I»G. 4 - PIAINDEALER - MO N. DEC. 23. 1968 Earl Wahh SO I HEAR -ry^»S Just last week Bernard "Rass*' Thurlwell, a schoolmate of grade school days, came 'in for a chat. We talked about people and events of early days on the West Side. When he left, we ashed him to coma in again to coitinne our visit. About four days later we heard of Iris sudden death. Those things shake a fellow qp a bit. Sports Editor When we were kids, theparlor in our house was seldont used in the wintertime. Too cola. But, at Christmas time our father started a fire in the fireplace and the folding doors were opened. Santa Claus must have worked Cast on Christmas Eve after the ldds were sound asleep. The tree went 19 --- set in a pail of wet sand. Strings of pop corn circled We are going to have to pay the tree and candles were atmore attention to Hospital-' rached. No electricity. Notes. Every now and then a friend is in and out of a hospital before we hear about it. f . We liked these PICKUPS: A tall youngster, standing 7 ( feet 2 inches, applied for a life- guard's job. "Can you .swim?" asked the interviewer. "No," the boy replied. "But I can wade justaboutanyplace." vol.- v- ^ A Chinese restaurant out West ^Offers all the food you can eat ^mfw 50 cents. Trouble is, they you only one chop stick. Doctor: "Tellyour wife not to £p>e too concerned about that ^slight deafhess. Ifs simply an ^indication of advancing years/' Husband: wYou fell her/' * The holy season of Christmas ig^is here again and that greatest ^" of all birthdays is just a couple of sleigh bells away. Our parents didn't have to call us on Christmas morning. We bounded down those stairs in nothing flat. Stockings were filled, oranges in the toes. Sometimes that hard Christmas candy melted a bit and stuck to the stockings. Just a little fuzz to remove and all was well. TMs is thetime of yeaiwhen any ill will vanishes and our kindest thoughts go out to all. We are happy with every Christmas card that comes our way and wish we could visit every one of those persons thoughtful enough to.rememb&r us. * We sincerely wish you all the joys of the season and know of no better way of saying the long time greeting than MERRY CHRISTMAS PLAINDEALER PHOTO Under the coaching of Bill Hutchinson, the Warrior Wrestling Team is ready to fight for their ninth straight winning season. Hie members are 1-r front row: Dennis Justen, John Arient, Guy Hansen, Don Sundby, Dave Sundby, Paul Voight, Stan Steiner, Jim Sobacki and Terry Burton Back row 1-r: Coach Bill Hutcinson, Sieve Thompson, Larry Cristy, John Laskowsld, Kevin Bother, Mike AntonicelU, Chris Borchardt, Ken Wahl, Scott Nickels, Bob Weingart, Mike Krug and Mgr. Paul Pictor. O.K. Wrestling fans, now you know who they are so get out and let this team know you are stqiporting them!! .z. T P Repoit 1773 Deer Bqgged ~;~ln Illinois During J&st ? ( Half of The 1968 Season I Springfield, I1L, Dec. 10-- Sportsmen reportedly bagged, 1,773 deer during the last half of the 1968 season, accftrdingto the Illinois Department of Conservation. Official figures will not be available until all records, from check stations have been received and tallied. The deer season was divided into two three-day weekends, Nov. 22-24, inclusive, and Dec. 6-8, inclusive. * , l%e unofficial total for the entire season is 7,866 whitetails. This is 1.253 more than were harvested last year during a continuous six-day season. This year's total is 499 animals higher than in 1966, when hunters last had an opportunity to stalk whitetails over two weekends. During the last half of the season, 596 deer were taken in 19 northern Illinois counties, 590 in 26 central counties, and 587 in 26 southern counties. The kill in many central counties was higher than it had ever been. Pope, the southern county with the reputation of being the best for deer in Illinois, had a lower harvest, as was predicted fay game technicians. A total of 848 deer were killed in Pope County this year. In 1967, 1,051 were bagged and in 1966 the kill was 1,444 deer. A 237-pound buck in Bond County was the largest deer reported killed during the last half of the season. On the hoof, this animal would have weighed about 300 pounds. Hie largest buck killed dining the entire season was a 257-pound, field dressed, deer bagged in Mason County. The actual weight of that deer would be close to 330 pounds. The largest deer ever taken in Illinois was a 360-pound animal killed in S cottr County in I960* i « N. ' Athletes " • Away S. Warriors Wrestlers Edge Cory-Grove Team 20-18 E. Indianola, la. - Football letters and other awards for the 1968 season were presented last week by head coach John L. Sullivan at the 6th annual football banquet at Simpson college. Rich Heckman, a sophomore from McHenry, Illinois received his football letter. CAR HITS TREE William J. Sullivan of North avenue, McHenry, suffered injuries when his car went out of control on the ice, three miles northeast of McHenry, Thursday evening about 7 o'clock. The vehicle struck a tre6T*j IPs hard to sit down, and climb the ladder of success, at the same time. BORCHARDT PINS IN FINAL MATCH FOR TEAM VICTORY Tuesday night at Cary-Grove, Coach Bill Hutchinson's fighting Warrior s won their fourth match of the season, thus giving them a 4«2 won-loss record to date. Hie score was 18-15 Cary-Grove, going into the- (heavyweight * match, when junior Chris Bor^ chardt pinned his opponent at 3:54. The evening started out with McHenry winning four of the first five matches, then Cary-Grove fought back to take the next five. The match was exciting from the start to finish with only one pin being registered. Other outstanding varsity wrestlers were Jim Sobocki at 103 lbs., Guy Hansen at 120, Paul Voight at 127, and Mike Antonicelli at 180. The sophomore team was handed their first defeat of the season by a fine Cary-Grove team, 27-21, leaving McHenry* s record at 2-1 - 1. /Winning for the sophomores were Chris Nolan 4-2, at 120, Scott Anderson, a pin, at 138, Dan Erb 5-2, at 154, Dean Heise, a pin, at 180, and YMCA Fall and Winter Bowling Youth Program At the recent conclusion of the Lake Region YMCA's Fall Bowling Instruction and League Program for youth in grades 2 through 8, held at the Crystal Lake Metro Bowl, all standings for participating teams were calculated and the winning teams were chosen. Representing the Monday leagues is the winning team called the M.G.'s, with Dennis Fagan sity bok score Was as ffallows ^^'as Captain* Other) members of 95 lbs. Shay, Cary Groveover*',Ms team^are Bernard Medley undefeated Tom Fry, a pin as heavyweight. The freshmen remained undefeated by downing Cary Grove frosh 31-18 with five grabblers pinning their opponents. McHenry Varsity will enter the Grant Holiday Tournament Monday, December 23. The var- 17th Annual Fox-Valley Holiday Basketball Tournament 1968 (AT BATAVIA) GENEVA Gome No. 1 Thursday, Dec. 26 7:00 pjm. MCHENRY Gome Nd. 5 Sat. Dec. 28 2:00 p.m. Rogers, McHenry"7-2; 103 lbs.,^ Sobacki, McHenry, over Helm- ' er, Cary Grove, 12-0; 112 lbs. I Justen, McHenry, over Hopkins, jj Cary Grove 6-3; 120 lbs. Hansen f McHenry, over Striet, Cary; Grove, 12-0; 127 lbs. Voight, McHenry, over Fletcher, Cary' Grove, 13-9; 133 lbs. Hollohan, v Cary-Grove, over Krug, Mc- , Henry, 7-6; 138 lbs. Gaulke,v Cary-Grove, over Cristy, McHenry, 11-6; 145 lbs. Borre, j Cary Grove over Laskowski, McHenry 7-2; 154 lbs. Giovon- • noki, Cary Grove over Weingart, McHenry 4-2; 165 lbs. Hollohan, . Cary Grove over Wahl, McHenry 7-4; 180 lbs. Antonicelli,' McHenry over McKenna Cary- Grove 15-2; Hwt. Borchardt, McHenry pinned Hall, Cary Grove at 3:54; McHenry 20 Cary Grove 18 and Denise "Reuter. The most improved bowler in the Monday league was Renee Reuter. The Tuesday championship team was the Bruins, captained by Jim Brockrogge, with Kirk Mattson and Laurence Jenkins. The most improved Tuesday bowler was Paul Reed. The Lake Region YMCA's Bowling League and Instruction Classes will begin its Winter quarter on January 6 at the Metro Bowl in Crystal Lake. New faces are always welcome in the program and interested persons should contact the YMCA at 65 N. Williams Street, Crystal Lake, telephone 459- 4455, to complete registrations. ,vST. ,fiDWARD , i mm. Game. N». 2 Thursday, Dec. 26* YORKVILLE 8:30 p.m. Game N». 6 Serf. Dec.. 28 3:30 pjiij ' 4 1 * ' Game No. 9 Mon.( Dec. 30 Game No. 10 Man., Dec. 30 CONSOLATION CHAMPIONSHIP BENET Game No. 3 Friday, Dec. 27 7:00 pjn. FORREST VIEW Game No. 7 Sat., Dec. 28 7:00 p.m. BATAVIA Game No.4 Friday, Dec. 27 8:30 pjn. EVERGREEN PARK Game No.' 8 Sat., Dec. 28 8:30 p.m. k I 1 Freshman Roundballers B©at Cary-Grove 36-22 The freshman "A" squad, under the coaching of Gary Collins, ran their record to 3-1 this past Saturday with a 36-22 win over Cary-Grove. Leading the little Warriors scoring was Rick Cooper with 10 tallies, and Don Prazak with nine. Prazak also led the squad with thirteen rebounds, and other freshman who impressed with their ball handling talents were Jim Hurckes and Mailt Steinsdarter. Hie freshmen play this Saturday at Woodstock at 9:00 a.m. and then take a two week vacation from game com- McHENRY VS. CARY-GROVE fg ft Barwig, Bill 2 0 Cooper, Rick 4 2 Delker, Mark 0 0 Fenner, Carey 2 0 Hurckes,, Jim 1 1 Novotney, Jeff 1 0 Pedraza, Mike 0 1 Prazak, Don 4 1 Steinsdorfier, Mark ,1 1 Wengrv-t, Jim - 0 0 Moregenson, Mel 0 0 ft) 4 10 0 CHEMISTRY SEMINAR Students fromMcHenry area schools have been invited to attend the Chemical Industries Council's Chemistry Career seminar, Which will be held on Saturday, Jan. 11, at the Pick- Congress hotel, Chicago. Hie seminar will be held in the Francis I, Belmont Plaza, Avenue East and West rooms of the hotel. Students may register from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 1-3 p.m. A feature of the Seminar is person-to-person counseling by men and women from chemical and pharmaceutical The men will outline the requirements for a career in chemistry and will cover all major career areas. Representatives from Chicago area colleges and universities will counsel students on educational requirements. BGWUNG On January 18th and 19th, 1969, the McHenry County Bowling Association will hold its 3rd Annual Senior Bowling Tournament. Applications for qualified bowlers are now at the bowling lanes. To qualify a bowler must be a member of the McHenry County Bowling Association and must be over 55 years of age as of January 1, 1969. The tournament will be held at the Richmond Bowl, Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois. Bowlers should contact: Mel Freund, 660 Sussex, Crystal Lake, 111. Phone: 1-459-1418 Cr at Most everyone is busy with Christmas shopping and preparations and is in a giving mood. A group of globetrotting ambassadors is no exception. Although the Harlem Glovetrotters, who will be in Crystal Lake on Jan. 3, provide a great deal of horseplay, they can also be serious. The team was the high bidder for Gayle Sayers cast. They paid $3,500 for the cast in a trophy display case. This money is going to the foundation for Gary Steger, a Lake Park High School football player of Roselle. He has been paralyzed since being injured in a Sept. 28 game. The cast had been worn by Sayers for a number of weeks after a Nov. 10 injury. % This is not the first bit of charity the Trotters have been involved in. They have played benefits for every type of organization. The topper of this though was a "command performance" from Printfe Philip of England. The English Queen's husband is head of a charity group known as the Lord's Terverners. They gather each year to raise funds for providing outdoor athletic facilities for English youngsters. The Globetrotters were the first sports group to be honored. The late Abe Saperstein went all out, even paying the troupe's . expenses for the tdp to London. The greatest result of the match between the trotters and the English team was a fund of about $400,000 for the needy children's fund. Prince Philip had vowed team, composed of Lords, Dukes, Earls and show people, would beat the Trotters. They did...using all the Trotters' tricks and then some. Tea was served the English team from a teacart wheeled out by Prince Philip himself. The Trotters were served champagne though. Attendance to the affair was by invitation only and the 2,000 people there brought their checkbooks. Special invitations are not being issued when the Trotters come to the Crystal Lake High School fieldhoua®, but it will benefit children. Tickets for the night of hilarity are available at Crystal Lake businesses displaying posters. Proceeds are being used for the Crystal Lake Babe Ruth League. Information may be obtained by calling Frank's Barber Shop or Plaza Barber Shop and Recreation Cercter, Crystal Lake. The climate of New Mexico varies from that of the Hudson Bay region, to that of tropical Gulf Coast, due to differences in elevation. DEADLINE FOR REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES ON CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE IS SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 AT 6 P.M. at BQ1 liBdwau'i jLaitopfcghier 8813 lift Street Open Every Day 5 a.m GREEN STREET MALL WE'Iji. FILL YOUR THERMOS 1219 N. Green Sf. - McHen ilPERT GR0 1IN • BOARDING (Ind&vHoal Kennds) • TRAINING • BATHING Rudy Becker's Kennels 1018 W. IdncoSm Ed. McHenry phone 385-2436 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) B G-H RISTMAS We're drumming up our best Yuletide wishes ; . . for you! Coin Car Wash Center West Rh 120 Next to .Phillips 66 and Rudy's Drive - In .; These are the times that try men's souls Some think it's getting tougher every Christmas. But it'siv never been easy to find the right gift for any woman. It might even be easier this year. For this is the year of rings! In far-out places like New York ladies wear a ring on every - finger. And here, at home, every lady would love at least' , one more ring ,.. decorative, precious, playful, dressy .. a gift from the. man who loves her. If that man is you, come on*irt^ preferably some morning, soon. We have the newest'rlngs-4n«ll cotors,-«iz68, prices. Ancl the sincere wish to help you,, WAHL Jewelers 3408 W. Elm McHenry 385-2688 y « v,