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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1969, p. 14

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NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE DAIRYING •he _ PIERCE WAY Would you believe! 124 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS IN COMPLETE CONFINEMENT. Stop and see for yourself at the OPEN HOUSE WHITE DEER FARMS 2Vi hiL S.W. of SPRING GROVE, located on Miller Road. Date: Saturday, JANUARY 25, 1969 Sunday, JANUARY 26, 1969 Time - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m! RICHMOND. ILLINOIS 815-678-2861 Tax Tips 1 Farewell Address To Chamber The key factor in,determining whether you have to file a Federal income tax return is the. amount of your income, E. C. CoyljB, Jr., Chicago*? District Director of Internal Revenue Service, said this week. Anyone under 65 years of age who has gross income of $600 or more for the year is required to file a return. This requirement applies to minors, students, single and married alike. If you are 65 or older on the last day of your tax year, no return is required unless your gross income was $1,200 or more. Even if your income is under these limits you . should file a return to obtain a refund of any income tax withheld from your salaries or wages. Businessmen, farmers, and other.. self-employed persons must file a return if their net earnings from self-employ-, ment were $400 or more. Publication 528, "Information on Filing Your Tax Return", furnishes more detailed information. Drop a post card to District Director, Tax Forms, P. O. Box 1193, Chicago, Illinois, 60690. EARTHQUAKE REPORT A report on the causes of and damage done by the southern Illinois earthquake that shook the entire central and southeastern United States on Nov. 9, 1968, has been released by the Illinois State Geological Survey. The report is available free of charge from the Illinois State Geological Survey, Natural Resources Building, Urbana, 111. 61801. Pet* That Need A Home % OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: Hie animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner -A a pet that has strayed fcxto your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY THREE T week old mixed puppies. Collie and Labrador. 1 like Collie and 2 like Labrador. Call 385-4512. 1-22-69 4 MONTH old male dog, mixed breed. Housebroken. Good watch dog and loves children. Call 385-3641. 1-22-69 SITUATION WANTED The McHenry Plalndealer will not be able to accept ads from people who want to do baby sitting in their home unless the individual person has obtained a license from the State Department of Children and Family Services. . This means that anyone providing day care for youngsters in their home for more than 10 hours a week must have a license. If, however, the individual wishes to go to the youngster's home to baby sit, no license is required. This license is at No Charge to the individual, and information regarding It can be obtained through the McHenry Plalndealer Office. PERSONALS WE 'HAVE BUYERS for homes between $15,000 and $25,000. List with us now - Sell it fast. Essex-Costello 385-7050. 1-17/1-22-69 PETS FOR SALE SHETLAND Sheep Dog (toy Collie). AKC, 9 months, tricolor, male, Bouncy, outgoing temperment. Lovely pet, $50. Call 385-6259. 1-22/1-24-69 BOATS & MOTORS WILL DO, from my home Ad copy rewriting and revision work. IBM coding, etc. Call 385-5771. 9-27-68TF1-2 MATURE LADY • W!ii .give boarding care for toddlers ;r baby for vacationing: parents. Call 653-3141. .1 22-69 18 H.P. Johnson outboard motor. Very good condition, $100. Call 653-7267. 1-17/1-22-69 SUNDAY *S A SE RMON CARD OF THANKS MY SINCEREST "Thanks" to all my relatives and friends for your thoughtfulness during my recent illness. JOHN J. JUSTEN 1-22-69 OUR RECENT bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy wilf always be remembered. THE FAMILY OF PAUL GRAEDLER 1-22-69 YOUR WORLD The world may not be yours to command, but as far as your eye can see and as far as your voice will carry you can exert influence that one w a y o r a n o t h e r a f f e c t s t h a t part of the world in which you live. You can bring about change. .All it takes is attention to the here and now. You make a better world when you help w i t h a c o m m u n i t y p r o j e c t , when you come to the aid of someone in need, when you make a positive approach to any wrong or sad situation. You can offer an example in living that may help someone who has doubts, or who would lean in the wrong direction. Yqu may be able to lift a heavy heart with nothing more than a smile. Don't stand otr the side of the road and watch your world with a sense of apathy. Move out into the mainstream, accept and reject, help and guide, and be a leader if you can. You and your world will be much the better for it all. T)lte M 'OX tl£ I -- Clinic ' Father Jerome asks for a psychoanalysis of religion in America. Discuss this case in Sunday School. For "Free Enterprise" and "Religion" are Siamese Twins, so the death of one will soon kill the other! We need more evangelistic preacher s\ like St. Paul, to prevent the erosion of the soul that threatens our youth. By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M. D. CASE H-594: Father Jerome is a Roman Catholic priest. "Dr. Crane," he began, "I have quoted you often in my sermons, . since you uphold morality. " For I find that parishioners appreciate all the aid that you newspaper columnists offer in the way of instilling religious idealism into our youth. " And that is doubly necessary in this time of religious decay. "For example, our Catholic church lost 711 priests and brothers during the years 1966 and 1967. "They just withdrew from their religious duties and disappeared into modern society. "Furthermore, we are having increasing difficulty recruiting new men and women for our various church orders. "How do you diagnose the present decline in religion?" . EROSION OF SOUL Ever since 1933 there has* been a steady- erosion of the soul and a decay in the pristine v irtues that we used to enshrine before our oncoming youth. , But in 1933, young people .were urged by governmental agents to stall on the job and string out their tasks. Hostility was deliberately cultivated between employers and workers. "Everybody is entitled to happiness," was the motto, though this violated the express statement in our Declaration of Independence which said we are entitled only to the " Pursuit of Happiness," not to happiness itself. Part of this concerted attack on our earlier .moral virtues came from Communists in America, who scoff at religion.' A hedonistic philosophy has arisen of the "Eat, drink and be merry," variety. Surveys thus show that there has been a serious decline in the belief in a Hereafter, which means atheism is increasing. Uncle Sam has replaced God with millions of Americans as the source of their food and shelter. Medicare has even made them think that Uncle Sam can prevent their death! Welfare and United Funds have taken over the former functions of the "Home Missionary" societies of the various churches. AERIAL WATCHDOGS . . . Propeller-driven "Warning Star" center, may be replaced by high speed jets with "Rotodome radars mounted on tail or fuselage in U.S. Air Force Aerospace Defense Command's Airborne Warning and Control Systems program. ADC will employ new jet as early warning command and control center which can detect and track enemy aircraft and direct defensive weapons against them. Fire Fact The front of a severe forest fire can release energy e s t i mated as- equivalent to a 20- kiloton atomic bomb exploding every two minutes. * , * * The Elder Group It is estimated there will be 75 million Americans who are or older bv 1970. iiiHSi r Tvy*\. . t".. •' i'lLs Bill Nye, director and retiring president of the McHenry Chamber of Commerce, addresses the general membership meeting held .last week at the V.F.W. clubhouse* Mr. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Nye's position as head of the growing organization will be taken in 1969 by Larry Lund, who was elected at a directors' meeting which followed. HI The desertion of the Catholic church by 711 priests and brothers is not due alone to the fact they are denied the right to marry, though that has often been cited in explanation. For Protestant churches have likewise shown a similar' decline. Bishop Raines, of the Methodist- church, said it requires 1,200 seminary graduates each year just to replace its retired or dying clergymen, yet only 1,000 graduate annually. Bishop,Raines estimated that his denomination actually needs 3,000 new clergymen annually to occupy the empty churches, build the proposed new churches and fill the demands for chaplains, Wesley Foundation directors at colleges, yet he is 2,000 short each year! Socialism and Communism are noted for their erosion 9f religion, so the more they contaminate America, the less religious we shall be. In this regard, Billy Graham estimated the church attendance in Socialistic England at not 5% and in Communistic Russia it is almost nil! "Free enterprise" and "Religion" are thus Siamese Twins. Death of either one will soon kill the other! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISIONESTATE OF THOMAS L. FRISBY, Deceased, FILE NO. 68 - P - 300. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on January 13, 1969, to Robert Leonard Whiteley, 847 North Marion Street, Oak Park, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Cummings & Wyman, 33 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois, and Looze & Kinne, McHenry, Illinois and that the first Monday in the month of March, 1969, is the claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should, be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered tp said legal representative andto said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court Publish: Jan. 17, 24, 31, 1969 11 a NOTICE OF CAUCUS Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Auditors, Nunda Township, McHenry County, Illinois, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 4th, 1969, at 8:00 P.M. a caucus will be held by the voters of the Democrat Party of the Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, at the American Legion Hall, 406 Woodstock Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois, being within the said Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of nominating a Democrat candidate for each of the following offices: Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor, Town Clerk, Assessor, andthreeAuditors. No person will be eligible to vote at said township caucus unless he is a registered voter in the township and in the Democrat Party. BOARD OF AUDITORS * Nunda Township McHenry County, Illinois By/s/Harold Freese, Chair man /s/Ross LaMotta, Clerk (Pub Jan. 22, 1969) ""<••• lECMNOnC CAUCUS NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on February 4th 1969, at McHenry High School East Campus Auditorium A CAUCUS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY in the town of -McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois will be held for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices: ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK TOWNSHIP BOARD OF AUDITORS ****THREE TO BE ELECTED ASSESSOR This caucus will be opened at 7 o'clock p.m. .Dated: January 20th 1969. The Township Board Of Auditors of the Town of McHenry H. Walter Anderson, Town Clerk ( I K NOTICE OF CAUCUS Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Auditors, Nunda Township, McHenry County, Illinois, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 4th, 1969, at 8:00 P.M. a caucus will be held by the voters of the Republican Party of the Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, at the North School,-Mujti-Use Room, 500 Woodstock Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois, being within the said Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of nominating a Republican candidate for each of the following offices: Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor, Town Clerk, Assessor, and three Auditors. No person will be eligible to vote at said township caucus unless he is a registered voter in the township and in the Republican Party. BOARD OF AUDITORS Nunda Township McHenry County, Illinois By/s/Harold Freese, Chair man /s/ Ross LaMotta, Clerk (Pub Jan. 22, 1969) UGALNOnCE NOTICE OF CAUCUS Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Auditors, Nunda Township, McHenry County, Illinois, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 4th, 1969, at 8:00 p.m. a caucus will be held by the voters of the Democrat Party of the Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, at the American Legion Hall, 406 Woodstock Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois, being within the said Township of Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of nominating a Democrat candidate for each of the following offices: Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor, Town Clerk, Assessor, and three Auditors. No person will be eligible to vote at said township caucus unless he is a registered voter in the township and in the Democrat Party. BOARD OF AUDITORS Nunda Township McHenry County, Illinois By/s/Harold Freese,Chair man /s/Ross LaMotta, Clerk (Pub Jan. 22, 1969) • tiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiummimMj TifliA (A ptctft/ie. ijoti/t/ StafoFowu letwukf lmn. 4-L (For a good deal on auto, fire and life insurance.) JOE PODPORA 1212 Green St . 385-4080N STAT! FAKM INSUIAMC I STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home Offices: Bloomingtop, Illinois PG. 14 - PLA1 NDEALER - WED. JAN. 22, 1969 and two great-grandchildren. Services were conducted Monday at 2 o'clock from the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home, with Rev. Clarence E. Mason- of Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant church officiating. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. JOSEPHINE D. WAGNER A funeral Mass was offered Saturday morning in St. Mary's church, Woodstock, for Mrs. Josephine D. Wagner, 67, of603 Amsterdam street, Woodstock, who died Jan. 15 in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Rev. Robert E. Schneider officiated with burial in St. Peter's cemetery Volo. Mrs. Wagner was born Feb. 6, 1901, in Calumet, Mich., daughter of Michael and Margaret Krapf. She was married in 1920 in Volo to John J. Wagner, who died in 1953. Mrs. Wagner continued to reside there for several years, twenty-five of which she was organist of St. Peter's Catholic church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. George (Dolores) Burke and Mrs. Roy (Betty) Stackhouse, both of Woodstock; and eleven grandchildren. PAUL, GRAEDLER Paul "Graedler of 3616 W. Maple avenue,, McHenry, died Jan. 17 in McHenry hospital after an illness of eight months. Mr. Graedler, 67, was born Nov. 23, 1901, in Breslau, Germany. He had resided in this community for twelve years, coming here directly from Germany. He was employed in maintenance for Science Research Associates and retired when the company moved to Chicago. Survivors are his wife, Anges (Trupke); three daughters, Mrs. Ludwig (Margaret) Haider of Austria, Mrs. Verner (Ingaborg) Treptau and Mrs. Bill (Gerda) Dominick of McHenry; one son, Gerhard, of Wonder Lake; fourteen grandchildren lEGMNOIICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF NELLIE DIMELA Deceased, FILE NO. es-P-^g Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on January 13, 1969,to George Scarbrough, 1633 North Park St., McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of rec6rd is James M. Mclntee, 3436 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois, and that the first Monday in the month of March, 1969, is the claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should be died in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, ' Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub Jan 22,29, Feb 5, 1969) RONALD E. FOUT A funeral Mass was offered Friday morning in St. Peter's Catholic church, Spring Grove, for Ronald E. Fout, 29, of Lake Villa, who died Jan. 15 in St. Mary's Burn center, Milwaukee, where he had been transferred from Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, after suffering burns over 80 per cent of his body. He was injured in an explosion early last week at the Johns-Manvilie Co., Waukegan. Burial was in Ringwood cemetery. The body rested at the Ehorn funeral home, Richmond. Mr. Fout was born July 19, 1939, in Spring Grove but had resided in Lake Villa for the past four years. Survivors are his wife, the former Alice Rinda; two daughters, Tammy and Bonnie; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout; and two brothers, Donald and Glenn. FIX IT... THRU THE WANT ADS _ PHONE 385-0170

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