LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR PAT ZABROSKI CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS -- Construction materials filled the halls of Landmark school on Waukegan road just ten days ago as work men hurried to complete renovation before the 3tart of school early in September. The fam- iliar ring of the old bell will call kindergarten pupils and a few others to first and second grades in the 1894 vintage building with the start of the fall term. PLAINDEALER PHOTO FAMILY SERVICE PSYCHOLOGIST AT SEMINAR Michael Hurt, M.A., clinical psychologist for the Family Service and Mental Health Clin ic for McHenry County, recently attended a semiar at DePaul university on Drug Addiction and Alcoholism. "The seminar provided a wide range of information and opin ions from outstanding people representing courts, law en forcement, religion, sociology, neurology, psychology and t£ie ogy ai addict himself," saidljurt.1 "The latest research findings were discussed and popular myths, held even in profession al circles, concerning drugs and alcohol were discounted. Opinions offered by persons of differing involvements pointed up the varied attitudes held in our society toward the person who has an addiction problem and the need for cooperation between all resources so that the addicted person can receive help in dealing with his prob lem," remarked Hurt. "Infact, research evidence indicates that approximately 1 out erf 14 _J>eople are physiologically to alcohol addle y §is- icjuon. A poplular myth is that mari huana leads to opiate addiction; this is no more true than the per son who takes a drink becomes an alcoholic." The seminar's main effect was to provide a broad and accurate understanding of addiction and develop the therapeutic skills with the addict. Mr. Hurt also visited treatment centers for alcoholism and drug addic tion. The seminar was endorsed by the Illinois State Medical so ciety. GO CLASSIFIED ASSOCIATION MEETS SEPT. 9 AT RYAN HOME The next meeting of the Lily- moor Association will be held Sept. 9, at 8 p.m. It will be held at the Ryan home. AUXILIARY NEWS The Woman's Auxiliary will hold a card party on Wednes day, Sept. 17. It will be held at the Moose Hall in McHenry, at 1 p.m. There will be re freshments and tickets may be obtained from members of the auxiliary or at the door. VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR The village board held their regular meeting last Thursday at the community house. The board passed and approved the municipal retailers' occupation tax and the municipal service occupation tax which is pub lished elsewhere in the Plain- dealer. More road work is to be done before the summer's end on the roads not repaired by the MFT funds. The board is con templating installing more street lights on roads that are dark to stop some of the prow ling in the village after dark. The next village meeting is the second Thursday of Septem ber. As a reminder, the village is holding a corn roast on the large beach on August 23 start ing at 4 p.m. There will be games and refreshments for young and old. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the com munity house. Everyone is in vited to attend. If you have com pany for the day, bring them along. The President, Richard J. Hyatt and Clerk Pat Morrison attended the Founders Day fes tivities in Algonquin as guests of that town on August 9. They report they had a very enjoy able day as envoys from our village and especially enjoyed their visit and dinner with Franklin McCormick of radio fame, who was the parade mar shal for the day. SERVICEMEN Herbert Zabroski left for the Marine Corps on July 29. He is in San Diego for his boot train ing. While enjoying a day off the USS Fulton, Mike Hatch went trout fishing with friends and had a very successful day. FUN CLUB Was held at Lou Bitterman's house. They celebrated Alice Becker's birthday, and a real nice buffet was served. Prizes were won by Doris Kibbe, Emma Kunz, Alice Becker and Pat Morrison. An enjoyable eve ning was had by all. GO TO FAIR Mrs. Hatch took her great- nieces and nephews to the Mc Henry County Fair for an En joyable time. Their fathers are James and John Hansen, for mer residents of Lakemoor. ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Leon celebrated their forty-seventh wedding anniversary on August 5. Father Tierney of Saint Pat rick's church held Mass in their home. There were thirty-five relatives and close friends there to help them celebrate the happy occasion. GET-WELL Wishes go to Ann Bo Ida who is a patient at the McHenry hospital. Get-Well wishes also go to Marcella Carlson who is also a patient at the McHenry hospital due to an automobile accident. Here's hoping you are both home soon and are just fine. SURPRISE MEETING Chuck Zabroski had a sur prise meeting when he met Bill Daly in Germany recently. Both men are serving in the Army over there. Chuck is a local resident of Lakemoor and Bill is a forrtier resident, who lives in Palatine with his par ents. NEW WRITER I am the new writer for the Lakemoor-Lilymoor column, and I would appreciate it if you would call me if you have any news that you would like in the column. My phone number is 385-4726. It would help a great deal if you could give me your news to put into the column. FORMER SCRIBE OFFERS THANKS I would like to thank Pat Zabroski for taking the Lake- moor-Lilymoor column. I know, Pat, the people of Lakemoor and Lilymoor will be very glad to call you with their news. NEW DEPARTMENT Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie sign ed into law Senate Bill 281 creating a new state Department of Corrections. Gov. Ogilvie called for creation of the new department and new legislation modernizing Illinois' crime prevention and penology pro grams in a special message on law enforcement delivered to the 76th General Assembly Feb. 19. The new department in creases to 20 the agencies un der the governor with depart ment status. Two divisions of correction will function within the new department. One will be concerned with adult offen ders, the other with juvenile offenders. The juvenile division will administer institutions now under jurisdiction of the Youth commission. WED. AUGUST 20, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 velopment of an area consisting of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties. The commission provides planning assistance to local governments and coordinates intergovernmental planning ef forts. It is financed almost en tirely through voluntary con tributions and appropriations from more than 130 municipal ities and other governmental units. Mr. Lawton has served the city of Highland Park as mayor since 1967, and was a council man from 1963 to 1967. He also has served as a member of the plan commission and the zon ing board of appeals, and was president of School District 108. He has served on the advisory committee of the NIPC and is a member of the state air pol lution board. LAWTON NEW CHAIRMAN OF ' PLAN COMMITTEE Highland Park Mayor Samuel j/T. Lawton, Jr., has been named chairman of the Technical Ad visory committee on Housing and New Towns of the North eastern Illinois Planning com mission. His appointment was confirmed by Jchn M. Baird of Winnetka, president of the com mission. Richard F. Babcockof Woodstock serves as its vice- president. The ^Northeastern Illinois Planning commission was es tablished by the Illinois Gen eral Assembly in 1957 to en courage orderly growth andde- (•Vul'i) i JANE'S by appointment WE USE RECOMMEND! PRODUCTS *Hair Styling •Razor Cuts o.t EXPERT GROOMING * BOARDING (Individual K«UMb) * TRAINING * BATHING Rudy Backer's Kennels 1018 W. LftMota Bd. McHenry Pkoae U5-2438 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) by LEESy ARMSTRONG, VIKING, other POPULAR BRANDS Floor Tile Special* VINYL ASBESTOS TILE 21C sq. ft SOLID VINYL 57c s9 • ft CERAMIC WALL TILE Complete Installation Service FREE ESTIMATES CALL 315-7311 5002 W. RTE. 12" TILE A SUPPLY MeHENRY e i Crystal Lake RECORD RIOT Friends of Distinction • Henry Mancini ^ Zager & Evans • Elvis In Memphis Charlie Pride * m • Eddie Arnold :k The Guess Who • Jos* Feliciano ' . b • Danny Davis & The. Nashville Brass HURRY! Sale ends Sunday TOP HIT POP 45's I 8TRACK CASSETTES AND STEREO TAPES WARDS 105 Northwest Highway Phone 459-3120 Crystal Lake, Illinois