/ mial h»§T ; ' ' ' ; $ 1.29 SIZE 15CC SQUEEZE BTL./$ 1 29 BTL. OF 24 TABLETS Dristan Mist or Tablets $ 1.35 SIZE PKG. OF 56 AAfl* Di-Gel Tablets 89* CHOICE OF 8 DIET FOOD ^ A - Sego Liquid 19 LIMIT TWO EACH SEP ASPIRIN HOUR ANT1BACTI $1.00 SIZE 4 OZ. DEODORANT LIMIT M Hour After Hour0 39° $2.19 SIZE BTL. OF 60 CHILDREN'S 1Q Chocks Vitamins I 39c SIZE BTL. OF 36 - LIMITTWO ^ St. Jos. Aspirin 19 98c SIZE BOX OF 170 - LIMITTWO ^ Q-Tips Swabs 39° 49° 49* 39e S1.19MENNEN 100Z. LIME Sof Stroke $1.19 SIZE 14 OZ. BTL LIMIT TWO LIMIT TWO 59c DR. SCHOLL'S Insoles TOMATO Going Away To School Gifts REG. $13.88 irol K14 air Curler MDL. 39 ORAL HYGIENE Water Pik MEN'S & LADIES / Berco fir i Watches ASST. MOD & COMIC CHARACTERS Wastebasket $1288 $1788 $088 REG. 88c SET OF 3 SKIRT OR SET OF 3 TROUSER GOTHAM PLASTIC Shoe Box SIGNAL BRAND SIZES SMALL TO X-LARGE Men's T-Shirts/ *0 N B O "Fast, friendly service brings me to Osco, says Mrs. Julius Davis of Chicago like Osco because I get just every thing | want and get out in a hurry," says Mrs. Davis. "That's one reason I bring all my prescriptions to Osco. The people are courte ous and the service is fast. I buy all my toiletries and beauty aids at Osco -- because they have such ex cellent prices . . . better than most! And I can count on helpful advice from Osco's cosmetician, on blending powder tints or selecting a new perfume." * 3 IN A PKG. PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., AUG. 23, 1969 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. When your shop ping time is short, you'll do better to shop at Osco with our fast courteous service! SIGNAL BRAND \ twHSfiL SIZES SMALL TO X-LARGE Men's $4 99 Briefs I55. "Low Prices make Osco my No. 1 Store,' says Mrs. Joseph Monte of Oak Park "I find Osco is less expensive than other stores. And they have so many fine depart ments, I usually find exactly what I want." Osco's greeting card department, for instance, is very convenient for me. It's the only place in my neighborhood where I can find such a nice selection of cards and gift wrappings." Low, low prices draw a lot of folks to Osco. And once they shop, they're amazed to find such a wide selection of qual ity products. 1 SIZE FITS 10 TO 13 PKG. OF 3 ASST'D. COLORS ASST'D COLORS 4 STYLES ORLON STRETCH Men's Crew MEN'S MED. WEIGHT COTTON LONG SLEEVE Sweat Shirt m 28" SQUARE ACETATE Women's REG. $1.99 LADIES SIZES S TO XL ^ A C Folding Slippers 19 SWINGER HI-FASHION REG $4 39 Clutch Purse*199 1 Ladies ACETATE ifa***********' HI FASHION ASSORTED COLORS Opaque Parity REG. $1.99