/W> • 'i »T?+^.'. FORTY YEARS AGO (Rikeri from the files of Nov. i;i928) i, Charles B. Harmsen.whohas jieen employed by the Alexander Lfimber company since the local yard was purchased from the Wilbur Lumber company and by the latter company since it bought the business several ygars ago, in fact Mr. Harmsen has worked at that location |.'for nearly forty years, has resigned to take over the agency for retailing the famous Rawjeigh products. Unti Brothers who have convicted the ice cream parlor at the corner of Green and Elm streets for several years plan improvements for the corner store in the near future. %- Mrs. Nellie Bacon has purchased the J.E. Pufahl house on f Main. street, which she will make her future home. Master Chester and Walter Colby entertained the boys of their respective grades at a Halloween party at their farm home and a very merry party it was with a part of the time being spent in the barns where the boys played on the hay and enjoyed the many things found only on a farm. The home including the basement was decorated in orange and black crepe paper with goblins witches, and jack o'lanterns appropriate for the occasion. TWENTY - FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 4. 1943) ' A heart attack Oct. 28 caused the death of a Spring Grove resident, Mrs. Denny Dary, 73 years of age. A delicious pot-luck supper and social evening were enjoyed last Sunday night at the Community Methodist church with members and friends gathering in order for the residents of the community to meet Rev. Mack Powell the new pastor and also in commemoration of Armistice Day. Albin Anderson has been em Mvsej? firry sptemmts OPEN Fri., Sat., Open 5 p.m. Sunday 12:00 Noon ROLLINS RD Harvest Dinner Dance Sat Nov. 23rd Golden Tunes Orchestra Reservations Recommended tS4 m Pinters Served* True Roman Stylo FOR REZOCnVATIOMS 4)741 ROLLINS NORTH SHORE OF VOLO 120 Ac HENRI SPECIAL. FOR PR IVATE RA BANQUETS lected Mayor of Springfield* Mass., a city of more than 150- 000 population. Anderson had made his home in McHenry for many years. Mrs. Delma Rusboldt is enjoying a two weeks vacation from her duties at the local telephone office. The City Council voted at the meeting Monday night to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Bell Telephone company in the installation of a police signal system. Signal lights placed through various sections of the city will be controlled through the local telephone office. The plan is expected to be very helpful to McHenrv citizens in that police officers can be more quickly notified, and calls can be promptly answered. . The demand for nurse's aides is increasing more rapidly than nurses's aides are being trained. War industries and responsibilities incident to war activities are making it difficult for chapters to recruit a sufficient number of applicants. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 23, 1958) Six year old Joseph Levine of Orchard Heights is recovering from knife wounds. The youngsters was playing in the yard with a 9 year old boy in the neighborhood when the latter took out a small pen knife and the scuffle resulted in the Levine youth being stabbed a number of times. Grand opening of Tomasello's newly remodeled bowling alleys at Johnsburg will be held Nov. 1, a special attraction will be the appearance of the famous bowler Bill Bunetta. Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Oct. 18. St. Patrick's Sacred Heart chapel in McHenry was the scene of a lovely wedding Oct. 18 which united Miss Elaine Marjorie Gustafson of Lakemoor and Mr. James JohnBerryman of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers of Johnsburg are cel- •v ebrating theliffifly-secondwed ding anniversary this week. j" Norman Eggert of McHenr ry currently is attending failsemester classes at DfePauw university. v > It is interesting to note that George Justen and sonnowhave the firm's ambulances equipped entirely with two way radios. : The Justen firm is the first in this area, independently owned and operated to install this modern equipment. * ^ inners GLADYS HUTSON SEEGERT Gladys Hut son Seegert, widow of the late Henry Seegert, died in Philadelphia, Pa., where, she had been staying with a daughter. The Seegerts for.-' merly made their home on Spring Grove road, McHenry. The body is scheduled to arrive at the Peter M. Justen &' Son funeral home sometime oil Friday. JOHN F. RASMUSSEN John F. Rasmussen of 2815 N. Wooded lane, McHenry, died in McHenry hospital about 1 o'clock Thursday morning, Nov. 7, a few hours after being admitted. He was born Oct. 6, 1882, in Denmark. Mr. Rasmussen was a retired foreman for the Railway Express. Among survivors is his wife, Ann. The body was removed to the Mays chapel, 4553 Milwaukee avenue, Jefferson for funeral arrangements. THOMAS J. HANAHAN State Representative JOHN "JACK" HILL State Representative FRI.-; -NOV., 8, 1968 - PLAINDEAIER. - PG. 15 „ BREAKS FOOT 'VMrs. Carol Carlson of 1502 PUBLISH ASSESSMENT Pine, McHenry, sustained a Hie personal property tax broken foot in three places assessmert list for McHenry * v . when she stepped off a curb township wm be jwbUsh«ri ln on Wednesday. She is a nurse 1,6x4 Wednesday's issue of the| in McHenry hospital. Plaindealer^ __-- a . t : 'V< • CAR WASH CENTER COLLEGE MEETING ! The regular meeting of th$ McHenry County College board will be held in the interim offices of the college, 6200 Northwest highway (I.I.T.) building, Crystal Lake on Thursday,; Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. MCARKEtPWS OTARUUCA PPOTtCT YOWft INVESTMENT WASH tr NOW I Best Bargain in Town I " Automated Stay In Ca*" WE WASH: 88 SecondH No waiting 75<| Self Service Hut Wash Hot Itinse Hot Wax More Soap More Water More Pressure 5 MIN. 25(! BAY TRUCK WASH WATCH FOR THE SPINNING COIN West Route 120 Next to Phillips 66 And Rudy's Drive-In •• taa E2S3 Esa ESJ ESS ESS ESS cscap 'T% • When selecting a gift for . let us help! fill ;i - A I $TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. 'til 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA egOQOOBOQOPOOODOQOQQOOQOOOBO1 Shop In McHenry In JiiS 12 Ysairs! iilssri iRJni 10,000,000 STRONG We are proud to report that the total assets of McHenry Savings and Loan Association are now in excess of $10,000,000. We are humble too, for this confidence on the part of friends and neighbors continues to impose a solemn obligation upon directors, officers, and staff to treat every dollar entrusted to us as we do our own. This is the point of view that has always governed us in the prudent investment of each savings dollar in the most cherished of all possessions the American home. We thank you for your confidence. Be assured that we shall work daily to continue to merit it. V#V //%$/ umToi" UP 10 tli.MO McHENKY 5 A V I N 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION MEMBER Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Federal Home Loan Bank System Savings and Loan Foundation United States Savings and Loan League Illinois Savings and Loan League 1209 N. Green Street. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: 385-3000 ft-HW pM FftCTW^FRESf( SEE US FOR ALL YOUR REMODELING NEEDS NEW SHIPMENT Just Arrived MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM 4 ' x 8 ' AND UP fiom TILE 12" xl2" CEILING TILE EASY TO APPLY AS LOW AS 10« sq. ft. as low as ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER . On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424 >rM