Sec. 2, Pg. 4 - Pldindealer - Wed. July 30, 1969 WONDER LAKE NEWS GAIL WILLIAMS 653-5371 Welcome To New Residents WELCOME TO WONDER LAKE::: - The following persons have recently takt * "n residence at Wonder Lake, we welcome them and hope they will be at home. Johann and Katherine Wenz- . ler have moved into the home of Mrs. Alice Nelson in Hickory Falls. Arthur and VV'ylda Cleary of Lombard have now taken up residence in the Karl Wacco - home in Shore Hills. Allen L. Geggenworth, for mer resident of Prospect Heights, are now at home in the former Richard Smith res idence, "Hickory Falls. Ambrose and Emma Kittl have moved into the Anna Riene- bach home in Wonder Center. Ronald and Gertrude Gohl have taken up residence in the home of Karsh Dobolin in In dian Ridge. --Mrs. Joseph Tschaudt have moved into the home former ly occupied by Mrs. Florence Beben home, Indian Ridge. Mrs. Eleno Bowman has pur chased toe Roberti Eising home in Highland Shop^s. Nicholas Campos has moved into the C. Mur^in Wollington home in Indiak Ridge. The Robert Eisings having sold their home in Highland Shores have moved next door into the home of Frank R. Schanz. Summer residents, the Rus sell W. Henry family have bought the Peter Gregano home in Wonder Center. Kenneth Winkelhake has noved into the Joon Pavia home n Sunrise Ridge. The Jack B. Wohls family has taken up residence in the In- FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 dian Ridge home of Joseph Ris- ko. CELEBRATE 27th~\VtBDING ANNIVERSARY- Jack and Dorothea Moore, Wonder Woods, will-be cele brating their twenty-seventh wedding anniversary July 31. The Moores are busy making preparations for the fiftieth wedding anniversary of her par ents, Harry and Hazel Becker, of Punta Gorda, Fla. The Back ers will be the guests of honor on August 10 at the Johnsburg community hall. The actual wedding date is August 9. POWERS-HARVEY VOWS REPEATED Miss Rita Ann Powers, daughter of Mr i and Mrs. rGeorge Powers, Woodstock, and Richard H. Harvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey, 4004 W. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, were united in marriage recently in St. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock. Following a honeymoon to Wisconsin, the bride remained with her parents when her hus band reported for his basic training in the U.S. Army. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Don na Miotto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miotto, Woodstock, to Norris (Phuncho) Draheim, son of Mr. and Mrs. I*aul Dra heim, Wonder Lake, has been announced by her parents. No date has been set for the wed ding. BIRTHDAY PARTY Master Kirk Wahlquist, son of the Bill Wahlquists, Oakwood Shores, celebrated his fourth birthday, July 10, with his playmates, Julie, Tommy and Danny Huff, Scott Parquette, Jerry and Jeff Draffkorn, Joe and Jay Draffkorn, April, Jam ie and Beth Ann Williams and Kirk's brother Ricky. The games and treats were enjoyed by all. BLESSING FROM HEAVEN Don and Mary Jean Huff, Oak- wood Shores,' welcomed their fifth child, a boy, Patrick John, July 13, in Woodstock hospital weighing 7 lbs. 4 ozs. Wait ing to greet Patrick at home are Julie, 8 years old, Tommy, 6 years old," Danny, 4 years old and Kevin, 22 months old. The maternal grandfather is Joseph Berner, Woodstock, and the*] paternal grandparents are Joseph Huffs, Richmond. The baby's mother will be rememb ered as the former Mary Jean Berner. Mr. and Mrs. William Bukov- sky, Sr., Wonder Center, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Cheri Lynn, June 23, at Wood stock hospital weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs., and 21 inches long. T - rpaternal grandparents art ,/Ir. and Mrs. Sam Schm- unk, McHenry, and the pater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bukovsky, Indian Ridge. , ;• ,' Greeting Cheri Lynn at home are William (Billy), Jr., 2years old and Theresa, 4 years old. The baby's mother will be remembered as the former Nancy Schmunk, McHenry. BIRTHDAY Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. Cal (Darlene) Beise, Won der Center, on July 18 and on July 22, Miss Coleen Haak, daughter f of the Terry Haaks, Highland Shores, blew out four candles. ANNIVERSARY On July 21, Norm and I cel ebrated our seventh anniver sary awaiting our fourth blessing from heaven. T : MISS MCHENRY COUNTY ^--tAVDIDATE Miss Nancy DeWerdt, daugh ter of the Ray DeWerdts, Deep Spring Woods, is the Miss Won der Lake entry for the Miss McHenry C ouray contest tb be held at the fair grounds in Woodstock on Thursday,'July 31. Nancy is sponsored by the Wonder Lake fire department. Our best wishes and good luck, Nancy!!! - DINNER GUESTS Jack and Dorothea Moore, Wonder Woods, entertained her nephew, Robert Doran, McHen ry, and his friend Miss Mar garet Ayling of London, Eng land, for dinner recently. Miss Ayling left this week to re turn to her home. NOTE OF SYMPATHY Our condolences to the family of Master Jeffrey P. Hansen, 9 years^crtd, son of the Ray mond Hansens, Wooded Shores, who passed away unexpectedly July 13 in Lincoln hospital, Lin coln, 111. Our deepest condolences to the family of Mrs. Nancy Elber- sen, Indian Ridge, who passed away July 15 in Woodstock hos pital. -SAUERS-CYNOWA ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Lau- Lynn Sauers, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Norbert Sauers, Deep Spring Woods, toLeroy Anthony t ynowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cynowa, Lake moor,* Mc Henry, has been announced by her parents. The wedding will take place Sept. 27 in Christ the Ki _ Catholic church, Wonder Lake. / lce/ i ing , HOSPITALIZED Marvin Sard, Eugene Smola, Jr., Barbara LaGreca, Frank HOME HEALTH SERVICE REPORT MADE FOR MONTH Mrs. Agnes Hougas, R.N. Mc Henry County Department of Health, attended the workshop on "Mental Health Concepts in Community Nursing Practice". This was an eight-day course directed toward the mental health needs of individuals and families in the community. Mrs. Lola Stavonet,, R.N. completed the rehabilitation course at Peoria and is most enthusiastic to apply the know ledge to patient care and re late the material to the staff nurses. She taped lectures for future use and has given an In-Service program. A peak caseload of 200 pa tients was reached during July, but had a decrease in total vis its. There were eighteen pa tients admitted, two pre matures, twenty-eight patients discharged and thirteen read mitted, There were 965 home visits. / " -- Arkuszewski, Marlene Lehr, Guy White, Gregory Gerrard, Robert Demeron, Norman Will iams, Jr., Mary Carr, Dor othy Wanlund, Charles Hentges and Janice Matheson were pa tients at McHenry hospital re cently. VIEWS CITY FLAG -- Mayor Donald Doherty presents a city of McHenry flag to Miss America (Judy Ford) on McCracken field Sunday evening prior to the start of Drum Corps Magic. The beautiful young beauty was guest of the city throughout Marine Festival Day. PLAlNDEALER PHOTO DOLLAR DAYS -JULY 31 TH -r R^UGH AUG. 2 ' • I 4-H Royalty Connie Pedersen and Randy Arseneau invite you to the 21st annual Here Are Some Of Our Specials Welcome Families 7 days a week 11:00 a.m. to closing Charcoa Broiled Steaks Tacos 385-9700 YOUR HOST J Wally & Dora Visitju^^wl^Jtemodeled Dining 1406 N. Riverside Drive McHenry McHENRY COUNTY ra I TI JULY 31...AUG. 1-2-3 ̂ FHEE Grandstand for all events...including Rodeo! ^ Miss McHenry County Pageant, July 31 4-H Day on Friday, Aug. I with crowning of new King and Queen! Barnes Rodeo, Aug. 2...2 and 8 p.m. Showcase of Efforts by 4-H • Big Horse Show cefnmercial...educational exhibits Harness Racing Rides! Six modern thrillers! at the Fairgrounds! ' in Woodstock on Route 47 <•••••>•••••••••* ••••••••« KLIN REG. 3.00 - 5.00 LADIES SKIRTS CHOICE 2.00 'a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ^^•^^•^•^Lnjnru~Lajnjnnjnj~injgjTj-vTj-uxru\jxrxjxrxruxrunjTjT4 ONE RACK LADIES ASSORTED SHIFTS & DRESSES VALUES TO 5.99 2.00 each CLOSE OUT MEN AND YOUNG MEN'S DRESS PANTS 4.99 - 6.99 VALUES CHOICE 3.00 »i-I- ^i^ ^^,^g-B-ir»-Lru-i_n_ru Ln_-LrL-Lar-iru-u-LrLrLrLn_r_-.-J-_-.-_'_-_ar REG. 1.39 PANTY HOSE 1.00 PAIR LIMIT 3 PR. TO A CUSTOMER s. 1 LOT . CHENILLE BEDSPREADS REG. 4.99 - 3JOO REG. 1.99 GIRLS' OVER THE KNEE HOSE 50T PAIR REG. 39^-49</ LADIES NYLON MESH HOSE MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS MOST ALL SIZES 1.77 EACH 3 FOR 5.00 REG. 2.99 3 GAL. SIZE FOAM SPIGOT JUG R 1.77 1 LOT .69 to 1.29 YARD GOODS SPECIAL 47( YARD REG. 1.39-1.49 AUTO SEAT .CUSHIONS air cooled and wedge 1.00 3s PAIR 1.00 REG. 1.49-1.79 WINDOW SHADES 36" WIDE 1.00 REG. 3.99 LARGE SIZE FOAM SWIM RINGS 2.00 REG. 4.98 PLASTIC CLAD ICE CHEST 3.77 REG. 99*1 1 GAL. SIZE FOAM JUG 66* REG. Hi PKG. FOAM CUPS SPECIAL 2 PKG 1.00 1 LOT FEATHER TRIMMING Vi PRICE - -- -i-- i~irii~ij~u"Lfu~i_nj~ui_rLr,-j'L, REG. m PKG. CURITY COTTON BALLS 1.00 c 2 PKG. REG. 78<! VALUE 2 LB. BAG CANDY ORANGE SLICES 37c ALL ( -^REMAINING ( OUTDOOR GRILLS Vi PRICE. All CHILDREN - BOYS' - GIRLS' WOMEN - MEN'S SWIMSUITS REDUCED 50% LIMITED QUANTITIES" COLORED & FLORAL SHEETS A CASES MUSLIN AND PERCALES REDUCED 257. REG. 1.19 PAIR FIRST QUALITY MUSLIN PILLOW CASES 1.00 PAIR REG. 2.98 LARGE SIZE WASTE BASKETS 1.88 LIMITED QUANTITIES ALUMINUM CHAIR & CHAISE LOUNGE REPLACEMENT CUSHIONS REG. 1.99 NOW 1.00 (CHAIfl REG. 3.99 NOW 2.00 (CHAISE)] REG. 2.99-3.49 ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAIRS FOR 5.00 2.77 SINGLE " -* - i_ .-_-.-iri REG. 5.99 - 6.99 ALUMINUM CHAISE LOUNGES 5.00