n RULES: 1. Contest la open to ail children In this Area, any age up to IS years of age. > ' . 2. You may use paint, pencil or crayon. 3. Entiles must be deposited bY AN ADULT at the respective store listed on the entry. 4. Entries will be Judged by local artists and will be rated by artistte qualities In relation to age. 5. Entries must be deposited no later than April 5th. G. Extra entries for other members of the family may be obtained at the participating stores or at The McHenry Plalndealer-office. 7. Judges decision Is final. DEPOSIT AT: PANTRY DELICACIES We will cater any large or small, public gathering 1328 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry NAME AGE ADDRESS % DEPOSIT AT: TOY & JUVENILE SHOP 3706 W. Elm Street McHenry NAME AGE .... ADDRESS No Purchase Necessary WINNER IN EVERY STORE Smith's Food Mart Two Big Winners 2 - 5 LB. CANNED HAMS 1 for Boys, 1 for Girls McHenry Bakery Two Big Winners 2 EASTER LAMB CAKES 1 for Boys, 1 for Girls Toy & Juvenile Shop $10 GIFT CERTIFICATE Pantry Delicacies TRANSISTER PORTABLE RADIO Nye Drug 3 FT. PLUSH EASTER BUNNY $9.98 VALUE COLOR AND ENTER EACH AND EVERY ONE START TODAY & & & % DEPOSIT AT: SMITH'S FOOD MART Quality Meats ft Groceries 3103 W. Lincoln, McHenry NAME AGE •• ADDRESS DEPOSIT AT: McHENRY BAKERY 1238 N. Green St., McHenry NAME AGE ADDRESS DEPOSIT AT: Nye Drug 385-4426 v-.n 1325 N. Riverside, McHenry NAME AGE ADDRESS