' \ Garage Backyard List your Garage Rummage, Basement or Backyard Sale In the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will , receive (FREE) 2 printed signs to identify your property as the SALES location. Hie ad must run in two issues of the McHenry Plaindealer to qualify. When planning a SALE of your own stop In at Plain- dealer office for a Free bro chure of helpful hints that will enable you to gain more revenue from your sale. Some who have never conducted a Sale of this type will find this brochure helpful. GARAGE SALE Friday and Saturday July 18th and 19th 721? Hiawatha Dr. Wonder Lake, 111. East side Clothes; furniture; dishes; so fa, French Provincial, John M. Smyth, $125; chair, French Provincial, $75; G.E. washing machine, Hollywood single bed, antique chairs, misc. items. 7-18-69 Pets That Need A OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. BOATS 8c MOTORS 1966 16 FT. Glaspar Mercury cruiser inboard-outboard, Chev rolet 2 engine, 110 h.p., 4 cyl inder. Call 385-5420. 711/71869 1965 19 ft Skiff Craft, 120 h.p. inboard-outboard motor. Moody trailer, convertible top, mooring cover. Many extras, $2600 firm. Call 385-7309. 716/718 69 YOUNGSTOWN sink and cab inet. Call 385-1759 after 5 p.m. 7-16/718 69 1968 EVINRUDE 90 h.p. 15 ft. inboard - outboard fiberglass gull wing boat with trailer. Still under warranty. Call 385- 3685. 7-18-69 FOB RENT OFFICE SPACE Spacious room for rent in new, modern, air conditioned KENT BUILDING. 3322 W. Elm St McHenry. Partially furnished and plenty of storage space. Call 385-0289 after 6 pjn. 7-2-69TF12 OFFICE FOR RENT Deluxe modern professional suite of offices in the heart of McHenry. Panelled, air conditioned, stereo system, reception area. Many ex tras. Excellent parking fa cilities. CALL 312-JU7-0177 or 815-586-5200 718/7 23 69 DELIGHTFUL, airy 2 bedroom home on large level lot. Nat ural gas furnace, attached ga rage. Large kitchen with built- in range and oven. $155 per mo. Open house Saturday, 2-3 p.m. 1814 N. Park Lane, Lakeland Park. 7-16/7-18-69 2 BEDROOM apartment in Mc Henry. Range, refrigerator, car peting furnished. No pets. Available, August 1. Call 385- 8042. 718/7-25-69 ROOM for neat employed man. $15 week. References. Call 385- 4398 after 5 p.m. 7 1869TF1-2 TO BE GIVEN AWAT TO BE GIVEN AWAT 2 KITTENS, 6 weeks old, 1 black and white, 1 calico. Like children Call 385-7273 7 18 69 10 PUPPIES, black and white, male and female. Call 385-1927. 7-18-69 Wanted To Buy USED addressograph or com prehension hand stamping de vice for use with metal ad dressing plates. Call 385-0240 716/71869 GET YOUR MAH WITH A Wanted To Bant WANTED: 3 Bedroom house. Can furnish ref. Call 385-5839. 5-14-69TF W A N T E D HOUSING FOR TEACHERS McHenry and near by areas. Furnished or un furnished rental apart ments and homes. Rooms with private families. -- Can -- 815-385-3731 or 815-385-6122 weekends 711 69TF2 YOUNG COUPLE desire apart ment or house. Can furnish re ferences. Call 385-4325. 718/723 69 BEDROOM with kitchen priv- iledges, before September 1. Call 497-3917 anytime. 71869 LOST AND FOUND STOLEN -- Boy's green bike from West campus Saturday. Have knowledge of person re» sponsible. If bike is returned to West Campus Saturday, no questions will be asked. 718 69 Families planning an ex tended auto vacation trip should have a reserve driver. The Institute for Safer Living, states driver changes reduce fatigue and drowsiness, while giving the principal driver a chance to relax and enjoy the scenery. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS PETS FOB SALE BEAGLE PUPPIES, 10 weeks old. CaU 815-943-5390 after 12 noon. 79/72569 CHAMPION SIRED Leishester line Toy Poodle pups. Home raised. Pedigreed and AKC fur nished. CaU 385-1160. A 711/7186® FEMALE Boxer puppies. CaU 385-7380. 716/71869 NEW CONSTRUCTION The new Baron of Beef res taurant at 3709 W. Elm street, McHenry, went under construc tion within the past two weeks. The air-conditioned dining room promises tables to seat more than sixty persons. New, fast service also will accom modate those who prefer take- home service or customers who wish to eat in cars. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Watts, owners, announce roast beef dinners to top the menu, as well as other specialties. The con tractors have promised an Oct. 1 completion date. WONDER LAKE PIZZA /514 HANCOCK DRIVE PH. $53-9091 MEDIUM CHEESE & SAUSAGE $1.75 LARGE CHEESE & SAUSAGE $2.50 ITALIAN STYLE SANDWICHES ^CARRY-OUTS -- HOURS: MON„ WED., THUR. 4 p.m. - 11 plm. FRI. 4 p.m. - 1 a.m., SAT. Noon - 1 a.m. | SUN. 'Noon - 11 p.m. CLOSED TUESDAY | PIZZA WkDE TO ORDER IN THE MIDDLE -- This rolling barrel literally "took a beating" last Sunday as firemen from two competing teams attempt to force it past the other. Algonquin emerged winner among sev enteen teams in the water fight contest held in McHenry. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Twice Told Tales els Hardware in West MeHen- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS School District No. 36, Wonder Lake, niinois Separate sealed bid for General Construction work, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Condition ing work, Plumbing work and Electrical work for an Addition to and Remodeling-of Harrison Elementary School will be re- ' teived fay .Robert Bright at Harrison Elementary School, McCullom Lake Road, Wonder Lake, Illinois until 2:00 o'clock P.M. C.DJS.T., August 12, 1969 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The Instruction^ to adders, Proposal Form, Plans, Speci fications, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: Fitch Larocca Carington Jones, Architects Planners, 351 East Ohio Street, Chicago, ni inois 60611 F.W. Dodge Plan Room Mer chandise Mart, Chicago, niinois Copies may be obtained after 12:00 Noon, July 17, 1969 atthe office erf Fitch Larocca Caring- ton Jones located at 351 East Ohio Street iq?on payment of $50.00 for each sit. Any un successful bidder, ppon return ing such set within 10 days af ter bid opening and in good condition will be refunded his payment. Each set shall con sist of 2 copies of drawings and 2 specifications. Additional copies may be purchased (no refund) for $25.00 for one copy of drawings and one specifi cation. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or aU bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount of 5 percent of his bid, sub ject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. * (Pub. July 16, 18, 1969) STORE MANAGER The appointment of Daniel J. Carroll as manger of Mont gomery Ward's new Crystal Lake retail store was announced this week by John J. Lippman, zone manager. Carroll has been manager of Ward's Woodstock store. A native of Willmar, Minn., Carroll and his wife Uve at 806 Carol avenue in McHenry with their children, Kevin, 14; Kolleen, 13, and Kathleen, 10. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 11, 1929) Two were slightly injured when the Chicago and Lake Gen eva bus collided with a Chev rolet car at the east end of the new Fox River bridge. The bus, which was well filled with pas sengers, received some damage from the accident and the Chev rolet owned by Gail Stoison of Moweaqua, 111., was badly dam aged. The injured included Bes sie Foulieb and James Michols of Chicago. Phil Guinto, popular state po liceman of this city, entertained several distinguished friends at a dinner at Niesen's Cafe Sat urday evening in honor of Sen ator and Mrs. James B. Leo nardo of Chicago. Florence Ross man, 22 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rossman, who Uve on the Mason farm between Mc Henry and Woodstock, died at the Woodstock hospital Friday morning from injuries received in an automobile accident about midnight on the night of the Fourth. James G. Fay is gaining con siderable of a reputation due to his many fistic encounters oi course,* Jimmy rats neen scrapping in Aurora, Batavia, St. Charles and Elgin under the colors of the "Toots" Bellows stables of Elgin. The new issue of smaller cur rency was placed in circulation in most sections of the middle west on July 10 and replace the old and The smaller bills, six and five-sixteenths long and two and elevi teenths inches wide, are proximately three-e inch smaller than the s: bills in circulation during the past several years. The smaller size bills will appear in every denomination. Jo Chieppa, .who conducts a cleaning, pressing and repair ing business in Antioch and Lib- ertyvUle, announced that he will open a business of the same kind in the old Centerville post office room on Green street. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 13, 1944) Mrs. John Bolger is attending a six week's summer course at the University of Chicago. Next fall she will join the faculty of the community high school. Tragedy agtfin invaded beau tiful Pistakee Lake this week when a young Chicago woman lost her life by drowning. The victim was Mrs. Mary Sabota, 23. \j The Japanese riflenow on "tii&play in the window of Nick- ry has attracted much attention. It was sent home recently by Howard Voeltz of the Marines. In comparison with our rifles, this Japanese weapon is crude in its construction, yet it has features of both American and German rifles. Not all of our McHenry sol diers are as fortunate as Pvt. Wallace Eugene Dobyns, who is stationed in the birthplace of his family, Ireland. He is at present with the thirteenth in- division. One of the most successful I I social affairs in this commun ity took place on Tuesday af ternoon at the Riverside hotel when approximately 350 ladies from the surrounding territory were present at a dessert lun cheon and style show. Under the direction of Betty Nielsen, the lovely models stepped forth to model the latest mid-summer and early fall fashions. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickow of Golf View road entertained at a delicious steak fry Mon day in honor of Mrs. Ruby Dewey and her SOT, Pharma cists Mate First Class Frank Dewey, who is here on a fur - lough following twenty months in the South Pacific as a corps- man attached to the Marines. TEN YEARS AGO - (Taken from the files of JulyW 16, 1959) The McHenry medical group announces the association of, Benjamin J. Massouda, M.D., and Edward F. Wilt. Jr. M.D. to the department of internal medicine, and Dr.. Emanuel Skoinik to the department of ear. nose and throat. Mrs. Gretta Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones jvere hostesses at a dinner served in their home last Saturday evening honoring a bride of the near future, Miss Mary Ann Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Yegge and SOT, Jack, spent the weekend PUBLIC NOTICE! Just because JUSTEN FURNITURE INC. ware, house has the LOWEST PRICES in Northern Illi nois -r^let it be known far and wide that only TOP quality furniture will ever be sold by Justen Furniture Inc. -- at either location^ There will be no exception to this rule. You will always receive good buys and a "Satisfaction Guaran teed" policy at any Justen Furniture Inc. loca tion. Remember our houfs: WAREHOUSE: MAIN STORE: ' 3011 Boot* 190 3611W. Elm St. 12 noon - 9:00 P.M. Weekday* 9:30 - 9:00 P.M. Weekdays 9:30 - 5:30 P.M. Saturday 9:30 - 5:30 P.M. Saturday 12 noon - 5 P*M. Sunday 12 noon - 5 P.M. Sunday USTEN /S92 FRI. JULY 18, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. II in DeWltt, Iowa, where they at tended the funeral of the for mer's aunt, Mrs. Lillian Non- namacher. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray and baby have moved into the May house on John street. The McHenry Garden club has chosen Roy Erickson of Lake moor, to attend conserva tion school for young adults from July 12 to 17 in Spring field. Roy is a junior at the . McHenry community high school where he is studying vo cational ncriculture Mrs. Alma Steward of Hins d a l e d i e d u n e x p e c t e d l y J ' 1 5 . She was a sister of Mrs. George Barbian of McHenry. Recently McHenry's varsity cheerleaders enjoyed a special camp at Illinois State Normal university, when they were kept busy with practices learning new routines and cheers for the coming season. Attending the Clinic weie "Peach" Rati, , Ana Peschke, Judy Hans, Sher ry Evans, Janice Schueler and Ardis May. C.R. "Chuck" Peterson of McHenry, a member of the Frank Klondike Rockford Agen cy of Bankers Life Company, Des Moines, Iowa, has earned membership in the 1958-59 Presidents club-top honor or ganization for the company's salesmen. iMW) Shop In McHenry VACATION PLANNING Greyhound Bus Tours Now available at our Office Go anywhere, anytime. We will arrange your trip as you wish. Here in one office you can ob tain folders and unbiased information on all tours, cruises and trips Call or write tod&v. Chain-O-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St. McHeuy " 385-7500 MOMENT MISERABLE -- Various emotions are displayed on the faces of these three youngsters after they were offered an unexpected drink at the water fight competition near the city beach last Sunday. The lad in center smiled, but the two younger boys shed a few tears when they were doused with water after a hose coupling came apart. PLAINDEALER PHOTO Handsome full-cut slacks in traditional ivy styling, with belt loops and cuffs. Luxury-blend fabrics in a full range of colors, with a built-in crease that never quits. Nobody makes Sta-Prest but Levi's! 5 t o r for iv! EN 7TtefeeU- 1245 N. Green McHenry, III \ 385-0047 X V