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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1969, p. 14

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( PG. 14- PLAINDEALER-FRI. AUGUST 8, 1969 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER HELP WANTED SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS A.M. and P.M. RUNS Good pay. No experience necessary. Apply now so ive can have you fully qual­ ified by the start of the next school term. This is an excellent oppor­ tunity to make extra money or add to your present in­ come. For details call: MR. BLANK at S85-7210 88 69TF1 2 SHOP IN McHENRY Male Help Wanted Need Immediately Local - Young - Degreed ACCOUNTANTS 2-3 years general accounting experience, to $10,000 Free WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 8 8 69 YOUNG MAN experienced in CASHIER WORK. Must be 21 years of age. 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. Apply in Person r 305 Virginia CARDINAL WINES & LIQUORS Crystal Lake, 111. 8-6/8-8-69 ROUTE SERVICE MAN FOR LEADING VENDING COMPANY Experienced or will train. Full time, good pay, fringe benefits, steady job. Must be bondable. Harvard area. CALL 312-243-7001 for appointment. 8 8/813 69 Male Help Wanted WELDERS D A Y S 7:30 A.M. - 4 P.M. NIGHTS 4 P.M. -12:30 A.M. • Excellent Starting Pay • Automatic Increases • Paid Holidays • Paid Vacations • FREE Retirement Plan • Steady Work With Overtime • FREE Life and Medical Insurance >' . Apply To FARR CO. v 500 S. Main CRYSTAL LAKE an equal opportunity employer 8-6/8 8 69 COMPUTOR OPERATORS To $750 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 815-338-3200 88 69 JANITORIAL WORK r 3:30 P.M. to 12 midnight 5 days week MUST BE RELIABLE -- Apply In Person -- TRIWEC TRANSFORMER COMPANY 519 W. Sheridan Lakemoor McHenry, Illinois Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted \ O A K LABORATORY TECHNICIANS Openings now exist in the engineering labora­ tories for technicians. Qualified applicants will assist the Engineering staff in building and testing a wide variety of electronic and electro-mechanical products. These are pemanent career openings which provide excellent opportunity for advance­ ment. In addition Oak Manufacturing of­ fers a wide range of fringe benefits including profit sharing, company paid insurance and 100% tuition refund program. Reply in confidence to Personnel Director 4^ MANUFACTURING A DIVISION o»» OAK ELECTRO/NETICS S92E South Main Street Phone 459-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS AN iQUAL OPPORTUNITY [UCLOta -- MECHANIC • FULL TIME • EXPERIENCED • PAID VACATION • GROUP INSURANCE APPLY IN PERSON MORRIE'S CITGO SERVICE 4502 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-2266 8 8 69 r D R A F T S M E N For Product Design Experience with castings desirable. Excellent benefits. Apply in person or call 385-7002 OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to noon or by appointment Male Help Wanted WANTED: Full time expert-, enced mechanic. Apply in per­ son at McHenry G.M.C. & Rambler, 1801 W. Rt. 120, Mc­ Henry, 385-2620 81/8-13 69 FRESH COLLEGE ENGINEERING GRADUATES We have immediate openings for you. to $10,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 815-338-3200 8-8-69 JANITORS and WATCHMAN NEEDED • Steady employment. • Excellent benefits. Apply in person MR. V. GRIMM 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. Research Center WOODSTOCK, ILL. _ 8 8/813 69 Mala Halp Wanted Designers and Draftsmen Up to $10,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 8 8 69 HELP WANTED: We do all types of construction. V^e have all kinds of work ahead We need all types of tradesmen. * Painters * Brick Layers * Carpenters * Cement Men • Many company benefits. • Overtime premium. • Only experienced tradesmen need apply. ARNOLD MAY, BUILDERS, INC. 9716 North Route 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 8169TF2 • TOOL ROOM MACHINIST and • LATHE OPERATOR 385-4800 ASTRO CRAFT, INC. 3915 Spring Grove Rd. McHenry, 111. 88/8-15-69 BRAKE PARTS CO. WE CARE ABOUT PEOPLE 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY CALL 338-4400 R. C. ALLEf 300 N .'Seminary WOODSTOCK, ILL. an equal opportunity enr)ployer Needed Immediately ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS MECHANICAL ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERS to $15,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 815-338-3200 88 69 BOYS WANTED 16 years or over for part time work. Must work Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Call 385-1624 or con­ tact Mrs. John Schweder, Mc­ Henry Dam State Park. 8 8/813 69 YOUNG MAN to learn vending business. 2 weeks paid vacation after 1 year. Salary $2.75 per hour plus expenses. Car neces­ sary. Call 312-438-2324 for ap- r , i .tment. 8 8/8-15-69 forTEnt OFFICE SPACE Spacious room for rent in new, modern, air conditioned KENT BUILDING, 3322 W. Elm St McHenry. Partially furnished and plenty of storage space. CaU 3854)269 after 6 p.m. 8-1-69TF1 ? ^OOM for neat employed mar ,15 week. References. Call 385- 1398 after 5 p.m. 8-1 69TF2 NEW 2 bedroom apartment in McHenry. New range, refriger­ ator, fully carpeted. No pets [mmediate occupancy. Call 385- 3042. 81/8-8-69 ULTRA deluxe huge water­ front 2 bedroom apartment Ex­ tra large kitchen, dining room stove, refrigerator, heat and cooking paid, fully carpeted. Adults only. No pets. Call 385-3868. 8 6/8 8 69 4 ROOM, 2 bedroom house, near town. Partially furnished, stove and refrigerator. 2 or 3 people preferred, $100 a month, 2 months in advance. Call 8l5- 385-0312. 8 8 69 (ummage Backyard List your Garage Rummage, Basement or Backyard Sale In the McHENRY PLAIN- DEALER Want Ads and you will receive (FREE) 2 printed igns to identify your property us the SALES location. The fid must run in two issues of •h«» McHenry Plaindealer to i -alify. •Vhen planning .a SALE of /our own stop in at Plain- lealer office for a Free bro- •hure of helpful hints thai will enable you to gain more •evenue from your sale. Some vho have never conducted • iale of this type will find this brochure helpful. GARAGE SALE, Saturday & Sunday 9th and 10th. Many household items, air condi­ tioner, dinette set, lawn furni­ ture and more. 5620 Sylvan Dr., Wonder Lake. 8 8 69 GARAGE SALE, August 8th irid 9th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7501 Center Dr., Wonder Lake. Good light fixtures, odds and ends. 8 8 69 RUMMAGE SALE: Thursday, August 14th. 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., clothes, shoes, knick-knacks, misc. 2410 Lilac, Holiday Hills. 88/8-13-69 RUMMAGE SALE: August 15th, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. August 16th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. First United Methodist Church, Mafei and Center Street, McHenry. Sponsored by W.S.C.S. 8 8/8-13-69 ilUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, Vugust 9th, 10 a.m. to 5 pjn. Sunday, August 10th, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. American Legion Home, Ringwood Rd. 88 69 4 ROOM furnished house. Pre­ fer bachelor or teachers, in Frix Lake. References and se­ curity deposit. Call 312-JU7- 2622. 8-8-69 SYSTEM ANALYSTS PROGRAMMERS Immediate Placement To $13,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3^00 88 69 SMALL UPSTAIRS apartment. Ideal for couple, in town, no pots, references. Call 385-2690 8 8 69 2 ROOM apartment now avail­ able at 3308 Pearl St. All utilities furnished. See Mr. Beaton in Town Club building. 88/8-13-69 1 BEDROOM furnished apart­ ment in Wonder Lake. Prefer school teacher. Call 653-5632 88/81369 3 BEDROOM home, double plumbing, oil heat spacious grounds, near school and shop­ ping, includes garage. Oc­ cupancy Sept. 1, 1969. Call Richmond, 111. 815-678-6821 « 8-8-69 4 ROOM unfurnished house. Gas furnace heat. References and security deposit required Call 312-JU7-5726 or 312-JU7- 2622. 8 8 69 Men For PLATING Small Parts (DAY SHIFT) Some experience helpful ALSO PART TIME WORK For Retired Man With plating knowledge SHOP IN McHENRY PETS FOR SALE ENGLISH POINTERS, 4 mos. old. Champion blood lines, fine disposition. Ready to start this fall. Call 815-653-9209. 7-30-69TF1-2 FIVE WEEK OLD German Shepherd pups. Not registered $20 each. Call 385-4389 8 6/8869 6 WEEKS OLD small Scotch Collie puppies, $5 each. Call 653-9391. 8-6/8-869 FEMALE, 3 year old Irish Set­ ter. Good hunting dog. Good with children, housebroken Full blooded, with papers. $75 or best offer. Call 385-8278. BOXER PUPPIES, male or fe­ male, AKC, 10 weeks old and have first shot. Ears clipped. Champion Sired. $75 and up Call 312-JU7-8614. 8 6/8 869 BASSET PUPS, AKC, shdw quality. 438-7752. 10 w< Call 312- 86/8869 AKC German Shepherd pup­ pies. Ready to go. Call 385- 6147. 8 6/8869 SILVER TOY POODLES, AKC registered. Champion Grand- sire, Pointed Sire. Also groom­ ing and stud service. Call 815- 385-8994. 8-8/8-13-69 TWO YEARLING gelded colts. One registered Quarterhorse other Albino. 815-459-4586. 8-8-69 SITUATION WANTED LOVING DAY CARE for in­ fants up to 18 months, for vorking mother, by mature li­ censed lady. Call 653-3141 8 6/8 8 69 WANTED GIRL TO SHARE expenses f apartment with young school teacher. Prefer another teacher. Write to Box 245, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 8 6/88 69 PUPPIES, Utters only. Will pick up if brought to McHen­ ry area. Good home guaran teed. Call 385-7897. 8 6 69TF12 WANTED: A Toy Manchester puppy or similar small breed Female preferred. Good home assured. Call 385-7515 8 6/8869 SHOP IN McHENRY A group of crippled youngsters who attend the Easter Seal Therapy center for treatment are shown with three of the instructors atthe Wood­ stock municipal swimming pool, where the spec­ ial recreational program is underway. Seated is Mrs. Eugene O'Brien of the-Easter Seal auxiliary and in the water, from the left, are Sue Pam Wolf, instructor. Fun In The Sun There's a place in the sun for all youngsters at the Wood­ stock swimming pool, but there is a group that has a special place. This groiq> is comprised of youngsters who are crippled and receive treatment at the McHenry County Easter Seal center. This is the fourth year of the program for which the Easter Seal auxiliary of the county, Mrs. B. E. Dehlin of Crystal Lake, president-, is un­ derwriting the entire project. There are nine youngsters this summer ranging from 3 to 18 years, with Pam Wolf a licensed life guard, as in­ structor. Miss Wolf took a spec­ ial course this spring at South­ ern university to be qualified to instruct in this recreational program. She said that there are those who can swim a little and the others are there for rec­ reation and have a great amount of fun. This project is in op­ eration from 10:30 a.m. until noon Tuesday through Friday for 4 weeks. The starting date was July 22. She explained that it is best to have a ratio of 1 instructor to 1 child if possible. W exiled To Bay WANTED to buy 2 or 3 bed­ room house in McHenry area. Have cash will buy from own­ ers. Write to Box #242. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 8169TF12 USED sewing machine with 'Touch & Sew" features, for high school girl. Call 385- 3750. 8 6/8 8 69 WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNER. 80 OR MORE" ACRES. Send description and price to: BOX >48 c/o McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8-8-69 NOTICE NOTICE PICNIC AND WHITE ELEPHANT SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 9,1969 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. Serving full menu Southern Fried Chicken ADULTS $L50 , CHILDREN 90c Games for the kiddies Music EVERYBODY WELCOME Wonder Lake Lookout Point #2 7-30/8-8-69 HJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIUMmilllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIII^ 1 Big AUGUST Savings | 1 Dry Cleaning Special - | 3 FOR THE PRICE OF 2 Now during August you can have any item SANITONE cleaned and pressed -- Pay for 2 -- Third is FREE Send as many combinations as you wish -- NO LIMIT! -- Offer expires Aug. 30th, 1969. | GEM CLEANERS | 3004 W. Rio. 120 -- Next to VFW, 7?llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^ Assisting Pam with the pro-/ gr|m are either lifeguards orl members of swim teams at the] pool. They are Sue Ayers, Mary J Fogarty, Roxy French, Ann ar Margaret O'Brien, James Smif and Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, wh represents the Easter Seal aux^ iliary. Youngsters who attend come from Marengo, Harvard, Crys­ tal Lake, McHenry and Wood­ stock. ITEM: Painting the junc­ tions at walls and ceilings, or that difficult strip where wall meets wood trim, can be tedious. Hold a small piece of cardboard tightly against the rim of the woodwork, using a small flat brush. Place the edge of the brush at the edge of the c a r d b o a r d , a n d m a k e s h o r t strokes toward the center of the wall. ITEM: When pre-painting, removal of hardware on doors,/ windows and walls is bother/ .some, even hazardous to do, as in electrical sockets. Instead, cover them with masking tape or scraps of paper or cloth. Read the Plaindealer Pets That Need A Home OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer ail ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or'you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. 1 YEAR OLD German Shepherd, house trained. Excel­ lent with children. Good watch dog. Call 385-0758 after 6 p.m. y/V' 8 6 69 BLACK AND WHITE 7 week old part Springer and part Labrador puppies. Long ears, long and short haired. Call 385-1927. 8 8 69 PEKINESE and Fox Terrior, 5 years old. children. Call 385-0459. Good with 8-8-69 FOUR part Cock-a-poo puppies, 5 weeks old. D.D. and D. Jirousek, 7217 Hiawatha, Wonder Lake, 653-5176. 8-8-69 BLACK LABRADOR, 1% years old, male, no papers. Need place to run. Call 459-6099. 8-8-69 TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Sir or Madam whatever the case may be. We are looking for an Implement with 6 harnesses their will ac- comadate 6 husky puppies. (Papa Golden Retrier an a few things more not to be said). Those wonderful lively Brutes 5 male + 1, keep me away from working at night, so in case you don't know of any implements to be had maybe you could call (815) 385-0161 one of those nights and I will bring one over to your place, for free of course, but they will become medium size dogs so please pro* vide a little free run in the garden. White and Golden tan. Sincerely yours, • V EARL HANSEN Lily Lake Landscape P.S. We got three tractors we don't real need any more implements. 8 8 69

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