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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1969, p. 8

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OUTDOOR MARKET -- One of the appealing, Gehrke on her old world features of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, is last summer, the outdoor market visited by Miss Sherry behind Iron Curtain (tflingwood (h I etvs DOLORES BRENNAN 653-9045 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES BEGIN AT LOCAL CHURCH The Ringwood United Meth­ odist church will resume their Sunday School classes on Sun­ day, Sept. 14 with classes be­ ginning at 11 a.m. in the church hall. Youngsters from 3 years of age through eighth grade are welcome to attend. They need your children to be successful in their classes. Be sure to keep the time open and bring your youngsters in. VOTING PLACE CHANGED! The primary election for members on the Con Con, will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 23 with the polls open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. This year, the polling place will be in the Ringwood United Methodist church room, located on Barnard Mill road, just west of Ringwood road. There will be a sign at the road for your convenience. Due to the four rooms in classroom use, it was necessary to change the polling place. Be sure to vote! EXPERT GROOMING •BOARDING (Individual Kennels) •TRAINING * BATHING SU, CK er 8 L enneis 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry Phone 385-2436 1 Mile E. of Skyline Drive-in PETSKA BABY BAPTIZED Roger John Petska, son of Bonnie and Roger Petska, was baptized on Sunday morning at the Grace Lutheran church in Woodstock. Judy and Ken Beck, aunt and uncle of Roger John, were his Godparents. Following the baptism, home­ made pastries and coffee were served to the sponsors and their two children, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bruce, and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bruce and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, maternal grandparents, Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and girls, and Cindy Bruce. Bonnie and Rog have begun a tradition with little Roger John being baptized in the wed­ ding veil of his mother's con­ verted to a christening robe. PENELOPE BECK BAPTIZED Little Penelope Beck, daugh­ ter of Judy and Kenneth Beck, was baptized on August 31 at the Wonder Lake Nativity Lu­ theran church. Dinner was served in the Beck home to godparents, Ed and Lin­ da Palac, paternal grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, ma­ ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, Karen Beck and Jeffrey Palac. HOUSEWARMING FOR MIKE AND SUE On Saturday evening, Mike and Sue Hogan were pleasantly surprised when a large group of relatives and friends greeted them at ahousewarmingintheir new home. They have a beautiful new home which was filled with guests including Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan, Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Jacobsen and her mom, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schoenholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ry Lundy, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Rog Bau­ er, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. George Blake, Eugene Blake, John Blake, Nan­ cy Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. A good evening of conversa­ tion and refreshments was fol­ lowed with a delicious lunch served buffet style. Sui Uwton is the Coa-Con candidate who knows how YOU want hia to vote on this question: SHOULD FOOD AND DRUGS BE EXEMPTED FROM SALES TAX? He took the time and trouble to mail 30,000 questionnaires to folka in thin district... to tabulate them ... to find out what YOU waift in your new Illinois Constitution. He may be the only candidate who known how YOU feel on the important issues! Elect Samuel T. Lawton, Jr. t§ represent YOU at Minus's foistititional Convention Primary: Sept. 23 timiiilwii to UHM (•» Ci» C-- A. •. SIS NOTICE! DOGS ON THE LOOSE I have been asked by sev­ eral people to please remind persons to keep their dogs at home on a leash or inside. There have been so many cases of barking dogs at all hours of the night, that it is very dif­ ficult to eet a restful night of sleep. Try going to work after being awakened with several dogs barking in the middle of the night. Before the authorities are notified, how about checking on your dog, and keeping him or her at home? If you care enough to have a pet, please be consider­ ate to enjoy him in your own environment , not to make a nuisance in the neighborhood. CARD CLUB NOTES Two weeks ago, Mrs. Ruby Shepard hostessed the Card club in her home with Bertha Peet being high scorer for the af­ ternoon and Anna Shadle taking low. Last Wednesday, the ladies travelled xto Richmond where Mrs. Helen Winn entertained in her home. Vivian Jackson took high with FloraCarrtakinglow. BIRTHDAYS ETC. Belated fifth birthday greet­ ings on the fourth to little Mike Hogan--and to Rose Tonyan, best wi she s, be lated, for a happy birthday on the fifth--be lated wishes to Tom Low on the sev­ enth, hope you had a happy birthday--happy belated birth­ day wishes to Edith Skidmore on the eighth, and to Mike Etten on the ninth--happy birth­ day wishes to Virginia Bruce on the twelfth--and to Jim Et- teh on the thirteenth,--greet­ ings for a happy birthday to Don Etten on the seventeenth. AROUND TOWN Eleanor Shadle from Miral- este, Calif., spent several days with in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Shadle, a couple weeks ago, having been called here by the death of her mother, Mrs. Pries, in McHenry. Mrs. Eleanor Howe and Ed Hawley of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Mary Butler of McHenry were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hawley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Low and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ne<A nan spent the Labor Day wvefend in Michigan. And knowinf I a coffee mug collection, I )ris thoughtfully, brought me t fa au- tiful blue paisley coffee mu my tree. P.S. Blue haptens to be my favorite color too! Mrs. Roy Wiedrich ol lington called on Mrs. Wiedrich, Sr., on Saturday iir- I red Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wfedrich and family called on Sin lay. Mr. and Mrs. Loren gar­ rison were in Chicago on I ri- day night. They were iivted to have dinner in the hon* of Mrs. Florence Gehlert tuid daughter, Shirley, a long time friend of Mrs. Harrison's. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby attended the silver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lert in Spring Grove on Saturday night. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn attended the Blackmon family reunion, given by John Blackmon, Jr., of Antioch, held at Van Patten Woods. In all, fifty-seven mem­ bers were present. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Nellie Hepburn upon the news that her sister, Mrs. Paul Mil­ ler, of Kenosha passed away after being seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beck and children attended a going-away party in Elk Grove for Ed and Linda Palac, who are moving to the state of Washington, on Sun­ day. PG. 8 - PIAINDEALER - FRI. SEPT. 12. 1969 \Twice Told Tales GO CLASSIFIED ANT SXFOSURi KODAK KodacblorFiUM/j DEVELOPED Film NO ENLARGED iSutm Credited I Only, {y|) LIMIT ONI ROLL PER EXPIRES MAY I. IfTO COUPON MUST A VALID FOR MAI Lhmh I I I I I I SIIIUOUIID PHOTO SmiN I HEBRON. ILLINOIS 400)4 OMPANYORDKR. ORDER ONLY We prensn fkf BmImm Kedefc Mr. W# Pay Postago to You! Using the McHenry Service Center FORTY YEARS AGO (.Taken from the files of Sept. 5, 1929) The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May on the Woodstock road was the scene of a re­ union of the May family re­ cently. This was the first time in seven years that all the children had gathered with their parents. Miss Vera Draper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Drap­ er, and Charles Campbell of Woodstock were united in mar­ riage at the home of the bride's parents. Sept 1, Rev. Hoover of Greenwood officiated at the cer­ emony. Carl Weber was the victim of a surprise party on Wed­ nesday evening of last week, the event being planned in hon­ or of his birthday anniversary. All of the Hi-There boys were present and enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Harrold and family have moved from the Hunter flat to the flat over Marshall's bakery on Green street. Fannie Killey Overtonpassed away at her home in Solon Mills Aug. 30. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept. 7, 1944) Ella Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buss, suf­ fered a broken arm when she fell while playing at her home. You have just received or will shortly the coupons to be used to heat your home this year. Due to the shortages in heating oil, the allotment for oil stoves has been reduced. The coupons you receive are cor­ rect and you have been allowed all that is possible at this time. St. Mary's church was the scene of a wedding on Sept. 6 when Miss Sarah Miller of McHenry became the bride of Mr. Frank Groell of Woodstock. On Sunday Sept. 3 the res­ idents of McCullom Lake at­ tended memorial services held at their honor roll for their hero, Pfc. Jack Feiter, who lost his life on the battlefield in the invasion of Italy on July 16. The annual Boy Scout drive will be held Sept. 8 in McHen­ ry with Vaughn Jones acting as general chairman. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Sept. 10, 1959) The Giants of the Pony Lea­ gue were champions this sum­ mer. Mr. Peterson accepted the trophy for the winning team in the Pony League. Boys on the team were Ed Stacknick, Clarence Adams, Joe Fino, Vern Petersen, John Corso, Roger Thompson, Thomas Gates, Jim Meyer, Jim Dbran, Bill Funk and Ken Stilling. W.E. Creutz of McCullom Lake has attended one of the sessions of the fourth annual Illinois Bell Telephone com­ pany's "School For Manage­ ment" on the Knox college cam­ pus at Galesburg. About 460 employees of the telephone company have lived and studied at the college during an eight week period ending Aug. 31. Mrs. John Thompson, 82, who operated a barbecue stand east of the river for almost a quar­ ter of a century, died the eve­ ning of Sept. 3 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, where she had been a patient for three days. There are folks who say a better barbecue was never made than those fashioned by this kindly lady with a talent for making any food taste bet­ ter with the little "magic" she possessed. There were times when the little stand was bulging at the seams with cus­ tomers. • Mrs. William (Joetta) Meyer of rural McHenry is the new part time physical therapist at the center in Woodstock. She joined the staff on Aug. 1. A pre-nuptial shower was given at Zion Lutheran church hall recently for Miss Judith Schroeder of Crystal Lake. Hostesses were her aunt, Miss Florence Antholz, Mrs. Ruth Voeltz and Mrs. Pearl Patzke. 1 FxiL CJooJLCWt &BONDS «oi 9 mm ran warn on mm Complete Cooling System Service HEATERS RADIATORS GAS TANKS |WELDING AND WELDING SUPPLIES | ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 PHONE 385-0783 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trcu lets & Trucks • COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING • ARC & GAS WELDING * Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. vront St. 385-9831 Payton Chevrolet SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service •Complete Lube •Wash Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sports Society ^Classifieds ^Advertising News PHONE 385-0170 FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREVND, INC. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 DRIVE IN ANYTIME, AND SEE YOUR CAR SHINE FAST!* Lakeland Park $1.25 AUTOMATIC STAY IN YOUR CAR Next to Phillip's 66 ART'S LAKELAND PARK •Tune Ups •Brake Work •24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty , - Service. . ED'S STANDARD SERVICE • EXPERT TUNE-UP • WASH • WAX ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. Elm St. FM RADIO & TV SALES & SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry We service all makes • TVs • Radios • Stereo • Tape Recorders 385-0979 FREE PARKING I -- w See your favori^ Mechanic usiig NAPA Automotive Replacenjent Parts For Expert Repair! Service SAVE $200 tFY NOLDS-JCA ISBt_ ALCOA % ALL-ALU MINUMSIDING II. GOODRICH SOLID GEON VINYL SIDING sAUBUH^O: JACOBSEN LAW* MOWIR SAKS AND SiRVICl (•pert Repair factory trained mechanic* full stock of qenume factor* replacement parts fast precision sharpening -- Complete selection oi ^J*<-obsen lawn mowers 385-0434 ADAMS Repairj Shop | 3102 N. CHAPEL HILL | McHENRY Genuine Distributed by ! McHenry Auto Ptrts 3411 W. Elm M;Henry Ph. 815-385-80U Garages ANY SIZE ANY SlVLE Complete remodeling sfid repair service We also specialize ir loom additions. No Money [pwn- Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION | PHONE 815-653^161 Wonder Lake GOB OVER ANY SUREAGL.WOOD BLOCK~SH INGLES~STUCCO~M ICK This $488.00 Value NOW ONLY flp- » Ll *49rc) JANE'S by appointment WE USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuti 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh COMPLETE. NO EXTRAS NOTHING ELSE TO BUY for any average size home up to 1,000 squre feet. STOP UNNECESSARY HO­ ME PROBLEMS Wood Bo­ ards Splitting, High Fuel Costs, Chilly Drafts. Un­ comfortable living due to poor insulation. ENJOY EVERLASTING HOME BEAUTY Comforta­ ble Living and Savings. N ow your home can be made ^ • into a truly modem home. VOUiplVVQ, NO MONEY DOWN Up to 5 years to pay. Low mo­ nthly payments. No Extrasl AVAILABLE IN PASTEL COLORS Buy-Sell-Tradej Life Auto Liability Bonds Workmen'sn Compensation Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Health Office 385-3j300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry. Illinois. 60050 Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns it stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385^7320 MAIL TO Learn all the facts Phone ••••••(mm*•#••• § IWGilUMgl ^ WHOLESALE SIDING a c/o McHenry Plaindealer> Box No. 244 McHenry, Illinois 60050 ' Ycs...u a homeowner, we are eligible for this Special Saw NAME ADDRESS. CITY. PHONE 385-8020 • Ph°n* MO,n'n, *"«"<*>" Evening fternoon e i i i I I 1 I I L \

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