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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1968, p. 2

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PLA1NDEALER - MON., NOV. 25, 19 J 'hiAix *'• ,1 Dominic Choir With the annui recess scheduled to b^gin for Saint Dominic college Tuesday, Nov. 26, at the close of the class day, almost fifty students are already thinking ahead to A break in the day's occupation came at noon for the 100 directors, administrators and teachers who attended a drive - in workshop for Title I, which took place at the McHenry Country club last Thursday afternoon. They PLAINDEALER PHOTO were welcomed by Dr. Carl T. Bergstrom, superintendent, of School Districts 15 and 156. The workshop was planned for the improvement of communica~ tion skills and accounting and record keeping for Title I projects. Theta omen Ini t io es Educators jsive initiation cere- &dntes for six McHenry county wbmen educators, into Alpha Tfceta Chapter, the Delta Kappa Gamma society, took place on Saturday at noon, Nov. 16,inthe Jill Johnston Among Leaders A\ State Campus v. Among leaders on the Illinois "State university campus this year are officers of 125 differ - .tint student organizations and residence halls. Organizations comprise university - wide clubs, class and departmental groups, honorary sororities and fraternities. They also include athletic, forensics, journalism, music 5 political, religious and special interest group. ' Among them is Jill Johnston of 3805 W. Grove, treasurer of Shufflin Shoes. priv»ka.(Jini)3g W»m„ Br Stealc^ildflse, Crystal Lane. Received as new members were; Mrs. Marjorie Adams -' McHenry Community High School East Campus; Mrs. Lucille Maguire, Central School, Harvard; Miss Diane Pavler, Crystal Lake Community High School; Mrs. Alice Ronan, principal, Northwood school, in Woodstock; Miss Janet Vierke, Edgebrook school, McHenry and Mrs. Mary Alice Williston, of North school, Crystal Lake. Mrs. Dorothy Ullrich, president of Alpha Hieta, welcomed the initiates and the state visitor, Miss Edna Earle Weld, Decatur, who is currently serving as executive secretary for Lambda State. After luncheon and a brief meeting, Miss Weld addressed the group. She noted the significant growth of the society from the original twelve founders, in Austin, Texas, forty years ago, totfie presenF InfeTrMIofaT rif^ " mbership of. over 105,000. ever, she reminded her audience that numerical growth alone-® not the measure of success,and hence a real reassessment of goals is a prerequisite for continued progress. She asked her listeners to deepen their individual awareness of the thorny problems, on all levels of today's society. Increased sensitivity might then lead to constructive suggestions and to appropriate action in all aspects of social renewal - educational, ethical and political. Fifty regular members, representing the communities of Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Harvard, Huntley, Marengo, McHenry and Woodstock were in attendance. Snow Ball To Welcome Season There is still time to obtain tickets for the thirteenth annual Snow Ball dance sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club, to be held at the Legion home, 2505 N. Ringwood road, on Saturday evening, Dec. 7. They may be purchased from any club member, from Lyda Radisch, ticket and publicity chairman, and at the door on the night of the dance. The Snow Ball has always^ been a very gala affair, with everyone in his best attire to welcome the holiday season. Maureen Johnson, chairman reports that committees are working on decorations, arrangements, and other details. President Kay Luing expressed hope that it will be one of the club's most successful dances. Dancing will start at 9:30 to the music of a fine band. NAMED TO POSITION Mrs. Patti Brooke of Center street, McHenry, has been appointed to a secretarial postition in the library of the McHenry County college. Action was taken at the board meeting last Thursday. The shadow of an airplane is the same size, regardless of the height of plane. FALLS FROM LADDER Mrs. Priscilla Balchunas of 2702 Kama, McHenry, was taken to McHenry hospital Saturday after falling from a ladder at her home. She was released the following day. Bridal Couple Coffee Cake--Made Simple! -v4 V <j ; MR. AND MRS. GARY FRANCKE - Mr. and Mrs. Gary Praed Francke are shown immediately •^aftgr their wedding, which took place in Newburgh, N.Y. recently,, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lehel Telek : PJR.. and the groom is the son of Mrs. Waldemar p&n*- f&na&siy McHenry and the late Benjamin Francke. ^Christmas; .%* .y;: Under the direction of Sister Josepha, O.P. head of the college's music department, these , students arepreparing an unique Christmas gift for the Fox Valley community. They have been practicing since the begin-, , ning of the semester to prepare a program both festive and reverential. Dissatisfied with the scheduled practices, they have volunteered two or three additional hours each week, in which they harmonize with both voice and instruments as they make ready for their special St. Nicholas Day appearance. Following in a tradition happily established last year, the student chorus from Saint Dominic College will appear in concert at the Bethlehem Lutheran church on Friday, Dec. 6. A special feature of the evening's program will be a medley of carols from many cultures, presented by students attired in costumes brought from other lands. Each set of selections will be accompanied by an appropriate scriptural text, with narration and pantomime correlated to each one. Hie chorus of forty - one voices, male and female, includes students from the Fox Valley communities, and from other areas as far away as Hong Kong. Among the members is Paul Steffen of 5406 E. Wonder Lake road, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffen. MB* v? ti TREASE DOUGAN Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dougan of 26 Tantallon road, Baillieston, Lanarkshire, Scotland, announce the engagement of their daughter, Trease, to Albert F. Dormeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dormeyer of 4613 Ashley drive, McHenry. The wedding will take place at St. Mary's church in Highland Park Jan. 25, 1969, at 2:30 p.m. Leaders and committee women of area Girl Scout troOps met recently at the home of Mrs. Robert Karlson, chairman of the bake and white elephant sale they are conducting. r The event will take place atthe east side firehouse in Wonder Lake from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7. Proceeds will be used to cover all Girl Scout council expenses, including the camping. The Wonder Lake, Ringwood bid Richmond troops participating in the sale are Brownie Troop 413, Mrs. Robert Eising as Reader; Junior Troop 416, Mrs. Rubin ArvidSOT, leader.; Senior Troop 400,. Mrs. Clayton Beeber, leader; and a new cadet troop. Nothing's easier than coffee cake and Kolache---when refrigerated rolls and biscuits are teamed with delicious, convenient preserves. Both are quick-to-fix, requiring just minutes in the oven. Try them our way first--then be creative and substitute your favorite preserves--you've a rainbow from which to choose. Apricot Coffee Cake 1 can (8-ounce) refrigerated V2 cup apricot preserves , sesame twist dinner rolls Unwind dough carefully keeping dough in one piece (do not separate strips). Spread with preserves. Rewind. Place roll of dough on greased baking sheet. Separate top strip of dough slightly. Bake in 375 degree oven 12 to 15 minutes. Jiffy-Made Kolache 1 can (8-ounce) refrigerated % cup sifted confectioners' sugar biscuits 1 tablespoon soft butter % cup plum preserves 1 to 2 teaspoons milk Place biscuits on ungreased baking sheet pne inch apart. Make deep indentations in center of each and fill with preserves. Bake in 425 degree oven 10 to 12 minutes. Top with remaining preserves. Combine confectioners' sugar and butter. Add milk to maltp spreading consistency. Spred over warm kolache. m STUDIO 902 No. River Rd. 385- McHenry, HI. 5579 PROFESSIONAL IN ALL TYPES OF PHOTOGRAPHY MAKE-UP - FASHION - WEDDING COORDINATION! Wedding Invitations ? Etc. TROOP 162 A pleasant surprise occurred at the last meeting. Ted Katte came to the meeting and offered his services as an adult leader. A former Scout himself, Mr. Katte is interested in working with boys. Mr. Katte, a pilot, his wife, Cathy, and 1-yearold daughter, Christine, are relative newcomers to McHenry, having lived here about a year. Hie troop extends a warm welcome to Mr. Katte and thanks him for volunteering his help. If there are any other men in town who do not have boys in a Scout troop, but would like to become involved with scouting, please call Don Wolf. All adult help is greatly appreciated. The more adult leaders that can be obtained, the better and more varied program can be offered to the boys. Last night the Scout Court of Honor washeld. Next week we will list thei awards won by the boys. We wish to congratulate David Walter on becoming an Eagle Scout, the highest award a boy can earn. A scout becoming an Eagle brings honor to our troop and our community. We are very proud of Dave. Jim Cole, Public Relations. When you want a per son to tell you how smart you are, first tell him how wonderful he is. PHOTOGRAPI FOR THOSE •^nih&WHO CARE Birch Society Holds December Study Program The McHenry chapter of the John Birch society will start a three - week study program beginning onthe first Wednesday in December and continuing on th& eleventh and eighteenth. After the new year the program will continue if there is enough interest shown. -- 0 o - - - i TPS studynlan .will £oflgist$y a, series of film strips oh various subjects which should be Of interest to everyone who wants to become better informed about the world situation and also what can be done about it. Hie chapter feels each one of us can do something and quotes Father Kelly who so wisely puts it, "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness." The programs will be held in the home of Dorothy Himplemann, at 3611 N. Middle avenue in Johnsburg. They will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. and should end by 9 p.m. The first film strips to be shown will be "The John Birch Smear" and "The Assassination", on Dec. 11, "United Nations, Peace Dove Unmasked", and "Open Housing"; and Dec. 18, the "Poverty Program"and the local law enforcement agencies, Police, will be featured. Teen-agers and their parents are especially invited. If you are interested but cannot make this series, please call for information, at 385-3693. Grandma Sez - - - Seems like a big shame that the world seems to be headed fer more and more trouble, with so much to be grateful for. Lust fer money, and power, and yearnin' fer the material comforts which modern science has come up with, kin be the downfall & the human race, fer as I kin see. Smarter folks than P re beginning t9 talk about it, and it'll take a bit o* doin' t' git things back onthe right track again, I think. The day, f give thanks t' the Almighty, is camin' and ifs about time thet a lot folks git down and say a prayer o' thanksgiving* fer the fact thet man hasn't, yet, been able f upset the great plan o* the universe, but give him time, and he'll make a good try. With all the things .on this gQgd. old earth, what needs mending it's about time thet mankind putsrft££ ;wh6le Offort into puttin* things right fer the betterment o* the human race. It's about time thet some cf the know-it-all scientists come up with a good idee f straighten out the thinkin' o* the men who control our governments, all over the world. I wuz a readin* about all the bloodshed, and hideous things a goin' on in many parts o* the globe, especially in the orient. It's downright disgraceful thet things kin get t' be so bloodcur dlin' in this day and age, when men 're supposed t' be so well informed. The form o* government, planned by men who 're dead and gone a long time ago seems f be a powerful thing, t' cause so much trouble, and is creepin* like a bad disease throughout the world. Younger folks, who don't even remember teachin's, o" brotherhood and love, have been indoctrinated wi' the bad teachin's & the mongers, and are incited t' act like animals. The important prayer, this Thanksgiving Day, should be a thankful one that, in this country things haven't become as bad as elsewhere, but, we all, must hope and pray that we may be shown the way to eliminate the influences o* the old Devil himself, which is all the things men fight fer, and which will destroy everything if we let things run along. How kin folks be content t' enjoy all the goOd things, and sort & take them fer granted, I wonder, when the greatest part o* the world is sufferin'. May the Great Power, God, grant mankind the wisdom to live in peace and love. Grandma Radtke OTHER BERTHS Alex and Eleanor Wirfs are proud grandparents for the sixth time. Their daughter, Mrs. Terry Cross, presented her husband with their second son, Thomas Matthew, on Nov. 1 at Rybur hospital, Ottawa. Brother Kurt, aged 2% is very happy with his new playmate. OMTM Item MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Judith Brough, Esther Orr, Edna Iwanski, Elvera Holtz, McHenry; Frank Stangle, Helen Asmus, Cecelia DeWerdt, Jean Creighton, Wonder Lake; and Colleen Tonyan, Ringwood. Before Carriage, he called her dear: now, he calls her expensive. liming Sot.- Sun., Nov. 30, Pec. 1 FAMOUS POLAR -LUkS-k Willi Slides Qt His Essp©dHl@n To The NOBTli POLE On SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILES SEE ALL THE EXCITING SKI-DOOS ski 'Lessons frewa Weil SCraewn Ski Instraetors And Hart's liseoting Ska. Mwiei "THE ©UTTER. LIMITS" fr "S^CRIPfiiLE SECBS" DOCK PHIZES INCLUDING a OF HART SKIS & KNEISSL SKIS ALL '69 SKI-DOOS ON DISPLAY- OPEN SUNDAY 9 to 5 WINTER SPORTS HEADQUARTERS MAR Free Dryland Ski School Every FrL Night at 7s@0 p.m. , Route 12 -1 Block S. of Route 120 - Volo, 111. - 5 Mi. So. of Fox Lake ? J

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