t LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR SHIRLEY SCHUERR *385-2645 FRIENDS HOLD FAREWELL PARTY FOR SHIRLEY What was to be a meeting Tuesday, Aug. 5, turned out to be a farewell get together for yours truly. Fifteen of my many friends surprised me at the home of Val Fradinardo and her mother, Mom Farrara. Those who surpirised me were Jo Bartelt, Toni Ehredt, Alma Hueckstaedt, Pearle Stineman, Marion Vornkahl and her son and daughter, Donald and Deb bie, Helen Rodde, Ida Legge, Euncie Tobey, Marge Polinski, Lee Bassi, Diane Fuhler, Ruth Young and Elsie Metz. I re ceived twq> beautiful gifts from the women. It is a meeting I will always remember. LADIES LEAGUE Held their regular meeting Wednesday, Aug. 6. After the business on hand was taken care of, bunco was played. Win ners were Viola Arbogast, first, Melody Mix, second, Corrie Mix, third, and Jenny Gionnela, fourth. Booby went to Olive Cor- bett. Guests of the evening were Jenny Giannola, Rosemary, Corrie and Melody Mix, and Debbie Fullman. WEDDING BELLS Rang out for Danny Kinnerk and Mary Lou ButleV-Sunday, BIBLl VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSES AT CITY CHURCH A closing program will cli max two weeks of daily vaca tion Bible School at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHen- ry, on Friday, Aug. 15, at 7:30 p.m. The closing program, writ ten by church organist, Mary Jane Boelens, and produced by church school staff members, Midge Teuber and Gayle Rich ardson, will summarize the highlights of two weeks of school in song and narrative form. The school, meeting under the theme "Living God*s Way",has provided the students enrolled with history information, han dicraft projects, organized rec reation and group singing. The superintendents for the two weeks of activity were Barb Schrmaling and Shirley Lamer- and. Opening worship services were conducted by Ann Blundell. The coordinator for the school was William Pinkonsly, Sr. Staff members who served at the mid-summer school were Loretta Nelson, Linda Beck, Winifred Clausen, Margaret Hansen, Beverly Hansen, Mary Lou Owens, Roye Roadman, Virginia Karls, Cori Wilhelm, Dorothy Putnam, Joan Lundy, Rosemary Schneider, Janice Wick, Joyce Pinkonsly, Sandra Cole, Eunice Heise, Joyce Schultz, Cheryl Kinder, Linda Richardson, Marlene Linders, Cheryl Nuss, Dean Heise, Jean ne Schultz, June Campbell and Pastor Roger Schneider. MINIATURE DOLLS UNUSUAL FEATURE OF ILLINOIS FAIR Dolls and doll houses which are not toys, but a way of life in miniature, is one of the un usual exhibits during the Ill inois State Fair, Aug. 8through 17. An eye-catching display by the Ukrainian National Women's League of American, in the Textile building, features two separate doll houses, complete with scale items of furnishings, and dolls attired in typical Ukrainian clothing. AH are handmade in the traditional styles and patterns native to the area in the southeastern corner of Europe, which is now one of the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union. Mrs. Volodymyra Demus of Mokena, who made many of the items in the display, will be on hand with other League mem bers to answer questions about the exhibit itself, and about the Ukrain, where love of bright strong color and sharp bold de sign is part of the way of life.- The illuminated, two-story, cut-away model of a typical modern Ukrainian home fea tures intricate hand embroid ery on clothing, curtains, bed spreads, table covers, scarves, pillows and even pictures on the walls. There are also hand carved wooden objects inlaid with mother of pearl, tiny plates on the walls, 'hand-woven rugs and a table setting appropriate for a family gathering. The second house is part of a typical Ukrainian village. The representative country house and its village displays customs of everyday life and the beau tiful, colorful clothing which features patterns which have been in use almost unchanged since before the time of Christ. Aug. 3, at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Danny is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kin nerk of Lakemoor. Mary Lou is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Butler of Wildwood. Con gratulations Danny and Mary Lou and may you have many years of wedded bliss. SYMPATHIES No words can express our deepest sympathies to Vito Spero and children on the loss of Vita's wife, Josephine who passed away the week of July 28. BELATED ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to Roy and Eu nice Tobey. Roy and Eunice celebrated their wedding anni versary on July 25. ANNIVERSARY Greetings go to A1 and Pearle Stineman who will celebrate their wedding anniversary Fri day, Aug. 'l5. Congratulations, Roy and Eunice, A1 and Pearle, and hope you celebrate many more years together. WANTED NEW WRITER For the Lake moor - L i ly moor column. If you are interested in writing the column please contact the Plaindealer office. I will be moving to the state of Arizona in the next feW weeks. I would like to take/this time to thank everyone for making it possible for me to report the news for Lakemoor and Lily- moor for these past several years. I have made many, many friends through the column and the organizations I belong to. It isn't easy to pull up stakes and move after being here for seventeen years and having so many friends. I would like to thank Pat Morrison for writing the column for me while I was in the hospital. Thank you Pat. If anyone is interested in writing the column please con tact the Plaindealer office now. With all I have to do to move there might not be a column written again by yours truly. here and there in BUSINESS TJ PS WED. AUGUST 13, PLAINDEA' 2R - PG. 5 -a « YOUNG START WORK ON PISTAKEE AREA CABLE PROJECT Illinois Bell has started work on a mijor buried cable pro ject to improve telephone ser vice and provide for future growth in the Pistakee Bay area northeast of McHenry. Stanley F. Jozwiak, Illinois Bell manager, said contractors vyill dig trenches for 13,500 feet of new cable east along Lincoln road from Chapel Hill road to Cuhlman road, north on Cuhlman to Bay road, and east on Bay to Manitou road. Jozwiak said new cable also will "be buried north of Bay road along' the west side of Regner road for about 3,500 feet. R t . 1 2 0 In addition, Illi men will pull soi of new cable th telephone conduit and Chapel Hill sis Bell line- 8,500 feet Dugh existing ilong Rt. 120 to help FLUORIDATION Nearly 500 Illinois commun ities are now either fluoridat ing their own water supplies or using already fluoridated water from other sources, Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said. An ad ditional 198 public water sup plies have sufficiently naturally occurring fluoride to make the addition of chemical fluoride unnecessary. Fluoride is a na tural substance found in vary ing degrees in nearly all water and most foods. link the new buried \able to the AIR FORCE ARi COLLECTION TO BE DISPLAYED SSgt. Charles G. Randall, lo cal Air Force recruiter, has made arrangements for the U.S. Air Force art collection to be on display in the Mall at the Belvidere Shopping center, Lewis and Belvidere, Wauke- gan, Aug. 20 through 25, 1969. This exhibition was requested by Sergeant Randall to provide the Lake and McHenry county communities with a visual pic ture of the U.S. Air Force. The paintings in this exhi bition were selected from the approximately 2,500 paintings of the U.S. Air Force art col lection. These paintings were created for the American public and it is with the intent that all Americans have an opportunity to appreciate their beauty and message, that this showing was arranged. Sew and Save Making your own cbthes is | America* Fattest Growing Hobby -- PLUS -- You Get Better Quality And Fit START NOW I I • I t I I • • • » I NEW FALL YARD GOODS 791 $6.99 We have 100 yards of Fall Fabrics Come make your selection NOW! We have all the Simplicity Patterns for the Fall Period ALSO Threads, zippers, tapes and notions to fill your every sewing need. HSN STREET MALL telephone central office at 1311 N. Court street. When operational, the new cable initially will serve more than 450 Illinois feell customers in the Pistakee Bay area. Joz wiak said the new facilities will improve the reliability of tel ephone service for these cus tomers and will make it easier for others to call them. He said the new cable also will provide spare lines to meet future growth in the area. TIT • Jozwiak said the cable is be ing placed underground to give it added protection from the weather and to keep it from affecting the appearance of the areas through which it passes. Aerial cable now located along Lincoln road will be removed after completion of the buried cable project late this year. Never give a piece of your mind, until you are sure you can spare it. PROPERTY OWNERS PLAN FOR ANNUAL PICNIC AUG. 17 Hey!! It's picnic time again. The annual Holiday Hills pic nic sponsored by the Holiday Hills Property Owner's Asso ciation will be held on Sunday, Aug. 17. In case you haven't been watching the calendar, that's this Sunday, If you have attended our old fashioned picnics before, you know how much fun they are, if not don't miss this one! There'll be fun for everyone from babies to Grandma and Gran<fca. You have guests coming Sunday?? Swell, bring them along, and if you don't have any guests coming, get on the phone and call some of your friends to come out and join you at the picnic. The fun begins at 12 o'clock noon and will last until the last picnicker decides he has to go home in order to get to work on Monday. It's usually the same few who close up but you can stay on and enjoy the fun too. It's not a select group. The festivities will be held at the same place it has in pre vious years on Riverside drive. If you are not from Holiday Hills and are not familiar with the subdivision, take the main road (Sunset Drive) as far as it ioes to the river and turn left. 'You'll see the picnic grounds from there. WHITE ELEPHANTS? Mary Mahon, in charge of the white elephant booth at the pic nic, is looking for some addit ional contributions. Do you have a white elephant lying around your house?? Give Mary a call at 385-5955. Oh, by the way, no husbands or wives o? mothers-in-law will be accept ed by Mary. RECIPE RENDEVOUS Tonight is the night for the Women's Club recipe exchange. Look through your files and pick out your favorites, then bring tjiem along and share them. You husbands who are reading this have a great deal to gain from this meeting. Maybe now there will be a change in the menus at your house. Get with it,gals, this should be fun and advan tageous. GREETINGS Many happy returns this week go to Debbie Slottag and for mer resident, Charis Ary, on the thirteenth, to Mary Mahon and Greg Mroz on the fifteenth and to Mike Kathon on the six teenth. An anniversary greeting to Alice and Wayne Malzahn who are celebrating their eleventh on the sixteenth. GET-WELL WISHES I have no news on new illnesses but am happy to re port that the Breedes are re cuperating nicely from their accident and Pat Roth is well on the road to recovery following surgery. ASK SS INCREASE Joined by more than 75 other House Republicans, Congress man M^Clory (I^ake Bluff) has urged committee hearings to raise Social Security payments for the 25 million Americans who rely on Social Security pay ments for their subsistence. Congressman * McClory was among those who called upon. Chairman Wilbur Mills of the House Ways and Means com mittee to give immediate con sideration toreKevlrigtheliard- ship on Social Security recip ients resulting from inflation and general cost of living in creases. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN OUR P m I m WIN *17500 IN YOUR NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT WHEN WILL THE TEMPERATURE FIRST during the week of AUG. 25,k thru 30* 1st PRIZE 2nd PRIZE 3rd PRIZE $100.00 50.00 25.00 HERE'S HOW TO ENTER P"1"" of the Scorcher F.NTHIKS: 1) Anyone can enter except the employees of the McHenry State Bank and their f»m- ilies. Tliere is nothing to buy. You do mil have to be a depositor at this bank. 2) All entries must be dropped off at the McHenry SUte Bank giving your estimate of the das, time, and minute the temperature will first hit 95 degrees. 3) You may enter as many times as you wish, but each entry must be on a separate entry blank available at the Bank. 4) Entry blanks must be in before closing hour August 23rd. 5) In the event that during this week the temperature does not reach 95 degrees, the highest temperature recorded during that week according to the National Weather Bureau will win. JUDGING: 1) Official source for the minute »hen the temperaturf first reaches 95 degrees in McHenry for the purpose of the vorcher will be th* McHenry State Bank's time- temperature clock on the corner of Kim street and RichmantRoad. 2) The clock has been wired to sto(> when the temperature reaches 95 degrees on the clock's thermometer. The clock will continue to flash the minute 95 degrees was at tained, until the bank officials have it recalibrated. 3) Judges will be the officials of Che McHenry SUte Hank. Their decision shall be final. 4) In event the clock is declared out of commission by the bank officials the temper ature readings will be ineffective during the time the clock is undergoing repairing. The bank will not be responsible for any cause of the sign no* operating properly. KNTRY BLANK WHEN WILL IT REACH 95° AUGUST 25th THRU 30th DATE HOUR r COLD CASH IN HIGH TEMPERATURES . . . THATS THE THEME OF THE McHENRY STATE BANK'S $CORCHER CONTEST. WHEN THE TEMPERATURE FIRST HITS 95 DEGREES ABOVE ZERO THIS SUMMER-AS SHOWN BY OUR TIME AND TEMPERATURE SIGN. McHenry State Bank "Whirt Family Mon«y Matters" 3S 3510 W. Elm 385-1040 A FULL SERVICE BANK i A