e r - l s f o V IS«MSll 'I at 385-7352 and he will be more than happy to tateh you *v^!:':*;V'" A very prominent American and a well known McHenry >|f resident are pictured in the above photo, taken during vVorld War II in Guadalcanal. There are no prizes for the right answer, but Plaindealer employees found some fun in making the identiHcation. Make a guess or watch Friday's paper for the answer. News About Our Servicemen Machinist Mate Second Class $§'Robert J. Mittinger, USN, 25, M son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. $1 Wittinger of 7818 Highview £f••drive, and Postal Clerk Seaman sp Leonard Pavon, USN, 24, son of ']| Mrs. Lucian Lazalde of 2806 Hickory drive, both of Won- » >*der Lake, returned to the United ; States aboard the nuclear • powered cruiser USS Long I Beach. Long Beach returned to its ^.^homeport in Long Beach, Calif., from a seven month deployment with the U.S. Seventh Fleet off the coast of Vietnam. In Vietnam since April this year, Long Beach provided air surveillance in the Tonkin Gulf and provided anti-aircraft support against enemy aircraft. The Long Beach-based cruiser is equipped with the latest in Navy detectional equipment and three separated missile systems including the Navy's long range Talos missile, the medium range Terrier, and ASROC (anti submarine rocket system). Army Private Glenn A. Hartmann is assigned to Company A, 13th Battalion, 4th Brigade, in the United States Army Training center, Armor (USATCA). He will spend the next two months learning the fundamental skills of the soldier in today's modern, action Army -- firing live ammunition under simulated combat situations, learning protective measures and first-aid for chemical, biological and radiological attacks, as well as being schooled in the use of modern arms. Interspaced with constant emphasis of proper physical conditioning, diet, rest and health habfts, will be ample opportunity to utilize USATCA's many and varied recreational and religious facilities. . Following the completion of basic training, Pvt. Hartmann, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs; Louis J. Hartmann of 2903 Regner road, McHertry, will receive at least an additional eight weeks of either advanced instruction or on-the-job training to qualify him in a specialized military skill. THE "KEY" TO 4-H is the key that opens the door to new friends and fun, to new learning and skills. 4-H helps you earn money and save money through interesting project work. Contact your local county Extension adviser to obtain your "key". GREEN STREET MAIL iS i - - H>< 1 v ri' * ' tit ' «s: • V f & .... HL • m 1219 No Green St. - McHenry -'WtluillfWP A .SftVfcY * * * # » •,%». y" »11 .* I M, 11 W"' V*' V'"*" ' 1/ K • = « . "' >it-MvimWmi -- i /f,v> il i l , turn - */ i- h- ' •i £%& fwm miui tfut .*%, i \; ft i/ i\'l ..t 'jf'/i l liMH.I 99 t l 1. Suede and orlon turtleneck pullover by Camous Tan and gold. $17. y 2. Mohair and wool cardigan by Campus. Burnt sienna. $1L 3. Wool turtleneck ski sweater by Manhattan. White with red and blue. $20. 4. Wool turtleneck fi^ierman's by Diplomat. Cream $16 NURSE'S RECEIVED BY LYNDA ABBINK Thursday, Nov. 7, was i stepping stone for Lynda Abbink. In a most impressive ceremony, Lynda received her nurses 'cap' at Little Company of Mary School of Nursing. She was also recently elected by her classmates to be the 'class representative' for the nurses association. Equally proud of Lynda's accomplishments are her parents, Vi and Bill Abbink, and her sisters, Connie, Judy and Terri. SNOWFLAKE SWIRL Don't forget the Snowflake Swirl at the Johnsburg community house this Saturday, Nov. 23. This is the annual holiday dance sponsored by the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association. CUB SCOUT NEWS Take several good-hearted mothers, some Dads who are willing to give a little of their time, a group of happy, excited boys, put them together and you come up with Cub Scout Pack 458, which is now going strong again. Den I headed by Pat Hughes and Helen Boettcher have in their Den, Mike Kathan, Wally Foreman, Johnny Emerson, Mike Mullins, and Hmmy Hughes, with Boy Scout Joey Foreman from our local troop 132, as their Den Chief. Den 2 has Mary Mullins and Lwone Kathan as Den Mothers With the following boys: Paul Arena, Tommy Hughes, Johnny Boettcher, Ricky Connell, Dave Emmons and Jay Weiss. Their Den Chief is Kenny Boettcher. The Webelos Den, tinder the leadership of Leo Vance and Jim Mullins, have Billy Mahon, Roy Breede, Jimmy Mullins and Tommy Lundelius. " Other members of this very important organization are Jack White, Cubmaster, Harold Breede, Institutional Representative, Jack Emerson, Committeeman, Mae White, Secretary, Mary Mahon, Treasurer, and Marge Connell, Den Leader Coach. What is Cub Scouting? It is working with boys 8,9 and 10 years "old. Once a month, the boys join together with all the Dens and their parents and at this time, any awards or badges earned are presented. The parents are also shown what the boys have accomplished and what they have been working on at their weekly den meetings. This is called a Pack Meeting and is held the last Tuesday of each month at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. Every Cub Scout Pack must have a sponsor and the V.F.W. has kindly agreed to sponsor the Pack once again and provide us our Pack Meeting place. There is still room for more boys in this all important organization and any boy 8,9, and 10 years old who would be interested in joining, please contact Jack White, Cubmaster, WILL PROJECT present, Pack 458, is working with the V.F.W. ona Christmas good will project. Many food baskets will be filled and distributed to the needy families of our area.'The boys will be around seeking canned food-donations. Please be as generous as you can when they knock on your door, so families who are not as fortunate as we are, can have a happy holiday too! NEW ORLEANS VACATION La Von Dowhin just returned from a brief, but thoroughly enjoyable vacation in New Orleans. This is becoming an annua! trip for La Von and her friends. In fact, she plans a return trip next spring, GET WELL WISHES Get well bouquets and wishes to two Holiday Hills gals confined to McHenry hospital, Marge Potratz and Carol Carlson. ORCHIDS Orchids to Ed Hughes who came to the rescue again last weekend, when bus service was threatened. He spent long hours of his spare time grading the roads. Pm sure that all the children and their parents appreciate his efforts. BIRTH DAZE Happy birth-daze to GiGi Smith, Sally Foreman and Randy Connell on the twenty-first, to Leon Kathan on the twentysecond and to Scott Postal on the twenty-third. HERE AND THEJtE IN BUSHiESS ATTENDS TAX SEMINAR Mrs Shirley Harms/-a practicing accountant at 4727 W. Crystal Lake road, attended the Independent Accountants' Association of Illinois 19th annual Tax Seminar being held at the Sherman hotel in Chicago, 111. Nov. 14, 15 and 16. Eugene C. Coyle, Jr., Chicago district director, was guest speaker at a luncheon on Thursday. Howard A. Rumpf, distinguished tax consultant and author, is covering all phases of the 1968 Revenue Act with specific emphasis on income taxes. The Independent Accountants sponsoring the seminar, is an organization of accountants practicing throughout the stale of Illinois^ ON TRIP ABROAD Edward La Flamme, owner of Bayshore Realty & Builders in McHenry, is in Europe on a business trip. He is staying with a long-time friend who is affiliated with the American Embassy in Germany. He has informed Mr. La Flamme of the desires of many European business men to purchase land in the United States. Mr. La Flamme and his associates will also be visiting countries other than Germany, including France, England, Switzerland and Ireland. Many achievements and opportunities are small: so are a raindrop, snowdrops, sand of the beaches, and drops of water of our oceans; Headquarters For Boots! WOMEN'S-GIRLS' i SNOW BOOTS 'S11 HILDREN'Si; BOOTS I is 'S-B0YS' 4 BUCKLE & ZIPPER *J9§ BOYS' LACE-INSULATED BOOTS SPECIAL 'A9 WOMEN'S PLASTIC RAIN BOOTS 1" All American - Union Made Merchandise 1st. Quality SHOE DEPT. BEN • RR/XISIKLIIM Daily 9 - 6 Fri. 9 - 9 McHenry, Illinois GREEN STREET MALL m NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE UPON THE PROPOSITION OF ISSUING $675,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MC HENRY, MC - HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been called and will be held in and for the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 10th day of December, 1968, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said City the following question: Shall bonds in the amount of $675,000 be issued by the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing improvements and extensions to the existing sanitary sewer system of said City, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum? That said election shall be held in the several wards of said City heretofore established as election precincts for all City elections and the polling place for each ward shall be as follows: FIRST WARD Polling Place: Payton Chevrolet Sales 908 North Front street SECOND WARD Polling Place: Buss Ford Sales 3921 W. Waukegan Rd. THIRD WARD Polling Place: City Hall 1111 North Green Street FOURTH WARD Polling Place: Lakeland Park Community House 1717 North Sunset Avenue The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 6:00 o'clock P.M. of the day of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular City elections are qualified to vote on said question, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they reside. By order of the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated this 18th day of November, 1968^=^ Donald P. Doherty Mayor Attest: Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. Nov. 20, 1968) ]AL Official Ballot for voting on the question of issuing $675,000 Sewer Improvement Bonds at a special election held in and for the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, on the 10th day of December, 1968. Ward Foiling Place: City Clerk, City of McHenry, I^cHenry County, Illinois. OFFICIAL BALLOT QUESTION TO ISSUE $675,000 SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word indicating the way you desire to vote) Shall bonds in the amount of $675,000 be issued by the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of constructing improvements and extensions to the existing sanitary sewer system of said City, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum? YES * NO