, -k>» • r ' ^ ' >*2, ,i, > Vk'<' '. 1 * «' f t ' 2, Sec. 2t - Plaindealer - Wed., Dec 4, 1968 FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. •22,1928) f A change in ownership of the Central market on Green street took place Wednesday evening when George Schreiner purchased the business from Wallace Woodburn, who has conducted the market since he. bought it from William Pries about two years ago. A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at St. John's church, Johnsburg, Nov. 15, when Miss. Catherine Frett and Mr. Frank Freund were united in marriage by Rev. Fr. Weber. : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kiel ttairrowly escaped serious injury Sunday evening while on their way to Woodstock when their car was struck by a car approaching them. Mrs. Kiel is the business clerk at the local telephone office and Mr. Kiel is employed at the A.& P. store on Green street. The local troop of Boy Scouts enjoyed a visit to the meeting of the Crystal Lake Boy Scouts on Monday evening. The evening's entertainment consisted of games anddemonstra-* tion of first aid and other scout learning. Local Scouts are looking forward to the date next week when two or three of their number will represent McHenry at the Junior staff conference to be held at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Covalt and Edward Matthews, Eugene Sayler and Jack Purvey visited with Floyd Covalt, Jr., at St. John's Military academy at Delafield, Wis., Saturday, at which, time they saw St. Johnta football team defeat Culver. Miss Lorraine Knox entertained several of her schoolmates and friends at a birthday party at her home Nov. 15. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 25, 1943) Miss Ruth Klodzinski is leaving the local teaching staff t6 teach in Immaculate high school in Chicago. Miss Klodzinski came to McHenry for her first teaching position in 1940. She taught mathematics and civics. She alsoassisted Miss Miiurie Taylor with girls athletics in the school, she was also in charge of the entire bond and stamp sales iiTthe school. Under her direction there were purchased enough bonds and stamps to buy a parachute, a motor scooter and a life float. At present the students are purchasing bonds which, they intend will provide a jeep for the army in the near future. For their fine sales to date th<K government is sending them a special award. > f In Glendale, Calif., on Nov. 6, Mr. Edwin J. HergotofWe&- wpodi Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergot of McHenry, and Miss Lulu Louise Terry of Hollywood, Calif., were married at the well known Wee Kirk 0> The Heather Forest Lawn Memorial Park. •. \ The four sons of Mr. aiid Mrs. Clarence Whiting of Elgin but former McHenry residents are now serving in the armed forces. Melvin, a petty officer second class, W.S.N., is now at sea cm a battle stiip; Staff Sgt. Delbert is an assistant instructor at the army aikl navy general hospital at Hot Springs , Ark. Private Lloyd left for overseas a year agoandafter spending three months in England was transferred to the African war theatre; Clare, the last of the four boys to enter service, has been stationed . at Farragut, Idaho, where he is taking his boot training. •; The Harry Durland family and Mrs. Minnie Schuenemann attended the christening of the in* fant daughter of Mr. and Mra^ George Kaus, Jr., in Chicago* The new baby was born Oct.* 18 and has been namedSuzanne. J { TEN YEARS AGO' (Taken from the files of Nov* 13, 1958) \ An explosion at the Morton Salt company at Woodstock resulted in the tragic death of a 36 year old research chemist, Dr. Thomas R. Patterson, Nov. 10. He died of an internal hero* orrhage about fifty minutes:: after the accident. A lovely fall wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church, Nov. 8, uniting Miss Mary Elodie Bousser of McHenry and Mr. Robert Dale Weber of Lake Zurich. Rev. Fr. EdwardC.Coakleyofficiated at the nuptial rite. Glen Peterson will oppn the McHenry Bakery on Green street Nov. 17. A long period of poor health resulted in the death Nov. 8, of William Wissell, Sr., 65. A 500 acre camp site near Chippewa Falls, Wis., has been approved for purchase by the delegates of Sybaquay Girl Scout Council. Ben Arvidsoh & Sons, Inc*, of McCullom Lake have been granted a charter to conduct and carry on the business of builders arid contractors for the purpose of building, erecting, etc., and to deal in all kinds of material. ' Tlie beautiful home 6i Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Liss at McHenry Shores was featured in a full page " Home of the Week " section of Saturday's Chicago Tribune. A number of pictures olf the homc$ over looking the Fox River were contained in the article. ... TROpP 131 J £ Interest in our troop is continuing to grow. For proof of this, just drop in at the Community Methodist church onaqy Monday evening. Last week, for example, we had seven fathers, eighteen Scouts, eight Webelps and three leaders. - The evening was devotedityfr first aid. Mr. Hodges gave personalized instruction on the proper method of mouth-tor mouth resuscitation. This was: followed by actual practice on ia life size dummy. To emphasize the importance of ttiis method and to demonstrate how and when it should be used, two movies were shown, "Rescue Breathing* ' and "Breath of Life," which seemed to teave an impact on each boy. Somehow, during this busty evening, wo found time to set tq> a board! of review for Bruce Walter, who passed first class requirements like an old pro. Congratulations Bruce. Hie pancake dinner is just a few days away so let* s get those tickets sold this weekend and money turned in Monday. " On Dec./9, we will have a charter review meeting and all committeemen are asked to attend. ' „:'V,V . ( In closing, I would like to welcome"Sadj®y" Beilon, anew Webelcis, and his father, who I hear through the grapevine is to become the new Webelos den leader. Good luck. Don McCracken, feSv¥fitoicRelat^ SHOP IN . McHENRY ; STATE ACTS ON fc' DRIVER LICENSESV The office of Secretary' of State I^uiI^(mlltosalBMMm<«(i^ the suspension of the driver li-i; cense of De^n M. Glosson bf 5402Rt.l20,McHenry»andVin-'1 cent P. "Werck of Harvard, both for driving while intoxicated; also Louis J* Priest of Crystal Lake for three violations, David A, Krich of 3501 N. Mar-, tin road, McHenry* andGordon H. Larsen, Jr., of Algonquin, both for violation of cutfew adt. A probationary permit beeii ; issued to Edward A. ant of Crystal Lake. RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS East olyfcllB . '- PHONK 3gB-*488 ' ANlf TRAINING ObedJenca -- Statin* Beftrtewitag . . (Large Heated Kennels) 6.S.H.Ptotater Stud Service - POODLE GROOMING I: HOLIDAY LIQUORS MCHENRY'S FOREMOST 4512 W. ROUTE 120 Phone 385-3200 McHENRY OPEN I t7* 9 11 P.M. Advertised Beers and Beverages not iced. "'•••• s: 5 year old MATTINGLY & MOORE 89 > fifth' Mild bnd Mellow Straight Bourbon Whiskey 2 iar ctfdf PHILADELPHIA Blended Whiskey 3 49 quart AS CoHingbourne DICK LAYTON AI CoHihgbourne's OLDSMOBILE 'N McHENRY has the greatest new service in fhe valley! IF YOU CANT COME TO OUR DOOR-WE WILL COME TO YOURS WE'RE DESPERATE!!! «l HAVE 130 NEW MO USEB MRS! WFJIGCIKG ALL OUT FOB TOUR KISIIIE8® POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES REG. - KING - FILTER your choice 2 89 carton 1968 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 2-door Hardtop model. Fully powered, V*8 engine. Custom interior, plus a host of other fine Oldsmobile options. Executive-driven and around - the - block miles. Priced to save you over $1000. SOUTHERN COMFORT 100 proof Liqueur 3 98 fifth DRIWRY $ BEE! Draft or Reg. 24-12 oz. bottles 2 98 ' OLD MILWAUKEE Draft BEER 12-12 oz. f ^9 Cans 1 Imported SAVAS VERMOUTH Dry or Sweet ~ < fifth 'i y vi jweer 89 • i i % P Electra Custom Town Sedan. Limited styling, full power, air conditioned, plus a host of other fine options. Frost blue exterior, black vinyl roof and a black leather interior. Priced to move rapidly. When new over $5900 and a this week'i; special. *3788 1968 ©LBSM©iSl Luxury Se<3ara. Flagship off Oldsmobile fleet. The finest thing we hove on the street. When cievs over $6200. Has every conceivable extra ©Ids can Factory ®i?-condltoi®rasGi§; (tally pov/esred. VoonyS roof and a pluoSn G^erior. Wlay buy q new one, when you can save $2400 on this one. Around-the-block miles. POPULAR BRAND GIN or VODKA 2 49 fifth 1967 IL1SM0I11 Delta 88, 4-door Hardtop model. Power, factory air conditioned, plus a custom pleated interior. Premium rubber, of course, and reconditioned to resemble a like-new in every respect. It won't last long so hurry now. When new over $4800. Imported from France NAPOLEON BRANDY i MMCK Station,Wagon. 16,000 original miles. Owner's name upon request. V-8, automatic, power and has the works. Foam white exterior with red vinyl interior. Newest '66 you can find. Priced to sell rapidly. III! CHEVROLET Caprice Convertible. Fully powered, including power windows. 21,000 mile car in showroom condition. Owner's name on d-equest and garagekept since new. Jet blue in Color with black vinyl roof and a black leather interior. Springtime priced; won't last long. See it now. 1965 BUICK Electra Custom, 2-door Hardtop. 225 Coupe, and in marvelous condition. Fully inspected by yours truly. Premium rubber and has all fine features Buick offers. It's our way of saying "thank you" for a wonderful year. 1965 HID Mustang 2-door Hardtop. Automatic, power, whMewaHls. Has the works. Lipstick red exterior with harmonizing white Interior. Like new tires and driven carefully by a local gal. A real buy and priced to save you a tremendous amount of money.* HOLIDAY FEAT0RE i PLATING CARDS What a buy!! "Sueimline" pldslic coaled playing caids. Gel a Jew decks at this special Foiemosl Piic«. €0C04®LA 8-16 oz. bottles K1EMMII BEER Draft or Reg. 19 AL 6-16 oz. cans IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ail ears in stock! IS 1488 $1188°° GMAG £ 'T payments ^ for 45 days! MM PHONE 815-385-7209 Coffee Pot's Always I OPEN WEEKDAYS Froi toll r.V {_,. J ' f «• ;;V- 'til Bedtime Like all quality dealers We are OPEI •,T v •" \ ^ . , - V