PG. 12 - PLAINDEALER- WED. JAN. 22, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAXNDEALSl A FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Mils Help Wanted COPY DEADLINE Office Hours Dally 8:S0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- . Wednesday Paper Tuosday 9:30 i.nt. Friday Paper Thursday 0:30 a.m. No Refunds on Prepaid ad* SiluaLions Wanted, Wanted to Rent must: be paid, in advnncc. Tim Pliiliidealer In not responsible for orrors In classified nds after the first Insertion. Check your ad the first week and call our attention to any mistakes. AUTOS 1957 CHEVROLET, black, automutic, 4 door, new tires, V-8. 1200. Call 385-4292. x 10-4-68TF 1-2 Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY ROUTE 120 1 Blk East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-67TF 1 1967 OLDS Toronado, excellent condition. . Low mileage, full power, air conditioned, new tires, vinyl top, stereo tape, $3,300. Call 385-3449 after 4 p.m. 1-3-69TF1-2 1961 OLDSMOBILE station wagon, automatic, $175. Runs good. Call 385-4347. 1-17/1-24-69 SAVE $450 on 1969 Volks wagen FaStback $1600. Call 338-2665. 1-22/1-24-69 1966 DuCati 350 c.c., low mileage, $300. Call 385-6345 after 5 p.m. 1-22-69TF1-2 1965 CHEVROLET Chevelle, 327 cubic inch, 4 speed, cam and solids, $800. Call 385-6345 after 5 p.m. 1-22-69TF1-2 CADILLAC, 1965 Sedan De- Ville. Air conditioned, vinyl top, leather upholstery, all power. 6 way seats and door lock. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 338-2637 after 7 p.m. 1-22/1-24-69 1955 AND 1956 Oldsmobiles. Good bodys but poor engines. $10 each. Call 385-0459 after 5 p.m. 1-22-69 ^ BPimisssiimcis DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • Black Dirt & Fill • Driveways • Parking Lots • Sodding Phone 815-385-3704 ^ 1-8-68TF1 NAN-ARE's • ReSale, on consignment • Alterations • Sewing of all kinds. 1326 N. Riverside McHenry, 111. 385-7440 J-8-69TF1 Business Services This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELPWANTED Alls that Indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the A^E DISCRIMINATION IN EMPL0BffiNT ACT. More Information may be obtained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL. Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chi* cago, 111. 60604. | FOR SALE: used roof boards, 1x6, cleaned, and in good condition. 385^5839* 11-20-68TF BUSINESS SERVICES RUG . AND UPHOLSTERY Cleaners. Duraclean, world's safest process. Call 338-5109 or 338-1071 Woodstock. 1-10-69TF 1-2 fkV.OTTESEN Heating & Appliance Service FURNACES gas and oil HOT WATER HEATERS DISHWASHERS For Service Call 385-7544 day or night 1-10/1-31-69 CALL YOUR Fuller Brush dealer about our new specials. Call 385-0878. 1-10-68TF 1-2 SNOW PLOWING DONE. Call 653-6083. 1-15/2-5-69 DOHERTY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SERVICE 1611 N. Beach Rd. McHenry, 111. CALL (815) 385-3704 or (815)385-2396 1-8-68TF1 DOES AN AVON Representative call on you? We may need someone in your neighborhood. Write: Avon, Box 307, Lake Geneva, Wis. 1-22-69 SEWING MACHINE tune up. clean, adjust^, lubricate in your home. **§T50 plus parts. Call 385-1561 for appointment. 1-22-69TF 1-2 • 1IELIARC • nOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BO AT HOISTS • SEA WALI.S • PIERS New und Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES riione 385-40ZO or 385-0020 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (]/a mile east of bridge ucross from Dog & Suds» SPEEDOMETER, Mechanical Tachometer - Repairing and recalibrating. A-OK Speedometer Shop, 3421 W. Pearl St., McHenry, Illinois. Call 385- 7282. 1-3-69TF2 Business Opportunities ESTABLISHED WASH ROOM sanitation route. 5 days a week. Net $200 a week. Call 653- 9675 after 6 p.m. 1-22/1-31-69 "FOff*SAXji SOME COIN COLLECTIONS for sale: plus other coins. NO DEALERS. Write to P.O. Box 162, McHenry, 111. 1-10-68TF1-2 DINETTE SET, bedroom sets, dressers, sewing machine cabinet, gas space heater, ladies winter clothing, 1968 automatice washer and dryer, etc! 3903 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, 111. | . ' 1-22/1-24-69 J BRACE yourself for a thrill ! the first time you use Blue I Lustre to clean rugs. Rent ! electric shampooer SI. Ben I Franklin. 1-22-69 Business Services McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 Wost. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC und BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available. FOR SALE TWIN BEDS, complete, chifforobe and dresser, double bed, complete, $50. Call 385- 190S. 1-22-69 FOR SALE • Lyons & Healy Alto Saxaphone (withcase) in A-l condition. (Kind used in school) Original cost 5300 - will sacrifice for $150. • Women's Clothes - sizes 14 & 16 - some brand new. • Boy's Suits - sizes 14 -16 - -18, all cleaned and in good condition: reasonable. • Woman's Silver Fox % length coat - cleaned and glazed - size 12 - $50. • State House 4 place service of Sterling Silverware. Extra butter knife, sugar spoon and salad forks included - in case - beautiful and used just a few times. *" OriginaJ cost $175 - Sell for $75.. - • 4 Spinner hubcaps for a Mustang car - $20. • Men's hockey skates, size 8; girl's .white figure skates, size 2; boy scout uniform, complete with cap, belt, socks, brand new, size 12, SI 2. CALL 386-0116 ' & 1-17/1-22-69 EARLY American maple furniture. Living room,, bedroom and dining room. Builders samples. Up. to 50% off. Terms. Mundelein, 312-566-6550. 8 1-8/1-31-69 FURNITURE of 9 model homes. Must sacrifice. Will separate. Terms. Mundelein. Call 312-566-6550. 1-3/1-31-69 Picture Frames Original Oil Paintings Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt 12b McHenry 385-7100 10-23-67TF 1 fojTsale S PIECE walnut. dining room set, $700 original 2 months' old, $350. Living room sofa, 2 chairs, 3 tables, 2 lamps-, $175. Terms. Mundelein, 312- 566-6550. 1-8/1-31-69 FOR SALE SINGER SEWING MACHINE equipped to zig zag and buttonhole. Small payments of $4.70 or $50 full price. Can be seen in this area. For more details, write: CREDIT MGR. Box 272, Oregon, 111. 61061 % 1-22-69 WHY WAIT for carpets to dry. Shampoo and use them instantly with Racine. Rent Machine. Lakeland Paint. 4G18 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. 1-22-69 3 MATCHING*) sol id walnut living room tables, 2 months old, sacrifice $25 each; 30" G.E. electric range, $50; 14 cubic foot G.E. double door refrigerator, $85; d;nette set, $25; modern, black nylon swivel rocker, °20: fruitwood buffet. $60; 23" Motorola TV, runs, $10. Call 3S5-0233' 1-22-69 PONY and Saddle, $30. Gentle with children, Chair, $4. TV. free. Call ^85-5878 after 3:30 p.m. 1-22/1-24-69 FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 " REAL ESTATE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. Can be purchased on contract. $2000. Private subdivision, natural gas heat, 2 lots, 2 car garage. Call 385-2578. 1-22/1-24-69 FOR SALE Our once a year stofre wide CLEARANCE SALE Big savings on all our regular merchandise starting January 18tn. I Store hours during sale. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday & Sunday 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. MERRILL WOOLEN MILLS BRANCH STORE > Rt. 12 & 120 Volo, 111. CALL 815-385-4320 1-22/1-24-69 1-3-G9TF2, NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things . . SIDING- . INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER Phone 385-0170 McHenry. iil. 3 BEDROOM RANCH on wooded lot. . Lake and river rights. Washer, dryer, many extras. $16,500. By appointment. Call 385-6092. 1-3-69/1-29-69 T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS WONDER LAKE Thinking of a new home? See this like new home first. 3 bedroom, lVs baths, full basement, attached 2 car garage „and on a 95x135 level .well shaded homesite, in an excellent area. Immediate occupancy^ $21,900. A home that's ready for a happy family. 3 bedrooms, dining room, full basement, 2 car garage. All on a large level wooded homesite. 1968 saw a new gas furnace, new well, new hot water heater, and the bath remodeled. Illness forces this sale. $15,500. FOX LAKE AREA Almost new 3 bedroom Ranch Style Home with full basement and attached garage on 80x185 lot. Carpeted living room, cabineted kitchen with built-in oven/range. This won't last. $18,500. WOODSTOCK 6 room home, garage, machine shed on almost TWO ACRES. Needs decorating. No restrictions on horses. Valuable piece just outside city limits. COME-SEE $17,500 SEE OUR ADS DAILY & SUNDAY IN THE TRIBUNE T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 . Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone: 385-6341 1-22-69 IN McHENRY. 11 year old 2 bedroom ranch on 1% acres with spring fed pond. Cabinet icitchen, finished basement, 2 j car garage, heated dog kennels, patio with gas barbeque, many extras. Immacuate. Low taxes. Owner. Call 815-385-0163 or 815-338-1303. 1-22/1-24-69 SMALL 3 bedroom home, 1% car garage, $9,500. Call 385- 3204. 1-15/1-24-69 Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED electrical distributor salesman to cover contractor and industrial customers in the area of Crystal Lake. Excellent incentive program and fringe benefits. Car urnished if desired. Call 459- i)500. Northern Illinois Electric Supply, 7120 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake, 111. 1-22/1-24-69 WANTED YOUNG MAN TIME AND MOTION STUDY TRAINEE Degree not required, some experience desired. Salary commensurate with ability. TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. Sheridan Lakemoor McHenry/ Illinois FARMHAND for full time employment in Northern Illinois. Top wages, newly built home, utilities, plus other benefits. Excellent schools - bus pickup. Person we are looking for must be married, preferably with children, presently working on farm and have experience with hogs and dairy herd. For more information, write TOOL ROOM MACHINIST with lathe and bridgeport mill experience. CALL 385-4800 1-22/1-31-69 BOX 186 c/o McHenry Plaindealer giving references, experience, age and family status. 1-15/1-22-69 PROGRESS IS... Thinking of the future MECH. DRAFTSMEN to $900 month ELECT. DRAFTSMEN to $900 month SERVICE TECH. to $600 month TECHNICIAN - tk $600 month Q. C. INSPECT. to $600 month MGT. TRAINEE to $500 month WIDE Phone: 815-3S8S200 235 Benton St, Woodstock, 111. Personnel, Inc. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9:00-5:00 Wed. & Thurs. 9:00-7:00 Sat 9:00-Noon 24 hour phone service if yon can't call mail this coupon. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER AGE CURRENT POSITION CURRENT SALARY POSITION DESIRED SHOP IN MCHENRY No. P AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Located 3V2 miles North of Grayslake, Illinois, 1V4 miles East of Rte. 83, 1V2 miles West of Rte. 45, on Rollins Road, on Saturday. January 25th Commencing at 10:30 o'clock 33 HEAD BLACK ANGUS STEERS -- 600 to 650 lbs. PRODUCE -- 1500 bales 1st crop hay, 600 bu. ear corn, 200 bu. barley; TRUCK -- 1966 GMC Vz ton Fleetside pick-up truck; RIDING HORSE -- Palomino gelding riding horse, padded saddle and bridle, Western saddle and bridle; 1 TRACTORS, SELF PROPELLED COMBINE AND FARM .MACHINERY -- Case 830 diesel tractor with 18.4x34 tires, MH 50 tractor with Davis loader and bucket, AC WD 45 tractor with wfde front end and new D17 motor, Int. Cub tractor with blade and cult., Case 800 - 13 ft. self propelled combine with straw chopper and finger reel, Case 5/14 mounted plow, MH #3 baler, MF 4 row rear mount cult., Gehl chopper with motor, corn and hay head, JD #15 green feed chopper, NI #400 rake on rubber, ,NI 7 ft. mower, Cunningham hay conditioner, JD 11 ft. quack digger on rubber, Mc 10 ft. wheel disc, Case 10 ft. grain drill on rubber, NI 40 ft. elevator, Bear Cat hammermill with drag line, Burch 3 pt. hitch 4 row roatary hoe, AC 3/14 mounted plow, MH 2/14 mounted plow, 4 sec. drag, Killbros gravity box with Int. gear, Little Giant gravity box with Int. gear, self unloading chopper box and RT gear, 2 flare boxes and running gears, dual wheel flare box trailer, 2 wheel trailer, Farmhand auger wagon, NI 75 bu. spreader, NI 125 bu. spreader, wood wheel wagon, 16 ft. aluminum elevator, Mc PTO blower and pipe, feed bunks, hay bunks and a large assortment of other farm items too numerous to mention. Warren D. Reese & Lee Wilson OWNERS Herman Behm and Henry Kuiper, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union, Wis., Phone 878-2421 1-22-69 FOR RENT I I I I I CREDIT-SALES MANAGER WANTED Prefer man with finance company or credit background. • Excellent starting salary • Vacation • Hospitalization plan • Merchandise discount • Work close to home • Good future with fast growing organization Call ART PECK 459-5070 (or appointment SKORBERG'S CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 1-22/1-24-69 STUDENTS * MALE High school or college students to work in patien^ transport. Part time hours available between 7 a,m. and 4 p.m. Must be 16 yearsv^f age. Apply Personnel Dept. McHenry Hospital 8516 W. WAUKEGAN McHENRY, ILL. 385-2200 ext. 645 1-22/1-24-69 WE NEED 10 MORE GOOD MEN 5 CARPENTERS 2 MASONS 8 LABORERS fear around work, paid vacations, profit-sharing plan, overtime. Only experienced construction men need apply. ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS, INC. 9716 N. Route 12 Richmond, 111. 815-678-2861 1-3-69TF 1-2 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Must be experienced. Full time only. Call 385-3620. 1-10-68TF1-2 FOR SALE USED LUMBER 885-5889 FOR RENT DELUXE OFFICE SPACE 744 sq. ft. New, modern, air conditioned. Kent Building, 3322 W. Elm St., McHenry Also perfect for physician or dental office. Storage space, parking adjacent to building. ' Call 385-3800 or 385-0269 after 6 p.m. 1-15-69TF1-2 IT PAYS TO USE CLASSIFIEDS BARBER SHOP adjoining tavern in Johnsburg. Must have own equipment. Will remodel to suit. All utilities included. $100 a month. Call 312-587- 7256. l-22-69Tf 1-2 APARTMENT in town. 4 rooms, heated, carpeted, $90 per month. No pets. References. Call 385-0264 after 4 P-m. 1-22/1-24-69 7 ROOM HOUSE, furnished, for 6 months. $140 a month. Call Wonder Lake 653-9565 1-22/1-24-69 Male Help Wanted THIRTY DOLLARS A DAY -- Knapp Salesmen earn this much and more because commissions are higher than ever. Everyone knows, everyone wants Knapp Shoes. Send for "Free" selling kit. Write or call: John Stahl, 2505 School Drive, Rolling Meadows, 111. Tel. f312 ) 253-7570 1-22/1-24-69 PIZZA and all around cook. Experienced or will train. Evening hours. Apply in person, Angelo's Sunset Inn, on old Rt. 12, Wauconda, 111. 1-22/1-24-69 2 WAREHOUSE MEN. Experience not necessary. Crystal Lake 459-6500. Northern Illinois Electric Supply, 7120 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake. 1-22/1-24-69 !>