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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1969, p. 18

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/ PG. ft- PLAINDEALER - FRI. AUGUST'29,. 1969 | PERSONALS I i Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Anton- son left by car, Saturday, for their home in Martinsville, N. J. after a ten days visit with re­ latives here. Their son, Mike who accompanied them here, left last week for Santa Fe, N.M. where he will attend col­ lege the coming year. Edwin Michel s flew here last week from Phoenix, Ariz.,fora visit with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels, - and with relatives in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber have returned from an enjoy­ able ten days vacation with their son, Bill Weber, and family in their new home in Idledalenear Denver, Colo., and report them very happy in their new sur­ roundings. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Law­ rence returned last week from a ten days vacation at Minoc- qua, Wis, J Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl eturned last week from a two weeks trip in which they cov­ ered the New England states, Quebec and Canada. Last week­ end accompanied by Mrs. Edla Antonson, they were guests of Mrs. Martha Emmerson at her Woodruff, Wis., home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlin- son and daughters enjoyed a vacation in Lansing and Detroit Mich., the past week. Tom Antonson of St. Louis was a weekend visitor in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Margery Winkel. Miss Helen Schneider of Chi­ cago spent a recent day in the Leo Thompson home. Mrs. Marie Vales, son, Al­ bert, and Mr. and Mrs. James Glosson and sons attended the wedding of the former's grand­ son, Albert F. Kempfer, to Miss Rosalie Claire Sieros- lawski which took place at a nuptial Mass read at St. Law­ rence's church, Elgin, at 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 22, with a recep­ tion for around 400 following at the Blue Moon ballroom. Mrs. Frank C obb of Chicago is here for a few weeks-«fisit with her sister, Mrs. William Danko. Mr. and Mrs. Glen \mos of Sargent, N'ebr., were visitors in the Robert Thompson home over the past weekend. AREA INVESTS $107,708 IN E AND H BONDS McHenry County residents purchased a total of $107,708 in series E and H I'nited States savings bonds and Freedom Shares in July, according to Do­ nald J. Still, Woodstock, gen­ eral county chairman of the savings bonds committee. Sales in the state of Illinois were $25,268,442, according to Clarence S.Sochowski, state di­ rector of the Treasury's sav­ ings bonds division. National sales were $419,000,000 and Illinois sales represented 6 percent of this amount. The cash value of savings bonds and Freedom Shares outstanding is $52.2 billion. As the end of Jul} 102,399 new savers were added in Il­ linois and joined the more than 10 million bond buyers on the payroll savings plan. Early Au­ gust reports indicate that the 1969 Illinois goal of 168,300 new savers will be exceeded before the month-end. COOKING MEAT ON A ROTISSERIE When you barbecue meat on a rotisserie, use a meat ther­ mometer to test doneness. It is the only sure test. Insert the thermometer in the center of the roast, being careful not to touch the spit. Check to be sure the thermometer will not fall out as the spit rotates. Lo­ cate the thermometer where it can be read easily. Check the thermometer occasionally to see that it has not loosened. USED RUGS Ideal for College Rooms QUALITY RUGS. CLEANED. EDGES FINISHED 6' x 9's. 9' x 12's $14.95 to $39.95 NEW ONES TOO!! OTHER SIZES, TOO!! INDOOR-OUTDOOR $2.99 Sq. Yd. CASH & CARRY AND SPECIAL PRICES ON DO-IT- YOURSELF WALL TO WALL CARPET TIDY CARPETS & RUGS Mon., Thurs., Fri., 8:00 to 9:00 Tues., Wed., Sat.. 8:00 to 5:00 JUNCTION 120 & CITY 14 338-1000 WOODSTOCK 1 /FAMIlfToT KICK 2p naise make a good part salad. Here's an easy to prepare • treat for eating outdoors. Com­ bine 1 can (1 pound 5 ounces > pork and beans with 4 hot dogs, cut into bite-size pieces and 1/4 cup chili sauce. Heat and spoon onto toasted hot dog rolls; sprinkle each with 1 to 2 teaspoons grated Par­ mesan cheese. Serve hot. For a quick and easy break­ fast or supper, cut frankfurters into one fourth inch slices and scramble them with eggs. A hint of Worcestershire sauce provides a zesty note. For quick sandwiches, mince hard-cooked eggs and olives, then mix with cream cheese for a delicious spread. Orange sections, seedless grapes and almonds added to slivered chicken with mayon- Kidney Stew 2 pounds kidneys 1 cup water 2 beef bouillon cubes 2 large onions, diced 1 teaspoon salt Pepper , 4 carrots, diced 1/4 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons flour Cooked rice Remove tubes from kid­ neys and cut into 1-inch pieces. Add water, bouillon cubes, onions and season­ ings. Cover tightly and cook slowly 1-1/2 hours. Add c a r r o t s a n d c o n t i n u e cooking until meat is tender. A d d l e m o n J u i c e , t h e n thicken with flour mixed with water to form a smooth paste. Serve in a ring of cooked rice. 8 to 10 servings. Servicemen Newt Seaman Apprentice William Y. Anderson, Jr., USN, son'of Mr. and Mrs. William Y. An­ derson, Sr., of 2950 N. Shore- wood drive, McHenry, is serv­ ing aboard the fleet oiler USS Manatee homeported in Sasebo, Japan. The ship recently received the Battle Efficiency "E" for 1969. It received the award due to the hard work and devotion to duty of its crew. The Manatee is now under way to provide replenishment services to Seventh Fleet ships off the coast of Vietnam. RESERVE CHAMPION -- Northern Pump com­ pany^ reserve champion Hereford bull in the Illinois State Fair was NP Dundy Prince 88- 65, a winter bull calf. Shown with the winner are, left to right, Carol Everingham, Robinson; Pat Lewis, Joliet; Jacque Milligan, Kings (all were Junior Hereford association princesses); and at the halter is Randy Scott, soh of North­ ern Pump company manager, Brad Scott. THE Ttatu/udt ^ BRA is advertised in VOGUE ,„d McCALL'S the full bust is lifted the small figure is enhanced .. no padding the bra is fabulous for the amputee, together with the Penny rich Starr Brest form remember, no strap strain, no binding patented Banderin ... truly miraculous shapemaker THE STORY OF THE PENNYRICH BRA This brassiere was invented and designed by a woman, PENNY RICH. It is entirely different from all other bassieres. It supports and lifts and never cuts into your shoulders, pinches or binds. This is because of the patended "Banderin" which supports the bust, and the suspension principle. This keeps the bra in place. It Will Not Ride Up. There are no fit problems with the Penny rich Bra. It comes in the greatest size range of any brassiere ... 28 to 46, cups A to GG. Call: Virginia Haworth 815-459-1084 348 HICKORY DRIVE CRYSTAL LAKE SHOP IN McHENRY FOR THE BEST BARGAINS • ANGELO'S SUNSET INN Specializing in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH J 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- COURTEOUS SERVICE I 1 Mil* North ei Waucondo on Old Boot* 12 Phono JA 6-2929 1 - -- Public Notice is hereby given that on August ilth, A.D. 1969, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as CENTRAL SUPPLY COMPANY, located at Route 120, East, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 11th day of August, A.D. 1969. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Aug. 15, 22, 29, 1969) IEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Don R. Phillips, Deceased, FILE NO. 69-P-210. Notice is hereby given pur­ suant to Section 194 of the Pro­ bate Act, of the death of the ab­ ove named decedent and that letters of Administration with Will Annexed, were issued on August 25, 1969, to Ivan Mallon, 1300 E. Leonard road, Ingle- side, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Charles F. Meyers, 135 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Il­ linois, and that the first Monday in the month of October, 1969, is the claim date for the estate. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Cir­ cuit Court, County Court House Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5,12,1969) 1 HR. CLEANERS DRIVE IN WINDOW Owned and Operated by Don Howard WE ARE OPEN AT 6:45 am FOR THE EARLY BIRDS AND WE OPERATE ALL DAY SATURDAY FOR YOUR WEEKEND NEEDS. WE FEATURE COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES I - Professional Dry Cleaning & Pressing 2-Bulk Cleaning 3 - Shirt Service 4 - Alterations and Reweaving 5 - Suede and Leather Cleaning 6 • Hats Cleaned and Blocked 7-Draperies 8 - Knits - Carefully Restored to Original Size and Style 9-Dyeing 10 - Pillows - Cleaned, Fluffed, Sanitized, Deodorized and New Ticking too. II - Free Storage with Minimum 12 - Furs - Cleaned, Glazed and Cold Storage 13 - Furs - Restyled and Repaired 10% SAVINGS VISIT OUR MODERN PLANT AND SEE HOW OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE 10% ON THEIR DRY CLEANING COSTS Waukegan St. DON'S National Elm St. Jewel "IN THE HEART OF MCHENRY" 1207 K 3rd McHENRY 385-2011 & V "»a*

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