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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1968, p. 8

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OOFT deabline Office Sfonra Dally 8:S0 o.m. to 5:00 pjn. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p-m. inriday Paper Wednesday 4 pjn. > MneAd» -- ; ^ Wednesday Paper * > Tuesday 0:30 a<iu. ; Friday paper Thursday D:S0 »jn. ;.jSo Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted. Wanted Co Rent must be paid in advance. -|Tie Plalndealer !• not responsible (or errors In classified ads after the first In* «ertlon. Check your ad the ^fhrsfc week and call our attention to any mistakes. AUTOS Replacement Parts • J: For Cars , . v Accessories and Seat Covers i COMMUNITY jAUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 ; j, Blk East of the River Bridge %|>pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. '•*> 2-4-67TF1 1957 CHEVROLET, black, automatic, 4 door, new tires, V-8. |200. CaU 385-4292. 10-4-68TF1-2 V*:V WHAT A Christmas Gift! Yajpaha motorcycle, 1966, candy apple red, 305 cc. Like new. $450. Call 385-4292. 11-20-68TF1-2 >$959 OLDSMOBILE 88 V-8. >£bwer steering, 4 door sedan. owner. Call 815-675-2167 r&p 12-4/12-6-68 •**"> : -- : *959 FORD station wagon, $50. ?Call 385-0459. 124-68 - J962 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, 'stick shift, 4 door Belaire. Or- £4feinal owner. Call 385-0250 af- Kfjsr 5 pjn. 12-4-68 BOATS & MOTORS MG30004 1968 HUSTLER, 16 ft Metalflake red, black interior. Never been used. Best offer. Call 385-0459. 12-4-68 BUSINESS SERVICES R&® ©M & am W. Mate St. McHeary, mtaMte FUraaces A Boilers, fcaatoled - serviced - cleaned Wo! Iseaters, water heatara, Incinerators •£•LP. Gas Ron Weed M5-1M* John Knox 12-4-68TF1-2 ^SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical ^Tachometer - Repairing and reipalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St., ;~<bfcHenry,, Illinois. Call 385- ,•'37282. 12-6-68 ^ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. -*Inrustrial, commercial and do- /"mestic. Rickert Electric. 480 "Cotter St., Grayslake, HI. Ph. I'BAldwin 3-8491. 24-65TF This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELPWANTED ADS that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL. Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. 60604. FOR SALE: used roof boards, 1x6, cleaned and in good condition. 3S5-5839. 11-20-68TF BUSINESS SERVICES ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. James Van fleet, 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111. Call 385-6027. 12-4-68TF1-2 LADIES, do your winter coats, skirts, dresses need shortening? Phone for appointment. Also other alterations. Call 385-0376. 11-29/12-6-68 "PEACH FUZZ" who? Ask a veteran of World War I. 12-4-68 DOHERTY SEPTIC TANK CLEANIM© SERVICE 1611N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. QMJs (815) 385-3704 or (815) 385-2396 12-4-68TF1 V a JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alignment Brakes Mufflers Shocks! ; Accessories Gas for Less Complete Tire 1 Jne Passenger & Truck .i;i3l W. EI.M STREET 7-20-67TF-1 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel * Black Dirt & Fill • Driveways • Parking Lots * Sodding Phone 815-385-3704 12-4-&8TF1 BUSINESS SERVICES THE SAVINGS ^Department, the Installment Loan Department and the Safety Deposit Vault will be open in addition to the walk-in and the driveup windows each Friday evening from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. commencing December 6, 1968. MCHENRY STATE BANK 12-4/12-6-68 NAN-ARE'S • ReSale, on consignment • Alterations • Sewing of all kinds. 1326 N. Riverside McHenry* I1L 385-7440 12-4-68TF-2 FOR SALE OAK FIREPLACE wood, split, delivered, $15 per ton. Call 385-4282. 11-22/12-4-68 35 MM CAMERA, automatic F2 lens, flash and case. Snow tires 6:50 x 13. CaU 385-2413 12-4/12-6-68 OAK FIREPLACE WOOD, split and delivered, $25.00 per ton. Call 385-1469. 12-4-68TF1-2 FURNITURE of 9 model homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 11-13/12-6-68 THE TREASURE CHEST. Antiques; - gifts; candy, school 'supplies. 3909 Main St, McHenry, 111. 385-7246. 10-30/12-11-68 SPECIAL Firestone Town & Country SNOW TIRES 6:50x13 $14.95 7:35x15 $16.95 6:50 x 15 $16.95 McHENHY TIRE MART 3931 W. Main McHenff«HL 385-0294 30 INCH G.E. RANGE, 3% years old, $65; Beautiful fruitwood buffet, 1 year old, $60; 66" double drain sink and cabinet, $25. Bath tub and sink, excellent condition, $35; Girl's 20" bike, $10; Girl's winter coats, size 10-14, excellent condition, $3 each. Call 385- 0233. 12-4-68 DEER SKIN GIFTS At price® to fit your Budget. Slippers- Gloves - Jackets - Handbags » Coats - Caps - Billfolds - Moc° casins on display at Ittton Marine Service. 1208 North Riverside Diive MdHenry. 12-4-6STF1-2 SEEBURG electronic selecta rhythm. Perfect accompaniment for any instrument. Gives any beat desired. Complete with 2 station tremolo amplifier. Wonderful for small combo. New condition, $400 value. Both for $200 firm. 385-6191. 11-29/12-4 BRONZE tone dinette set - 8 chairs, $50. Swivel rocker $25. Call after 5 p.m. 385-1655. 11-29/12-4 2 WHEEL trailer in perfect condition, $75; 1 davenport, like new, $50. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 385-1016. 11-29/12-4-68 GAS Space Heater. Good condition. Ideal for garage. Call 385-1358. 12-4/12-6-68 GUITAR and amplifier. Reasonable. Call 385-6162. 12-4/12-6-68 KELVINATOR 2 door refrigerator freezer, $50; Westinghouse electric dryer, $25; washer with spinner, $10. Call 385-3656 after 1:30 p.m. 19-4*68 GIRL'S white Chicago rink skates, size 5; girl's white Johnson ice skates, figure, size 6; girl's white * Canadian ice skates, figure, size 6. Call 385-1724 after 4 p.m. 12-4-68 OAK .firewood. Delivered and stacked. $20 a ton. Call 459- 9158. 12-4/12-6-68 ROPER 36" gas range, like new. Cal) 653-9306. 12-4/12-6-68 NEW Snowmobiles $679 and up. 100 boats, Johnson motors, new and used on sale. Ed Wendt Marine Sales and Service on Highway 12, Richmond, 111. Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 5y pm. Closed Monday. Call 815-678- 3231. 12-4/12-27-68 UNIVERSAL gas range, 42", white, good condition, $35; Frigidaire refrigerator, $10. Call 385-1108 after 6 p.m. 12-4/12-6-68 AUCTION AUCTION RCA PORTABLE stereo phonograph, $35. Call 385-0587 12-4/12-6-68 FOR SALE FOR SALE LOIO Repair! • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WAL • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES I'liwne 385-4929 or 3S5-8fS0 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) Business Services Business g©Fwtce§ McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry. Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. 12-4-68TF1-2 ...... I AIRLINE PILOTS McHenry Telephone Answering Service will take those important calls for you for a few cents a day. 24 hour service. 3 D258 dUUUUb NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOUBS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHenry. 111. Busitiocr OppariunM©@ Buslsa©is Opportunities Can VOU Smile? The Bakers, l\auderdal« Colonial, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. if you can smile, you can succeed in MOTEL MANAGEMENT Do a$ the Bakers and hundreds of Ambassador graduates and learn motel operation with our short, inexpensive course at home followed by two weeks on-the-job training in a motel operated by Ambassador. Men, women and couplfes needed now. Free nationwide placement assistance upon completion. For personal interview mail coupon today. yA AppROVEO McHENRY PLAINDEALER j Send to: BOX 183 | I + | NAME .... t | ADDRESS X ! PHONE ... JL CITY STATE. ZIP FARM LOAN SERVICE FULLY INSURED AUCTION Having sold the farm, the undersigned will sell the following described personal property located 1 mile south of Spring Grove, 111. on Meyers road to end of road then east % mile or 3 miles west of Fox Lake, 111. on Route 12 to Sunset road then west 1 mile or 4 miles north of Johnsburg, HI. on Wilmot road to Sunset road then % mile west or 6 miles Southeast of Richmond, 111. on Route 12 to Meyers road then south to end of road then east % mile on SUNDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1968 Watch for arrows. Sale time: 11 A.M. Lunch on grounds. •* 14 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK*. 1 Quernsey cow, due inApril; 2 Guernsey heifers, 1 due in Jan. 1 is 5. months old; 2^Hol.rhelfers, 2 months; 1 Angus Bull, 2 yrs.; 1 white face bull, 2 yrs. 2 Angus cows, bred; 1 white face hfr., 18 months old and pasture bred; 3 Angus heifers, pasture bred; 1 Hoi. hfr., 8 months. TB and Bangs tested. Mostly calfhood vaccinated. FEED -- 1,000 bu. of oats; 500 bales of good bright straw: 300 bales of 2nd crop alfalfa hay; 1,000 bales of 1st crop alfalfa hay; 20 bales of baled shavings; 300 bu. of good hard ear corn. HOGS AND HOG EQUIPMENT -- 9 bred Chester white gilts; 5-50 bu. round metal hog feeders with cast iron bottoms; 2-35 bu. round metal hog feeders with cast iron bottoms; 2 metal 8 hole (new) hog feeders; 1 metal 4 hole hog feeder; 4 hog waterers; (2 have electric heaters); 3 metal farrowing crates. TRUCKS AND COMBINE -- 1949 1% Ton Ford V-8 Truck with grain box; 1946 Chevrolet Dump Truck; IHC model 101 Combine with 2 row corn head, 12' grain head and weather proof cab. 1959 % ton model 250 Ford pickup with 4 speed transmission. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY -- Case-o-matic model 830 Diesel equipped with wide front end, oversized tires, 3 pt hitch and heat houser (nearly new); Case model 295 Manure Loader with 6' snow bucket; IHC Super M (new rubber); AC model B tractor; IHC 8' grain drill, double disc, and grass seed attachment; NH model 68 PTO hay baler; Case 10%' wheel disc; Case 4 row rear mtd. cultivator for 3 pt. hitch (nearly new); 4 Section Lindsay 6' sections drag with folding drawbar; 2 section drawbar for dfag; Bobsled; Trailer type sprayer with 8 row boom; NI trail type hay mower; IHC model 450 corn planter with double disc; NI model 301 mtd. corn picker; Case model JT 46 semi-mtd. 4-16" trip bottom plow; Continental model B PTO post hole digger; Lindsay buzz saw; 2 sets of tractor chains (12x38); Extension ladder; wheel barrow; misc. lumber; many steel posts and braces; misc. chic equipment (feeders, waterers, nests).; Malco PTO grain auger, w/hopper, 51' and new; Electric bin sweeps 16'-4" Auger w/motor; Gravity box (new) on IHC running gear; Gehl grinder and mixall (nearly new); 1,000# scale; stock tanks; NH PTO manure spreader; Queen B space heater; 35 gal. GE hot water heater; IHC 8' tandem disc; Gehl Rotary stalk chopper; Post drill: Mayrath 50' double chain elevator w/dragline and electric motor; IHC 4 bar side rake on rubber; 8' cultipacker and seeder; cement mixer; road drag; PTO corn sheller; 2 Knight boxes on rubber tire gears; 2 running gears w/flat racks; 2 wheel rubber tire gear with flat rack; chicken picker; killing rack; scalding tank; 10" Radial arm saw; 180 amp. American farm welder; Heavy shop vice; Electric hand saw; Electric grinder w/motor and stand; 30* hay elevator w/motor; stone boat; Defogger; 2 hydraulic cylinders; plus many other small articles too numerous to mention. ANTIQUES -- Sewing table; rocker, dishes, jugs, crocks; glass ware; chest of drawers; picture frames; lamps and sewing machine and much more. HOUSEHOLD GOODS -- Oil space heater; 3 pc. bedroom set; bed and dresser to match; iron single bed; living room set with new beige slip covers; Danish modern living room set with end tableS 'to match; Formica kitchen set; Maple dining set; Inlay checker board card table; picnic table and bench com;. Cold Spot upright freezer; Hawaiian guitar; Old violin; large Christmas cactus plant; Sunbeam mixmaster plus many other articles. PLEASE NOTE: All of the above listed equipment is in excellent condition, has always been housed and is ready to go to work. USUAL FARM LOAN SERVICE TERMS. LOBBIE C. Sf EM>IsIAN, Owner 1602 Sumselb IS®ad Spi-img Grove, HI. (Phone 675*2151) Sal® Manager: TOM FINLEY ©elavan, Wis. (414-728-6240) Representative TOM LALOR Hebron, 111. (648-2080) Auctioneer: GORDON STADE Grayslake, 111. 12*4-68 PIANO, Wiser & Sons. Baby ^ grand, good working condition. T R ]MIA Needs refinishing. Bargain, • $450. CaU 338-1924. 12-4/12-6*68 Pi F icture rotties Original OH Paintings Lakeland FAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt 12b McHenry 385-7100 10-23-67TF 1 £ SPECIAL SALE 25% off GIRL'S JACKETS AND COATS 7 thru 14 DRESSES 3 to 6X 7 to 14 THE im shop 3430 W ELM ST. McHENRY. ILLINOIS. Phone MS4W BEMaBTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms, Vacant, Home Sites, Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN In Johnsburg • 2301 Johnsburg Rd. B| McHenry, HL Phone 385-0037 1-20-67TF-1 Woi?.d©r Leak® No down payment to Vets. CAPE COD 3 bedroom and den, 2 car attached garage, large lot. ONLY $14,500 -- CALL -- 312-656-7723 DAYS 11-29/12-4-68 WHISPERING HILLS 2 Bedroom Ranch attached garage. Like new. 4 years old. Gas heat, carpeting, built-ins. BY OWNER $16,000 CALL 312-497-3738 12-4-68 Wonder Lake A nice 3 bedroom home with J modern kttchen,' large, living roonv Basement recrea- * tion roomlnd good storage area. LOW LOW TAXES! Located on large corner, shady site across from private beach. See today. Only $14*000 Modern 3 bedroom, 1 level residence. 1% baths, large rooms, full basement. 2-car att.-garage. 95' wide wooded homeslte in McHenry High School district. Excellent home $21,900. 160 Acre Grain Farm Boone County Illness forces sale of this top producing farm. Rates 2nd in Boone County. Also set up for dairy farming. Located approximately 18 miles northwest of Belvidere in Poplar Grove, 12 miles west of Harvard. 2-story, 4 bdrm. home, < with full basement, plus com- , plete set of farm buildings all in A-l shape. Can be purchased for $42,500 down. Price $128,000.00. were OUR ADS DAILY A S5UNDAY IN THE TRIBUNE T. P. MM I fSTtf* REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake, TOome: g@S-§S4I gg. gS£S 12-4-68 7 BOOM 3 BEDROOM paneled home on large corner lot. Fireplace, finished basement with bar. $23,500 CALL 653-5891 or 653-7777 12-4/12-6-68 SALES FOR SALE by owner. 3 bedroom home. Large living room, large family room, hardwood floors, 2% car garage, concrete drive, nicely landscaped. Near beach with lake rights in Wonder Lake. Priced to sell. Immediate possession. Call for appointment, 815*653*6161 12-4-68TF1-2 . MBH . I i . I h. i FOR SALE | | USED MJMBER | | znfrmm | ^11 ii ir^r~7ii~nf~~ii--w OFHCE EQUIPMENT AUDITORS Comptometer, SCM Marchant, Call 385-7171. 12-4/12-6-68 A Garage Rummage Backyard List your Garage, Rtsmmaf* Basement or Baetod Salt in the McHENRY PLAINDEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. Hie ad must run in two issues of the McHeniy Plalndealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop in at the Plaincjealer office for a Free brochure of helpful hints th>t will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find tSsia brochure helpful. GARAGE SALE. December 7th and 8th. Miscellaneous. items, including toys, dishes, furniture. Pearl Pierce, 7013 Seminole Dr. Wonder Lake, HI. 12-4/12-6-68 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Half price or less on quality items from W. Germany. Handpainted nativity sets. Figurines, handcarved chess sets, porcelain and crystal atomizers, manicure sets. December 6th and 7th. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2003 Park Lane, Lakeland Park. 12-4/12-6-68 SONALS "PEACH frUZZ" who? Ask a veteran of World War I. 12448

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