Tmice Told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO ? (Taken from the files of Nov. 7, 1929) Nippersink Creek is be coming a very popular stream these days with the big dam across its course at Barnard's Mill completed to form Wonder Lake and another dam, its wa ters nearly overlapping, now in the process of construction. This dam, also on the south branch of the "Nippersink, is being built by P.H. Adams, a farmer living one mile east of Greenwood, and crosses the creek almost at the point to which the upperJ reaches of Wonder Lake extend. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar tin and family moved into their new home on Main street Nov. 1. The home is a colonial style six room'. Most of the work has been done by Mr. Martin and William J. Welch. Frett Bros, did the mason work, the Carey Electric company installed the lights and W.J. Donavin install ed the heating system. The Mcllenry fire department saved the Gelgeino c&ttage at Orchard Beach from destruc tion by fire Tuesday morning. The roof of the cottage caught fire from a nearby bonfire and the strong wind soon fanned the sparks into a blaze. The members of the Linger Longer club were delightfully entertained at a Halloween par ty at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Weber at Lily Lake. The guests, who all came dressed in Halloween costumes, were greeted by a witch and a ghost who with weird noises, ushered them into the rooms which were beautifully decorated for the oc casion. A delicious lunch was served with favors and other ac cessories which go to make a Halloween party complete. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lewis McDonald, Mrs. Thomas Phalin and Mrs. Ray Howard. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 9, 1944) The "Mad Hatters" is the name of the junior play to be given Nov. 16 and 17. Because of a very large class of sixty- five members, the plan provides for two complete casts, one to perform on Thursday evening and the other on Friday eve^ ning. 1 Sudden death came to Harry Lindsay Nov. 5 at the Wood stock hospital of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was stricken while on his way home on Rich mond road. He had been em ployed at Bolger's drug store for the past several years. Flames which started on the top of the hay in the barn on the William W. Frcund farm, east of the city, destroyed the building causing several hun dreds of dollars of damage. The barn was eighteen years old, laving been constructed when an old barn was blown down during a storm. Beginning on Nov. 1, the ren tals of all dwelling units inMc- Henry county reverted to a basic maximum legal rate established as a rental charge on Oct. 1, 1943. Headquarters for the pro ject are in the Schwabe build ing on Benton street Woodstock. The principle reasons for in stituting rent control in Mc Hen ry county were unusually stiff rent increases during the past year and displacement and evic tion of tenants. Laura and Joe Weber have moved from the Weber home on Riverside drive to the Weber place on the corner of Broad and Riverside drive. Milkweed pad collection day in McHenry county will be Fri day, Nov. 10, according toW.H. Tammeus farm advisor. Mr. Tammeus, A.A.A. chairman, Bert Bridges and County Super intendent of Schools, Mrs. Mary P. Endres, are cooperating in getting the job done. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Nov. 12, 1959) The eight children of John B. Wirtz and their families gather ed at the Wirtz home on River side drive Tuesday evening to honor him on his eightieth birth day anniversary. His friends, including the many .acquired when he was chief of police in McHenry, join in extending con gratulations. Just ten days pre vious on Oct. 30 the family also gathered for the fifty- eighth wedding anniversary ob servance of Mr. Wirtz and his wife. Paul Peter Karls, 52, a life long resident of McHenry and for many years an employee of the McHenry post office, died Pay next to nothing . . . f o r 1 o u t o f e v e r y 3 to 5years' Homeowners insurance, for your home, personal posses sions, liability. Country Companies protection costs at least l/5th to l/3rd less than similar coverage from most other companies. Here's the yearly cost for our broadform Homeowners coverage (1-family brick): In McHenry $36 for $17,500 $62 for $30,000 Don't pass up a sav ings of 20% to 30%-- call me soon. Your Country Companies* Agent k, Lee B. Kortemeier Off. 338-2000 Res. 338-0975 We care where our product is served. Beer served in pleasant and wholesome surroundings is the aim of the United States Brewers Association. And we are always striving to do something about it. The USBA is represented by field men around the country. They meet with proprietors of establishments wl are beer is sold. They work in every way possible to promote a set of high standards wherever beer is served. This USBA effort means even more enjoyable places for America's great beverage of moderation. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Nov. 6 in Hines Veterans' hos pital w'.iere he had been a pa tient for eleven days. His ill ness extended over a period of fifteen rponths. He was a vet eran of World War n having received a medical discharge rafter serving with the fourteenth infantry in Central America and the Panama canal zone in 1942 and 1943. Private burial service was held on Saturday for Gregory Frank Sek, three and one half month old son of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Sek of Hunterville Park. Checks were mailed this week to more than 1,000 McHenry State Bank Christmas savings club members totalling in ex cess of $150,000. Miss Nancy Thornton of Pis- takee Bay became the bride of Mr. Ernest Daniel Witte of Barstow, Calif., in a ceremony performed at Golden, Colo., Oct. 15. Both young people are attending the University of Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Glos- son have moved to the Alex Adams house on North Court street. Misses Mary and Dorothy Walsh left by plane Saturday for California where they will visit their nieces in San Francisco and Los Angeles. College Staff Tells Programs On Career Day Five representatives of Mc Henry County college visited Marengo high school during Career Day to describe college programs to student's parents from Marengo and Huntley. James Burch described pro grams in business management, Thomas Witte described pro grams in electronics tech nology, and Donald Barrett des cribed programs in agriculture and horticulture. General re quirements and programs of the college were .described by George Cowgill^arja John Adel- pflU Savings NDS SUN UP WHERE YOU W0«K 0« MM Lega l Not ice CIRCUIT COURT OF 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, ILLINOIS McHENRY COUNTY, IN PRO BATE Estate of HUGH P. McDONALD, deceased, No. 69-P-286. Notice is given that a pet ition was filed in this proceed ing stating that HUGH P. Mc DONALD , of McHenry, Illin ois, died October 30, 1969, leaving surviving as his only heirs, legatees and devisees Margaret Hatch, Mary Kennen- berg, Theresa Cunningham, Mathew Miller, John Miller, Mary Blish, Theresa Huska, John Hatch, William Hatch, Margret Daly, William Padgett, Frances Patocki, Joan Tweat- komski, John Cunningham, Mat thew Miller, Jr. John Miller, Jr. Y'erna Volk, Emily Jillson (and unknown heirs,) and stat ing that the (name and) post- office address of (the unknown heirs,) is unknown and asking that an instrument dated August 1, 1963, be admitted to pro bate as decedent's will. Hearing on the petition is set for Dec. 15, 1969, at l.'OC p.m. McHenry County Court House, 101 N. Johnson St., Woodstock, Illinois. Margaret CNeil Clerk t Name....HAMER, SCHUH K HERRMANN Attorney for Administrator with Will Annexed Address...101 Van BurenStreet City..Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone...338-1334 (Pub. Nov. 12, 19, 26, 1969) \V< 'J. Nov. 12, 1969 - Plaindealer - Sec. 2, Pg. 3 MORE INTERSTATE OPEN A 22-mile section of Inter state 57 between Mattoon and Tuscola was opened to traffic- Friday, Oct. 31, Public Works Director William F. Cellini has announced. The new Interstate section was opened in time to accommodate some of the motorists, traveling to Cham- paign-Urbana for homecoming activities at the University of Illinois. Interstate 57 extends from Chicago to Cairo and is the longest route in Illinois. Opening of the 22-mile Mattoon- Tuscola section brought to 226 miles the total in use on the 352-mile route. here and there in BUSINESS SALES PLAQUE George and Jackie Krepel, Crystal Lake, direct distribu tor of Amway Products, have announced the awarding of a personal sales award plaque to Marcia Henshall of 3204 Still Hill drive,McHenry.Theplaque can be earned annually by any of the 100,000 Amway distribu tors in the United States and Canada by achieving a high personal sales goal. In presenting the award, Di rect Distributor Krepel person ally congratulated Mrs. Hen- shall on the performance of her distributorship, giving special recognition to her out standing sales achievement record. Normally, leaves on old trees are smaller than leaves on young trees, of same variety, in same surroundings. MM J AXE'S McHenry, Illinois BY APPOINTMENT - 385-7771 WE USE AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts C&U4&»\£U- SW MONTGOMERY HURRY IN! STARTS TOMORROW m a t ^BEMIIER SALE SAVE $2! WARDS 6-TRANSISTOR WALKIE-TALKIE WILL RELAY YOUR MESSAGES UP TO 1/4 MILE! Combines education, communication, and fun! Operates on 9- volt transistor battery (not included). 39" telescoping antenna for clear reception. No license needed. Charcoal black finish. IACH $999 START YOUR ENGINES, THE RACE IS ON! WARDS EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN GATE ROAD RACE-REG. $24.99 Thrill to real competition as the Corvette Mako Shark and Ford GT cars roar around 22 ft. of twisting track. Set includes power pack with speed controls, bridge support, fenced-in curves. COMPLETE *19* MAKE TENDER, FLUFFY POPCORN IN YOUR OWN POPPER-REG. $6.94 Pops a pint every 6 minutes -- keeps it warm until served! trri Uses 100-watt bulb (not incl.) J PUT ON A COLOR SHOW WITH THE GIVE-A-SHOW* SLIDE PROJECTOR Entertain friends! Includes slides of TV favorites-- 6 shows in all! Project on wall up to 8x8' 0 PLAY BEAUTICIAN WITH OUR "CLAUDETTE" HAIR STYLING KIT Wash, set or brush nylon wig COMPLETE rooted in swivel head! With tfiyQ plastic curlers, brush, clips. w $4.99 MONOPOLY8 AND SCRABBLE0 -THE MOST FUN GAMES TO PLAY! Perfect for rainy days, fam ily fun time! Test financial strategy - build vocabulary! YOUR CHOICE $377 $0.89 "BIG WHEEL®" SPEEDS YOU DOWN THE BLOCK, SPINS OUT! Wheel power for kids! Has real engine sound, 3-position seat, naii horizontal leg drive! Ill SAVE 6-FT. FLAME-RESISTANT TREE FOR YOUR HOLIDAY DECOR! Poly-vinyl tree comes with 90 branches, color- coded for easy S17 95 assembly. Tripod stand incl. ENJOY PAST, EASY "CHARGE-IT" SHOPPING--OPEN A WARDS CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT TODAY WARDS Route 14 Crystal Lake Phone 459-3120 Free Parting I