PG. 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRI. NOV. 21,1969 Lakeland Park 1 Carole Humann 385-1605 | Plan Operation Santa Claus tor Dixon Hospital Operation Santa Claus is go ing full blast, but it needs your help. Just one small item will make the Christmas of another person very happy indeed. Some of the children of Dixon have come to look forward to these gifts as the only one they may receive during the whole year. Use your imagination. Anything is desirable that will aid per sonal grooming for men and women, boys and girls. Indi vidual bars of soap of a sweet er smelling variety than that used by the hospital are prized, and everyone could spare an ex tra bar of soap, or a can of shaving cream or after shave lotion. How about all those bot tles that Dad gets for every occasion and never uses? The ladies love pretty handkerchiefs and purses to keep their pos sessions in and sweet smell ing cologne or a pretty pink lipstick. Combs and brushes are always in demand too. Along with hair rollers and bobby pins and ribbons and barrettes and hair nets, or a pretty scarf or ear warmer. If you have a spare of even one of these items won't you share it with a child of Dixon. Nedra Eckhart, 5215 Willow Lane, 385-1308 and Mary Daurio, 5200 Shore drive, 385-31S0. Each item will be wrapped in holiday paper and must be marked on the outside as to content and this job takes time. Don't wait too long as de livery will be made early in De cember. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancel lations for the community house are to be made in advance by calling Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Sunday, Nov. 23 - Church of the Nazarene Dinner. Monday, Nov. 24 - Weight Watchers - 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 25 - Boy Scout meeting - 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26 - Girl Scout meet ing cancelled. WATER-WEILS PUMPS o RED JACKET THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP CO. 385-5252- Res. 385-0713 4913 W. McCuUom Lk. Rd. McHenry BIRTHDAY GREETINGS The same gremlin that made off with half a page of the birthday list returned it again as soon as it was too late for last week. But in spite of it belated birthday greetings to Mary Daurid and Mark Koch who was nine years old on their day of Nov. 15. Steve Knor was elev en on the sixteenth and shares the day with Paulette Rizzo. Lori Widhalm, celebrated on the seventeenth and is now a love ly four. Kelly Ann Fandre was three years old on that day.Jo- ann Schabow celebrated her eighteenth birthday in Jackson ville at MacMurray college. Best wishes to my favorite fel ler, Don, on Thanksgiving Day. Trudy Koch celebrates her eighth birthday on Nov. 28. Glad everything is straightened out and sure would love to add your names to the birthday list. BOWLING NEWS Last Saturday evening the couples league bowled by candlelight and had a gay old time. Turkeys were given for high series games and Thanks giving will be tastier than ever for Lou and Terri Arroyo, Pol ly and John Licastro, Joyce and Joe Leopold and Lois and Ed Choate. Barb Meurer and Jay Osmon, Bill and Doris Scha bow and Karen and Ken Crook won the trophies for high ser ies while Ed and Lois Choate and Jim and Delores Taylor won low series trophies. Some how I must have goofed or else Ed and Lois have a twin couple. After all the bowling was over the league had a par ty and refreshments were ser ved. They'll be back to regular bowling next week and the line up will be in the column next Friday. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 Troop 320 had flag ceremony given by patrol 1. We didn't do much until Mrs. Stilling came. We had a discussion and then we had treats given by patrol 4. After that we had a Court of Honor meeting. There will be no meeting on Nov. 26 because of Thanksgiving. We al so discussed selling candles to raise money. At the next meet ing the court of honor will put on two skits. Troop Scribes Joan Lingeman and Linda Vick. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK Happy T-Bird Day to every one who has something to be thankful for. Hope that all the flu-y people recover in time to enjoy mom's special recipe for turkey dressing. Sally Glosson has been sport ing a cast after an auto acci dent. Frank Vanek will be home for the Thanksgiving holiday and is bringing his roommate from Southern Illinois University where he is a sophomore. His roommate will be enjoying Thanksgiving dinner in a special way for he is a native of Peru. A very special welcome. There will be an early dead line for next week because of the holiday. But this shouldn't matter too much because not too many people call anyway. Ev eryone clucks about the size of the column aiu the almost to tal lack of slews, but no one has anything'to say for the col umn. Won't you please help be fore we vanish all together? University Women Are Among Student Teachers Approximately 428 Illinois State university students in pro fessional education are under taking their teaching intern ships in more than 275 schools throughout Illinois. Students on teaching intern ships for the second nine-week term of the first semester in clude Frances Schneider, 3315 S. Riverdale, McHenry, teach ing elementary education and physically handicapped, Joliet .high school, and Cathleen Mc Millan, 4903 E. Wonder Lake road, teaching kindergarten in Arlington Heights. Dr. Cecilia J. Lauby, head of the Department of Professional Laboratory Experiences, said the program involves student teaching, observation, partici pation, studies of individual pu pils, and Research. Pro fessional Laboratory exper iences prior to the internships themselves are usually integral parts of specific college cour ses. Hundreds of public school and university staff members throughout the state are as sisting with the supervision of student teachers this fall. L e g a l N o t i c e Board of Education District No. 15 McHenry, Illinois ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Board of Education, Dis trict No. 15, McHenry, Illinois, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a "Well Water Supply System' for the McHen ry Junior High School to be e- rected on property located on Ring wood Road, North of Route 120, McHenry, Illinois, Proposals will be received by the Board of Education, School District No. 15, McHenry Coun ty, Illinois, at the place, date and time below stated. PLACE: Board of Education Offices 2926 West Main Street McHenry, Illinois DATE: Tuesday, December 2, 1969 TIME: 8:00 P.M. Central Standard Time Any Proposal received after time and date above stated may be returned to the Bidder un opened, at the discretion of the Owners. Specifications and other con tract documents will be avail able at the office of Wm. A. Gavelek, Consulting Engineers, 976 North McLean Blvd., El gin, Illinois. No deposit re quired. Available after Thurs day, November 20, 1969. The Owners reserve the right to limit the Bidders to such Contractors as can submit ev idence of their respective ex perience and ability satisfac tory to the Owners. Proposals shall be made as lump sum bids for the work shown. Each Proposal shall in clude statement of amount to be added to or deducted from base bid should Owner elect to accept any or all of the Al ternate Proposals listed on the Proposal Form. Prices quoted in Alternate Proposals shall be guaranteed for sixty (60) days after date of signing of con tract. Prices quoted in Base Proposals shall be guaranteed for a period of thirty (30) days after date of proposal. Proposals shall be submitted in TRIPLICATE only on forms to be provided by the Consult ing Engineer. The Owners re serve the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive minor informalities in any bid, or to make award in the best interest of the Owners. The bidders to whom contracts are awarded shall furnish Per formance and Payment bonds, acceptable to the Board of Ed ucation, in the full amount of their contracts and contingent upon the faithful performance of the contract and payment of all costs. Cost of Bonds shall be included in the proposal of each bidder. Should a bidder And any dis crepancies in or ommissions from any of the documents or be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall advise the Consulting Etigineer who will ifesue neces sary clarifications to all pros, pective bidders by means of ad* denda or revised drawings at may be Appropriate. (Published Nov. 21, 1969) L e g a l N o t i c e Notice is hereby given thai the monthly Township board meeting will be changed fror® December 11, 1969 to Decern* ber 3, 1969. 1 Signed; Albert Adams Town Clerk McHenry Township (Pub. Nov. 21, 1969) FREE ESTIMATES & PLANNING SERVICE INSURED. BUILDING & REMODELING ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING SHINGLES ADDITIONS DORMERS STORES & OFFICES KITCHENS, BATHS CONCRETE WORK MASONRY NEITHER RAIN NOR SNOW KEEPS THE McHENRY II PLAINDEALER FROM REACHING YOU GET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY !!1| GETYOUR • • Gift Jof Saving Now Through November 29th! SAVE $200 OR MORE TAKE HOME A "CANNON" THERMAL BLANKET V <5- To receive your gift thermal blanket, just open a savings account with $200. j or more ... or add this amount to your current savings account. You'll have the dual enjoyment of the blanket's warmth and the warm feeling that comes from having a working savings reserve. (one gift per saver, please) w v\ MARENGO federal savings aii3 loan association 200 East Grant Highway • Marengo, Illinois 60152 Phone: 815 --568J7258 Using the McHenry Service Center Complete Cooling System Service HEATERS - RADIATORS - GAS TANKS - AIR CONDITIONERS | WELDING AND WELDING SUPPLIES | ADAMS Bros. Repair 3006 W. ROUTE 120 , PHO NE 385-0783 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL S Trailers & Trucks * COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & j TRUCK REPAIRING + ARC & GAS WELDING * Guettler Service, Inc.j 818 N. Front St. 385-9831 FARM EQUIPMENT GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Rm. 385-0227 Payton Chevrolet DRIVE IN ANYTIME ! AND SEE YOUR CAR SHINE. .FASTI SERVICE CENTER No appointments for emergency service on any make car. Fast Guaranteed Service 908 N. Front McHenry Phone 385-2155 iLakeland Park i I $1.25 AUTOMATIC I STAY IN YOUR CAR Ji^t^PhiWs_66 FM RADIO & TV SALES 6 SERVICE 4605 W. Route 120, McHenry I We eervice ell makes * TVs * Radios * Stereo * Tape Recorders I r i --1 385-0979 FREE PARKING PERFECF" GIFT Christmas Time... Anytime... See your favorite Mechanic using NAM Automotive Replacement Puts For Expert Repair Service (hxXwiixx James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd. McHenry PH. 385-6027 Genuine «|WHi Parts Distributed by McHenry Auto Parts 3411 W. Elm McHenry Ph. 815-385-8080 Jim Thompson's Elm St. Service 'Complete Lube •Wash •Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management since 1953" 385-9749 3603 W. Elm. McHenry i ART'S LAKELAND PARK •Tune Ups •Brake Work *24 Hr. Road Service 385-6323 Authorized To Perform New Car Warranty Service. . BUY IT... THRU THE WANT ADS Garages i i i i i j . i i i ANY SIZE ANY STYLE ! Complete remodeling and j repair service I We also specialise in room I additions. No Money Down- I Terms. DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. I PHONE 815-653-6161 Wonder Lake Call Servisal 385-2145 For Repairs on Refriger - ators-Freezers-Washers- Dryers-Window Air Condi- tioners-Dishwashers-Ran- ges-Cooktops-Ovens, both Gas and Electric. SERVISAL APPLIANCE COMPANY 3412 W. Elm St. McHenry ED'S STANDARD <8 SERVICE 'Expert Tune-Up j ATLAS | Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY I ? American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. Elm St. KNOX HEATING & AIR COND. Sales- Service-Instal lations 2411 N. Riverside Drive 385-8350 24 HOUR SERVICE on all makes GAS - OIL - ELECTRIC John M. Knox, Owner n JANE'S by appointment WE USi AND RiCOMMSND RK PRODUCTS •Hair Styling •Razor Cuts 385-7771 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh Life ! Auto Liability Bonds Workmen's Compensation Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 Fire Homeowners Plate Glass Marine Accident & Health 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois. 60050 i Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 guns in stock McHenry Gun Center Daily 9-9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 W. Elm Ph. 385-73201 THE ALL NEW ^--"^Tiies^Thur-Fri-9-9 I Wed-9-6 Sat 8-5 *1 Call 385-4777 for App. 3929 W. Math McHenry PAYS m . i /