V w / < Sec. 2, Pg. 6 - Plaindealer - Wed. July 30/1969 The Cost Of Film If various companies can supply free film to consumers who give them their processing business today, and make a profit, they could have done it years ago. Yet for generations customers paid a hefty price for film and a hefty price for development of that film. Not long ago governments in various parts of the world, including the British and federal officials in Washington, began to investigate the sale of film and film processing. The result in England was a government edict bringing the price of film down sharply. It , was charged that monopoly practices has kept the price artificially high. Nowadays one gets his film free and doesn't pay more than he formerly did-sometimes less-for processing, it doesn't re quire much imagination to realize how many millions were made for so many years with these high prices by a few film com panies who accounted for practically all film sales in the west ern world. . • Warning To Sunstroke Just in case severe hot weather worries readers of this newspaper and makes them think they may be victims of sun stroke or heat prostration, we call attention to certain sym ptoms. Sunstroke offers ample warning, including headache, nausea and a dry skin, and heat prostration cautions us by pallor, a feeble heart action and subnormal temperature. They attack aged adults and the very young but everyone can, and should take precautions. Over-exertion is dangerous and over-eating serious. Ex cess sugar and fat in the diet should be avoided, meat taken lightly and raw vegetables, salads and fruits freely consumed. Cool water, but not iced, is recommended, along with light clothes and frequent baths. Our Service To You A weekly newspaper publisher in Georgia reports that" the want ads in his newspaper has found hopes for more than a thousand kittens since 1960. Anyone who has ever tried to give away a litter of, "cute, darling, precious kittens," knows that finding a home for just one cat is a real accomplishment. \ But there is always an untoldVumber of people in the typ ical commonity*' loSking for a kitten at any given time. Anyone who has tried to pla<je kittens through newspaper want ads are surprised to learn of the demand for pets of all kinds. The merchant who has something very expensive or un usual to sell is in much the same position as the child with a kitten to give away. \ Who is in the market for airplanes? Ii could a farmer or a housewife. Who can afford a $10,000 automobllfe? Perhaps a retired school teacher who has spent 40 years driving cheap used cars. Who is looking for an expensive ranch, cen tral/air-conditioning, or a decaying old home? Often the most unlikely people. The seller with rare and expensive products for the market is able to operate because his local newspaper advertising can question every individual in the community. Local advertising locates and stimulates individual prospects which might be for ever overlooked. Even the general retailer has a similar problem. The |r, the department store, the variety store--each must find 'tew customers for hundreds of items continuously. He also meets the problem of constant location by local news paper advertising. 90 proof § 10% chance For Your Information Dear friends, Certain death benefits may be due the fam ily of the deceased. These may accrue from Social Security, Veterans Administration, Work men's Compensation, Civil Service, Public Em ployees Retirement, Railroad Retirement, and other sources. One o£ the many functions of your funeral director is to remind you that these benefits may be due you. Resjpectfully, PETER M. JUSTE N & SON .FUNERAL HOME 15-0063 I K RISING CRIME RATE IN THE \j SUBURBS RIOTS IN MAJOR CITIES /, * s it still so peaceful in the country?... TK.*U* PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of gener al interest in our commun ity. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full address and phone num ber. We ask. too, that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) RESTORE DECENCY "There is a definite need for a positive movement in this country to restore decency and that is the job being under taken by a newly formed com mittee in our county called MOTOR EDE Committee of Mc- lenry County, which is one of such committees spring ing up all over the country. "The most sinister of all attacks on the purity and mor als of our little children are the sex courses nowbeingplan- ned for our schools. Getting rid of these courses will be the first job MOTOREDE will try to accomplish. Our children are being bombarded with sex in formation for which they are not ready and it can do irrep arable damage to their future lives besides lalifng away their carefree y^rth when sex problems certainly should not even enter their minds. We know that the Communists' maingoal before taking over a country is to subvert one generation of our youth by promoting immorality and amorality before it can be taken over from within. We feel that our country is under at tack right now through these sex edi^ation courses. "MOTOREDE is an ad hoc committee of the John Birch society, but it does not mean you must be a member of the society to join MOTOREDE. If you believe sex education has no place in the schools, we hope you will join with us in this one endeavor. Members will work to inform other parents by passing out literature, writ ing letters to Congressmen, having film showings, etc. "The McHenry County com mittee, along with the Central Lake County MOTOREDE com mittee is sponsoring a talk to be given at the Mundelein Sav ings & Loan association Sun day, Aug. 10, at 8 p.m. Ad mission will be charged. You will hear Dr. William A. Mar- ra on "The Case Against Sex Education in the Schools." Dr. Marra writes extensively in "The Wanderer" and in "Tri umph" magazine and has be come widely known as a force ful defender of fundamental principles. As the father of four young children, he has a deep personal interest in the is sue of school sex education. He has spent fourteen years on the faculty of Fordham sity in New York City a\id this experience has made DrJ Mar ra well acquainted witfrrhe for ces and pressures that are un dermining the values and be liefs of young Americans. His concern and alarm at the spreading acceptance o( 'new morality' and 'situation ethics' have led him from the class room to the lecture platform in an effort to warn parents of the threats our children face. "Those interested in learn ing more about the committee or seeing some of the mater ials which are approved by the state of Illinois to be used in our public schools wil| have an opportunity to do ra by vis iting the John Bircn society book-mobile which will be sta tioned at the McHenry (Sfcunty Fair during the four days from-- July 31 through the third of August. " The executive committee of the newly formed MOTOREDE committee of McHenry County is made up of Mrs. Ralph Cur- tiss of Marengo, chairman; Mi chael D. Templeton, McCullom Lake, vice-chairman; and Dor othy Himpelmann, Johnsburg, secretary-treasurer. You may contact any of these members if you have any questions or if you would like to join the committee. Needless to say, it Will take" many more members to be really effective in this fighl/i members admit, but the ' obmmittee hopes you will re member that the Christian-Ju daic concepts of the morality of our children is being under mined and someone must stand up to these forces of evil. "We have a good example of what sex education in the schools has done for Sweden. In our own United States the Anaheim school district in Cal ifornia has had three years of sex education and now finds a soaring amount of illegitimacy and social diseases running rampant. "The committee urges par ents to at least become inter ested in what is being taught in your school. They hope you will not just take it for grant ed that everything is O.K. but ask that you join the committee and help solve this problem be fore it gets completely out of hand. "Dorothy Himpelmann "3611 N. Middle Ave. "McHenry, 111. 60050" DRIVING FOR TRAFFIC SAFETY by Paul Powell Secretary ef State Sometimes motorists become involved in fatal accidents he- cause they do not think and heed some of the most elemen tary rules of the road. Here are a few that one seldom thinks of as rules of the road. Open the garage doors be fore you start your "car. And when on the rotuj, make sure your vehicle is ventilated by keeping the windows open enough for protection against carbon monoxide. MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Stanley F. Yolles, M.D., Director National Institute of Mental Health Do not back a vehicle until you are positive that all is clear, both behind and in front of you. On pulling out of a driveway, make sure you have the right-of-way and that you are not interfering with the flow of traffic: On leaving a curb, use your directional signals. You should have an unobstructed view of the road behind you in your rear-view mirror and you should also physically turn and check for any area that your mirrow does not cover. Then pull away slowly. For further information on safe driving obtain a copy of "Rules of the Road" from Paul Powell, Secretary of State. Springfield, Illinois 62706. DOES LSD CAUSE MENTAL ILLNESS? No drug has caused more controversy, with the possible exception of marihuana, than the strange compound known as LSD. What do we know about it? Here are some of the ques tions people frequently ask about this mysterious drug. The answers are factual, not preach ments. The answers are based on current scientific knowledge.. What is LSD? It is a powerful man-made chemical, lysergic acid diethyla mide, generally called LSD. It was first developed in 1938 from chemicals found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye--a common grain plant. LSI* is classed legally as a hallucinogen, a mind-affecting drug. It is noted mainly for producing strong, strange men tal reactions in people. It causes "• striking distortions in their phys ical senses: what and how they see, touch, smell, and hear. Does LSD increase creativ ity? Some users believe it does. But studies of paintings, writ ings, and other works done by drug users have failed to sup port this. In many cases, works done by people under LSD influence appeared noticeably poorer.: Is LSD dangerous? Hospital and other reports warn of definite dangers: acci dental deaths, panic, temporary but possibly recurring paranoia (suspicious fear), a^d t>h? pos sibility of acute and evenTong- lasting mental illness. How does the law view LSD? Because LSD is a dangerous drug when not used for re search under ftedical super vision, it is closely regulated by Federal laws. These call for strict penalties, imprisonment and fines, for illegal prodptfion, sale, or disposition ql^CSD and other similar drugs. State laws also provide stiff penalties, some for possession as well as use, sale or disposition. What is the Institute doing about LSD? GROUP THERAPY FOR RECOVERY AT WEEKLY SESSION Weekly ^group-therapy ses sions designed to help one rid himself of nervous symptoms like feelings of unreality, diz ziness, temper outburst, con stant fatigue, nausea, tremors, fearful thoughts and many other neurotic responses is in prog ress locally. ' Interested persons will re ceive further information about Recovery at the local group in McHenry that meets every Thursday at 8 p.m., Faith Pres byterian church, 1511 North Chapel Hill. The organization is non-sectarian, but is praised by clergymen of all faiths, as well as the medical profession. : IT PAYS TO : : SHOP IN • • McHENRY • yTTTrrrrrmrrii iiiiiiiiinTiuuiTiiur; Are YOH New In TOWR? Do You Know Someone New In Town? Wt would likt to •xlend a wolcomo to Z every newcomer to our community. ris Fail CALL • ROYAL WELCOME Cris 385-4084 Fran Olsen 385-5740 Joan Stull ' 385-5418 - Ann Zel Ier - 385-0559 • mod*'*' 1 for MEN When selecting a gift for him. ... let us help! TFTGFEEFC STORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. til' 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING ARI Because we need to know more about this powerful drug, NIMH is supporting and en couraging research on a broad fronrto get full answers about its chemistry, pharmacology, animal and human effects, and whether it has any real med ical or other value. The Institute's Center for *. Studies of Narcotic and Drug Abuse is currently supporting studies of LSD and birth de fects, for example, as well as of its long-term effects. , For a free LSD information leaflet, write to: Mental Health Matters, National Institute of Mental Health, 5454 Wisconsin Avenue, ,N.W., Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015. Ask for "LSD, Some Questions and An swers," Publication No. 1828. MOT'S n FRIT -gjrtgjg ROOf VIEW Of PAYNE WHITNEY GrYM "CATHEDRAL OF MUSCLE " THE BIGGEST GYM IN THE WORLD 19 THE PAYNE WHITNEY GYMNASIUM AT VALE. IT HAG FOUR BASKET BALL COURTS. THREE ROWING TANKS. TWENTY EIGHT SOUASH COURTS, A ROOF JOGGING TRACK ANP TWO" SWIMMING POOLS BACK TALK.. JOIN THE RANKS... ..TO KEEP AMERICA A GOING AND GROWING CONCERN BY BUYING ANP CONTINUING TO BUY US. SAVINGS BONOS. IT'S PATRIOTIC AND ITS PRACTICAL ' Pb you BEALIZE THAT MAN IS THE ONLV ANIMAL THAT SLEEPS ON WIS BACK ? DON'T POBSET FREEDOM SHARKS MAY BE PURCHASED OVER THE COUNTER, AT BANKS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WHEN PURCHASE IS ACCOMPANIED BY A SERIES E BOND Of LIKE OR LARGER DENOMINATION! ?VLO&SS TO*Y OPTOMETRIST Dr. John F. Kelly At 1224 N. Green Street McHenry (Closed Wednesday) Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Hrs. Daily 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday Evenings 8:30 p.m. Evenings by appointment PHONE 385-0452 Dr. Leonard Bottari Eyes Examined - Contact Lens Glasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tues., Thurs., & Fri Eve. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday PHONE 385-4151 If No Answer Phone 385-2262 OFFICE EQUIPMENT McHenry County Office Machines Sales-Service & Rentals Typewriters -Adders Calculators Mon. - Sat^ 9:00 - 5:30 Friday 'till 9:00 p.m. PHONE 459-1226 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake, 111. METAL WORK Schroeder Metalcraft For Home and Garden Wrought Iron Railings Fireplace Screens Ant iques 1705 S. ROUTE 31 ' PHONE 385-0950 INSURANCE Earl R. Walsh I Fire, Auto, FarnLife * Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES: When You Need Insurance ; of Any Kind PHONE 385-3300 or 385-0953: 3429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. George L. Thompson General Insurance •LIFE *AUTO •HEALTH TIRE •CASUALTY •BOAT Phone 815-385-1066 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry In McHenry Plaindealer Bldg. Dennis Conway AUTO, LIFE, FIRE ; STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANY 3315 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois * 385-5285 or 385-7111 LETTER SERVIQ Mimeographing - Typing * Addressing - Mailii^ Lists McHenry County Letter Service : 1212 -A N. GREEN ST. * PHONE 385-5064 : Mon. Through Fri. 8-5 p.m» Closed Saturday î I ACCOUNTANTS iTi uuuuul^J-- Paul A. Schwegel; 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois >: PHONE 385-4410 . h \