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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Dec 1968, p. 10

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i TO - PLAINDEALER- MONDAY^ DEC* 30, 1968 ^HE McHENRY PLAINDEALER j; • * ,> -^ ,H 1* , < i: J,'...":!*': 'A FOR SALE FOR BENT FOR RENT COPY DEADLINE | Office Honrs Dally , " ;•' 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 pjn. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. | Line Ads -- I Wednesday Paper i v tadajr 9:80 n.m. •'I PirWay Paper % Thursday 0:30 a.m. |No Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted N> Rent must be paid in iclvance. Ilie Plalndealer Is not responsible for errors In clas* gfled ads after the first Inrtlon. Check your ad the llrst week and call our atjsbatlon to any mistakes. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP* WANTED ADS that Indicate a,preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More Information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL. Room 733, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago* HI. 80804. | DEADLINES .Tuesday paper, Dec. 31 U CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: | Friday, Dec. 27 -- 4 P.M. REGULAR CLASSIFIED I Monday -- 0:30 A.M. |& F riday paper, Jan. 3 | CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: ' Tuesday, Dec. 31, 4 pan. REGULAR CLASSIFIED: Thursday, Jata. 2, 0:30 a.m. AUTOS SEVERAL 46 PASSENGER SCHOOL BUSES Excellent for Campers. Worts Transit Company 385-1500 12-6-68TF1-2 LT A Christmas Gift! Yala motorcycle, 1966, candy |>ple red, 305 cc. Like new. Call 385-4292. 11-20-68TF1-2 Replacement Paris For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 Blk East of the River Bridge >pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF1 \957 CHEVROLET, black, auamatic, 4 door, new tires, V-8. 200. Call 385-4292. / 10-4-68TF1-2 )LET, blue, 4 dr., fer. Best offer. Call 385- 12-31-68 iTOMESS SERVICES ^ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired, stria]. commercial and dolestic. Rickert Electric. 480 inter St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. JAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65TF BUSINESS SERWCES R&D GAS & HEATING SERVICE soil W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois Furnaces & Boilers, _ installed • serviced - cleaned Wall heaters, water heaters, incinerators L.P. Gas Ron Weed 885-1940 John Knox 12-4-68TF1-2 NAN-ARE's ReSale, on consignment • Alterations • Sewing of all kinds. •e N. Riverside cHenry, I1L 385-7440 12-4-68TF-2 High Prices ; Paid For COPPER, BRASS, ALUMINUM, LEAD AL OTTO 2009 N. Riragwood Rd. McHenry, 111. 386-6286 All day Saturday 12-18/1-10-68 FOR SALE BOY'S 20" English light weight bike. Like new, $18. Three quarter mouton coat, $40. Excellent condition. Call 385-3560. 12-6-68TF1-2 FORMICA table and chairs. Sofa and upholstered chkir. Toys and 2 -sleds. All very rea&nable. 385-3389. 12-31-68 1957 INTERNATIONAL Pickup truck. $175 or best offer. 385-3995. 12-^1-68 64 SCOUT 4 wheel drive pos. traction. Plow, winch on front. Lock-out hubs. Dual gEfs tanks. 385-2583. 12-3168/1-3-69 OJ& FIREWOOD. ^ Regular $20 .ton,' ^ Split $24 a ton. delivered and stacked. 459-9158 12-31-68/1-10-69 UNIVERSAL 36 in. Gas Range. Good condition. $50. Call 385- 1579 after 3 p.m. 12-31/1-3-69 ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies. 7 weeks old. $30 to $40 each. 385-3235. 12-31-68 23 INCH Color TV Consolette. Excellent condition. $200. 385- 2296. 12-31-68/1-3-69 ENGLISH Yorkie Pups. Down payment will hold till Christmas. Living room couch, good condition, $80. Call 815-385- 3926. 12-6/1-19-68 SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St, McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 12-4-68TF1-2 BUD'S SNOW PLOWING. Car won't start? Call 385- 2224, Lakemoor. 12-6/1-17-68 DEER SKIN GIFTS at prices to fit your Budget. Slippers- Gloves - Jackets - Handbags - Coats - Caps - Billfolds • Moccasins on display at Triton Marine Service. 1208 North Riverside Drive McHenry. , 12-4-68TF1-2 FOR SAjUS^ttsed roof boards, 1x6, cleaned and in good condition. 385-5839. 11-20-68TF icture Original Oil Paintings Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 12b McHenry 385-7100 10-23-67TF1 REAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes, Seasonal Homes, Farms, Vacant, Home Sites, Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN In Johnsburg u 2301 Johnsburg Rd. || McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0037 1-20-67TF-1 HCARD OF THANKS OUR SINCERE appreciation to all those who consoled us during our recent bereavement OSCAR HOLLENBACH FAMILY THANKS TO ALL our loyal neighbors and friends for their kindness and generosity at Christmas time. Best wishes for a Happy New Year. y GEORGE & GERTIE BARBIAN FOR SALE FOE SALE EpHERTY Scmd & Gravel • Black Dirt & Fill • Driveways • Parking Lots • Sodding Phone 815-385-3704 124-68TF1 JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center • Wheel Alii;riiiifaiil • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Acce^o>Ufs\ • Gas for Less • Complete Tire I.iii«? Passenger & Truck ICII W. ELM STREET 7-20-67TF-J Business Services • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEAWALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES 1'lione 385-4029 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (Vx mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) DOHERTY SEPTIC TMMK CLEANING SERVICE 1611N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. 6MI (811) or (815) 385-2398 12-4-68TF1 Business Services McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 r"7T Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS . . ^ CDNN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ' ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS , Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum • *" Rental Instruments Available. ^ 12-4-68TF1-2 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUNT PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . . SIDINGINSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pfe@a© 385-01^0 / McHenry. ill. Business Opportunities Business Opportunities ++itir-jck1rtHHL i Can VOU Smile? ! FOR RENT HALL The Bakers, Lauderdale Colonial, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. if you can smile, you can succeed in TM)T EL MANAGEMENT Do at the Bakkeerrt t'y^nn d hundreds of Ambassador graduates find tearn motel operation our short, inexpensive course at home followed by two weeks on-the-job training in a motel operated by Ambassador. Men, women and couples needed now. Free nationwide placement assistance upon completion. For personal interview mail coupon today. yA AppRoyED McHENRY PLAINDEALER Send to: BOX 183 *1 name | t I ADDRESS CITY STATE I t PHONE Zlf | ALL UP TO CASEY'! 2801 S. River Road Orlswold Lain McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-2487 11-1-68TF1-2 AUCTION 3 BEDROOM house in McCullom Lake. $85 a month. Call 312-595-0088. 12-27-68TF FOB SALE VISED LUMBER 385-6839 WANTED PUPPIES AGAIN! Don't fret, call me and I'll . come and pick them up. Good homes guaran-r t e e d ; a l s o f o r y o u r l o n g ' Paired kittens: Call 385-7897 AUCTION FARM SERVICE WAY AUCTION LOCATION at N.E., edge Of Woodstock. 1 mile North of Marian Central High School (Rt 120) on Raffle Rd., or 1 mile East of Northwood School (Rt. *47) on Ware Road. Watch for Arrows. LUNCH ON GROUNDS REASON: Discontinuing Dairying. Sale To Start Al 12:30 pan. Saturday, January 4, 1969 DORR SHERMAN, Owner 1014 Baffle Road, Woodstock, I1L LIVESTOCK -- 32 HI-GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS -- 1 Holstein Bull (2 years old); 15 cowsgwill be springing or due in next 30 days; 4 cows, fresh in last 30 days; balance milking good ajul pregnancy checked. These are big cows with lots of type. Anyone needing replacements would do well to attend this sale. Your inspection invited. MILK EQUIPMENT -- Surge SP 22 Milker Pump; 1% in. Pipeline with 20 stall cocks; 200 gal. Cherry Burrell Bulk Tank; 3 Surge Units; Wash Tanks, Pails and Strainers; 30 gal. Hadley Brown Water Heater; Hedlund Barn Cleaner with Double Chute; Barn Fogger; Stewart Cow Clippers. FEED -- 2,000 bales of Mixed Hay (all conditioned and with* out rain); 600 bales of Straw; 30 ft of Silage in 14 ft Silo. OTHER EQUIPMENT -- Farmall Super M with 15.5x38 tires (real clean); Fordson Major (Diesel) with live power and power steering recently overhauled); Farmall F-20; I.H. 2MH corn picker with grease bunk; 2 No. 200 Knight Boxes with H.D. gears and 6 ply tires; N.H. No. 68 P.T.O. Baler; Kewanee 10 ft. Wheel Disc; N.I. 7 ft. Mower; 4-row Rotary Hoe; 2 gears with flat racks; Van Dale Silo Unloader (unloaded 3 silos); 80 ft. Maico Mow Conveyor; 5000 Watt Onan Generator with continental engine; Oliver 3-16 in. Plow (3 point hitch); Ferguson 8 ft. Disc (3 point hitch); 20 ft. x 4 in. Grain Auger with motor; A.C. Blower with 50 ft pipe; Case Chopper; Fertilizer Spreader; Cement Mineral Feeder; 16 ft Feeder with gear; N.H. Side Rake. . LIBERAL TERMS. ^ T ^ " • Auctioneers: GORDON STADE, Grayslake, 111. W. H. RUSSEL, Woodstock, HI. Cashier: W. E. VAN EGMOND, Clinton, Wis. Clerk: BONNIE LIPINSKY, Union, Illinois Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. 12-31-68 F&rm Service Way Insured AUCTIOM V LOCATION: 5% miles N.E. of Woodstock (2 miles North on Rt. 47 to Charles Rd. Then East 2 miles to Queen Anne Rd. then North) or 8 miles S.E. of Hebron (4 miles S on Rt. 47 to Allendale Rd., then East 2 miles to Queen Anne Rd.t then South) WATCH FOR ARROWS. & REASON: Discontinuing Farming. LUNCH ON GROUNDS HOWARD BALL, Owner 8519 NQHTH QUEEN ANNE ISO., WOODSTOCK, ILL. PHONE 648-2752 Monday, January 6, 1969 SALE TO START AT 10:80 AJVI. LIVESTOCK 53 Hi-Grade Holstein Cows -- 6 Registered Holstein Cows; 2 Hereford Cows (bred to purebred Angus bull); 5 Yearling Heifers, of which 3 are Registered; 44 Cows presently producing 2400 lbs of milk per day, with a 3.8 percent test. 20 Cows have freshened in the last 30 days to 45 days. 15 Cows will be springing or fresh by day of sale; iloward is one of the top dairymen in the county, selling over .£40,000 worth of milk from this herd last year. Tube tested for interstate shipment, Inspection invited. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- Mueller 400 gal. Bulk tank with automatic washer (1 yr. old); Surge Milk Conveyor with 100 ft. plastic pipe, heating unit, dryer; Surge 50 Plus rotary pump & motor; 1M inch pipeline for 53 cows; 31 new style drinking cups; 4 Surge Milkers with 50 lb. pails; Surge Water softener; Wash tanks and strainers. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT --/-Farmall 706 with wide front and 3 point hitch (1500 hrs); Fkrmall 706 with front and rear weights, 3 point hitch (600 hrs);, Farmall 560 with new rubber (2400 hrs); Duals to fit 706 or 560; Extra wheel weights; 1964 Chev. 3-4 ton pickup with 4 speed (20,000 actual miles); I. H. 550 5 bottom 14 inch plow with cover boards; I. H. 63 4 row rear mount cultivator; N. I. 40 ft. elevator with 2 h.p. motor; I. H. 37 baler,with No. 10 P.T.O. thrower; I. H. 14 ft. wheel disc with 18 inch blades and sealed bearings; N. I. 752 hay conditioner; J.D. 10 ft. grain drill with grass seed and hyd. lift (used 60 acres); Farmrite 8 row sprayer with fiberglas tank and drop nozzles; I. H. 110 Front mount mower; I.H. 300 back blade; N.I. 20i manure spreader; Little Giant 80 ft. mow conveyor with drive unit; A.C. 50 ft. bale conveyor with drive unit; I.H. 450 corn planter with disc openers; I.H. 2 M.H. corn picker with grease bank; N.I. belt drive side rake; I.H. 10 ft. field cultivator; 18 ft. hay feeder with 8 ton gear and 6 ply tires; 2 J.D. 953 gears with 6 ply tires and pecker unloading boxes; 2 I.H. gears with flat racks; 300^gal. fuel tank; 2-4 section steel drags; N.I. 504 loader with 2 way manure and snow buckets; Starline Silo Unloader for 14 ft silo with 2 tripods; Gehl 72 green chopper; I.H. 64 combine;'Surge 15,000 watt P.T.O. Alternator (like new); Forney Welder; 16 ft. hay feeder, 2 section drag, milk cans, walking plow, barn fogger, cow clippers, old trunk, lanterns, silage cart, power grease gun, air compressor, grinder with motor, 3-100 ft. electric cords, hay hoist with 2 h.p. motor, tractor chains, fencers, hay bunk, stock tanks, many articles too numerous to mention. FEED: 5000 bales hay (all crimped and without rain); 2000 bales strawy 800 bu:. oats; 500 bu. ear corn; 10 ft. of silage in 14 ft. silo. NOTE: Almost all of this equipment has been purchased new within the last 3 years. If you are looking for some real clean tools or some top producing cows, don't miss this sale. LIBERAL TERMS: Autloneers: GORDON STADE, Grayslake, 111. W. H. RUSSEL, Woodstock, m. WILLIAM STADE, Mundelein, 111. > -y Cashier: WALLY VAN EGMOND, Clinton, Wis. . Clerk: RONNIE LIPINSKY. Unl<>n, 111, Farm Auction Service, Inc., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin WANTED - WANT mixed puppies' that are to be given away. 6-8 weeks old. Llttters preferred for Pet Shop. Will pay $1.50 to $2.00 if they are delivered to Pet Shop in Chicago." Call 312- 463-9856 or 312-472-2956. BABY SITTER wanted in my home. Will provide transportation within 5 miles. Vicinity of Sunnyside, Johnsburg. One kindergarten child and one baby. Inquire after 4 p.m. weekdays 385-2420. 12-31-68/1-3-69 Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED, aggressive new home and real estate salesman to head division in expanding company. Compensation commensurate with ability, unlimited earning potential. Call Arnold N. May Builders. 815-678-2861. SHIPPING EXPEDITING Man, full time. Organizing shipments and incoming material. No heavy physical activity. Knowledge of McHenry County and Northwestern suburbs helpful. Salary and excellent Company benefits. Rosenthal Lumber Co. 459-2700. Fred Diesel. 12-31-68 INSTALLERS and TECHNICIANS Communication and Sound Systems Communications or Telephone Company experience required. Top Uniqn Scale and Overtime. Free Insurance. SCAN-AM COMPANY 4108 W. Crystal Lake Road McHenry, Illinois 385-3499 Male Help Wanted ROUTE DRIVING. Full time year round work. 5 day weeki Paid vacation and holidays. Pension plan. Hospital Insure ance. No experience necessary. 312-526-6661 12-31/1-3-69 ROUTE SALESMAN Jewel Company, Inc., is, looking for a man with the |ol-; lowing experience: , BREAD SALESMAN MILKMAN DRY CLEANING ROUTE MAN OR ANY OTHER SALES OR SERVICE WORK Men who are looking for, the <• following: * • Guaranteed salary plus commission. • 5 day work week • Hospital, life insurance all fringe benefits • Company vehicle, credit and merchandise furnished • Interesting secure future in your own retail route operation. For a confidential interview and an opportunity to see our business in operation, please call: MR. ARIOLA -- 313-548-5210 12-31-68 FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 HELP WMTED FULL OR PART TIME. Xtojection molding. Will train. 4140 W. Idyl Dell Rd. 385-1113 12-27-30/1*3 HELPWAMTE5 HELP WANTED HEVI-DUTY ELECTRIC needs a f • Testing Technician u High school education plus electronic training and experience. Top wages plus benefits. APPLY IN PERSON 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. HEVI-DUTY ELEC' 1009 Wells Si. Lake Geneva* Wis. Call 414-248-8881 12-20/12-: Pets That Need A Home S OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plalndealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" ar? Free. The only requirements are: The animals an to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner ;f a pet that has strayed Into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY BROWN mixed breed male dog. 9 mqs. old. Very good with children. Good watch dog. 385-7380. i 12-31-68 FOUND POUND YOUNG FEMALE CAT, white and tan w^th: striped tail. Found in vicinity of Whispering Hills. 497-3430. \ /

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