THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER WEU. AUGUST 13, '9*9 - : . ..NDEALtK - K<*7. v j5£SNr guy. OOFT DEADLINE Office Honrs Daily 8:30 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper Monday 4 p.m. . _ Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 9:80 a.m. Friday Paper Thursday 9:80 a.m. He Refunds on Prepaid ads Situations Wanted, Wanted Is Bent must be paid In advance. Plalndealer Is not re- •poaslble for errors In das- ads after the first In- u Check your ad the ttnf week and call our at- •nation to any mistakes. Phone 885-0170. This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information qaay be ob ̂ taincd from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, itoom 782, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 01. 60604. , FOR SALE 20 x 30 inch bevel edge plate glass mirror. White upholster ed headboard for single bed. Call 385-5630. 7 3 69TF1-2 AUTOS AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 8-169TF12 Replacement Paris For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers * ROUTE 120 < t Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 LEAVING FOR FLORIDA immediately '65 Chev. Impala Spt. Cpe. - 2 dr. hardtop, V8, auto., radio, p. brakes, maroon, blk. interior, new tires. 8950. 385-4292. 7-23-69TF1-2 AUTOS 1965 FORD Galaxie 500 4 door Sedan. Full power, radio, heat er, white walls. $775. Call 385- 7819. 8-169TF12 G. I. SERVING ̂ In Viet Nam Must s^ll his 1964 white, two door hardtop, Pontiac Catalina, top running con dition, clean. Take over pay ments. Call 385-0170 ASK FOR TOM * 7-30-69TF1-2 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA convertible. Must sell, going to Europe. Good condition. Best offer. Call 385-8473 after 5 p.m. 8-13/8-15-69 1964 IMPALA convertible, full power, 283 AT; Excellent con dition, clean. Call 385-7534. 8-13/8-15-69 1967 MGB, wire wheels, buc ket seats, leather interior and much more. Best offer. Call 385-1744. 8-13/8-15-68 1958 FORD station wagon. Runs. Good snow tires, $70 Call 385-2778. 8-13/8-15-6r 1966 FORD 1 ton pick-up, $750. Call 385-4554 or 385-2374. 8-13/8-15-6S LEAVING STATE must sell. 1967 B.SA. Hornet, 650 c.c. No reasonable offer refused. Must see to appreciate. Call 385-7663. 8-13/8-15-69 1968 IMPALA 2 door hardtop. Mechanically good, $3800 new, must sacrifice for $1850. Call 385-0459 after 5 p.m. - 8-13-6& 1966 FORD 1 ton pick-up. 9x5 picture window, used, with storms. Call 385-4554. 88/8-13-69 SHOP IN McHENRY BUSINESS SERVICES WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing, • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 4 312-BA3-5634 8-169TF12 Interior and exterior fainting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur day. - S&169TF12 Business Opportunities , LARGE CLUB HOUSE FOR RENT Volo area. Lake County on private Sullivan Lake. Bar and restaurant, includes all fixtures. Can handle ban quets up to 700. For Information call Nile* 312-966-6900 or 312-775-3400 7-30/8-15-69 BUSINESS SERVICES SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Established service station in McHenry. Excellent op portunity for right man. For Information Call (-827-3310 88/8 20 69 BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed • Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Smith 312-526-8632 8-169TF12 GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, ce ment work, painting, roof ing, expert workmanship. SUPERCRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. Call 385-0662 8-169TF12 J & J SOD & BLACKTOPPING • Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, stone, seal coating, gravel. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 312-634-3293 312-526-6564 after 6 P.M. 88/9 3 69 CAE CONCRETE. Driveways, patios, stoops, basement floors, floors, foundation frost walls, and concrete breaking. Free estimates. Call 385-3596. 8-169TF12 WILL TEACH organ lessons in my home. Call 385-4303. 7 23/8-15-69 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment On the Job Repairs 702 W. Columbus McHenry, 111. 815-385-6195 81 69TF12 J. A. WHITE Custom INTERIOR & exterior decorating. • Paper hanging FREE ESTIMATES CALL 385-7352 after 5 p.m. Will do work for time and material. 8-13-69 FOR SALE EARLY American maple fur niture from five model homes Living room, bedroom and din ing room. Huge discount, will separate. Call 312-566-6532. 8 6/8 29 69 MIRANDA AUTO - SENSOR, Roto-trtfjTslide projector. Fully automatic with auto focus. In cludes 6 roto slide trays and deluxe screen. Excellent con dition. Call 385-8688 after 5 p.m. 6-25-69TF1-2 COLORED COVER STONE White - Pink - Black - Green Special per ton prices Also, Pink, White, Black, Boulders FOX RIVER STONE CO. Rt. 31 South of Elgin Tel. 812-742-6060 or 6064 8 669TF1 S & W Model 41 22 auto. $125; Jap 7.7 rifle, $15; Win chester Enfield 30-06 with scope, sporterized, $90; Rem. model 788 with scope 22/250, $75; Lennox h.p. catapillar with dozer blade, $400. cal. 7*% CALL 886-9671. 8-13, /8-15-69 MAGIC CHEF Chateau eye level gas stove, avoca do. Best model Magic Chef makes. All standard features plus magitrol ther- mostate top burner, com bination eye level infra red radiant broiler and oven. Rotisserie, lower oven and broiler, black glass oven door with chrome frames plus other features. Only 8 months old. Absolutely clean. Originally over $500, sacrifice $295. CALL 885-4010. 8-13/8-15-69 FOR SALE COMPLETE living room, build ers samples, includes sofa, chairs, tables and lamps, $189. Call 312-566-6428 8 6/8 29 69 COMMERCIAL type bowling machine, ideal for club, etc., no coin clot, $75. Approximately 100 sq. ft. of russ stone, $50. Call 385-3560. 7 30/8-22-69 SWIMMING POOL filter, ex cellent condition, $10. Single bed with mix spring, $10. Call 385-1964. 8 8/8-13-65 LIKE NEW beige traditional sofa, $70; studio bed complete, $30; 5' long fruitwood creden- za, $45; Thor mangle, $10. Call 385-0233. 8-13-69 9 PIECE dining room set, 2 formica walnut end tables. Call 385-3206. 8-13/8-15-69 FOR SALE FOR SALE ATTENTION ALL BOWLERS Captains, sponsors, team mates. Newest dis-1 play catalogs and fabrics for early orders of men's-women's bowling shirts. Make this your favorite center for bowling needs. Or ders taken nowjfor fall bowling season. Colors, styles, lettering^ kll available at McHENRY'S FAVORITE SPORT CENTER 10% OFF ON ORDERS RECEIVED BEFORE AUGUST 22, 1969. Hilton, Nat.Nast (perma press). 730/8-15-69 • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS •PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 885-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) TF1 ELECTRIC RANGE, $30. Call 385-4859. 88/8-13-69 CRYSTAL PAINTING CO. Will do painting. Interior and exterior. Free estimates. Call 385-1441. 8 8/8-29-69 WAYNE MEYER lawn mow ing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 8 1 69TF12 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing jrocess. They are re-useable for a variety of things *. . SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! I 25c each | McHENRY PLAINDEALER § Phon. 3854170 , tcHenr .̂ til g t Picture F rames Original Oil Pointings Lakeland - PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt. 12b McHenry 885-7100 10-23-67TF 1 12 CUBIC FOOT International Harvester refrigerator. Excel lent condition, $85. Call 385- 4494. 8-13/8-15-69 3 PIECE DRUM SET, Slinger- land. CaU 653-7563. 8-13/8-15-69 171 CHOICE ANGUS Steers 625 to 875 lbs. - 84 Good - Choice Hereford & Angus Steers THIN 450 - 500 lbs. 44 Choice ANGUS Heifers 410 lbs. LOADING 160 Fancy AN GUS Steer Calves 475 to 525 lbs. - 100 Fancy ANGUS Hei fer Calves 450 - 475 lbs. Also Choice Thrifty FEEDER PIGS WESTERN CATTLE CO. Phone 2272 - MENDOTA, ILL. 813 69 BOATS & MOTORS IN WATER, ready to go, 16 ft. Lapstrake with 30 h.p. Ev- inrude, trailer and cover in cluded, $425. Call 385-1160 8-6/813-69 -L 18 FT. Thompson cabin cruis er, 70 h.p. Merc, new tilt trail er and accessories, $1650. 1959 Ford station wagon, good run ning, $125. Call 385-3562 8-8/8-13-69 14 FT. Cedar stripe fishing boat with trailer, 16% ft. run about with 60 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer. Call 459- 3517. > 8-13/8-15-69 22 FT. Owens Cabin Cruiser, SS radio, depth sounder, in water. Excellent condition, $2500. Call 385-7025. 8-13/8-15-69 20 FT. Thompson Off-Shore Cruiser. 80 h.p. Mercury en gine. Full camper top, many extras. Call 385-0924 after 4 p.m. 8-13-69 1968 HUSTLER, 14 ft., 70 h.p. Mercury with Trail Cart trail er. Running lights, windshields, twin fuel tanks, 50 m.p.h. top speed, 3 different propellers. Complete $1,000. Call 385-7300 ask for Randy, after 6 p.m. call 385-7204. 8-13/8-15-69 12 FT. Aluminum Sea King boat with 7% Elgin motor and extras, $100. Call 385-2265 af ter 6 p.m. - 8-13/8-15-69 HEAL ESTATE % REAL ESTATE 5.6 & 7 ACHE HOME SITES road frontage on large horse farm. By owner. $1500 per acre and up. CALL 815-675-2200 8-6/815 69 BY OWNER 2 bedroom home,"' attached garage, newly deco- orated, wall to wall carpeting in living room and large bed room, one wall panelled in liv ing rm. Kitchen and dining area, 19x12'; vanity bath, gas forced air heat, combination storms and screens, $16,500. 1821 N. Lakewood, McHenry, 385-0446. 8-13/8-15-69 SHOP IN McHENRY REAL ESTATE MUST SELL all furnishings - house sold. End tables, chairs, love seats, bedroom furnishings, rugs, kitchen utensils, etc. 8-13/8-15-69 16 FT. WOOD panel garage door complete with hardware $45; 6 ft. aluminum awning, $10; like new dining room Tif- fney light fixture, $15. Cal1 385-4010. 8 23/8-15-69 6 ROOM space heater, double blower, almost new. Putting in new heating unit. Call 385- 2018. 8-13/8-15-69 RATTAN dinette and porch set. Maple bed, chest, desk, bookcase, secretary, antique walnut secretary. Call 385- 1233. 8 -13-69 36 IN. double oven Crown ga? stover 9 months old; $200 or best offer. Call 385-3595 8-13/8-15-69 Two , «r 4 Bedroom Model Houses with community pool, stable and recreation house. 1% miles east of outdoor theatre on Lincoln Rd. Val- Mar Subdivision, $40*8 Call 385-0457 8-169TF12 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Won't someone adopt us? Our Daddy passed away, our Mommy says she can't keep us. There are two of us, we are especially nicely located. One of us is a corner lot size 104.57' frontage, the other directly next to it is size 85' frontage. We are located at Home & North Ave. in Lake land Shores. We are priced right Cash or terms. Please contact Mommy at 312-879- 5051 or write to: Mrs. Helen Zawojewski 16 North Prairie St. Batavla, Illinois 60510 88/82069 T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Nice wooded area, big lot, 2 bedrooms, full basement, 2 car garage, lot of extras. $18,000. Very clean appealing 2 bed room home on 2 lots in convenient location. Wood cabinet kitchen with 5 stool breakfast counter. Finished basement with large utility room. Garage, nice yard. $22,500. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry Attractive new tri-level, near beach. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, finished base ment. Immediate posses sion^" P.MATHEWS OFFERS Hebron Immediate occupancy! Big split level colonial 5 bed rooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage in plea sant area of Hebron. $24,500. Retirement Home! 2 bed room, aluminum sided home on large shaded lot in small town, Only $10,200. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake. BL ' 815-385-6341 815-653-2061 8-13-69 BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes In a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-69TF12 McHENRY: Immediate occu pancy; 3 bedroom ranch home; large rooms; attached garage; gas heat; freshly decorated; FHA financing, $17,000. Call Louise Thomas, 459-3298. 8-8/8-13-69 CRYSTAL LAKE AREA Brand new 3 bedroom ranch with basement. Ovef'Vi, acre site by lake, $21,990 $1,390 down< $152.75 per mo. principle and interest. CaU 459-2305 or 459-5341 8-13/9-5-69 WE HAVE BUYERS For your farm, vacant acreage or estate property. CALL OUR Rural Property Dept. T. P. MATHEWS. Realtors 885-6841 or 658-2061 81 69TF12 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom, large kitchen, dining room, family worn, double lot. Semi-private pier. Call 385-1935. 81 69TF12 2 LOTS near town, 100x400* each. *$4,500 each. NO AG ENTS. Call 385-6092. 81/8 2769 Female Help Wanted OFFICE GIRLS Up to $350 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton St. Woodstock 815-338-3200 8-13-69 DELIVERY and stock work, age 21-40, to work in auto parts store. Apply in person. B&D Automotive Supply, 1719 Rt 120, Call 385-0046. 8 1 69TF12 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE YOUR carpets deserve the best. Clean with Racine and walk on immediately. Sham poos without water. Rent Ma chine. Lakeland Paint. 8-13-69 DUNCAN HINES upright freezer, holds 750-lbs., $75 or best offer. Call 385-3364. t 8-13/8-15-69 WALNUT dining room set, 9 pieces, table, 6 chairs, buffet and china closet. Excellent condition, $75. Call 385-0086 or may see at 3607 Waukegan Rd. 8-13/8-22-69 FOR FAST RESUlf RHONE 385-0170 particulars on above property D U P L E X 2 bedroom, adjoining apartment, with full basements* attached garages, adjoining vacant lot available if de sired. All facilities. Modern, just painted. Near churches, schools, % mile east of Powers Lake. Will finance with 20% down. fr 414-877-2097 813/8-15-89 LAKE VILLA . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 bedroom, 2 bath RANCH. Large living room with fireplace overooking PETITE LAKE on CHAIN O' LAKES. Large kitchen with breakfast area and built-ins. Cherry wood panelled recreation room with wet bar. $55,000 h 3 bedr McHENRY RANCH 7 living room, dining room, kitchen- built-ins, vinyl wall covering, 2bi size lot. WILL SELL ON CON- with 3 bedrooms, combination with car garage, large TRACT, $27,500. LARGE HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY AND MEYERS BAY Beautiful lot with water on both sides, 5 bedrooms. Also boat house with living quarters + much storage. MUST SEE TO BE APPRECIATED, $40*s. Call for further details 385-0780 Office Open 10 to 4 pan. L. RINGER WINNETKA 999 Linden HI6-7274 LOl-4463 8-8/8-13-69 MATURE LADY to work as dental assistant. Experienced preferred but will train. Send resume to Box 246, c/o Mc Henry Plaindealer. 8 8/81369 KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Alpha-Numeric Immediate Placement To $100 Week WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 8-13-69 CAFETERIA HELP WANTED • COOK'S HELPER • SALAD GIRL • SERVERS • HOSTESSES • WAITRESS Excellent earnings, pleasant working conditions. Full time and part time. Phone or visif'Chef Bill" at AJUL Service Cafe OAK MFG. CO. Main St., Crystal Lake, 111. 459-5000 ext. 2z0 8-6-69TF 12 SECRETARIES All types for immediate local placement, to $550 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton St. -- Woodstock 815-338-3200 8-13-69 LADY to baby sit Saturday evenings and part of Sunday. Call 385-5659. 8 1 69TF12 nJ