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The ladies auxiliary to VFW post 4600 held its meeting on Monday, Nov. 11 at the clubhouse, with June Schmunk presiding. Adeline Lubick was welcomed back as a re-installed member. A vote was taken to accept two new members, Florence Schule and Dolores Ricklin. Welcome and enjoy your membership in our service organization. After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, correspondence was read which consisted of a letter from Clifford D. Redding of th^ Woodstock Children' s home inquiring as to whether he would sponsor a child at the home for this Christmas season. Other correspondence included a request to support the Easter Seal program and thank you letters. In presenting the report on membership, Marge Moreth, chairman, reported we had over seventy - five members paid to date. She thanked Vi Abbink for preparing the meal fortjje membership kick - off dinner party which was held last month. She also thanked Gerry Breede for planning the games and Vi Schuble for helping her with the other preparations. Ila Hogan, National Home chairman, asked the members to purchase their National Home seals as this is their support and one fund raising project for the year. She also reported that there are 30 children from Illinois who reside at the National Home in Eaton Rapids, Mich. Downey hospital, chairman, Mary Kuemmel, reported that she was accompanied by Ethel Hagberg and Kathy Fuhler when she visited the hospital last month. The men played games' for prizes and then were served donuts, coffee and fruit. The prizes consisted of canteen books and candy bars. Florence Tussey, Sunshine chairman, reported that she had sent a sympathy card to Mr. and MrsC Ronald Creutz on the loss of both of her parents. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her on the loss of both in such a short time. A get-well card was sent to Edna Leonhart; best wishes for a speedy recovery. Nellie Hepburn extended her appreciation at this time for the get-well wishes she received when she was ill. Gerry Breede reported on the combined auxiliary and Cub Scout Pack 458 project for the patients at Downey hospital. The Cub Scout mothers will sew the bags to be used as a Valentine project, These bags will be filled with useful items such as WED,, NOV., 20, 1968 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 7\ ball point pens, playing cards, combs, etc. The Cub Scouts will be collecting canned goods on Saturday, Nov. 16 in Holiday Hills subdivision, Hiese canned goods Will be turned over to the auxiliary to be used in the Christrhas baskets for the needy in the McHenry area. The Ladies auxiliary sponsors this Cub Scout pack for the second year. A decision was made to sponsor a child who resides at the Woodstock Children's home for this Christmas. It is rewarding to know that our organizations can make a child's Christ-J mas a happy one. After discussing the auxiliary Christmas Party it, was decided that the ladies would invite their husbahds this year. It will be a pot-luck dinner with the main course provided by the auxiliary. Each woman is asked to bring a dish to pass, a gift of hankies; tooth brushes, tooth paste, combs or sox for the men at Downey Veterans hospital. Also, in place of a grab bag we will donate one dollar toward candy and goodies for the Christmas baskets this year. The Chtfjtfmasg - party chairman is Ila liDganlj. The treasurer's report was' 1 > given by Marge Moreth. The next regular meeting wi I be held on Monday, Dec. 16 The Christinas party will held on our regular meet! nightjvhich is Dec. 9.; •iy-fv- "; ,7 W5;' >• •sip?! MILITARY BASE NOW SCHOOL A former military installation near Peoriawas r£opert6c* Oct. 28 as the Illinois Youtfr commission's new^ •r^haibiH,- itation facility. The former Air- Force radar base at Hanna- City,»eight miles difest qf^Ped-^ ria, will become the Hanna^ City State Boys' school^ooe ofe three special educatioh school^ operated by th£ commission.^ F r o m 1 0 0 t o - 1 5 0 ; r t i a y ^ * . eventually be accommodated oiife . the 40-acre site*: It's really amazihg when yoip*" think that there a re really oriijp* 25 space experts in the ^and 20 of them are ih YOUlj^ block. /-r . k t y. ' / < / a 5 ' v . • * i i v •'. ** J i . v.- • .1 ¥ % 1 * I I I I I I HOLIDAY LIQUORS FOREMOST 4512 W. ROUTE 120 Phone 385-3200 McHENR WED a week * 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. i Advertised Beers and Beverages not iced. H I y i• • MEISTER BRAU BEER REG. or DRAFT 24-12ioz. Bottles 3 19 I 8 YEAR OLD SOUR MASH i STRAIGHT KENTUCKY , BOURBON 3" • KM L I I I POPULAR BRAND your choice REG. - KING - FILTER 2 89 carton IMPORTED Happiness is n warm I I I I I If your car has fits instead of starts on cold winter mornings-- you need a gas garage heater. New gas garage heaters can be set to keep your engine just above the freezing point--so you'll never have to sit there like an ice cube, listening to your battery run down. And the cost is so low, you'U _ wonder why you ever thought a heated garage was luxury. Or, of course, you can set the heat higher and turn your garage, into a pleasant spot for building model airplanes or full-sized sailboats. • The new heaters are a snap to install. You don't even need a chimney. Only a little hole in the wall for venting. Phone Northern Illinois Gas or your local heating contractor, and make your garage more than just a cold parking lot this winter. Northern Illinois Gas Company WINE 79* Quart IMPORTED TEQUILA 3 88 fifth IMPORTED FROM FRANCE NAP01I@N KENTUCKY TAVERN Kentucky Straight Bourbon 86 proof 1/2 gallon POPULAR BRAND 2 49 Fifth PABSI 31UE RIBBON BEER 98< 3 quarts CANFIELD'S SIR ECH \A blended Whiskey 69 SIRF.CHO 8-10 oz. bottles 8-16 0z. bottles