r [ " ' ^ <• , ! •" >ir if y ^ ~ j «s ••' 7 ' > V < v . - • r , , ^ ^ ^ 5 1 <<k^ / v. ^ PG. 10, - PLAINDEALER - FRI., NOV., 8, 1968 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •m • ^'k-Kiy; •*'-'$"•• A-' 3 FOR SALE FOR SMJB FOR SALE REALE5TATE V>'- >i-r. ' «Vr,rn,;•'•••;&• COPY DEADLINE Office Honrs Daily i9:80 o.m. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Blsplay -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 pjm. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- , Wednesday Paper Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Friday Paper Thursday 9:80 a.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be paid in advance. Tlie Plaindealer Is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad the first week and call our at* tentlon to any mistakes. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP* WANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL. Room 782, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 AUTOS 1957 CHEVROLET, black, automatic, 4 door, new tires, V-8. $275. Call 385-4292. 10-4-68TF1-2 Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 1 31k East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. , Sundays: 9 am to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF1 1987 YAMAHA 306, 3,000 miles. Mint condition. $450. Call 385-4292. 10-9-68TF1-2 1961 FORD dump truck. Good condition. Call 385-5636. 10-30/11-8-68 283, V-8 ENGINE with automatic , transmission. $100 or best offefY Call 385r2862 11-1/11-8-68 1955 CHRYSLER Imperial. New tires, radio, Hemmy engine. Call 385-2683. 11-6/11-8-68 1966 DUCATI Motorcycle, 350 C.C., $375. 1962 Buick 2 door, power steering, $450. Call 385- 6345 after 6 p.m. 11-6/11-8-68 BUSINESS SERVIC1 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. James Van Fleet, 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111. Call 385-6027. 11-1-68TF1-2 R&D GAS & HEATMG SERVICE 8911 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois Furnaces & Boilers, installed - serviced - cleaned Wall heaters, water heaters, Incinerators LP. Gas Ron Weed 885-1949 John Knox 11-1-68TF 1-2 McHENRYT SCHOOL OF BEAUT? (DOT/TUBE NATIONALLY ft STATE ACCREDITED Lincoln Rd. A Charles St. 885-2290 Shaping, Permanents, Set Style, Coloring with New Color Machine, Wigs and All Types of Wig Care. WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS under the supervision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED., and FRI. 9 AM. to 9 PM. THURS. and SAT. 9 All to 5:30 P.M. -- Closed Mbn. No appointment Necessary NOW ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS 'j'vv i".if. r-y>jil*'li"68TF:2 1966 CHEVELLE Malibu, Regel red, 2 dr., white wall tires. All black vinyl interior, 283 motor, standard shift, dean, $1150. Call 385-4784 after 5 p.m. 11-6/11-8-68 1966 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hardtop. In excellent condition. Red color, automatic, power steering, power brakes, white walls. Call 385-0735 after 6 p.m. 11-6/11-8-68 V-8 HARDTOP - cream and brown, automatic push button shifting, power steering, power brakes and power seat changing. Radio and heater good. Recent valve job, points, etc. Also recent are new twin exhaust pipejs and mufflers. $199.50. Call 385-0169 after 4:30 p.m. 11-8-68 1964 PONTIAC LeMans convertible. Power steering, V-8, 4 speed transmission. Very nice condition. Call 312-497- 3024. 11-8-68 I960 CHEVROLET convertible, 1964 Chevrolet Impala hardtop. Both cars have 2 new tires on front. Both cars in good running condition. Interested? Call 385-2592. 11-8-68 HOW SWEET it is. This 1964 4 door Chevelle wagon i; just what every family needs.^ Top mechanical shape. Call 312-587-0804. 11-8/11-13-68 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 V-8. Standard transmission. Very clean. $175 below retail. Call 385-6314. 11-8/11-13-68 McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. WESTERN UNION SERVICE McHenry Telephone Answerlnf Service msm 11-1-68TF 2 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 11-1-68TF 2 BUSINESS SERVICES SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St, McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 11-1-68TF1-2 CUSTOM GRAIN combining. Call 678-3151. Richmond, 111. 11-1-68TF1-2 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Inrus trial. commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65TF WAYNE MEYER mowing and roto-tilling service. Call 385- 414a \/ 11-1-68TF1-2 UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, HI. AIT'S • RECOVERING • RESTYLING All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-1725 11-1-68TF 2 FOR SHE A NEW FLOOR 80* '(A NEW BATHROOM FLOOR COSTS ONLY $16.30) DAY CJIHE CENTER State Licensed and Approved Hourly Rates Full Day, Half Day or Hot Meals and Snacks Activity Teaching AGES 2 through 6 Registration now being taken for September 3 opening BAPTIST CHURCH NURSERY SCHOOL 509 Front Street Phone 385-0083 11-15-68TF 2 Business Services Business Services McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS , ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS - Piano*'Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum ^ Rental Instruments Available. 10-2-68TF1-2 FREE DEMONSTRATION A FLEfcTO seamless Hiiw FLOORING aroma A Permanent Floor . . . PAINT IT ONI Flectc Spomless™ i* a now permanent flooring aystam that paints on right over any floor) No expansive installation costs . . . Flacto Saamlass™ is a colorful combination of random-shopad flakas laminated between loyn of plastic . . . ond any housawife can do it without closing down tha rooml a Recto Seamless'" can ba applied ovor almost any surfaca inside or outsida, including linolaum, wood, concrete and resilient tits. Vou can quickly ahd aasily add lasting beauty that navar needs waxing to your kitchen, bathroom, hallways, patio, terrace -- any floor or table topi See a frae demonstration of tWr new fleering system at: Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 383-0722 8-16-68TF2 SPECIAL SALE 25% off GIBL'S JACKETS AND COATS 7 thru 14 DRESSES 3 to 6X ' 7 to 14 THE TDBMER SHOP 3430 W. ELM ST. McHENJtY, .ILLINOIS Phont 385-0746 11-8/11-13-68 A * CLEARANCE SALE All remaining combination windows, $8.00 FOR SALE -- 35' x35' Building. All wood. For information call 385-5839. 11-6-68TF Completely reconditioned CHUCK'S GLASS & MIRROR THE TREASURE CHEST. Antiques, gifts, candy, school supplies. 3909 Main St, McHenry, HI. 385-7246. 10-30/12-11-68 385-3560 I BRONZE DROP leaf kitchen 1 table With 4 chairs, formica top 1 extra leaf, $35. Call 385- 14714. 10-30/11-16-8 WORMWOOD couch, chair & end tables.- One baby crib and bunk beds. Call 385*2683. 11-8-68 8-2-68T,F.S SAVEWWI UP TO 60% , NEW TOYS 1868 Name BffSffldi Buy now while limited sup* plies last at this savings. Also new furniture, bedroom, sets, couch sets, furniture of all kinds. Over 300 new slightly soiled mattresses in stock. Twins, bunks, doubles, queens and king sizes. Also a complete linfe of used furniture. Refrigerators and appliances. Some antiques. 3 large barns full of various merchandise, new and used. Boy from a bam and save. CREDIT - Easy payments. Anything we sell we finance. New or used. Credit cards honored. VOLO SALES BARN * COMPANY Rt 120 4 miles east of McHenry Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday i§ B.m .to 6 pjn. Or By Appointment 815-885-8886 11-1-68TF 2 KEEP VOUfe SEPTS© TAf$i€ CLEAN with . 126 AND 18 room bird houses I and bird feeders. Call 385-6319. 10-30/11-8-68 USED refrigerator for sale. Good condition. $25. Call 385- 1173 . 11-6/11-8-68 4 PIECE light grey bedroom set -- bookcase •> headboard, chest, dresser, mirror, night stand, $75. Call 385-1484. 11-6/11-8-68 USED LUMBER - 2x6's, 2x4's, Siding, Roof Boards. All Cleaned. Phone 385-5839. 10-30-68TF1-2 CRAFTSMAN 10" bench saw with stand, % h.p. motor. Like new, $60. Call 385-6204. 11-6/11-8-68 1 BED complete, $20; dresser with mirror, $10; kitchen base cabinet, $10; one electric roast er, like new, $25. Call 385- 7539. 11-6/11-8-68 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, split and delivered, $25.00 per ton. Oil 385-1469. 11-1-68TF1-2 KENMORE room heater, 35,- 000 BTU output, including pipes and stack, $15. G.E. rug shampooer, scrubber and floor polisher, $15. Call 385-1733 , 11-6/11-8-68 HP . 0 No tuNilv dipping or pumping. Ho>ci works f.isi hasyio-apply no spiiiil equipment needed. ACE HARDWARE 8728 w. Elm St. McHenry, IU. 5-3-68E.O.W2 • 2 piece aqua green sectional sofa, good condition, $75. • 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, blonde, formica tops, $25. • Small chrome kitchen set, $10. (table & 4 chairs) • 2 8.25x14 snow tires, used 1 season, $20. • 1 vertical Venetian blind, 10 ft. long x 5 ft. high, $5.00 Call 385-5630 after 6 P.M. 11-8-68 A preclras gift for .Cli?Mmas an SQIL PAIMTIN ^e&ypis^r a loved one r-- from a photo --SPECIAL Oil Painting ON CANVAS ^ 12"xl6" canvas size Frame Included <|«|?( Ready to hang. Order Now to Insure Christmas Delivery. Bivei ELECTRIC stove, 30" oven. Good condition. 36x80 combination aluminum storm door. Best offer. Call 385-1933. 11-6/11-8-68 LIGHT OAK dining room set. Table, 6 chairs, china cabinet, buffet, $150. Call 385-3372 11-6/11-8-68 1 block North of Rt. 120 [ West end of Old Iron Bridge! 385-5900 -- McHenry Phe&mnt Season Op@Ei the 1B&. Be ready to go with one of these ARC registered GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER PUPS. Healthy, husky and capable, 14 weeks old - perfect age to get them in t h e f i e l d t h i s s e a s o n . Champion stock both sides. Have had all permanent shots. Call 385-6570 after 4:30 P.M. week, days all day Saturday & Sunday. 11-8-68 SPOTS before your eyes -- on your new carpet -- remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 11-8-68 BUNK BEDS. 2 years old: Good condition, $50. Call 385- 2089. 11-8-68 LOVE SEAT. Will take bids. Call 815-385-7507 after 6 p.m. 11-8/11-13-68 30 IN. WESTINGHOUSE electric range. Official folding ping pong tahle. Call 385- 4850. 11-8-6S FOUR 8.55x14 tires, two 7.75 xl4 snow tires. Call 385-6183 11-8/11-13-68 SITUATION WANTED The McHenry Plaindealer will not be able to accept ads from people who want to do baby sitting in their home unless the individual person has obtained a license from the State Department of Children and Family Services. ' This means that anyone providing day care for youngsters in their home for mora than 10 hours a week must have a license. If, however, the individual wishes to go to the youngster's home to baby sit, no license Is ie» quired. This license Is at No Charge to the individual, and information regarding It can be obtained through the McHenry Plaindealer Office. WILL DO, from my home; Ad copy rewriting and revision work, IBM coding, etc. Call 385-5773U YOUR^'&hildren are vei^ cial. Call a licensed baby sit? ter for your needs. Call 385- 5613. 11-6/11-8-68 WILL DO housework by the day or baby sitting. Write to Box 179 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 11-8/11-13-68 REAL ESTATE LOT FOR SALE. 3020 Virginia Ave., McHenry. Call 312-352-5053. 11-8/11-15-68 FOR SALE FOR SALE NOW ON HAND! KEEP your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer J $1. McHenry True Value. , 11-8-68 For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. t 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TQBAYl 25c each McHENRY PLAIMDEALE1 Phone 385-0170 McHem T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS McHenry Area For the large family, 5 bedroom home, city water, city sewer. Quick occupancy. On contract to qualified buyer. $1,500 dn. Near Fox Lake, easy commuting. 5 room home, utility room, 2-car garage, concrete drive, 66x110 lot. Aluminum siding, nicely landscaped. $17,800 Wonder Lake Highland Shores - wooded corner location, 5 room ranch 1-car att-gar. Ideal retirement or starter home. TERMS $1,500 dwn. $12,300 Wooded Shores. An unusual Rustic Log tri-level home, year round living. Spacious corner location, sturdy shade trees, growing pines. A piece of the NorthWoods, with all city conveniences. Circle drive plus ample parking. 2- car garage connected to house with sun-deck. Comr fortable livingroom, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, family room, laundry room in basement. Gas heat, close .to beach & lake. Shown by appointment this weekend. TERMS. $18,500. SEE OUR ADS DAILY A SUNDAY IN THE TRIBUNE T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: 385-6341 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK 'TIL DARK 11-8-68 • : . JOHN FraiER;p||| . HEM- estaiE§:';w' Has A Better Buy For YouH VILLA VAUPEL1L 4 BEDROOM older ranch on 2 lots, directly across from beach. Many trees. 2 car gatage. Enclosed front porch. Asking only ... .$15,500. s . HOLIDAY HILLS 3 BEDROOM ranch on channel to river, and across street from lake. Fireplace in living room. Concrete drive. Attached carport with storage space. Immediate possession. Only $1600 down, payments $148.00 per month, including prin., int., taxes and insurance. Asking . . . $18,500. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES 3 BEDROOM ranch on large corner lot Carpeted living room with fireplace. Hardwood floors. 2 car attached garage with finished walls and storage shelves. 18x12 concrete patio. Nicely landscaped. Asking . .. $22,500. OPEN SUNDAY 12:00 to 5:00 JOHN FUHLER Iji_ REAL ESTATE 1308 Elctanond Rd. McHewy, HI. 885-8250 Downtown Crystal lalse 101 N. Main St 4B9-0858 11-1-68 85' ON FOX RIVER: Alum, and brick stone, 3 BJt full basement, 8 rooms in all. Large kitchen that Mom will spend much time in, family F.R. over looking river, large basement that Dad could make a den or work room. Move right in. OWNER SAYS GET OFFER. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A LOW MAINTENANCE HOME, then this house is just what you ordered. Has new Alum, siding, new blacktop driveway, VA car garage, and lovely lawn, inside there are 3 B.R. Large living-rm. and dining-room combined. Nice sunny kitchen, full basement with work shop. Ready to move-in without any repairs. Asking only $19,500.00. 2 BEDROOM HOME for retirement or just starting out This home is just what you have been looking for. 1 car attached garage. Hot water heat Close to shopping. $11,900. raA terms available. LISTINGS NEEDED AT ONCE. PLEASE CALL US TODAY FOR FREE APPRAISAL WHEN LISTING YOUR HOME WITH US. GIffll DRAPE! HEAL ESTATE Nest to McHenry Market Rm 4410 W. BtlM McHenry, Illinois PHONE 880-6661 FJLA. Financing Available If- 11-8-68 McHENRY RANCH with family room, 4 bedrooms on a good sized lot. Partially fenced in. Excellent place for children. House in good condition. $28,000 Call 385-0780 for further details Office Open 10 to 4 p.m. WINNETKA 999 linden H16-7274 LOl-4463 11-8/11-13-68 REAL ESTATE WONDER LAKE 2 bdrm. comb., kit.-din. area liv. room, full bsmt. encl. porch, gas heat $10,500 1 BLOCK FROM BEACH 3 bdrm. L.R., D.R., Kit. bsmt. plus util. room. All on 2 lots Lake & Pier privl. $20,000 TRI-LEVEL 4 bdrm. L.R., kit. dinette, rec. room 2% car. gar., corner lot, city water. $23,000 OVERLOOKING LAKE: 4 bdrm: 2% baths, l.r., lge. comb, kit.-din. full bsmt. ldry room, rec. room, 2% car gar., patio over gar. $25,700.00 BUSINESS & HOMES SITES WANTED: YOUR LISTING BEIIM REALTY Wonder Lake, 111. 815-653-4031 815-653-6923 11-8-68 BOATS 8c MOTORS WINTER STORAGE. $35.00 & up. Triton Marine Service, McHenry, 385-1076. 11-1,68TF 1-2 Wanted To Rent STORAGE SPACE in town or north of town. , Must be reasonable and clcan. Call 385- 3560. 11-168TF1-2 REM.ffiSHiSS REALTY EEMOPELED FARM HOME 9 rooms, 5 bedrms., field stone fireplace in lvg. rm., full din. rm., unique family rm., basement 2 car garage; on 1% acres. Access to private swimming pool & horse pasture. $31,000 SUMMER HOME Has been lived in year around. Furnished. Two stories, 3 bedrms., lvg. rm., din. rm., kitchen, bath with shower; on two beautifully wooded lots. lVa car garage with concrete fir. Walking distance to town, water rights. $10,000 We have vacant lots reasonably priced in various areas. 3436 W. Elm Street Bertha and I_. J cturcr-ra Elmer Stange 385-2443 days 385-4071 eves. 11-8-68 FARMERS MARKET FOR SALE: 35'x35' building all wood. For information call 385-5839. 11-6-68TF SHOP IN McMY