<tiyl/: S) V#;.i inyw«»?fw. • • W '^«TV ^V1^' ;• /• • ,vtjpfVsSl • j_W« • •'/ ... li Announce Engagement -• i'.'Y>P.-g. ;n: Ai nT5i;^«' ;• \M' { < . ^vp-V;; ' ^' ? • 5 ^ « Special Program Next Monday For Senior Citizens A program on flower arrangement will be presented to the McHenry Senior Citizens at their next meeting Monday, Nov. 11 at the East campus. A sing-along and the serving of refreshments will conclude the evening's entertainment. At present, thirty - six more members are needed to bring the total to 300, a goal set for the holiday season. Hie first annual Christmas dinner has been set for Dec.9 at the East Campus cafeteria. Santa Claus will be present and there will be carol singing. Those planning to attend are urged to make reservations with Mrs. Crawford. There will be an officers' meeting Friday evening, Nov. 8. THE TALL STATE Illinois handles over 90 percent of the nation's mail order sales. The Driver's Seat Traffic safety experts studying the causes of automobile' • accidents, as a side benefit are learning more and more about " the "types" of drivers who are more likely to have a motoring mishap.' For example, the Washington state Department of Motor Vehicles has gone on record stating that, accordingto recent Serve Annual Veterans Day | Ham Dinner The annual ham dinner en Veteran's Day, Nov. 11, sponfl: sored by Paul C. Hoffman Post, American Legion and auxiliary unit in Richmond, will be held at the Legion home on Mairf; street, Richmond. Proceedswill be used for veterans' and community projects. Serving will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. family style, with, homemade pies. - .. ty- Plan Winter Wedding SUSAN PRIES Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pries of McHenry, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Susan Elizabeth, to Frederich William Forbes, HI, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Gamble of Arlington Heights. ^ A June wedding is being planned. I (US E23 £223 E2S3 G The S@sond=Han It makes a gre- car Ifs a car that won't give you anything new to worry about. We make sure of that. We give it the VW 16-point safety and performance test. It has to pass, so we can give it our 100% guarantee that we'll repair or replace all major mechanical parts* for 30 days or 1000 miles, whichever comes first. Isn't that what a new car-owner needs? A bug that won't drive you nuts. * Engine, Transmission, Rear Axle, Front Axis Assemblies, Brake System, Electrical System. A WIDE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM! StAL LAKE PORTS S3 & RTE. 14 WEST OF 31 q Open Evenings 'til 9 (Closed on Sunday) AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE CRYSTAL LAKE 815459-7100 DIANNA MAY FOJTIK Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Price of 2220 W. Manor lane, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dianna May Fojtik, to Thomas O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien of 7214 Manor road, Crystal Lake. . The young couple have set Feb. 8, 1969, for their weddingdate. Thank You Thanks to the excellent cooperation of you, our depositors, the McHenry State Bank is now ready for automation. Today, November 8, 1968, the bookkeeping machines and systems which have served your checking accounts for 63 years have been replaced by the computer. The above picture shows the McHenry State Bank Bookkeeping Department during the final week of operation under the old system. With the new system all checks and deposits will be delivered by Armored Carrier to our Chicago Correspondent Bank each evening. The items will be posted during the night jand will be back at the bank before the start of the following days business. Thanks To You - We Are Now Prepared To Serve You Better bank Stale Bank research . they have conducted, financial instability is closely related to poor driving habits and frequent accident experience. A recent series of studies on the characteristics of "problem drivers" conducted by the department compared the driving records of three dozenpersons listed as "A" (good) credit risks by the Seattle Credit Bureau and twenty-three persons listed as "C" (poor) credit risks. More than a third of the poor credit-risk group had two or more accidents on their records compared with less than three, percent of the "A" group having the same number of accidents, according to the study findings. The department reports that the "C" group of drivers had almost three times as many accidents and one and onethird times as many traffic - violation convictions that the "A" group ~ despite the fact - • ifuinbei' ^ & people in the "A" group was more than half again as large as in the "C" group. According to Doug Toms, the state's Motor Vehicle Deportment director, Washington has done similar studies on the relationship of driving records to alcoholism, physical disability, disease and driver education (or lack of it), and he reported that a person* s individual credit habits and rating seem to be more strongly related to driving behavior than all the other areais studied. Study findings like these would seem to lend credence to the cancellation criteria of many auto insurance companies. _. STYLISH AID A newly-developed adhesive makes it possible to laminate almost any fabric you like to a regular cloth window shade. This means you can now havie window shades to match your slipcovers or draperies. 'F*tf, NOV., 8; 1968 -fLAJNDEALER - PG. 3 IcHENRY PLAINDEALER EstabBalied MS S81S West Elm Street McHenry, mhtofts _ 0M5O . J Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, SQ. $ Second Glass Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois .; , by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY T . Larty E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlfcb, Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ij£pni£ rilWIMfEl / SB I*##®1 MimilillJMiAHAHIJi Subscription Bate* 1 Year $7.50 1 Year .......$9.00 In McHenry and Outside McHenry Lake County and Lake County • V* Hie best tiling we know of to do "before the doctor comes" is to round up all the cash you can find. HOP IN MCHENRY Don't Be Left Oitl See Flowerwood's New Cfcrlslmas Decorating Ideas Now Mon-Sat 8 - 5:15 lowerwco Ri. 14 at 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Sunday 9-5 We Have The New Chevy For Yo# Over 40 In Stock Ready For Delivery •*£« Camaro SS Coupe, with Rally Sports Equipment 1968 DEMONSTRATORS 1968 Chevrolet Caprice Custom Coupe. Fathom Blue with Blue Interior and Black Vinyl Roof. Loaded with extras including Stereo Tape System. 1968 Chevelle 300 2 door hardtop. V-8 with power. Beautiful ash gold. 1968 Chevrolet Impala 1968 Chevelle Concoures Sport Coupe. Ermine White with Black Vinyl Roof. Estate Wagon, Palomino Ivory with Wood-grain panel. Full power, V-8. ling. V-8 with power. Loaded with extras. Need A Se<s®oo(l Car? . Choice From One Of ^Payton's 1968 CHE¥ROLET Impala Custom Coupe, V-8, Hydro- matic, full • power. Ermine white with gold interior Perfect condition. Low mileage. $2595 196S CHEVB©LET Impala Sport Coupe. Beautiful Roman Red. V-8 with stick shift $1695 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door hardtop. Ermine white. V-8 with full power. $995 1967 CHEVELLE Sport Coupe. Roman Red, V-8 Automatic. $1895 Used Cars 1963 RAMBLER 4 door 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 door 1964 CORVAIR Monza Club Coupe. 4 speed. $345 $295 rm A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET OPEN SUNDAY 12-4 v McHenry County's Largest - The Area's Finest Financial Institution McHenry, III 385-1040 908 Front St. 385-2155 McHenry i Asft*