywell tape systems. • DRAFTSMEN for product design. -- COME IN OR CALL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday* 7:00 ajn. to 6:00 pjn. Saturday. 8:00 ajn^to Noon PAlfS COMPANY A Good Place To Work 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHesiry Market Place) PHONE 815-385-7002 FOR RENT ROOM for rent, trance and bath. Box 177, c/o M' dealer. cHc ID-: Private en- Write to ienry Plain- 23/10-25-68 DELUXE 2 bedroom apartment Range, refrigerator, air conditioning, carpeting. Adults only. No pets. Available December 2. Call 385- 2797. 10-23/10-25-68 COMPLETELY private 1 room furnished apartment with private bath and large closet. $70 includes heat and electricity. Call 385-5878 after 3:30 p.m. 10-23/10-25-68 REAL ESTATE I " " HI HELPWANTED WORK M AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT A limited number of openings now exist in ASSEMBLY and LIGHT MACHINE WORK Apply daily 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 8 cum. to 11 a.m. RAE MOTOR CORP. 6801 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. 10-23/10-25-68 «r SCHOOL BUS D1IVER Worts Transit Company 385-1500 10-23-68TF 1-2 HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT PART TIME help for kitchen and dining hall. Possible full time work. Contact 385-2654 10-23/11-1-68 WaaSed To Rent STORAGE SPACE in town or north of town. Must be reasonable and clean. Call 385- 3560. 10-2-68TF1-2 CARD OF THANKS nurses at McHenry hospital, priests from St. Patrick's and St. Mary's, neighbors, relatives and friends for prayers and cards while I was in the hospital. May God bless you all. MRS. ANTON (BLAKE 10-23-68 FOR RENT„ HALL ALL OCCASIONS UP TO 200 CASEY'S 2601 S. River Road Griswold Lake McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-2497 10-2-68TF1-2 1 FURNISHED 5 room house, gas heat. Available from now until June 1st. Call 312-741- 3447. 10-16/10-25-68 MODERN 2 bedroom apartment, stove and refrigerator. Adults only. No pets. References required. Call 38542260 10-18/10-23-68 T.P.MATHEWS BEALTOHS RINGWOOD 30x60 Concrete block building, with B-l Zoning. Immediate occupancy! $8,000. RICHMOND SET HIGH ON A HILL you will find this 10 room older home on a 115x105 lot. City water and sewer. Lots of possibilities. Available on contract to qualified buyer. $15,000. WONDER LAKE In Sunrise Ridge, in the woods, corner location. Light-airy, compact new 4 room home. Fireplace, central heat Ready to move in $12,000. ROOM? This one has it, besides a full view of Wonder Lake. It's an older home, completely modernized inside. Cabinet kitchen, dining room with lake view, tiled bath, large bedrooms, 2 hillside lots. F.H.A. financing available, with $500 down $12,300. SEE OUR ADS DAILY * SUNDAY IN THE TRIBUNE WED., OCT., 23, 1968 - PLAINDEALER-- P<3. fT i m c PERSONALS VOTE for William J. Cowlin for States Attorney. Vote Rpeublican. 10-13-68 HELPWANTED HELP WAWTED • GENERAL FACTORY !* PRODUCTION MAWAGER * LATHE ° ©RILL PRESS ° ASSEMBLY * SHIPPING ROOM Growing concern needs ambitious and sincere MEN and WOMEN willing to learn plant operations. General factory experience desired. Good starting salary - paid hospitalization. CALL TODAY AND INSURE YOUR FUTURE 312-773-2740 or 312-773-2741 After 6:00 p.m. Or Weekends: 815-385-1172 10-18/10-23-68 NOTICES VOTE for William J. Cowlin for States Attorney. Vote Republican. 10-23-68 ONE of the finer things of life -- Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 10-23-68 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts other than my own as of October 23, 1968. JOHN JURANKO 10-23-68 5 BEDROOM HOME. Wonder Lake area. $150 per month. References required. Write to P.O. Box 69, Harvard, HL 10-18 1 BEDROOM apartment. Living room, kitchen, bath. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Adults preferred. References required. $100, utilities included. Call 385-1432. 10-23-68TF1-2 AVAILABLE November 1st. 2 bedroom town house apartment. 1% baths. Adults. No cats or dogs. Utilities included. $160. References. Call 385-4345. 10-23-68TF 1-2 NOTICES NOTICES LOOK AHEAD LOOK HUE YOU'LL BE PROUD TO WORK AT WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING Now Hiring MEN and WOMEN Day and Night Shift FOB • Machine Operators • Die Casters • Electro Platers • Spray Painters ALSO NEED A FIREMAN WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING Division of ELTRA Corp. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS an equal opportunity employer 10-23-68 McHENRY MOOSE LODGE 2816 W. Rt. 120 FISH FRIES EVERY FRIDAY -- 5:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. PERCH, HADDOCK, CHICKEN, STEAKS SPECIALS -- PLUS SALAD BAR Take out orders CALL 385-9770 10-23-68 Pets That Need A Home % OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to. good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed tnto your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY PART ANGORA, Call 385-1547. male kitten, 10 week old. Pan trained. 10-23-68" 2 FEMALE mixed breed puppies, 8 weeks old. Use to children. Partly paper trained. Call 385-6538. 10-23-68 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. Good home. Call 385-3548. Has all shots. 10-23-68 T.P. REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: 885-6841 OPEN 1 Wliffi TIL DARK 10-23-68 BY OWNER immediate occu-1 pancy. Newly redecorated interior and exterior, 4 bedroom brick. 2% baths, full basement, rad. heat, lot 50x165, channel! rights, $25,000. 3907 W. Clearbrook. Call 312-272-5335. 10-30-68 I 1 YEAR OLD black cat, part Siamese. Call 385-3656. 10-23-68 i _ Rummage II Backyard List your Garage, Rummage, Basement or Backard Sale in the McHENRY PLAINDEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at the Plaindealer office for a Free brochure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpful. RUMMAGE SALE St. Bede's Church Wilson & Grand Ave. Ingleside, Illinois Saturday. October 26 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sponsored By The St Bede's Mother's Club 10-16/10-25-68 PORCH SALE October 24th, 25th, 26th 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 8709 W. Main McHenry, HL Refrigerator, mangel, chairs, double laundry tub, clothes, odds and ends. 10-18/10-23-68 GARAGE SALE Saturday, October 26,1968 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 4312 N. DENNIS BLVD. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES Camping and boy scout equipment. Clothing, road racing set. Many misc. items. FREE COFFEE 885-8985 10-23/10-25-68 Clark's questions should interest everybody, for we must all be good salesmen of our own personalities or we'll never be popular. But star salesmen are the real spark plugs of our famous "free enterprise" system and undergird all jobs, for with out salesmen, factories and the stores, churches and schools would collapse! By George W. Crane, Ph. D.„ M.D. CASE H-514: Clark D., aged 20, is a college senior. Dr. Crane", he asked, "what is required to become a star salesman? "And is there any truth to the old saying that some people are just "born salesmen® while others are not?" SALES PSYCHOLOGY In the usual selling field, as I life insurance, the upper 25 percent of the salesmen account for 75 percent of the total insurance sold. That means the | lower 75 percent sell only about 125 percent. Why this marked difference? Well, the same ratio holds I true in kindred selling fields, such as religion, and school | teaching. Only about 25 percent at most I of the clergy are superb speakers who can make an audience |laugh or cry at will. Likewise, only about 25 per- Icent of our professors make their courses so interesting that the students don't have to 1EGAIN0H LEGAL NOTICE | IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF | THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, | MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION I ESTATE OF James H. Dunlop, Deceased, FILE NO 68-P- 1226. Notice is hereby given jiursulant to Section 194 of the Pro- Ibate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were [issued on October 14, 1968, to jlnga Dunlop, 4301 Crystal Lake (road, McHenry, Qlinoi s; wh ? >. | attorney of record is Looze & I Kinne, 3431 W. Elm street, Mc- , Henry, niinois, and that the first Monday in the month of Decern- Iber, 1968, is the claim date for the issue. McHENRY cmd LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms, Vacant, Home Sites, Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0037 1-20-67TF-1 RUMMAGE SALE Saturday and Sumday October 26 and 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 2 full size beds, box springs, 2 white dressers, dinnette set, sewing machine cabinet, telephone bench, woman's clothing, size 14, many other good buys. PRIVATE SALE REASONABLE 8908 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, 111. 10-23/10-25-68 Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court; County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. Margaret CNeil Clerk of the Court Pub: Oct. 23,30, Nov. 6, 1968 LET S LOOK AT THE \ 3H RECORDS * £ > BY LINDA NORRIS " BOATS & MOTORS WINTER STORAGE. $35.00 & up. Triton Marine Service, McHenry, 385-1076. 10-2-68TF1-21 33 FT. RIVIERA CRUISER Houseboat Equipped with 28 h.p. Evinrude engine. Sleeps 4. Sink, fresh water tank, stove, icebox, dinette. 30 gal. fuel tanks. Spotlight, running lights, many other accessories. Shown by appointment. Call 385-2718. 8-21-67TF 1-2 16 FT. Widebeam outboard, runabout, Mahogany deck. Excellent condition, 40 h.p., Fully equipped including ski tow bar, with storage trailer and cover, $800. Call 385-5630. 10-11-68TF1-2 PETS FOR SALE VIZSLAS, 4 months, AKC, FDSB. Excellent pets and hunters. Call 312-381-6053 10-18/10-23-68 IT PAYS TO APWiiTll As can be predicted in the future, Lou Rawls is indeed an artist who can be depended upon to provide a soul shattering performance . . . His newest album, You're Good for Me, i s no e x c e p t i o n . . . 01' Man River found a 20th Century spokesman in soulsinger Rawls and he keeps it rolling . . . Down Here on the Ground he keeps you crying and in Life Time Monologue he keeps you aching . . . H.B. Barnum, Arranger and conductor, provided the horns of joy, strings of anguish and winds of blue . . . Dave Axelrod, producer, provided the direction and critical evaluation that made it come completely alive. There is a big pink house sitting right in the middle of sunshine, flowers, trees, cool r o c k s , h i l l s and v a l l e y s . . . The place is the West Saugerties located in New York State . . . This big pink house gave birth to the sounds that have been captured on an album entitled "Music from Big Pink" and it was indeed the first witness to the ideas, music, compositions and performances of this album which were conceived within its walls... The group consists of five, formerly Bob Dylan's group and now nameless . . . Results: a musical experience. One of the great new Bay Area groups comes together in I Love You, featuring People. \The album provides a blend 6f sounds ranging from the hard rock to contemporary to the haunting sounds of I Love You . . The P e o p l e are s i x fellows from San Jose providing a new creative talent . . . Not only do they allow the listener a unique musical experience, but they also allow him to experience a complete rifew album of original material written and arranged by the group themselves. IBiMiW force their bored attention the lectures. * / Selling thus involved reasonably high intelligence, but ; many geniuses in I.Q. still doot sell nor make an interesting, sermon nor dramatize education. And you are not a "barn salesman' for salesmanship is a„ learned art! Star salesmanship involves' these salient factors: (1) Keen understanding of Applied ^Psychology. This involves realizing that people are most interested in themselves, s© all merchandise, as well as icteas, sermons and classroom lectures, must be slanted toward the customer's viewpoint instead of that of the manufacturer or producer. (2) Fertile imagination that permits dramatization of sales appeals. (3) Rich use of sensory adjectives so that the prospect obtains vivid resurrected visual, olefactory, tactual, auditory or taste images. " A star salesman is a verbal artist who paints vivid pictures with strong emotional epithets. (4) Dominance of the sales situation. This involves both psychology and physiology. Use of the "Reversible Why" permits the salesman to steer the interview. Bubbling vitality lets the salesman subconsciously infuse the prospects with ids magnetic personality, either by high pressure or low pressure selling. In low pressure selling, the salesman curbs over evidences of his physiological dominance and tempts the prospect with an additional amount of sensory adjectives that arouse desire. (5) Skillful use of audience participation. Let the prospect operate the vacuum sweeper or drive the car around the block, or taste the candy or use a free sample or ask questions during tits forum discussion or participate in religious ritual, as responsive reading, etc. The above S laws perpait an amateur to become a pro! But watch No. 1, for a student in my "Sales Psychology*' course at Northwestern university thought he sold a big car to a rich Evanston society matron by using engineering lingo, horsepower figures, etc. / But when I met her latter she said she bought the costly car "because the upholstely matched the color of my R3W dress". 1 For farther specific advfce, send for my booklet "The N6w Psychology of advertising and Selling" enclosing a long stamped, return envelope and 20 cents. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of hit booklets.) Advertisement for Bids The McHenry County Board of Supervisors, by its Sheriff's Committee, will receive sealed bids until Monday, November 18, 1968, 9:30 a.m., on the purchase of seven (7) four-door sedans. Bids will be opened on Tuesday, November 19, 1968 at 9:30 a.m. Specifications and list of trade-ins may be picked up at the Sheriffs Department in Woodstock, Illinois. Said bids shall be mailed by Registered Mail or delivered in person in sealed envelopes, clearly marked "BIDS ON SHERIFF'S AUTOMOBILES". Sheriff's Committee For McHenry County Sheriffs Dept. Box 507 Woodstock, 111. Publish October 23, 1968 UNITY AGAINST POVERTY Poverty knows no religious frontiers. So your gifts to the Catholic Bishops' Thanksgiving Clothing Campaign are distributed overseas in cooperation with Protestant, Jewish, Moslem and Buddhist groups to the world's poor -- regardless of creed. MAKE YOUR OWN TV TEST T NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 9th, A.D. 1968, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as AKINS ENTERPRISES, located at 1504 Val Court, McHenry, Illinois. Dated this 9th day of October, A.D. 1968. Vernon W. Kays I (Pub. Oct. 16, 23, 30, 1968) 1. Buffy, of "Family Affair." Janet Jones * Anissa Jones Sandra Leeds 2. One of the co-slars of "The Outcasts." Jim Nabors Henry Craig Don Murray 3. Marshall Dillon of "Gunsmoke." Matt Walker James Arness Henry Gordon 4. Star of movie, "The Wild North." James Stewart Stewart Granger Joey Bishop 5. Star of movie, "The Art of Love " Jacques Bergerac Wendell Corey , Dick Van Dyke U QJ OU - | -'jSAa A|pjotj - j 'jaMSjA aujfjaiuos - £ ijaipjOM juanb -ajj - ? 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