^xmlStotis Supplement to: McHENRY PLAIN DEALER Wed., September 10, 1969 LOCATED AT * 3720 W. ELM STREET, McHENRY, ILL. JEWEL INVITES YOU TO PLAY ROYAL FLUSH ANOTHER EXCITING REASON TO DO YOUR FOOD SHOPPING AT JEWEL! ij m •WIIUVS siooo GASH PURCHASE NECESSARY! V w K IK / / , . *5» ^ *tO g*°^bY ------ •^^wayS TO W«Nt ®exc,T,N°-.-9 EXCrrir* ftnd the more you visit Jewel tun to this exciting. wavs y0u can win 1 Save the Ace through «« an(j w,n $100 2 save the Ace «"0U^ ^ and ^$60 3 Save the Ace throug c,ubs and «in $20 4 Save the Ace ot a Spade and "in $10 i=:sss=--'-" •SBiRSfc" WIN $20 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! FREE COLLECTOR CARD AsK for it next time you visit your nearby Jewel or Osco! FREE GAME PIECE Every time you visit Jewel or Osco HOW TO PI AY "ROYAL FLUSH" Come to your nearest Jewel or Osco ana pick up a FREl Royal have to do Iha'S y°U """ 10 pla)' Me,e s 3,1 >ou 1 ^ach "Te .you ws" )e"el 01 O*0 W'" 'eceiwe a tree game chase "necessary'"5R°'al FIJSh eai™ squares No pm ? Punch out the game squares and insert them into the matching spaces on your collector card A If you collect the correct combination ot game squares to complete a Royat Flush game, you are a cash winner OR 9 It you collect the correct tombinaton of game piece squares < ^0,h ha,< ^nd left half) to complete a Spade, Heart Jiamond or Club -- you are a cash winner OR C It your game piece so designates, you are an instant winner of a fine Jewel product 3 Turn in your winning combination ot game squares to your store mTpme 3"3"ee l0' veri,ica,l0n and awarding of 4 Adults only are eligible to play Je*ei and Osto employees and their families not eligible ALL PRICES IN THIS CIRCULAR EFFECTIVE MON., SEPT. 8, THRU SAT., SEPT. 13, 1969. Joint kousJ OSCO