t - spurgeons Sec. 2, Pg. 6 - Plaindealer - Wed. April 9, 1969 OMENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Stanley F. Yolles, M.D., Director National Institute of Mental Health Schizophrenia Research Is Needed Schizophrenia is the most common of the serious mental disorders--afflicting about 2.- ()()().()()() people in the U.S. Early signs of the disease include withdrawal or getting of! by oneself, not being able to concentrate, increasingly sloppy appearance, and excessive talking about one's fate or the fate of the world. Schizophrenia, as a rule, causes a split between thoughts and actions.' For instance, an affected person ma\ giggle when describing the serious illness of a loved one. Or', a person may cry when telling that he won $1000 in a contest. Women Of The Moose McHenry Chapter, No. 1348, had its April 1 meeting called to order by Pro-tem Senior Regent Carolyn Sima, with many of the officers and chairmen absent. After the Fourfold, enrollment was held for Florence McCormick, sponsored by Mabel Thomas. Since Mabel is still unable to go out; she asked Co-Worker Dorothy Hosier to pro-tem for her. Recorder Gloria Flannigan read the minutes of March 18 meeting. Balloting was held. Co-Worker Dorothy Seegott received her chapter pin for attendance. Graduate Regent Gloria Flannigan received a check from the College of Regent comrrrttee for her College of Regent cap and gown. Gloria is eligible to receive her degree June 29 at Mooseheart. The nominating committee will meet at the lodge April 24 at 7:30 p.m. Any co-worker with L.O.O.M. affiliation and has been a member for six months or more with a paid up dues card is eligible to hold any of the five offices to be filled. If you would like to be nominated for any of the offices, be sure to let the committee or Senior Regent Ila Hogan know. The address is 6606 Barnard Mill road. Ringwood, or call her at 653-5548 on or before April 24. The names of those nominated will be read at the May 6 meeting. (If you're interested, act now.) Sunday, April 20 will be Green Cap day in honor of Junior Graduate Regent Marcella Strossner. The meeting will start at 2 p.m. and is an open meeting. The next work shop day is. Wednesday, April 30, at 10 a.m. at the"lodge, if you'd like to attend, just bring your scissors and your lunch and join the working girls with their projects. Alberta Bros sman would have received the attendance award had she been present. Marcella Strossner received the special award. Homemaking Chairman Greta Rother and her committee served refreshments. Next meeting will be April 15. Nearly everybody shows some minor signs of thing* like these, at times. They don't necessarilv mean schizophrenia is beginning. Donj tr\ to diagnose yourself or someone else. That's the doctor's job. Psychiatrists. other physicians. mental health centers and hospitals, and health departments or your mental health association can mc you help. They can find the kind of assistance you need. Seek them out if you're worried about schizophrenia or any other kind of mental problems. Modern treatment has greatly improved the lot ot the schizophrenia patient. Some patients have to be treated in hospitals. Many - others, with proper drug and other therapy, can hold full' or part-time. jobs, run their homes, care for their children, and carry on daily living- ° But we still don't know nearly enough about the causes and how to prevent or really cure this very complicated disease. The NIMH is working with thousands of researchers and physicians all over the U.S. and the world oh an intensified attack on one of our gravest public mental health problems. SKINNER GIVES VIEWS ON TAX PLAN PROPOSAL McHenry County Treasurer Cal Skinner, Jr., expressed his di sappointment Friday that Gov. Ogilvie's income tax plan does not provide for the phasing out of the personal property tax. "The Governor laid down three objectives that should be met by every tax: (1) constitutionality, (2) collectibility and (3) fairness," Skinner pointed out. "Since the personal property tax is virtually impossible to assess equitably and is extremely difficult to collect, it obviously should be eliminated. I believe the Governor's revenue plan should be modified so that county officials in downstate counties may begin phasing out the tax on individuals without hurting local tax districts." "What I am afraid of," Skinner continued, "is that we in McHenry county will end iq? with the highest personal property and real estate taxes in the state, in addition to the proposed income tax." "I don't see how that would) bring relief to local taxpayers.' SOYBEAN PRICE SUPPORT John W. Lewis, director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, said "the federal reduction of the soybean price support to $2.25 per bushel is not as drastic as some proposals, especially with the changes in marketing stored beans. "The new price support announced in Washington March 6 provides that the Commodity Credit Corporation cannot put storable beans on the market until the market would yield 110 per cent of the support price plus carrying charges. I hope that Congress approves a new farm program not later than September or October so that the farmers will have plenty of time to plan for the next crop season." m** mtauc UMMi census i i:l 5AUZ 4 $ V.&M.'tx. tri'A mwmw tenet! is***: mepi. THRU THE WANT AD§ 385-0170 McHenry Market Place STARTING OUR 63rd YEAR OF KEEPING PRICES DOWN! This Anniversary Sale Proves Savings Are Better Than Ever.. .Come Now! Save On the Most Comfortable Stretch Shorts Ever! Choice of Three Textures Colors galore! Bonded "Wear Dated" Acrilan® acrylic, stretch rayon-nylon rib or double knit all-nylon. In misses' and women's sizes, have a Summer's worth! Save Vz On Pretty Shift Gowns In Wide Choice of New Spring Styles! Find bon-bon solids in maize, mint, pink or blue with delightful trims and embroidery! Find dainty prints! Coolest cotton batiste in sizes 32 through 48. Super-Special Group of Super-Wide Textured Fiberglas* Draperies Fully 60" wide to the pair! Solid white, beige, gold or green. Ideal for any room, easiest to care for, now priced so low! 60 x 84", 6.99 value, 4.97 pr. Reg. 2.59 to 2.99 2 <-*5 Reg. 2.99 value $2 60 x 63", 5.99 value, 97 pr. Satin Pillow Covers! Protect you*, hair style while you sleep! Pink, blue, or gold. Anniversary Special! I97 * Lofty Pillow-Pairs! Bonded fiber with heavy damask ticking. "Always bounces back"! Save by buying now! Boys' Western Jeans Hard wearing denim jeans and dungarees. 6 to 16. 3.59 values, now 3.17. 2.59 Values 222 Embroider Pillowcases! Stamped of 160 count cotton, with directions. Delightful gifts, so plan ahead, Reg. 1.99 147 Sew Smart Fashions! Specials all through the department. Play wear duck, reg. 990, 770. Dotted swiss, Reg. 1.29 99* yi Sale: All Ladies' Coats! Long coats and car coats in newest spring styles! All sizes included. Come pick! and more! Sale: All Girls' Coats! What a marvelous chance: our complete stock! All new styles, colors, sizes! Save: 25% & mora Spurgeon's Nylons First quality, seamless regular or mesh, new shades. Stock up now and save! Reg. 89< 73^ or 3 pr.,^2 The Osterizer Blender! 4-speed model, continuous action, easy to use and clean. 5-cup capacity. With book. 29.88 value 14" Bedspread Jamboree! So many: taffetas, solids, jacquards, heirlooms and wovens. Color choices? Yes! Now ,88 to 11 88 Chevazette Dresses Smart lines, flattering in bonded navy, black or blue. Sizes 10 to 18, 14i/2 to22i/2. Reg. 7.99 647 4400 W. Rt. 120 McHenry Tennis Shoes In Color! Sport or general wear: smart white, summer-blue or black. Sizes 12V2 to 4, 5 to 10. Anniversary Special M 7-Transistor Radio! Micro 2Vz x 2V2 x 1 y4" size with so many fine features. With battery & strap. Limited! 38 8 Save! Circle Stitch Bras Stitched, lined under section, cut out front. Elastic insets. White, A, B, C cups. $1 value 67* Lady Pepperell Sheets! Snowy white muslin. 1.09 cases, 88jf. Sheets: 2.59 values, 2.10 each and 2.39 Values 1 96 Don't Miss Any Of The Anniversary Specials: Charge Now! Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Sat 9-6 Sun. 10-5