, ;' ' ' ^"'V.^ -' '^«>. §•'• -C.. .Vl' ^V PG. 12, - PLAINDEALER - WED., NOV., 20, 1968 i-#'-?.v. Need A Heme •m>;- *'•• * i/'*' -;"y / ft; s OR ARE Looking For Their Master AB a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer ilk «ds run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed Into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 3 months old. Pedigreed with papers. Call 385-5262. 11-20-68 SPRINGER SPANIELS, 1 month old, 2 females, 4 males. Call 497-3176. 11-20^8 WHITE FEMALE PUPPY. 9 months old. To family with children. Call after 4 p.m. 385-0401 or 385-9795. 11-20-68 SALES Garage Rummage Backyard List your Garage, Rummage, Basement or Backard Sale in the MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. The ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at the Plaindealer office for a Free brochure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more jfcvenue from your sale. Some who have ,never conducted a Sale of this type will And this brochure helpful. GARAGE SALE. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 5005 W. Orchard Dr., Mc- Cullom Lake. 9:30 a.m. till??? /Kitchen set, chrome; card tatble with 4 chairs, sectional isofa, rug, misc. items. Call f385-3266. 11-20/11-22-68 , GARAGE SALE. November . 23rd and 24th. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. . Furniture, clothes, bar, etc. 1 5703 Telegraph Rd., Wonder 1 Lake. 11-20/11-22-68 FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOM. Private bath gkA entrance. Utilities !n< eluded. Call 312-JW-0430 or 312-JU7-2453. 11-1-68TF12- ~ ONE BEDROOM apartment, ~ heated, 2nd floor. See or cA '• Space Developers, In&, Richmond, Illinois. 815-678-2881. 11-1-SffTF 1-2 FOR lEMT HALL ALL OCCASIONS UP TO 200 CISSY'S 2601 S. River Road Grlswold Lake McHenry, Illinois GALL 585-2497 WANT® PUPPIES AGAIN! Don't fret, call me and I'll come and pick them up. Good homes guaranted; also for your long (haired kittens. Call 385-T897 &1_15-68TF 1-2 LADY BOWLER. Thursday night, 7:30 shift Call 385- 1014. 11-20-68 NOTICES REWARD $200 leading to person or persons that burned down home at 504 Country Club Drive. Call 815-385-0312 11-20-68 SPOTS before your eyes -- on your new carpet -- remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 11-20-68 WmM To Buy 2 BOAT TRAILERS, 1 four wheel, 4,000 lbs. capacity. One 2 wheel, 2000 lbs. capacity. Call 385-6375. 11-20/11-22-68 1966 CHEVROLET OR FOIID SEDAN Must have power steering and automatic shift No wagon or convertible. CALL 312-136-8500 . HARRY RUSH 4214 N. PulasM Boad Chicago, 111. 60641 11-30-68 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment Above Ruck's Hardware. Call 385*5700. 11-6-68TF1-2 SMALL 2 bedroom home with attached garage. Gas heat Wooded Shores Subdivision, Wonder Lake. Call Lake Geneva 414-248-4780. 11-13-68TF 1-2 2 BEDROOM furnished home. $125 a month. One month in advance. Adults only. Call 385-4398. 11-15/11-20-68 WANTED Small farm. Buildings. For large family. Must be reasonable. McHenry area. Write to Box 131, Itasca, OL 60143. 11-1/11-^68 WANT mixed puppies that are to be given away. 6-8 weeks old. Uttters preferred for Pet Shop. Call 312-463-9856 or 312-472-2956. 11-1-68TF1-2 X> EATJfcTSI MARY BAILEY Mrs. Mary Alice Bailey, a former local resident and More recently of Park Ridge, died on Nov. 13. Her husband, Forrest, pre- IEGA1 NOTICE LlGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Florence C Flaherty Deceased, FILE NO 68-P- 148. / Notieeus hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on October 28, 1968, to George M. 0* Flaherty, 1605 S. Jackson, North Chicago, Illinois whose attorney of record is Leroy J. Welter, 1303 N. Richmond Road, McHenry, Illinois, and that the first Monday in the month of December, 1968,isthe claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Woodstock Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court Publish: Nov. 6, 13, 20, 1968 ceded her in death, Mrs. Bailey leaved one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Loretta) Meyer of McHenry; a brother, Charles Cook and four sisters, Mrs. Lauretta Day, Mrs. Rose Horn, Mr aw. " Marie DeSilva and Mrs. Katli% leen Raber all of Chicago. A funeral Mass was offered at 10 O'clock Saturday, in St Paul of Cross Catholic church Park Ridge, with burial in St.- Patrick's cemetery, McHenry. lEUJICE NOTICE Bids for enlargement of the McHenry City Hall will be received in the office of the City Clerk, 3429 W. Elm Street, iq) to 2:00 p.m., Friday, December 6, 1968 at which time the bids will be opened. Plans and specifications may be secured from Fred J. Meyer, Supt. of Public Works, at the City Hall, 1111 N. Green Street on and after November 25,1968. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive technicalities and consider any advantages to the City. City of McHenry, Illinois Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk (Publish 20, 1968.) feSi LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF HARRY V. DYKE, Deceased, FILE NO 68-P-265. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above name decedent and that letters of ADMINISTRATION were issued on October 28,1968, to McHenry State Bank, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Hamer, Schuh & Herrmann, 101 Van Buren Street, Woodstock, Illinois and that the first Monday in the month of December, 1968, is the claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate Office of the Clerk of the Court, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court Publish: Nov. 6, 13, 20, 1968, All things are difficult before they are easy. HARVARD HOSPITAL Stanley Feitl, Mrs.Emil Puis, Donald Fielder, Roy Johnson, Lynn Thonn and John Sulok of McHenry, were recent patients in Harvard hospital MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included John Russell, Florence Wrede, Bernice Jerls, Judy Lambert, Charles Strong, Wonder ,ake; and Rose Freund, Jacob Miller, Mabel TTiomas, Grace Murphy and Baby Stephen Hutt all of McHenry. t Si. Paula- three daugh,wterss., MMrrss.. aanndd oonnee ssiisstteerr,, tthhee llaasstt rreessi ding Calif., and John of Antioch. Marvin (Marian) Olson and Mrs* in Germany; also three grandt Mr. Keii was a member of St Paul Lutheran churdi, Round Lake. •. ;° ALFRED W. KEIL Last rites for Alfred W. Keil of Round Late (Volo) were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home, with interment in Concordia cemetery, Forest Park. Memorials will be given to Bethesda home at Watertown, Wis. Mr. Keil died Nov. 14 in Honolulu, Hawaii, of injuries sustained four days previous when he was struck by an auto as he and his wife were walking to their hotel. Mr. Keil, 62, was born in Chicago, March 19, 1906, The family had resided in Volo since 1939, when he took over operation of the Fish Lake Beach resort. Survivors are his wife, Emily, nee Bolchard; one daughter, Mrs. Yvonne (Elmer) Massell of Volo; one grandchild; four brothers, Edwin of Mount Pleasant, Texas; Arthur of Miami, Fla., Walter of Covina, V ANNA C. PRASSEL Mrs. Anna C. Prassel; died Thursday, Nov. 14, in St Anthony hospital, Rockfdrd. A former resident of the McHenry area, she had been making her home recently in San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. Prassel was born July 18, 1888, in Germany. Her husband, August, preceded her in death, as did a son, Richard Brun. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Clyde (Lucille) Pillar of McCullom Lake and Mrs. Evelyn Peterson of Rockford; thirteen grandchildren and twenty-eight greatgrandchildren. services were conducted at 11:30 o'clock Saturday from the George R. Justen & Son chapel, with Rev. Donald Johnson of .Shepherd of the Hills church ' officiating. Burial was in Ridgewood cemetery, DesPlaines. JACOB P. MILLER Jacob P. filler, 84, a resident of 2516 W. Ringwood road, Johnsburg, died Saturday, Nov. 15, in Memorial hospital, in Woodstock. A retired farmer, Mr. Miller was born in Johnsburg on Sept. 4, 1884. The deceased was a member of St Johifs Holy Name society. Ifis wife, Maury, preceded him in death. He leaves three daughters^ Mrs* Fred (Mildred) Skilman of Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. Fred (Helen) Heider of Woodstock and Mrs. Harold (Rosalyn) Kollenkark of Johnsburg. eleven grandchildren; Seventeen great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Zornof Calif;, and Miss Frances Michels of McHenry and a brother, Charles Michels, of Johnsburg. A funeral Mass was offered at 10:30 Tuesday at St. John the Baptist Catholic church in Johnsburg, with burial in the church cemetery. Before that time the body rested at the George R. Justen and son chapel. CARL O. SPRINGMAN Services will be conducted at 1 (/clock Thursday afternoon at the George R. Justen and Son chapel for Carl O. Springman, 63, who died Monday morning, Nov. 18 in McHenry hospital. Burial will be in Woodland cemetery. Mr. Springman was well known as former owner of Snug Harbor on River road. Recently he retired as steward of the V. F.W. Clubhouse in McHenry. He was born itf Germany Aug. 3, 1905, came to this country in 1928 and had resided in Mc- Henry community for about 22 years. - Survivors are the widow, BUU VUI vwv..---- , Dennis (Eleanor) Justen of Mc- children. Henry and Carol Jean at home; cLrtrv in MnHenrv two brothers^ Otto and George; ShoP ln McHenry I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L EXCELLENT OPENING FOR 9'j.y REAL ESTATE SALESMAN One of our fine young '•five-figure income salesmen is moving from McHenry County and we need a good man or woman to take his place. We prefer someone who already has real estate sales experience, especially in selling residential, property, but if you have a good education and good business experience you might wish to obtain a real estate license and join us. , Our firm does several million dollars a year in sales, we are growing, and the real 45state business offers a great opportunity for ambitious ybung men or women. Call Us for an appointment at 459-4440. 460 VIRGINIA ST. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS ! I I I I 1; I I I 1 l I R K 8 I I I I I I J Miracle Prices jfSk M Stamps FOOD STORES ^ Colorado Brand Corn-Fad Beef SIRL0IN STEAM rWrtttlkiH An Nm«ker 21 Country Quartered Thanksgiving time is a time when savings on your food bills really add up. That's why shopping at National is doubly rewarding during this important Holiday Season. At National you not only save cash with famous Miracle Prices, but you also have the added reward of valuable S&H Green Stamps. Join the Big Change today, and save twice . . only at National! % NATIONAL FAMOUS FOR FINE MEAT Basted Bimtmu TURKEYS • • • • ucicle 10-14 LB. Size MICKELBERRY Port SAUSAGE ROLL 59 PORK LINKS . . lb ^iii ^ Full Rib Half Corn Country Pork PORK ROAST SWEEPSTAKES St6** KZZF CHEVY II NOVAS BUND NEW 1%® HI1IT EQUIPPED CHEVROLET^ NOVA ll'r Tffi BE SIVEH AWAY-AT KAT10MAM cSOIN THE PUN! MO PURCHASI NECIISMV , TOP TASTE Jumbo J SANDWICH nuk BREAD " LONELY SENTINEL. . . Vines grow to the top of this 75-foot observation tower on Bikini Island. Barren alter 1946 atomic test explosion, island is now overgrown with vegetation. MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Patricia Kingston, Tracy Vadervalk, Edna Popp, Ruth La- Cosse, Crystal Lake; Wayne Konecny, Chicago; Patricia Spooner, Lucille C Fallon, Wencil Stanek, Helen Popelka, Spring Grove; Sharon Raab, Henry Kendsfater, Harry Hart man, Bertha Petersen, Frances Freeman, Wonder Lake; Earl Wilcox of Round Lake; And, Loretta Arthur, Sue Mason, Maureen Sullivan, Woodstock; Harry Henning, Mary Doolan, Bertha Peterson, Wauconda; Marie Milazzo, Frank Wiora, Cary; Betty Braynard, Lake Villa; Dorothy Hansen, Fox Lake; Fred Schwager, Cathy Veselka, Albert Hill, Ingelside; Benjamin Moore, Carpentersville; George Nassello, Eric Young, William Creighton, Jr., Island Lake; Joseph Szpak, Algonquin; Delight Pujdik, Lake Villa; Dorothy Betts, Ringwood; William Vance, Judith Mattaliano, Barrington; Also, Tony Sherrill, Herman Berkley, Carrie Holcomb, Susan Schneider, Janet Fruik, Opal Pariso, Anna Racky, Vicki Thurlwell, Aleta Lindemulder, Ethel Hintz, 1 Wilfred Blake, Kathryn Low, Dorothy Humphreys, Carol Kennebeck, William Beilharz, ScottoE. Truckenbrod, Martha Hermann, Eleanor J. Pratt, Robert D. Truitt, And, Anton Weiser, Michelle Lanway, Leonard Crago, Hugh Locker, Betty Moraw, Robert Anderson, Erik Braenne, Esther Cedarquist, Joan Bojko, Betty Smith, Donald Musielak, Yvonne Greenberg, Edward Kief, Petra Rangel, all of McHenry. All Y<WT HTFLFAY SAVE <M TIM Muifty $ovo a*tb pht S&H Sfomps. Colorado Brand Corn-Fed 0eef PORTilo HOUSE GROUND CHUCK MIRACLE PRICES PLUS STAMPS flTEB 15c OR label--New Powdered COLD J WATER ALL Tail ess 1.19 DAWN-DEW" FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES oweer ^ A LOUISIAHA# YAMS * 36 Size PASCAL m CELERY SAVE CASH SAVE ^WST AMPS HAWTHORN MELLODY Haiutnom-M SAVE CASH Stalk Confectioners or Brown DOMINO SUGAR ^ SAVE CASH SAVE^W STAMPS # Florida JUICE ORAHCES HOLIDAY BAKING NEEDS fJieSH •HER WALHUI MEATS FRUIT ANDPEE1S Doz. THANKSGIVING SAVINGS III a 29/ o> j UUdOUSAPP&gS A *. + + + 4. tfc. A a 500 EXTRA JV/GREEN STAMPS WITH BONUS STICKERS This Week Redeem No. 3 100,000 7 IN MINK t)0 PURCHASE MICISSAQY •OOTHt Imdtd 1.1k. n,, SHRIMP iONIl ,ARM »^l« *r lldu PORK SAUSAGE mmmm - Nowmbif 23fd | BONILESS ROLLED BEEF ROAST | > laplrt Cmm MIATM Of t»«INO ROOM DEODORANT mmi U-«s. 9km. UAfT PlawaN «r i SAipMlreEs RICAN SfNOlffS 20-«s. Nil. TOWN tOUAtl MUc* mr | MIRACLE PRICES -Mw STAMPS