1̂ **Ov. B McCLORY REPORTS, From Washington Discussions of family plan ning have moved from the "hush-hush" stage to the open forum of the United States Con gress. In a formal message to the United States Senate and House of Representatives President Nixon has reiterated alarming facts concernng population growth -- and has requested the Congress to provide legis lative and budgetary support for a comprehensive response to a problem that is both American and world-wide. After noting that there were one billion people on the earth in 1830 and two billion a cen tury later, the President dis closed also that - in just 30 years - a third billion were tdded. He predicted that a fourth billion will be produced in a mere 15 years and - further - by the year 2000 a billibrt hu man beings will be added to the world population every five (or less) years. It is largely in response to our increased population that there has developed a general awareness of the need for con trolling pollution and otherwise conserving the human environ ment. In addition, the oceans and every possible land area are being explored for potential agricultural development in or der to meet the problem of feed ing the added billions who are expected to inhabit the earth. Even the recent moon explor ation may be included in this quest, although sustaining life on the moon for any extended period would seem impossible at this time. The President's message emphasized the more practical solution of controlling popula tion growth by stepped-up re search on birth control meth ods and by expanding family planning services and informa tion which can be utilized by all mankind. The President pointed out that most of the es timated 5 million low-income women of child-bearing age in this country do not how have adequate access to familyplan- ning assistance. Vv The President has request ed the Congress to establish a Commission on Population Growth and to authorize the De partment of Health, Education and Wfelfare (HEW) working with the Office of Economic Oppor tunity (OEO) to expand and im prove family planning informa tion and services for the ben efit of those most in need of them. S i n c e v i r t u a l l y u n m a n ageable population growth is oc curring in other countries of the world - notably Southeast Asia and Latin America-the President has pledged this na tion's cooperation with the U- nited Nations and other inter national bodies. Also, he has pointed to the important re sources of private organ- WED. AUGUST 13, 1969 - PLAINDEALER izations and university re search centers in family plan ning efforts both at home and abroad. Awkward questions related to religious beliefs may have stifled population control ac- tivites in the past. However, the import of the President's mes sage is to make birth control and family planning pro grams entirely voluntary and educational. This approach shoould avoid any conflict with religious scruples or feelings. While the President's mes sage may not have revealed new information, the public ack nowledgment of the impending national and world problem of population growth is new, in deed. In addition, the Presiden tial recommendations to the Congress suggest clearly that the Members of the United States House and Senate, as rep resentatives of the American people, must take appropriate steps to assure that (despite man's explorations of outer space) the planet1'Earth" sha11 not become so over pop ulated that it cannot sustain life in an environment which has BS Degree To McHenry Girl Cheryl A. Krystosek, from McHenry, received a Bachelor of Science degree from North ern Illinois university, DeKalb, on Aug. 7. Miss Krystosek was one of approximately 1,000 stu dents to graduate in the largest commencement exercises to be held at the university in the summer. Eleven doctoral degrees were awarded. Presenting the dip lomas was Dr. F.R. Geigle, executive vice-president of the university. N Dr. Samuel Braden, presi dent of Illinois State university, delivered the main address. Whenever a feller can't get a gal off his mind, he soon has her on his hands. Cant they make a piano that sounds the same to the play er, as to the neighbors? enabled mankind to survive to the year A.D. 1969. i FOREMOST <</(((( &(< • HEAD START CLASS' -- Studying pets and program extends through Friday of this week their care is one phase ef a program for at the white kindergarten house on Waukegan pre-school age children participating in Head road. - - • Start classes in McHenry this summer. The PLAINDEALER PHOTO A M E R I C A ' S D I S C O U N T L I Q U O R S U P I P M A R K I T S NAME DELEGAIES FOR ILLINOIS CANCER MEET Dr. Charles J. Lockwood, Marengo, and Mrs. A.B. Mc- Connell, Jr., Woodstock, will be McHenry county American Cancer society unit delegates to the state meeting next month. Board members n^med them the official delegates at last week's regular quarterly meet ing. The board approved a bud- GOODWILL TO~ VISIT McHENRY FRIDAY, AUG. 22 August is the time to check school clothing, shoes and sup plies. Goodwill Industries can use outgrown children's clothing and shoes in the rehabilitation program for the physically han dicapped, reported Mrs. Nick (Agnes T.) Adams, local Good will c^presentative. TWe GoodwiN Industries truck will be in McHenry, Friday, Aug. 22, and pifckup arrange- ments'may be made by calling Mrs. Adams. "Many people are unaware of the fact that Goodwill can use anything in the textile field, no matter in what condition," Mrs. Adams said. "Goodwill operates a complete repair and salvage department, including laundry, dry cleaning plant, mending, millinery, flatwear and housewares departments. Every item is washed, fum igated, sterilized, sprayed and soprani zed". [Can1! turn back the calendar Ever dream about the "good old days?" Only a mile to school. $25-a- month hired men. And low, low auto insurance. But there's no going back. Arid who wants to? Mud roads. Forty- bushel corn. And auto insurance with half the benefits you get to d a y f r o m C o u n t r y Companies. Many Country Com panies auto insurance coverages simply aren't a v a i l a b l e f r o m m o s t other companies. And you'd have to look a Icng time to find better rates. Why not let me tell you more? Your Country Companies. Agent Lee B. Kortemeier - Off, 338-2000 Res. 338-0975 get of $2,050 for local oper ating expenses. Virtually all money collected in the Cancer Crusade goes to fight cancer through research, educational programs, and literature. David Ladd, chairman of the 1969 Cancer Crusade, said the goal of $23,500 was virtually reached and he expects added contributions to reach the goal before the end of the fiscal year Aug. 31. Exceptional work in such townships as Dorr, Algonquin, and Nunda helped the county go over the top. Memorials brought in more money than a year ago with $2,700 received the past Committee heads were named for 1969-70 by Arnold May, Richmond, president. They in clude Mrs. Michael Gannon, ed ucation; Mrs. Ilaverne Gregory, services; Dr. S.L. Ruggero, professional education; Mrs. Lee Cooney, memorials; and Don Peasley, information. May appointed a new com mittee to be called "income de velopment committee" and ask ed Don Peasley, John Orso and David Ladd to serve on it. r""sHo""n I McHENRY | S for A" ITHI JM! I BEST ^Vv l BARGAINS !•••••••• Should a woman love her draperies more than her husband? No! . . . both require tender loving care, especially when they start to age from constant exposure to the elements. But regardless of age or condition, Coit guarantees perfection or 100"j replacement of your clean- able draperies. (Your husband? . . . That's your problem!) Phone today for a free estimate. Coit guarantees: No Shrinkage Perfectly Even Hems Exact Pteat Folding Water Damage Removed Professional Removal/Installation New Fabric LMe Ill 1COIT WORLD S LARGEST DRAPERY CLEANERS FREE ESTIMATES--PHONE 695-9565 226 North State Street -- Elgin *X OFFICIAL CLEARANCE SALE ^ -- Buy now and save on our large array of RCA Color TV models. Available at fantastically reduced clearance sale prices. Shop early while selections are at their greatest. And enjoy the best Color TV values of the year! Take you* choice-Buy now and save-*37888 Color TV MODEL EL-412 14" •+ diag., 102 so- picture Always a best seller, this compact, lightweight RCA Color TV portable delivers high performance. Now at sensational clearance sale savings. as Color TV MODEL GL-611 23- t diag, 295 SO-1". pJctur# $249.95 Biggest picture. Most-wanted features. Great savings. All yours with this handsome RCA Color TV Conso- lette. Priced for the official RCA Color TV clearance **>• JUST $468.88 Come in--Buy now and save! 815 385-0979 4605 W. Route 120 RADI° TV SALES ' SERVICE McHENRY, ILL. SALE AT McHENRY STORE ONLY 4512 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday CANADA DRV MIXERS GINGER ALE \ CLUB SbDA WINK COLLINS MIX T. A. BOTTLES Philadelphia 8 yean old BLENDED WHISKEY 3 Uhtlailelphi QUART IMEISTER Californii BRAU BRANDY BEER Draft or Reg. Qts COLONEL JS, STRAIGHT BOURBON Kemtucn FIFTH Inported SCOTCH FIFTH POPULAR BRAND GIN OR VODKA FIFTH BARTENDERS MIXES BOX OF 12 BLATZ Draft Brewed 6 PAK - T. A. Bottles Imported Canadian Whiskey FIFTH 4 Falstaff BEER 6-12 oze Cans <5* Al QUART >512 W. ROUTE 120 - McHENRY Open 9 A.M. TO 11 P.M. 7 Days A Week PAY LESS - GET MORE! jfllisU'iII ! Advertised Beer And ' Beverages Not Iced / *