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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1969, p. 16

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r PG. 16 - PLAINDEALER - WED. SEPT. 17, 1969 \ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER S> Hlf*«== the •COPY DEAD-LINE Office Hours Daily I I I I 8:30 ajn. to 5:00 p.m. Classified Display -- Wednesday Paper | Monday 4 p.m. Friday Paper Wednesday 4 p.m. Line Ads -- Wednesday Paper Tuesday 0:30 a.m. Friday Paper (Thursday 0:30 a~m. No Refunds on Prepaid ads| Situations Wanted, Wanted • It* Rent must he paid in' advance. | The Plaindealer Is not re-| •sponsible for errors In das-! '•ifled ads after the first in-| gssrtion. Check your ad theB Ifirst week and call our at-J Uation to any mistakes. Phone 385-0170 This NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept HELP- WANTED ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employers covered by the AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT. More information may be ob­ tained from the Wage and Hour Division, USDL, Room 732, New Federal Building, 219 South Dearborn St., Chicago, III. 60604. BUSINESS SERVICES I BUSINESS SERVICES CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Effective immediately, the deadline for straight classi­ fied advertising will be 4 o'clock Monday & Wednes­ day afternoons, as it is for classified displays. Straight classified ads will be ac­ cepted until 9:30 a.m. Tues­ day & Thursdays as in the past, but any insertions af­ ter 4 p.m. will not be classified. AUTOS I960 CADILLAC, 4 door. Ex­ cellent condition inside and out. Call 385-2633. • 917-919 69 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Aeeessorles and Seat Covers ROUTE 120 I Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5-28-69TF1-2 AUTO INSURANCE UP? Full coverage as low as $48 each 6 months. Call Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 9 3 69TF12 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, vinyl top, automatic. Call 385- 0932. 9 10/9-17-69 1956 FORD V8, 6 wheel truck with large tire body. Needs some work. A. Weretka, 317 N. Country Club Dr., McHenry, HI. 910/919-69 BOATS & MOTORS 12 FT. SeaKing aluminum fish­ ing boat, oars and cushions, good condition, $75. Call 385- 4081. 9 17-9 19 69 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT with 10 h.p. motor. Complete with oars and car roof rack. Call 459-2843 after 3:30 p.m. 9 17-919 69 "iuSINESS^ERVICEs" • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (V2 mile east of bridge across from Dog& Suds) TF1 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment On the Job Repairs 702 W. Columbus McHenry, 111. 815-385-6195 9 3 69TF1 2 REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve­ hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 9 3 69TF12 EXCAVATING & TRUCKING • Basement Digging and Grading • Road Grading • Roads and Driveways Installed • Lakes and Drainage Ditches • Fill and Gravel Alan Smith 312-526-8632 9 3 69TF12 WETTELAND PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAPER HANGING -- Free Estimates -- For the best in decorating CALL 385-3973 9 3 69TF1 2 HIGH PRICES paid for copptS* brass, aluminum, lead, etc. A1 Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur­ day. .9 3 69TF1 2 WAYNE MEYER lawn mow­ ing and roto tilling service. Call 385-4140. 9 3 69TF1-2 Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 J. B. DECORATING Service. Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 9-3-69TF12 A & B PLAYHOUSE. Loving child care in my licensed home. Call 385-3337 anytime. 9 17-9 19 69 FOR SALE m -- n --11 • FOR SALE: Washer, electric dryer, electric stove, Phone 385-5839. 8-29TF FOR SALE NEW fashion colors are Sue's delight. She keeps her carpet colors bripht -- with Blue Lus­ tre! Rent electric shampooer. Ben Franklin. 9 17 69 REMOVE excess body fluid with FLUIDEX tablets, only $1.49 at Bolger's Drug. 917 69 COMPLETE 3 piece Ludwig drum set. Call 385-5676 after 4:30 p.m. 917-919 69 NEW 72x126 oval Irish linen tablecloth and 12 napkins, chrysanthemum pattern, never used, $36. Call 385-1214. 9 17-919 69 BONANZA mini-trail bike, 100 c.c., 5 speed, $250. Call 385- 2442. 9 17-9 19 69 126 CHOICE Angus Steers, est. wt. 655-700 lbs. - 99 Angus & Hereford Heifers 575-665 lbs. 76 Choice Hereford Steers est. wts. 475-580 lbs. - 130 Choice Angus Heifers 465-565 lbs. LOADING 160/180 Choice Hereford & Angus Heifers "WESTERN" 630-655 lbs. Also Choice FEED­ ER PIGS, prompt delivery. WESTERN CATTLE CO. Phone 2272 - MENDOTA, ILL. 917 69 TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for 25c or $3.50 bushel. Smith, 2917 W. Lincoln Rd., call 385-7627.%, 9 10 69TF12 C&E CONCRETE. Driveways, patios, stoops, basement floors, floors, foundation frost walls, and concrete breaking. Free estimates. Call 385-3596. 9 3 69TF1 2 WHARTON Blacktop Paving • New Drives • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimates GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 9 3 69TF12 SHOP IN McHENRY ANDERSON BUILDER 385-5483 Will install aluminum sid­ ing on your home. Will do a 24x30 house complete for $600. Buy now, get insulat­ ed backing in aluminum siding (free). Also build home, a 24x36 complete for $9,950. Call 385-5483 9 10 69TF12 Picture Frames Original Oil Paintings Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt 12b McHenry 385 7100 -9 369TF1 N FOLDING roll-away bed, com­ plete, % size, with mahogany finished metal head and foot. Excellent condition, $25 1319 N. Meadow Lane. 917-9 19 69 KENMORE Sears coppertone gas stove. Maytag wringer wa­ sher. Both in good condition. Call 385-8956. 9 17-9 19 69 UNIVERSAL gas range with rotisserie, 540; large size Norge electric dryer, no out­ side vent needed. 7120 N. Oak St., Wonder Lake, 111. 917-9 19 69 3 PIECE SECTIONAL. Very- good condition. Call 385-0634 9-17-69 DOUBLE hollywood bed com­ plete, $35; 81" beige sofa, $60; 12' metal wall cabinets, $15; 9%xl2 avacado and blue rug, 6 months old, $50. Call 385-0233. 917 69 SINGER ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINE Buttonholes, monograms, designs, sews on buttons. Guaranteed. Take small payments of $5.90 or 565 full price. Can be seen in this area. For more de­ tails, write: Credit Dept. Box 272 ~ Oregon, 111. 61061 917-9 19 69 Master carpenter and builder. Room additions, homes, 20x22 garages, complete with cement and overhead door, $1,095. Call Anderson, 385-5483. 9 3/9-26-69 GENERAL CONTRACTING Remodeling, additions, ce­ ment work, painting, roof­ ing, expert workmanship. SUPERCRAFT CONSTRUCTION CO. Call 385-0662 9 3 69TF12 EVERGREENS for sale. 4412 Riverdale Drive, northeast of Sunnyside. 917-919 69 PICTURE WINDOW, frame, sash and storm window to fit 5Wx4'9". Call 385-5588. 917-9 19 69 APARTMENT refrigerator, 1 Call 385-0116. size year "Indesit" old, $30. 917 69 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, $40; consolette stereo, $35; 8* overhead solid garage door with hardware, $40; white me­ dicine cabinet, toilet and bowl, $20. Call 385-4010. 917-919 69 MOVING, must sell. House­ hold items, furniture, appli­ ances, etc. Call 385-0902. 9 17/919 69 /< ATTENTION: Farm Pond Owners Our patented algae control will keep your lake fresh and clear all year. Also weed control. CUTRINE JOE MORREALE 815-675-2064 7005 N. Pioneer Rd., Richmond, Illinois 910/919 69 FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW AUTHORIZED LAWN BOY SALES & SERVICE CENTER • All makes and models serviced. • Pick up and Delivery Service. • Now is the time to get your Snow Blower I y •. ready for winter. Paul's Sons Mower Service 2610 So. Thomas Court McHenry, 111. CALL 885-5879 or 885-9739 9 3 69TF 1-2 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things .. . SIDING- r INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each McHENRY PLAINDEALER PK0M 3854170 1 MCHWT.H1. Business Opportunities LARGE CLUB HOUSE FOR RENT Volo area, Lake County on private Sullivan Lake. Bar and restaurant, includes all fixtures. Can handle ban­ quets up to 700. For information call Niles 312-966-6900 or 312-775-3400 9-5/9-24-69 Snowmobile Dealers WANTED NOW!!! -«For the 1969-1970 season. SKIROULE -- "Canada's Champion" snowmobile. Pro­ tected, exclusive areas WRITE: RON SILCOTT Four Seasons Recreational Development Company, Route 6, Elkhart, Indiana 46514 PHONE: 219-674-9178 917-9 24 69 REALTESTATE L A N D Between Crystal Lake & McHenry. A "Dandy", wooded, home site. % of an acre, 140 foot frontage. Gas, electricity, and paved road. Priced at $6950 -- Terms ALSO 2 acres 200' x 440', on Route 31. Zoned for light indus­ try and commercial. RALPH BRUNS 815-459-2239 910/919 69 CRYSTAL LAKE AREA Brand new 3 bedroom ranch with basement. Over % acre site by lake, $21,990 $1,390 down, $152.75 per mo. principle and interest. Call 459-2305 or 459-5540 910/9 19 69 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER 2 bedroom, attached garage, newly decorated, wall to wall carpeting in living room and master bedroom, one wall panelled in living room, kit­ chen and dinette area 19x12', vanity bath. Gas forced heat, combination storms & screens. 1821 N. Lakewood McHenry, minois. 917-919 69 SEAL ESTATE Richmond Two 4 Bedroom Model Houses with community pool, stable and recreation house. 1% miles east of outdoor theatre on Lincoln Rd. Val- Mar Subdivision, $40*8 Call 385-0457 9369TF12 SHOP IN McHENRY $500 DOWN will buy 3 bed­ room house with utility room. Lake and river rights. Guaran­ teed financing with good cre­ dit. Call 815-385-4253. 917-919 69 T. P. MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake This second home is only Vi block to private beach on private lake. Room to sleep a tribe or just hold a family council. This , home is clean and enjoys excellent location $8,100. Need a big home? How about a nice 4 bedroom residence with a 20x21 li­ ving room, 3 baths, dining room, full finished base­ ment, plus attached ga­ rage and breezeway. If it sounds to good to be true! call today. $22,900. T. P. MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry - 5 room year round home on 100x150 wooded lot with Fox River rights. Partly furnished. Quick oc­ cupancy! $8,500 Illinois forces sale of this year round 2 bedroom home on 120 x 180 river front "• lot in secluded area. En­ closed breezeway, plus 2- car garage. $21,000. T. P. MATHEWS OFFERS McCullom Lake Lakefront Summer Home on McCullom Lake. 3 bed­ room frame home on large lot. Guest house. Owner ready to move out. $15,500. T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Reliably Established Since 1950 Wonder Lake* 111. 815-385-6341 815-653-2061 917 69 LARGE: 5 bedroom hone, with tenfly room, acrNMl porch, basement, 7 garage. Oil heat. New- shopping center and schools. Lot approx. 89' x 110', Priced at only $21,500.00. A.N.MAY. REALTOR 9716 N. Route 12, Richmond, 111. Phone 815-678-2861 Ask for Hazel Olson Beautiful wooded high acreage HOME SITES on large horse farm in Spring Grove area. $2700 per acre and up. BY OWNER William Schmidt Horse Farm 815-675-2200 910/919 69 FOR RENT T.P.MATHEWS, REALTORS Needs your farm, vacant acreage or rural property for its buyers. Call our Rural Profc>erty Dept. 385-6341 or 653-2061 9-3-69TF1-2 REAL ESTATE for sale by owner. Three bedroom home in Porten's subdivision. Large kitchen, dining room, natural Gas heat, full basement Price $16,500 and will sell on con­ tract. Can be seen by appoint­ ment. Walking distance of Fox river. 639-4697. 9 3 69TF12 AUCTION AUCTION FARM SERVICE WAT INSURED AUCTION On Farm located 3 miles South of Algonquin, 3 miles North of State Route 72, or % mile East of Randall road on Sleepy Hollow Road. SALE TO START AT 12:80 P.M. Saturday, September 20 Wm. Sinclair, Owner Dundee, Illinois FARM MACHINERY--IHC model 560 tractor with fast hitch, IHC 4 bottom 14 in. plow with fast hitch; AC model WD-45 tractor & cultivator with wide front end; AC model WD tractor 1953 with loader; Ford model 8-N tractor; N.H. PTO. manure spreader, 1 year, old; Hasten self unloading box, like new; J.D. heavy duty wagon, like new; Gehl No. 72 green chopper; N.H. Super 66 hay baler, P.T.O.; McD. model 45 baler; A.C. No. 60 Combine; A.C. 4-row corn planter; N.I. power mower; J.D. wheel disc; A.C. 8 ft. disc; J.D. No. 43 corn sheller; Universal 40 ft. elevator with motor; Ford 2x16 plow; Ford Scraper; Ford 3-point spring tooth harrow; Ford grader blade; 3 rubber tire wagons and racks; Mc 9 ft. disc; N.I. side rake; Allis Chalmers H.D. 6 crawler with front end loader; Brady green chopper; Gehl P.T.O. hammermill; Brower feed mixer with 3 H.P. elect, motor; 10x12 utility building; weed sprayer 6-row; M.M. mower; grain auger. 2 wheel trailer; 10 ft. cultipacker; 4 section steel dray; silo unloader for 16 ft. silo with 5 h.p. motor; 2 stock tanks; Easy Flo spreader; electric motors. DAJRY EQUIPMENT -- Dairy Kool 300 gal. bulk tank; Surge milker pump # No. 30 plus 4 Surge milker units; pails, strainers, etc.; 2 fly sprayers. FEED1-- 300 bu. oats; 75 bu. old corn; 15 ton hay, 1 year old. SPECIAL ITEM -- Richardson Mobil Home (Stratford) 10 ft. by 60 ft. Complete with 3 Bedrooms, 1% bathrooms, fold out livingroom, 50 ft. screened porch, gas furnace, stove & refrig­ erator, excellent condition, 2 years old. LIBERAL TERMS: Auctioneers, Dan Powers, Crystal Lake, 111. Cashiers: Wally Van Egmond, Clinton, Wis., Hardy Kroeze, Elkhorn, Wis. Clerk: Ronnie Lipinsky, Union, Illinois Farm Auction Service, Inc. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin . f 91769 BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti­ ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-69TF12 McHENRY: 5 bedroom home, 1% baths, basement, garage, huge wooded lot Walk to train, stores, school. IMMED­ I A T E O C C U P A N C Y . E a r n free month's rent. Call 312- 537-0764 after 5 p.m. 912/917 69 2 BEDROOM apartment In McHenry. New range, refrig­ erator, fully carpeted. No pets. Available October 1st. Call 385-8042 evenings. 9 10/9 26 69 IN VOLO a four room apart­ ment, two bedrooms, gas heat. Call 385-4139 after 6:00. 910/9-19-69 3 Bedroom, 2 car garage. No pets. Security deposit and re­ ferences, $125 month. Call , 385-0314 after 6 p.m. 9-17/919 69 MATURE WOMAN to share 7 room, comfortably furnished home, with same. Call 815- 653-6703, Wonder Lake. 917-919 69 1 BEDROOM apartment in Mc­ Henry, second floor, $85. Call 385-1327. 917-9 19 69 ONE BEDROOM apartment with garage, stove and refrig­ erator furnished. One mile from town. $115 a month. Call 385-1100 917 69TF12 ROOM for rent with board if desired, for retired elderly gentleman, near town, in a private home. References re­ quired. Write to Box 257 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 917-919 69 FOR RENT FOR RENT WEDDINGS BANQUETS MEETING HALL RIMAS LODGE 3100 S. River Road Griswold Lake McHenry, 111. Small or large groups accomodated with ample parking for cars. CALL 385-2624 or 385-5305 after 6 p.m. 9 17-919 69 AUCTION AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION LOCATION: Boone Creek Laundry, 3708 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois Saturday, September 20, 1969 1:00 p.m. sharp Miracle cooker-still; 4-8# Norge B-W dry cleaners; 8# mach. filter; 2 exhaust fans; % h.p. air comp.; 2 instruction signs; 4'x8' indoor-outdoor sign; plastic bag dispenser; 2 clothes racks; box repair parts for dry cleaners; Sunbeam flat iron; ironing board.; 2 tables; 2 counters; 60# Detecto Scales; Nat'l. cash reg.; Burroughs adding machine; Sears port, typewriter, new; Underwood typewriter; Paymaster Check-riter; typewriter stand; lint pick-up rolls; 12 ft. steel shelving; 7 Whirlpool top load 8# washers; Norge top load 8# washer; Chgo. dryer wa­ sher 40#, rev. w/24" extractor; 50# Chgo. gas clothes dryer; 50# Amer. Aircraft gas clothes dryer; 50# Huebich over & under clothes dryer; 50# Simplex gas dryer, motor & pan missing;r Elgin water softener, 450,000 grain w/brine tank; Sellers 700 gal. H.W. heater; c h.p. Sears jet water-pump; water pressure tank; 2-280 gal. storage tanks; Lumiglo sign kit; Misc. household items; 3-20 rod rolls woven wire fence; tables, chairs, appliances; 2-21" R.C.A. TV sets. The buyers number system will be used. Please register EARLY. SALE MANAGED BY: Wieser & Assoc. Realtors and Auctioneers MICHAEL J. WIESER ROBERT L. BRENNAN 815-385-4880 815-653-9045 McHenry, Illinois TERMS: CASH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS 91769

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