J. I PG. 4 - PLAINDEALER - WED. APRIL 9, 1969 Oo you know the sew oi cancer? show" that cigarette smoking is harmful to health, not only in making cancer of the lungs a greater possibility but in causing heart trouble and other diseases. Ladd today announced the township " chairmen who have been appointed. Some townships still need help, he pointed out. Chairmen of Chemung is Jerry Powers; Hebron, Joe Horeled; Richmond, Frank Morevec; Burton, Gordon Sargent; Dunham, Mrs. Harry Alten and Mr s. Carl Peterson; and Greenwood, Mrs. Audrey Pittman. McHenry, Anthony Pintozzi; Mare| go, Robert Eckstedadt; Grafton, Mrs. Richard Seiler; Algonquin, Jack Curran; Dorr, Arthur Stolzke; andNunda, Dick Aston. COUNTRY CLUB NEWS Frank Moravec, left, Richmond township Cancer Crusade chairman, checks over details in calling on residents of the township for the 1969 Crusade with David Ladd, Crystal Lake, 1969 McHenry county Cancer Crusade chairman. DON PEASLEY PHOTO WATER SAFETY COURSE A water safety instructor's refresher course will be held from 6:30 to 10 p.m. on May 28, June 4 and 11 at the Elgin YMCA. Interested persons may register with the Red Cross in Woodstock. SHOP IN McHENRY Geri Neubauer AREA COUPLE VISITS SAFARI ON FLORIDA TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Albright of Crescent drive returned home recently from a two week vacation, combining visiting and sight-seeing. They spent the first week visiting Mr. Albright's mother, Mrs. Potter of Palm Beach. The second week was spent visiting an aunt, Mrs. Edward Iverson of Fort Lauderdale, andthensome interesting sight-seeing tours in the surrounding areas. OIK* of the tourist spots they visited was "Lion Country Safari",the unique zoo near West Palm Beach. This attraction features one hundred or more roaming lions which are allowed to wander free and loose. The lions come right up to your car and you can watch the feedings and see the wonderful "world of 385-7194 the wild". When entering the "Safari" the tourists are instructed to keep all car windows rolled up and carefully supervise children so no car doors will be opened. Twentyfour guards in jeeps keep constant watch in this section of the park. There are other sections which feature elephants, rhinos, and a smaller zoo with a snake house, monkey house and lion cubs. There is also an exotic gift shop which features novel items such as a table made of a hollowed out elephant hoof„ Another of the tours enjoyed by the Albrights was a two hour boat tour to a small nearby island for a Hawaiian type barbecue and sing-along. Before returning home they stopped at Cape Kennedy. On arriving in McHenry they found quite a change between sunny Florida and our own return of winter. WELCOME MAT A sincere Country Club welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heiser of; Victoria Avenue who moved here recently from Cary. We hope Robert and Maria and their two children, Andrea and Robbie, will read and enjoy our column and contribute news items and birthdays, special occasions, etc. C ONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations to Donald Nelson and Alan Cina who are members of the McHenry Junior high school band which played at Oak Crest Junior high school near Waukegan. The band, participating in a district contest, took first place and was awarded district medals" for their achievement. GET-WELL WISHES We hope by the time this» item appears that Merle Nelson will be feeling better. Merle is recovering from.an accident in which he got a piece of metal in his right eye. Our wishes for his speedy recovery. DEACON ORDAINED Mr. Tom Jackson of 3025 Victoria was recently ordained to the deaconship of the First Baptist church. Under the direction of pastor of the church, Virgle Chappell, the deaconship consists of leading and directing the membership and serving as representative of the church. Along with Mr. Jackson who is an air-line pilot, five othier members of the church received this honor. BIRTHDAY TIME A happy birthday to Jim Randall, April 20, to Tom Warren, April 22, and to Lily Wilkey, April 24. SPRING FEVER I hope Pm not the only one bitten by the spring-fever bug, I know Pve seen some of my braver neighbors starting to clean-up their yards to prepare for the crab-grass. I hope tobe getting around more to talk to my news helpers as soon all of you had a nice Easter and clean-up week vacation. We had a momentous occasion at our house when rriy oneyear old, Donnie Boy, got his first haircut and now everyone says to me, Oh, I thought he was a girl....oh, well you can't win. Don't forget to call me... I still have a few copies of the dog ordinances and the rabies control fact sheets left if anyone wants one. Till next week.... ARADCOM INTRODUCED If you are a young man with a keen eye on the future and want a job in this age of electronics and missiles, Sgt. Merton R. Fish , the local Army recruiter, is the man to see. Sergeant Fish can introduce you to the Army's Air Defense Command (ARADCOM) which has more than 20 metropolitan missile units located around the United States. Information on ARADCOM and more than 300 gob training opportunities is available from Sergeant Fish at Jefferson and Jackson .streets in Woodstock, Illinois. , ANCIENT ALLOY Although natural alloys containing nickel were worked into tools, weapons and other implements more than 5,000 years ago, it was hot until 1751 that the metal was identified and isolated as a separate element. Open Cancer Crusade In Many Areas Solid progress in whipping the trend for self-destruction through smoking cigarettes provides a happy springt^pard for the 1969 Cancer Crusade in McHenry county. Township chairmen are organizing workers and many have begun the two-fold drive to (1) inform the public on how to be alert to signs of cancer and to take steps to whip it, and (2) ask people to contribute towards the Caiicer Crusade in the struggle to conquer the conquering disease. David Ladd, Crystal Lake, who heads this Cancer Crusade seeking more than $20,000, says the trend among teen-agers to stop smoking or to avoid starting is evidence that the American Cancer society's factual message on the dangers of cigarette smoking is getting through. A recent nation-wide survey of more than 4,000 teenagers indicated that the proportion of teen-aged smokers had grown smaller over levels reported during the past decade. The most recent survey indicated 25.6 percent of the 17- year-old boys queried said they smoked. A decade ago the percentage was 34.7 percent. For girls, the figures were: 15.7 percent now, 25.5 percent 10 years ago. Ladd said that American Cancer society studies "definitely One-Stop Shopping at Osco.•. MEANS VARIETY AND LOW PRICES UNDER ONE ROOF! ANNOUNCEMENT of Color of Prixhary Ballots ai the SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTION to be held MAY 6, 1969 in the thirty-third Representative District In the County of McHenry . and State of Illinois THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BALLOT WILL BE PINK THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY BALLOT WILL BE GREEN VERNON W. KAYS. •. . Clerk FECIAL PRIMARY LECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will be a Special Primary Election held on TUESDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF MAY A.D., 1969, at the usual Polling Places in the various election precincts for the townships of RILEY, MARENGO, DUNHAM, CHEMUNG, ALDEN, HARTLAND, SENECA, CORAL, GREENWOOD, HEBRON, RICHMOND, BURTON and McHENRY, (Comprising the Thirty- Third Representative District), in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the nomination of candidates for the following office: ^ REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT (To fill vacancy - one) The following parties are entitled to participate in this primary, to-wit: The Republican Party and Democratic Party The Polls of said Primary Election will be open at 6 o'clock A.M. and will remain open until 6 o'clock p.m. of said day. Dated this 2nd day of April, A.D, 1969. VERNON W. KAYS, Clerk. Houseware Specials ... 4 TO 8 CUP GLASS Coffee Brewer ( s\l* REGULAR, HARD-TO-HOLD, OR UNSCENTED WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Just Wonderful HAIR SPRAY ELEGANTLY STYLED 10" AVOCADO Teflon II Fry Pan REG. $2.49 Only 1V4 BUSHEL SIZE WICKER STYLE PLASTIC Laundry Basket Not the 13 oz. s,ze but the 16 oz spray A *1.49 VALUE Only 12"xl 2' OR 22"x6' RUBBERMAID Shelf Liner CHOICE OF 4 COLORS Each Roll Only 1'/2, IVi, 4, AND 5 QUART AVOCADO PLASTIC Mixing Bowl Set DISHWASHER SAFE! PRINCESS STURDY PLASTIC 4 Each I Only 2 Qt. Decanter WITH SNAP-ON LID 7 PIECE PLASTIC Salad Set AT OSCO NOW Only 98c SIZE 1 OZ. TUBE MEDICATED VANISHING Clearasil f eg. f\NO PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., APRIL 12, 1969 99c SIZE BOTTLE OF 60 TABLETS Bufferin pA!N REU&\ 1.2 OZ. TUBE c«i7 Clearasil""517 $2.25 SIZE HAJR CONDITION?!? Breck Basic *1 CONt>:!IOMR • iurUrr $1.29 SIZE TABLETS Dristan DECONGESTANT LIMIT 7"VVo .X 85c SIZE 5 OZ. TUBE Ultra-brite Toothpaste litis Antiseptic ^•|4 ThCOLDCUST S *CM'•T•C•-l«i f I"** ,M'lCTIOU* *1.19 SIZE 14 OZ. PTL. Listerine MOUTHWASH TNN° OSCO c Daily Sun. 9-5 3720 W. Elm St. [scriptions Are the Heart of Osco Service .. . and ^sco pharmacist* stand ready to serve you at any time Your good health deserves the best, so next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it to Osco Drug, the name to remember for all your drug and prescription needs. Ask about our Family Record Keeping Service. It could save you a lot of time and worry next Income Tax season Phone 385-7030