wn Hall Adventurer Scheduled Hie next Town Hall Adventurer appears at the Congregational- Universalist church in > Woodstock this Friday evening at 7:30. With this fourth pro-» gram the eight program series is nearing the half-way mark. Henry B. Cox, education director of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, will speak on the topic of the "Formulation and Conduct of U.S. Foreign Policy." With a change in administration in Washington coming up soon, Mr. Cox will explore the choices in foreign policy which seem to be open to the next Administration. Cox added, "In doing so, I propose to remind the audience briefly of the current role of the U.S. in world affairs, the nature both of our relations with other countries and areas of the world and of the international commitments which will in large part determine how much flexibility the next President and Secretary of State will have in the formulation and conduct of American foreign relations." In the work he is doing, Cox is primarily responsible for planning foreign affairs programs for secondary schools in the greater Chicago area. For twenty-one years prior to this he was with the U.S. Department of State and in the Foreign Service. A specialist in European affairs, he spent time in the Office of German Affairs, director of U.S.-German Cultural Exchange Program, chairman of European Studies, Foreign Service Institute and other posts. He was an observer at the Communist Youth Festival held in East Berlin in 1951, accompanied Vice- President Johnson on his Berlin trip in 1961. He represented the U.S. at the 1952 meeting in Geneva Switzerland of the UN Commission on Prisoners of War and was a member of several U.S. delegations to meetings of the Western For-.. eign Ministers in Paris. LE@PIA!H STUDIO Does More Than Photograph You! Professional make-up & Fashion Assistance for Weddings & Portraits Coordinating Service Star Light Line of Wedding Invitations & Accessories Studio 385-5579 T H E Pf World <£ Of Pharmacy IPosmld Doherty R.Ph. Robert Schultz, ILPh. w BIRTHS MCHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ferrigan of Ingleside are parents of a daughter Nov. 9. A daughter was born Nov. 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mazgo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith of Cary became parents of a daughter Nov. 10. 1 A Gray slake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Salge, are parents of a son Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kayser of Crystal Lake welcomed a son Nov. 11. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eplin of Wauconda became parents of a daughter Nov. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler announce the birth of a daughter Nov. 12. On Nov. 13 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stoxen of Fox Lake. A son was born Nov. 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barden of Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Toussaint announce the birth of a son Nov. 13. A daughter was born Nov. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Blake of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons are parents of a daughter Nov. 15. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK On Nov. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Carlson of Wonder Lake became parents of a son. 'my M'CHE NRY PI. A-iNDEAL HR McHENRY PLAINDEALER We are starting our expansion^* 'program this week, and we to pass on to our customers, some "SPECIAL SAVINGS" on merchandise listed on this page Established 1875 8812 West Elm Stnet McHenry, IWnoto -- 6Q050 Published Every Wednesday &IFriday at McHenry, Ql -4" Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER \_ NEWSPAPER --, EE^BZBBBSOa 1 Year In McHenry and Lake County Subscription Bates .. $7.50 1 Year $9.00 Outside McHenry and Lake County MARRIAGE LICENSES Lawrence Krueger, Round Lake, and Judith Polinski, Wonder Lake. George Brennan and Linda Pierce, both of Wonder Lake. Kenneth Pink, Chicago, and Gloria Embry, Wonder Lake. Few women really make fools out of men -- they just give them a chance to display their natural abilities. SMOKE Smoke from cigarettes contain many gases and noxious particles. The smoke contains tars that irritate the tissues of the nose, throat and lungs. It also has damaging effect on the central nervous system. GIBBON Gibbon, in his "Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire" states: "The care of the body (by the Romans) was given great preference over care of the mind -- sound was always preferred to sense -- gamblingoffered a quick way to fame arid riches -- due to laziness of the masses, the monthly distribution of grain had to be changed to daily distribution of bread*' Would any of these fit us, during the Roaring Sixties??? Fame is seldom won under a canopy of repose. BEIM^FFt AIM KLIIM Enjoy the -Holidays Ahead... The recent rise in the incidence of Venereal Disease among teenagers and young adults points up once again, and markedly, the need for sex education in the schools and in the home. If you, as parents, have put off too long that 'father and son' or 'mother and daughter' talk, NOW is the time to do it. It is unfair to turn a youngster loose in the social stream without knowledge of the pit- Calls that lurk in clandestine sexual relationships. If parents are too embarrassed or feel too inadequate to discuss the subject, your family physician will gladly take over. For the price of an office call, your child may be spared much physical pain and mental anguish...the time to act is now. Now is also the time to get acquainted with the expert prescription service of BOLGER'S : DRUG STORE. What you need, ' when you need it, is here in . our extensive stocks. Come see . us, we are at 1259 N. Green - or call 385-4500. ^ Delivery ... Gas, Light, Telephone bills paid here...Money Orders ... 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