r.: W$Si : riw '-vV>- - " ! '•* m 81SI l®S®!i : v»j i^S- ir--AS \tJ-y- •r- ^t-a §% \i.< r --VYS &$>*& .v, x rTi^n«$ A-l t I Tiu:^^M-0 ">! U'-I•teRaSTREET MALL! lppi®f W^; M:"M l vh ^ A |p WOMEN'S GOWNS - \ \ brushed nylon, cotton, flannel - waltz length - s, m, 1 & xl. WOMEN'S ROBES - entire stock - cotton, nylon, quilted, chenille r s, m, 1, xl also 10 - 20 WOMEN'S DRESSES - entire stock of street & casual dresses - wool, orlon, acetate - jr. missy & half-size. • WOMEN'S DUSTERS - entire stock - cotton, blends - solids & patterns -10 - 20 & 38 - 44. WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S FUN FUR HATS - fake fox, real lamb. MATERNITY WEAR - entire stock - blouses, slacks, skirts & dresses - 8 -18. GIRLS'DRESSES - entire stock - voile, cotton, orlon, corduroy -1 -14. GIRLS0 SWEATERS - solids & skis - pullovers only -7-14. MEN'S & BOYS" WINTER COATS & JACKETS entire stock - men's 36 - 46 & boys' 4 - 20. MEN'S & S@YS' SP@1T COATS - entire stock - wools & synthetics - men's 34 --46 & boys' 6 - 20. j VffW's' 'V ••> '>-W IATTAIIIIA X&. •• !?"• • • 0 : f ikm'V$*g " 1219 N. BOYS" t 385-0182 * = McHenry, III. solids & stripes turtle & mock turtleneck sizes 6 to 12 were $5, NOW sizes 14 to 20 were $6, NOW sIMifL llilSl IMP %V; Et#ll «ps»prH i" tiyvW MEN'S TWILL 1¥¥ SLACKS - cotton & acrylic --• solids & stripes turtle & mock turtleneck 3 -14 -- reg. $2.50 & $3 50% polyester 50% cotton perm, press -- 6 colors 27 to4^--reg. $7 3/ $4.99 ' v'»-V> ...J,. |fIt®tllC PLAID SHIRTS - MEN'S SP01T SHIRTS - polyester & cptton blend long sleeve - peTm. press - ivy collar 8 to 18 -- reg. $3 & $3.50 long sleeve - perm, press - button down & spread collars - solids & plaids - reg. $4 'P \ A < 3/S5.99 mm\wAmtovm* 3$8.99 »§>: ,MipK S^L'AV. u W\v\ \/ • i«iv|W| immk* « IK® fflmm 100% wool plaid fully lined ' 617 OO s, m, 1 & x) reg. $25 I §oo m mm JACKETS ISi #A a " 1 t* MEN'S LEVIS DRESS SLACKS reverse twist weave - perm, press - beltless top pocket - 28 to 36 - reg. $9 $1,99 itiMt w§ pii s4i k:\rn MEN'S SWEATERS - reg. $10, NOW $&o99 reg. $12, NOW |lo99 wool & acrylic - one group - cardigans & pullovers turtle & mock turUeneck - ass't. colors - s. m, 1 & xl. reg. $14, NOW zip front - black, gold & green -- s, m, 1, xl & xxl, reg. $10 & $11 538® mmm «te GIRLS' SN®W L@OTS - fully lined -- waterproof black only -- 1 to 4 mM BOYS' JEANS - nationally advertised at $3 close out of better shoes -- Most Sizes -- 3 GROUPS Wrangler Jeans -- double knees assorted colors -- regulars & slims 6 to 12 -- reg. $3.98 3/$6.99 $2, $3, $4 ate&' V- r„ Jm^m i m v) iZAiz-UJ '•'Ji'i, SlJ at I IM ItftatlWisi! 0 'V ILLN BM, ®Si:M ¥,\^y:T ! l. r,--- -- WOMEN'S SHIRTS - satin, lino, crepe - bush shirts & button down collars - solids & patterns -- 32-38. WOMEN'S SWi^URS - entire stock - woofi & acrylics - pullovers & cardigans - 34 - 40. WOMEN'S COATS entire stock - corduroy, wool, vinyl, fun furs - full & car coat length - values to $80 GIRLS' @@A¥S & JACKETS - entire stock - wool & quilted - 4-14. niltl 4'^ •d RIRFNIII *^11 $2/|So99 mm traran I'V.".# P|L i i \ DRESSES - ' entire stock crepe, velvet, dacron jr., missy & half-size iiiiliiii a~fi! vSfMiS iiffis 111 GIKLS WiLflT DliSSES - ENTIRE STOCK - RED & BLUE - 1 - 8 Ri©S - ENTIRE STOCK -- SOLIDS & PATTERNS. N©T|@i^S -- WH mmMB ENTIRE STOCK. r\A-| A " m Wilis smk. _ '\i : ymst'j t&mm r ' i