.4 McJ4 en*» Qoe* J„, k Hoiiday Weekend Tragedy Marks f ^ „ h To ? hold ̂ -Sal. VMSH Kills 1. art ctvi**K1̂ A Better Newspaper Every Issue! Se W GIRL That's our policy ... and our constant endeavor. It's a large order, and we don't always make it. But we try hard . . . and many times we do make it--a better newspaper for you than ever before. How Do We Do It? "* * fitst* Y/e plan the completest possible reporting of the news of this area. To you, the news is the most important thing in yoUr paper ... and therefore it has first place in our efforts. We also plan for better pictures every issue . . . and more pictures when space permits. And we look for interesting feature stories for each new issue. On the editorial page, we try to do a continually better job. Then... What Else Can We Do? That's next in our planning. Can we make the paper more at tractive to look at, and easier to^read . . . better type . . . larger type . . . different width columns? We can't change these things every issue, of course, but still we are always thinking of new ways to improve our product ... to produce a better newspaper issue to issue . . . for better service to you, the reader Subscribe Now Tt The McHeiry Plaindealer DON'T MISS A SINGLE ISSUE! SAVE $2.70 over newstaid price ONLY Per year in McHenry and Lake Counties $9. 00 outside . .. / i id Lake Counties v\ k