v-i; »< A Jji" 1 ^ 1 ^^"To ^.»J-Jf* ^ ^ t •*+&% '<: ^ T 1 i' ' PG. 10, - PLAINDEALER - WED., NOV., 20, 1968 THE McHENRY PXJUNDEALEH •v-•v;.'V.ISK^-V^ ••^^'V^-rS'fi, •• .Vv'^i.• ^'.v-'ft::^-';; -v"-v1^:?v;3fe:"^•' •-•'•v .i• '•;- ' -••'.• ...1 &vv.iV^< g$&':'*'• A COP¥ DEADLINE Office Honrs Dally 8:3© am. to 8:00 pJii. - Classified Display --' Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.sn. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 pun. Line Ads -- , Wednesday Papfer Tuesday 0:30 a.m. FrMay Paper Thursday 0:30 a.m. Ho Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent must be paid in advance. The Plalndealer Is not responsible (or errors in classified ads alter the first tosertfon. Check your ad the first week and call our at* tentton to any mistakes. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP* WANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL. Boom 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 60604. FOR SALE FOR SALE: used roof boards, 1x6, cleaned and In good con, dition. 385-5839. 11-20-68TF Classified Deadlines Classified Display: WEDNESDAY PAPER Friday, November 22 4 P.M. Regular Classified: Monday, November 25 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY PAPER Classified Display: Tuesday, November 26 4 P.M. Regular Classified: Wednesday, November 27 9:30 A.M. 1 AUTOS 1987 CHEVROLET, black, automatic, 4 door, new tires, V-8. (200. Call 385-4292. 10-4-68TF1-2 Replacement Paris For Accessories and Seat Coven COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 1 Blk East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 am, to 1 psa. 2-4-67TF1 1956 CADILLAC. Reasonable. Call 385-750T. 11-20/11-22-68 1960 SUPER SPORT FORD. 1952 Flat Bed Dump Truck. Run good. Reasonable. Call 385*5230. 11-20/11-22-68 AUTOS 1956 CHEVROLET. Good work car. Call 653-9136. 11-15/11-22-68 1955 CHRYSLER, Imperial. New tires, good radio, 413 hemmy engine. Call 385-2683. 11-15/11.20-68 BUSMESS SERVICES ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. James Van Fleet, 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, El. Call 385-6027. 11-1-68TF1-2 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Inrustrial. commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 01. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-6STF R&D GAS f t HEATING SERVICE mil W. Mfcte ©ft. McHenry, TOtedo Furnaces it Boilers, Installed - serviced - cleaned ' Wall heaters, water heaters, incinerators LP. Gas Ron Weed 885-1949 John Knox 11-1-68TF1-2 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • Black Dirt & Fill • Driveways • Parking Lots • Sodding Phone 815-385-3704 11-6-68TF1-2 1965 4 WD JEEP and Wagoneer, fine condition; snow tires, 51,250. Call 385-1402. 11-20/11-22*68 1968 442 OLDSMOBILE. Must sell. Best offer. Call 385-4991 after 5:30 p.m. 11-20-68 1965 RED RAMBLER Ambassador, excellent condition. Low mileage. Car used for weekend driving only. Best offer. Call 497-3861. 11-20-68 WHAT A Christmas Gift! Yamaha motorcycle, 1966, candy apple red, 305 cc. Like new. $450. Call 385-4292. 11-20-68TF1-2 mm ANDFOM© LOST? 7 month old puppy, reddish brown, long hair, choke collar. Children's pet Oakhurst Subdivision. Call 385- 1573. 11-20-68 • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 885-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) BUSINESS SERVICES SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St., McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 11-1-68TF1-2 Is YOUR furnace ready for winter? Have it cleaned and checked by P R & S Furnace Service. Call 385-7544 11-20/11-22-68 JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Muffler* • Shocks • Accessories • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger & Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 7-20-67TF-1 SHOP IN McHENRY FOR SALE DINETTE TABLE and chairs, buffet. Call 385-0796. 11-20/11-22-68 66 INCH PORCELAIN double drain sink with fittings and 2 wall cabinets, $35; double drain sink, no drain boards, $15; bath tub, toilet and sink all with fittings, $40; Provincial buffet, fruitwood, year old, $60. Call 385-0233. 11-20-68 DOHERTY SEPTIC M CLEANING SERVICE 1611N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. CALL (815) 385-3704 or (815) 385-2396 11-6-68TF1-2 =71 osture rames Original Oil Paintings L'xiland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 12b McHenry 885-7100 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, split and delivered, $25.00 per ton. Call 385-1469. 11-1-68TF1-2 FURNITURE of 9 model homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 11-13/12-6-68 THE TREASURE CHEST. Antiques, gifts, candy, school supplies. 3909 Main St., McHenry, 01. 385-7246. 10-30/12-11-68 DEER SKIN GIFTS at prices to fit your Budget. Slippers- Gloves - Jackets - Handbags - Coats - Caps - Billfolds - Moc casins on display at Triton Marine Service. 1208 North Riverside Drive McHenry. 11-13-68TF1-2 Pre Holiday Price Special Nov. 19 till Thanksgiving $20.00 Oil of Turtle Permanent Wave HOLIDAY PRICE $15.00 plus a chance to win a large toy stuffed turtle. Call for an appointment 385-7112 The Pin Curl 11-15/11-25*68 SMALL G.E. refrigerator, excellent condition, $50. Good second refrigerator. Call 365-. 0419 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. 11-20/11-22-68 3500 Watt output portable AC generator. Diesel driven. Excellent condition. G.E. portable mangle. Call 312-497-3710. 11-20/11-22-68; FA1MHS FOR SALE -- 35' x 35' Building. All wood. For information call 385-5839. 11-6-68TF DOUBLE BED and springs, ping-pong table, 21 inch console TV, interior doors, lamp fixture (pull down type), artificial fireplace logs, deep fryer, Volkswagen radio, baby stroller, G.E. vacuum cleaner, size 10-12 maternity clothes, all year. Call 385-3045. 11-20-68 COMPLETE set of drums, in good shape. Call 385-6189 after 5 p.m. 11-20/11-22-68 1959 FORD, 2 door. Hide-a-bed couch, 2 formica top end tables, blonde, coffee table, 23" Motorola TV console, blonde. Call 653-3537. 11-20/11-22-68 POLAROID 900 Electric Eye Land camera. Westinghouse Hair dryer. Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver, new. 2 Marvel the Mustangs. 30 gal. fish aquarium, pump and accessories with fish. Call 385-2384 10-20/11-22-68 LADY KENMORE automatic washer with suds saver, $50. Call 385-4642. 11-20/11-22-68 OAK DINETTE table and 4 chairs, needs refinishing, $15. Drop leaf table, $8.00. Child's folding table and 2 chairs, $2.00. A Stauffer exercisor with timer, $40.00. Call 385- 3009. 11-20-68 Business Services Business Services FOR SALE FOR SALE McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. 11-1-68TF1-2 NOW ON BAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM . AIRLINE PILOTS McHenry Telephone Answering Service will take those important calls for you for a few cents a day. 24 hour service. 335-0258 These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOtJIlS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER pjfa@sa® 385-017© McH©s?w„ 11L REAL) ESTATE T. P. MATHEWS BJSMTORS Wonder Lake An older home in Wonder Center. Frontage on both Lake Shore Dr., and Center Dr. 2 floors with basement 7 rooms. House in process of remodeling. Hardwood floors. Fireplace, gas heat. , Wooded yard, full view of Lake. Terms. $19,500 Log Cabin, near lake & beach. Seasonal use, has fireplace. $5,500.00. McHenry Area Northeast McHenry County. 3 bedrooms, large lot. 2-car garage, concrete drive. Good terms reliable party. $17,800 Richmond Deluxe Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge priced to sell. In full operation. Living quarters. If you want a going business, let's go, we'll put you in with Low Down Payment. Balance monthly. Call now!!! SEE OUR ADS BMEJT A SUNDAY IN fflffiS TRIBUNE T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: 885-6841 OPEN 7 DATS WEEK . SEAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms, Vacant, Home Sites, Income Properties. JOE NJPGHAN In Johnsburg „ 2301 Johnsburg Rd. McHenry, OI. Phone 385-0037 1-20-67TF-1 Male Help Wanted Experienced CARPET INSTALLERS or men good with tools willing to learn trade. Must have car. CALL 853-8630 between 9 ajnm. 'amd 5 p.m. 11-15-68TF 1-2 • SHESfMETAL MAM • ELECTRICIAN • PLUMBER Experienced only, for expanding shop. See or call TRI SERVICE BARDmiE KHSaals BlB-tn-Wl 11-1-68TF1-2 WANTED: Dependable man with D chauffeur license to drive truck into Chicago stock yards. 3 nights week, Monday K Wednesday- and Friday. Tfifi .unfa ~ 11-20-68 AUCTION AUCTION REAL ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 23, U AJJ. 3104 W. Idyl Dell Rd., McHenry Handyman Special Mala Halp Wanlad UNION Sheet Metal Mechanic. Call 312-587-2220. 11-8-68TF 1-2 WANTED' JYSSTISTANT PHHTS MAN Good pay plus benefits. Apply at Service Office COLUNGBOURNEBU1CK OLDS 907 Front McHenry, 111. 385-7200 11-20/11-22-68 IT I I I I I •• •• •• r-i G3 czn E3 BAH!! HUMBUG | What do you mean, this is • make • I I THIS I Ge|t you j not the month to thait job change? IS THE MONTH. yourself organized so can start the new year • with a clean slate. Com- • panies are hiring now for I the new year and also fo|r starting now. a TECHNICAL J ENGINEERING CHEMICAL EDP EAM ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTING COMPUTERS PROGRAMMING SALES SECRETARIAL BOOKKEEPING STENO Act now and have a happy new year! WIDE Pb°ne: W 815-888-8200 ^ 285 Benton St.1 Woodstock, W., Fenouod, Inc. J Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5flC I Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 | Sat 9:00-Noon j 11-20/11-22-68 | These dwellings will be easy to rent or ideal for living In one and letting the other help make your payments. The first house has a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and bath downstairs and two bedrooms up plus full basement. Heat is from a coal fired furnace. The second house is a four room cottage with oil heat Both are furnished with electric stoves. Lot size is approximately one acre or 132x330 with several fruit trees and shrubs. Taxes for 1967 were $180.62. This property is currently vacant and will be sold as one parcel. INSPECTION: Drive by or call for an appointment TERMS: 10% down day of sale by cash or check, balance upon delivery of guaranteed title policy. DUNNMG'S AUCTION SERVICE Elgin - 3W-741-3483 •8, NEEDS MAN for full time work in our Used Car department Work involves keeping used cars clean and doing many little details necessary to have the cars and the lot to proper order. Mechanical experience not necessary. Hours 8 am. to 5 pjn* > weals days Saturday 8 aon. till noon PAY OPEN See General Manager CRYSTAL LAKE IMPORTS 5417 Northwest Highway Crystal ILalse <188-7100 11-20-68 IMS WMR C. WEST - AMUQUE & HOUSEHOLD -AUCTIONSOW our home at 1401 NORTH ROSE FARM ROAD, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Located 3 miles northwest of Woodstock, 6 miles southeast of Harvard, % mile off Route 14. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 - 11:00 AJtt. SHARP ANTIQUES: English Tilt-top table; schoolmaster desk; upright desk; hall tree; cherry (table; walnut mid-Victorian table; platform rocker; straight chair; round glass china cabinets; corner cabinet; marble table; some glass and dishes. All in mint condition. HOUSHOLD: Complete bedroom sets; studio couch; wing chairs; mahogony dining set, buffet & china cabinet; tea cart; 3 piece Krohler sofa (new); record player; 12'x24' and 8'6" x 14'8" carpets and pads; deep freezer; refrigerator; steel cabinets; file cabinets; safe; shelves; humidifier; asstd. dishes; pots & pans; odd chairs; lamps; folding chairs; round garden table, chairs, umbrellas; some wearing apparel, ladies' size 20 and men's 44/46. Sears belt massager. TOOLS: Anvil, blacksmith vise; nuts; bolts; compressor; car trailer; mower; edger; shredder; cultivator. Many more articles too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEERS: RUSSELL & SULLIVAN TERMS: CASH 1ST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking 11-20-68 WE N E D 8 GOOD MEN • 3 CARPENTERS • 3 MASONS • 2 LABORERS Year around work, paid vacations, profit - sharing plan. Only experienced construction men need apply. Arnold N. May Bmlctess, Inc. 9716 N. Route 12 Richmond* HL 11-1-68TF1-2 Mala Help Wanted MAN for maintenance work and cleaning, nights. Call for appointment. McHenry Country Club, 385-10T2 ask for Cynthia. 11-13/J.l-20-68 WANTED: Full time wd part time personnel for old aggresive chemical company. Established 1930. For information call 815-547-6432. 11-13/11-20-68 BRAKE PJIlfS COMPANY had m immedIM* mming to DRAFTSMAN with experience in detail work. -- COME IN OR CALL -- OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, <8:00 a.m. to Noon Brake Parts Co. A Good Place To Work 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DR. McHENRY (Behind The McHenry Market Place) PHONE 815-885-7002 11-20-68 AUTO mmsmcs Must be experienced. CALL 885-0408 . McHoary Garag« JMm 8c S«rvic« Mclienry, JBT'"-' " <|jj| 11-20/11-22-68 <3 FULLTIME CUSTODIAN First United Methodist Church CALL 38&W1 or 385-1352 11-20/11-22-68 Ambitious Man TO LEARN AUTO PARTS BUSINESS. AppSy Em IPQI?D3>Q ©if (OaD B&D A1DfW0fXVE SUPPLY in® w. Rt. 120 McHenry,. 111. 885-2088 11-6/11-22-68 ASSISTANT Theatre Manager^ trainee for McHenry Theatre. < Part time work, Sunday matinee and 4 evenings. Expert^ ence helpful but not necessary. Should have working ledge of simple arithmetic^ Ideal second job. Prefer per-;; son 40 to 50 years old. Appljfcany evening at theatre after 7:30 p.m. 11-20/11-22-68 WANTED: Older man for delivery and general help around flower shop. Apply Locker's Flowers, 3709 W. Elm, Mo- Henry. 11-20/11-22^8 Mai# Hilp Wanted Male Help Wei&ad GS9 ^^8) IHB •• M HB HB lm HB HIH HB HI Hi HB H WANTED Due to completion of our major building expansion Morton International Incorporated Research Center at Woodstock needs additional EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAINTENANCE HELP and CUSTODIANS. • Modern Research Laboratories • Paid vacation and holidays. • Excellent fringe benefits. For appointment call Mr. V. Grimm betwesa 0:30 ajn. and 4 pan. " MmSay thru Friday 338-1800