J American Legion Auxiliary News SPIRIT OF HALLOWEEN -- No one has enjoyed the Halloween season more than these members of the McHenry Senior Citizens Club, Inc., who cele brated at a party at East campus cafeteria last Monday evening. PLAINDEALER PHOTOS ^ClUI NEWS LAKELAND MERRYMAKERS The Lakeland Merrymakers held their meeting at the Lake land Park community house. New members were Mike John son and Liane Lo Presti. We picked a committee for local achievement which con sists of Joanne Harrer, Laura Hymes, Jim Curran, Mike John son, Kerry Schultz and Tom Er- ber. Then the list of new officers was read. The officers are President, Karen Fergen; vice-president, Kelvin Schultz; secretary, Jim Harrer; treasurer, James Cur ran; reporter, Joanne Harrer; federation delegate, Marvin Fell; federation alternate, Ca rol Curran; and Scrapbook chair man and recreation, Colleen Godina. Then in new business we picked a committee for Hal loween which consists of Su san Cable, Carolyn Melcom, Diane LoPresti, Mike Johnson, Kerry Schultz and Jim Harrer. Joanne Harrer, 4-H Reporter THORSEN GUEST AT MEETING OF VILLAGE BOARD Richard Thorsen of Common wealth Edison Co., will be guest speaker at the McCullom Lake village board meeting at the beach house on Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. He will answer questions on service or other pertinent subjects. An invitation is extended to all residents in the area to attend this important meeting. The entry of Alaska and Ha waii into the Union changed the geographical center of U.S., but Texas remains self-centered. FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 3 •OUTSTANDING VMUEI FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY REG. 79$ PAIR Limit 6 Pr, fa Customer Haiiway* DRESS SOCKS 1 Size fits 10 to 13 •Hi-Bulk orlon in gold, blue, orange, burgandy. * Ban Ion Stretch •Only merchandise which we have personally compared and checked, and found to be a truly great value, will be given this indorsement. You can put yoar trust in us . . . FRANKLIIM9 1250 N. GREEN STREET McHENRV DAILY 9-6 FRIDAY 9-9 Open Sunday 9:30 to"l2:30 gsssaaaaaaaE ON TARGET SENSIBLE LEGISLATION On January 16, 1969, Sen. Paul Fannin (R.-Ariz.) introduced in the Senate a bill relating to the commis sion of a crime of violence in the District of Columbia by means of a firearm or other dangerous or deadly wea pon. The bill, S. 327, would empower the D.C. courts in sentencing those convicted of a crime involving the use of a gun to: ' in addition to the punishment provided for the crime be punished by imprisonment for a term of not less than five years or more than life as determined by the court." The bill also states: ' the court shall not suspend his sentence or give him a probationary sen tence." In introducing his bill, Sen. Fannin said, "the effect on the criminal, and would-be criminal, would be to make him think and consider the consequence before attempting crime while using a firearm." On February 4, 1969, Sen. Mike Mansfield (D.-Mont.) introduced in the Senate the following bill, S. 849, that provides stiff mandatory sentences for persons using or carrying firearms during the commission of a felony. The bill provides that: ' in addition to the punishment pro vided for the commission of such felony, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than ten years. In the case of his second or subse quent conviction under this sub-section, such person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment for not less than twenty-five years." The Mansfield bill also stipulates that: ' the court shall not suspend the sentence of such person or give him a probationary sentence nor shall the term of imprisonment imposed under this sub-section run concurrently with any term of imprisonment impos ed for the commission of such felony.' Sen. Mansfield says that his approach is one, "that says to the criminal in terms that are clear and simply that the use of a gun will be met with punishment that fits such an act of violence." FLA urges its members and supporters to support the Fannin and Mansfield Bills. This legislation makes sense. Make your elected repre sentatives aware of your views. We at McHenry Gun Center wholeheartedly support both S. 327 and S. 849 as introduced. We fell that it is a step in the right direction when our legislators move to punish the unlawful use of firearms. Instead of trying to legislate away the freedoms of lawabiding sportsmen. Sponsored by McHENRY GUN CENTER G. Disney and George Binder portrayed the roles of cop and convict in this fun photo as the two club members worked to brew some apple cider. Deaths BEATRICE G. CHAMBERS Beatrice G. Chambers, for merly of 7317 Lookout drive, Wonder Lake, died Tuesday, Oct. 28, in the Parkside Gar dens nursing home, Chicago, at the age of 80. Mrs. Chambers was born May 1, 1889, in Michigan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Henry. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Guy (Beatrice) Clowes of Oak Lawn and Elizabeth Buckley of Mich igan; three sons, Walter Fuller of Elmhurst, Donald McKrell of Chicago and James McKrell of California; fifteen grandchil dren and six great-grandhil- dren. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home, where services were conducted by Rev. Richard Wright of the Wonder Lake Bible church at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Burial was in Woodland cem etery. ANNA NELSON Miss Anna Nelson died Tues day, Oct. 28, in the Villa Nurs ing home. Private rites are scheduled for Friday. Water from the Columbia Ice Field, Jasper National Park, Canada, empties into the Arc tic, the Atlantic (via Missis sippi) and the Pacific (Colum bia). Juniors Will Give "Harvey" Next weekend, Nov. 7, 8and 9 the juniors.of McHenry high school will present Mary Chase's "Harvey" in the West Cam pus auditorium. The cast has been in rehearsal for about four weeks, and the show is cu rrently being polished in pre paration for the opening night, a week away. The story of "Harvey" deals with one Elwood P. Dowd, a man who sees a large white rabbit. That, in itself, seems plausi ble, but the rabbit is really large - king size! And it talks back to him. And* much worse, nobody else can see him. El- wood's sister, Veta Louise, de cides that she's had enough of the furry creature so she carts Elwood off to Chumley's Rest, a home for wayward minds on the outskirts of town. But El wood, with the help of his invis ible friend, isn't ready to be stowed away quite yet, and ma ny hijinks ensue till the happy conclusion. Allen W. Lyndrup, director of the play, says of his show, "We have two unusual things going for us in this play that ought to make it a very delight ful evening. First of all, we have a spirited and talented cast that shows much confidence in their abilities, and second we have the most elaborate set that we've ever attempted here at McHenry high. Couple these with the comfortable and plea- sent new McHenry West campus auditorium, throw in a few good audiences, and Harvey should be a grand success." In the cast of Harvey are Scott Fuhler playing Elwood, Sandy Betts as Veta Louise, Valerie Rode as Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet, and Mary Francis UNIT 491 By Kay Luing The American Legion post and Auxiliary Unit No. 491, en tertained a busload of twenty- five veterans from Downey at the post home recently. Com mander Eugene Kane and pres ident of the auxiliary, Mrs. Jack (Pearl) Cooper, welcomed the guests. Entertainment was provided by me inters of the Senior Cit izens kitchQn band led by DoJ- ly Ma/./.arella, director, and Eleanor Crawford, pianist. Shirley Smith was guest soloist, with music by Ron Bykowski and his musicians. Refreshments were served by the post and auxiliary members. * Auxiliary members who at tended were Mrs. Howard Parth, Mrs. Glen Mer.ser, Mrs. Pat Owen, Mrs. Mary Kantor- ski, Mrs. Elmer Urban. Mrs. Robert G. Miller, Mrs. Court ney Violett, Mrs. Nick Mil ler, Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mrs. Ray Murphy and Mrs, Carl ton Smith. The regular meet-rig of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 491, was held Monday night, Oct. 20, with President Deja as Miss Johnson, the maid. Double-cast in the role of My rtle Mae are Vicki Bassi and Bonnie Becker and in the role of Miss Kelly, Dr. Chumley's nurse, are Shirley Jenkins and Carol Wilt. Dr. Chumley is Ken McDonald and his compatriot, Dr. Saunderson, is Steve Cuda. Wilson, Chumley's strong arm assistant, is being played by Todd Baker, and Eric Weis is cast as Judge Omar Gaffney. Betty Chumley, wife of the doc tor, is being played by Becky Liebman and E.J. Lofgren, the cab driver, by John Rupp. As sistant director for the produc tion is Cindy Jones. Tickets are on sale now for the production, or can be re served by calling the high school. As with last year's Jun ior Class Play, a special mati nee will be held Thursday, Nov. 6 at 3:45. This matinee is open to all Junior high school and grade school students, and a minimal ticket cost will be charged. For the performances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, curtain will be at 8p.m. U.S. Savings pCfiJZ. CjoodL Qit Owt SKN ur wMttf YOU won ot urn Fish Fry Friday .m. $1.50 5 until 9 p.m. Fresh Ocean Perch Golden French Fries Tangy Cole Slaw - Also Serving Chicken and Steaks - PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BAY RD. PHONE 385-9854 For your car your home your health your boat your furniture your business your jewelry your wardrobe your golf dubs your camera your watch yotf crwbt ctrds State Farm is all you need to know about insurance. Give me a call. JOE PODPORA 1212 Green 385-4080 State Farm is all you need to know about insurance. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OH ICES B100MINCT0N. ILLINOIS ITATi FARM fcl PRICES START The bright oew ideas are Electric. ec.B. Co. * Permanent Press Cycle "No-iron" Permanent Press garments tumble dry wrinkle-free crisply pressed and ready to wear! *Heat Selections "High", "de licate"^ "fluff" *Variable Time Dry Control CAREY APPLIANCE GREEN STREET MALI TTT 1241 NORTH GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 385-5500 Mrs. Cooper presiding. Our Music chairman, Mrs. Edward (Maria) Guettler, said our theme song for October was "To The Auxiliary", the words meaning what the auxiliary stands for democracy and loy alty and justice. Americanism Chairman Mrs, Elmer (Pat) Boreovan spoke on -'What Nov. 11 should mean to all of us". Remember all those who fought for us to malt? America a free country. Our fathers, husbands and sons should all be honored on Nov. 11, so come out, all Ameri cans. and show them wc care. The Veterans Day program will begin at the city park from 10:15 to 11 a.m. The Viscount Drum & Bugle corps and the high school band will partici pate. Also Shirley Smith, an auxiliary mem'oe*, will be our guest soloist. We urge all aux iliary members to attend. Three awards wore given to the American Legion auxiliary on Oct. 20. which mad? us feel very proud. The Depa *t- ment of the Treasury award was for patriotic service, in support of the United States savings bonds program, dated July 26, '69. The second awards, from De-| partment to McHenry Unit 491, for staking claim with Ujuota membership by July 24 in the "Golden Year' 1969, by De partment Membership Chair man Maxine Gill, Department President Thelma L. Phelen. The third award,' Unit of Dis tinction' national membership award was to Doris Walker, Membership chairman and co- Chair man Helen Birmingham, for fulfilling the membership requirements emphasized dur ing 1969 b> National President Estella Hanell and National Chairman Lotys R. Schanel. Dottie Messer reported that two books had been purchased for the library, one in the name of Past Commander Thomas Bolger and Past Pres ident Pauline Pickett. Foreign Relations Chairman Mrs. Edwin (Eleanore) Reid mentioned that "Nicaragua, country in Central America, is our project for this year. T^y are building sixty classrooms and need all the help they can get from the auxiliary. Lauretta Homo mentioned that there is to be a class form ing in leadership training and would like to see the Juniors and the auxiliary members be come interested in the program. NOW OPEN Main Street Variety 3909 W. MAIN ST. TOYS-RADIOS-APPLIANCES AT DISCOUNT PRICES --LAYAWAYS-- OPEN 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Wkdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Wkends CALL 385-8420 a dress for a dress a coat for a coat a hat for a hat a shoe for a shoe a sock for a sock a scarf for a scarf a mitten for a mitten a ring for a ring a jean for a jean a blouse for a blouse a bra for a bra a shirt for a shirt a brief for a brief a tie for a tie a slip for a slip a jacket for a jacket a skirt for a skirt a sweater a sweater a pant for a pant ON FRIDAY, HALLO WEEN, BRING YOUR OLD DUDS AND WE'LL GIVE YOU Si ON A NlWlTEM TO TAKE ITS PLACE. THE 0U> CLOTHES WILL BE GIVEN TO LOCAL CHA RITIES! WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET A TREAT FOR A TRICK? BBNSTftETMAU nj?T Henry L B D S T D 1219 N. Green 385-0182 McHenry &