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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1969, p. 10

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PG. 10 - WED. DEC. 9, 1969 - PLAINDEALER THE MeHENRY PLAINDEALER QIC. M. hr P/T elk ty» <*• . TANNEN AOEN •ncy_(515) to SIM ce paid no. I2.E.41 Im. Much bntts W 4? Rm 1200 tchr's Hit, Nassau A genet 1 P/T--Ttlwhtna ad. voict, tl.75 P/T CLK, rtcni sm hfPt. Pro* FEE PO 1175 RM ?C4 lit 40 trcnist to Si25 RM :C4 15 E 40 Sat St0+ 2 St. Rm 414 MO ofc's*>-m 42 St. Rm 414 2 PM. E«st Sid* ncr. 47S i'N Ay h) </M to 1105 ^•ss .̂i St J 30? ret to $140 E •0 •oo S2 55 hour P/T Racwt Mon-Fr S50. 47 PAYROLL MGR Irn EOP. 1a*M. H( PROVIDENT AGENCY PROVIDENT AGEN PAYROLL CL * litt »t«no "t Aaenty 12 E 41 tfitN t» S13S t«l> B»f| CO RM 704 15 E 40 r_ raltla* dlract mall llFftrA"- You,h st use hflo twlptui. A««ncv. GAL FT tcarch TURE PfO NCY It E 41 SECY--Ha pd ,<S *vf) Rubber Co GAL f 3 wit* KB WHITE GAL-Frlday. 1 Ml »l« . Pd. 6 da. Pwk Ave AGENCY RM 704 '5 F 40 CY FEE PAIO cjidfnt Rrta I t}Vgd roc II W 42 Rm 700 (metcv) EC dicta »acy. It ««tn. SI 35 <i. ns bkr fee ai i>..ifT < i WHITE AGENCY 40 Bn» _ 57. 42 G-A-L-S/Man Rm 152 Sacv--(oak mH. auai tisr -m copy Office :30 a.m, toX:W pgau Classified W Friday Paper sertion. Check your ad Ural week and call our ai tention to amy mistakes* AUTOS Replacement Paris For Can COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Coven ROUTE 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 aan. to 6 pan. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1126 69 TF12 FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES HANDYMAN Moving, hauling, cleaning out basements, garages and trash removal and buy used furniture. Nothing too big. Call day or night 385-5772 12-3-69TF1-2 EXCELLENT XMAS GIFT. Like new, 20 volume set of Encyclopedia of Photography. Cost new, $80, asking $40. Phone 678-7081, ask for B01. 1112 69TF1-2 AUTO INSURANCE Problems? Cancelled - declined - refused. Financial responsibility. Let us help you. Sunderlage In­ surance Agency, 815-338-3328. 12-3-69TF1-2 REMOVAL of junk cars. Price depends on condition of ve­ hicle and distance. Call 815- 648-7090. 12 3 69TF12 1963 OLDSMOBILE 98 con­ vertible, full power, poat-trac- tion, tilt wheel. AM-FM radio. Best offer over $575. Call 385-1123. 12 3-121269 SNOWMOBILES New and Used A D A M S REPAIR SHOP 8102 Chapel HU1 Rd. McHenry, HI. 385-0434 12 3-12 3169 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY, V-8 station wagon with automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater and air conditioned. Luggage rack, extra wheels and snow tires, heavy duty suspension, etc In excellent condition and factory warranty. Call 385-0157. 125-121069 C. KREPPS CONSTRUCTION • Concrete Work • Patios • Driveways • Walks Call 385-8446 12-3-69TF1-2 REPAIR and servicing Of small home appliances. Tom Zurek, 5203 W. Willow, Lakeland Park, McHenry, Call 385-8147 12-3-69TF1-2 JOE'S WELDING SERVICE Formerly Al's Welding Trailer Repairs Heavy Equipment Portable Equipment Fabricating 4021W. Main McHenry, I1L 815-385-6185 12-3-69TF1-2 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum, lead, etc. Al Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd. Call 385-6236 all day Satur­ day. 12 3 60TF12 Interior and exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 459-9158. 7-2-69TF12 1969 COBRA hardtop, fully loaded, like new. Call 385-7834 or 385-7063 after 6 p.m. 12 10-1212 69 1963 Volkswagen, low mileage, good running condition, sun roof, radio, looks sharp. For information call 385-8636. 1210-1212 69 1959 CHEVROLET 4 door se­ dan Good transportation. Runs good. Call 385-2818. 1210-1212 69 1966 CHEVROLET Van line truck with installed burglar alarm Call 385-0924. 1210 69 1960 Austin Healey 3000, $539. Call 385-1319 after 5:30 p.m. 12 10-1219 69 1965 JEEP wagon, 4 wheel drive, low mileage. Good condi­ tion. Call 815-653-7316. 12-1012 12 69 1965 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up truck, automatic trans­ mission with 36" camper top. Pay off balance. Call 385- 3134. 1210-121769 1963 PLYMOUTH, 2 door hardtop, automatic transmis­ sion, 6 cylinder. Reasonably priced. Call 385-2234. 1210-121269 1961 CHEVROLET convertible, new top, runs good, $200. Call 385-2286. 121069 1959 CHEVROLET Fleetafde % ton truck, 6 cylinder, $225. Gall 385-3691 125-121060 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, low mileage, like new, $1195. Call 385-0457. 1210-1212 69 PAINTING & DECORATING EUGENE HONNING Honning ft Carlson, Inc. McHenry, 111. Established 20 years For Estimate CALL 385-4042 1210 69TF12 FOR SALE KOEHLER Gasoline Engine • good condition. $35.00. 385- 4292. 101569TF DISCOUNT PRICES on gifts for the home. Island Furniture Mart, Rt 176, Island Lake, 111. 312-526-2210. 12 3 69TF12 MINI BIKE, 5 h.p. Briggs ft Stratton motor, like new. Leaving states. Call 385-1966. \ 123-121069 TOY SALE Demonstrator toys Reduced from 25 to 50% OFF Saturday and Sunday December 13th and 14th Starting at 9 a.m. 1804 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. 385-1681 1210 69 SEARS electric dryer in work­ ing condition. $20 or best offer. Call 653-9832 after 6 p.m. 1210-1212 69 TWO RABBIT hutches. Call 653-9494 after 5 p.m. 121069 BOY'S 26" bike with saddle baskets, $15; Girl's 20" bike. $5; stroller, excellent condi­ tion, $15. Call 385-3752 after 4:30 p.m. 121069 ANTIQUE homestead cabinet sewing machine, mechanically like new, excellent condition. Man's bowing ball and leather bag, men's leather riding boots, size 7C, ladies riding shoes, size 5% narrow. Call 385-0330 1210-121269 CARPET colors looking dim? Bring 'em back -- give 'em vim. Use Blue Lustre! Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 1^10 69 Child's desk $3.50; rocker, $1.50; blackboard, $3; cor­ ner desk, $3; sled, $2.50; microscope set, $2; electric football game, $2; size 9 ice skates, $3; size 7 ski boots, $3; size 9 green rubber boots, $2; standard ironing board, $2; combi­ nation aluminum storm door 31%x79%" $4; 15" portable TV, $35. CALL 385-4400 1210-121269 FOR SALE GOLF SET, 6 irons, Wilsons: 3 woods and bag, $20; refrig­ erator, $10. Call 385-0627. 1210-1212 69 MOVING MUST SELL Early American living room set, swivel chairs, desk, 9x12 braided rug, kitchen set, gas stove, tape record­ er, TV, headboard, ceramic and mosaic tile. Many miscellaneous 7314 W.RL 120 121069 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RECUNERS, TV's, rockers & chairs at discount prices for Christmas. Island Lake Furni­ ture Mart, Rt 176, Island Lake, HI., 312-526-2210. 12 3 69Tfl2 OAK fireplace wood, split and delivered, $25 per ton. Birch wood, $32 per ton. McHenry Fence and Supply, 385-1469. 12-3-69TF1-2 E-3-69TF1-1 FIREPLACE LOGS, cut your own. $25 a truck load. Call 385-0457. 125-121069 SAVE $ $ $ $ for Christmas alls, doll clothes, shoes, lgers, knit pillows and slippers. Reasonable. 811 W. Southside McHenry, I1L 385-0636 or 885-5689 125-1219 69 FOR SALE FOR SALE To serve'you better MeHENRY CARPET MART has moved to new location. 5010 Barnard Mill Rd., Ring- wood, 111. As opening special we offer reg. $6.95 100% nylon carpeting at only 54.50 per sq. yard. At the same location we have large building full of used furniture of all kinds: beds, dressers, chests, desks, mirrors, dishes, tools, pots and pans and antiques, etc. SPECIAL -- Used school desks -- $5.00 each. CALL 653-9819 Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m .to 6 p.m. 1210-121969 8 FT. POOL TABLE, $275 firm. Perfect condition. Call 385-5980 after 4 pm. or week­ ends 125-1212 69 • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS •PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or S85-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) TF1 JOE'S OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS SALES & SERVICE also Automatic Garage Door Operators. CALL 385-4010 Complete your Holiday Shopping at the PINK LADY GIFT SHOP in the McHenry Hospital. Proceeds benefit projects of the Woman's Auxiliary, to the McHenry Hospital. 125-122469 . I CARPETING - NEW { I was paid in carpet instead of cash. I NEED CASH. Sell all or part, 860 yards. 312-866-4313 121069TF12 | illlllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIHniUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIlUa KENMORE wringer washer with automatic pump, hardly used, $50; human hair, medi­ um length, full wig, light brown in color, hand tied, worn twice. Original price, $130, will sacrifice for $20. Call 365-1631. 121069 SAVE MORE 11 New Furniture 11 Spanish, Modem, Contemporary and Early American Financing and delivery available. 3 of the best reasons why: "X • REPUTATION • 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN LAKE COUNT*-. • OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE FAMILY Low overhead, nothing fancy to charge you for. You buy from our barns or semi-trailers. We work hard to save you more. Our success is great OPEN 7 BIG DAYS Daily 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. Saturday and Sunday • 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. VOLO SALES BARN & CO. Highway 120 * Volo, Tlllnoit mm HO two train layout Must be seen to be appreciated at 402 N. Country Club Dr. over ga­ rage 12 1069 FIREPLACE WOOD, $18 ton. Call 385-4670 evenings. 125-121069 APARTMENT SIZE G.E. re­ frigerator, 3 months old, $70; 40" gas range, $35; Hollywood double bed, complete, $35; di­ nette set, $20; Colonial couch, $75. Call 385-0233. 12 1069 HOTPOINT refrigerator freez­ er, console TV, breakfast set 2 Hollywood beds, dresser, ce­ dar chest, misc. items. Harold Bell, Ringwood at Northwest­ ern railroad tracks. Call Ring- wood, 653-9003! 1210-1212 69 BLONDE dinette set table, 6| chairs, buffet $25. Call 385- 1543. 121069| O A K F I R E P L A C E W O O D , split and delivered, $20 ton. Sorted weights. Discount cash and carry. Call 385-3927. 1210-1212 69 ANTIQUE wicker baby buggy, with wooden wheels Make offer. Call 385-5280. 1210 69 ELECTRIC MOTORS, h.p. to 2 h.p. Used-motors in good condition. Call 385-5280. 1210-1212 69 Cut Your © TREE any size $3.50 Bring Your Saw Mc Henry . Uly Lake Picture Frames Original Oil Paintings Lakeland PAINT SPOT 4618 W. Rt 12b McHenry 385-7100 12369TF1 / WANTED PUPPIES, Utters only, for pet shop. Will pick up if brought to McHenry area. Good home guaranteed. Call 385-7897. 12-3-69TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Too Many Friends for ... Home Party v Al's White House is Available for New Yeans Eve After 8:30 Call Now Phone 385-9882 WHITE PINES, RED PINES, and SCOTCH PINES. -- 2 P.M. till dark -- Saturday and Sunday all day. WHOLESALE BY THE 100 FRITZSCHE ESTATES 815-385-1079 NOW ON HAND! For Immediate Delivery ALUMINUM PLATES These plates have been used on one side in our offset printing process. They are re-useable for a variety of things .. . SIDING- INSULATION - ROOFING - CRAFTS - ETC. 35"x23" PICK YOURS UP TODAY! 25c each MeHENRY PLAINDEALER PImmm 3BSJI7Q « RIDE from Wonder Lake to McHenry (Rt 31 & Rt 120) 4 days week. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ctfl LU1 385-5922 or 653-9832 1210-121269 Wanted To Rent 2 OR MORE BEDROOM house, for wife and 3 children while I'm In Korea. To occupy on or before Feb. 1, 1970. Call 1385-3496 after 8 p.m. 125-121069 REAL ESTATE11 OLDE HEBRON GRADE SCHOOL-There's great po­ tential here. Fine 2 story brick bldg. with.7000 sq. ft of space. On nearly AN ACRE CORNER LOT In DOWN­ TOWN Hebron. Zoned for light industry, commercial, or residential $35,000. OPEN SUNDAY 10:30 AM. to 5 P.M. JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE CO. Co-Operating Member EXCLUSIVE LISTING SERVICE Member of the Nationwide FIND-A-HOME Service, Inc. Downtown 463 Route 14 McHenry, Qystal Lake, HL (Formerly Amundaon's) 3321W. Elm 10L N. Main Street Crystal Lakat, HL 385-3250 459-1780 121069 WE HAVE BUYERS who would like to consider your farm, vacant acreage or estate property. Call Our Rural Property Dept T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS 815-653-2061 or 815-885-634L 12S69TF12 | BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti­ ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes In a progressive area are a phis. For information phone 385- 5839. 8-6-69TF12 LAKE VILLA New on the Market 1! 3 BEDROOM RANCH family room with fireplace, BOAT BASIN with beautiful VIEW OF LAKE. House in excellent MOVE IN CONDITION, Low $30's. Immediate Occupancy!! RANCH with large living room overlooking PETITE LAKE on CHAIN O'LAKES, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large kitchen with breakfast area and built-ins, cherry wood panelled rec. room with wet bar. Mid $50's. MeHENRY Immediate Occupancy!! RANCH with 3 bedrooms on beautiful PTSTAKEE LAKE with large pier and 2 boat slips, all fenced In property with garden room attached to garage. , . Mid $20*s. Immediate Occupancy!! COLONIAL with 4 bedrooms overlooking PISTAKEE BAY, separate dining room, new kitchen with bullt-ins, EXCEPTIONALLY large game room. EXCELLENT MOVE IN CONDITION, $5Ps. Call for further details 385-0780 / WINNETKA L RINGER 999 Linden 446-7274 Winnetka 273-4465 1210-121269 REAL ESTATE Open 1 days a week tm T.P.MATHEWS McHenry A real nice 3 bedroom home, living & dining rm., modern kitchen, includes washer/dryer, carpeting in living room and 2 bed­ rooms. Excellent landscap­ ing, completely cyclone fenced. $18,000. . Older home in good con­ dition, 3 bedrooms, large basement & barn. In quiet town. Zoned B-L Don't pass this one. $14,900. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Cared for, small family 2 bedroom home. Fully tiled bath, handy utility room, aluminum siding, storms/ screens and carport new . roof, 80x150 ft site, beau­ tiful view. $12,500. Luxurious 3 bedroom ranch. Wood cabinet kitchen with adjoining dining area, cer­ amic tiled bath with show­ er, attractive corner living room fireplace, basement with fireplace, attached ga­ rage, extra large site. $25,000. Rentals - Wonder Lake Lakefront -- 4 bedroom home -- $300.00 monthly **White Oaks Bay • 2 bed­ rooms -- $190.00 monthly. Lookout Point - 2 bed­ rooms -- $150.00 monthly 1 year lease -- Security deposit required. See Our Ads DaHy * Sunday In the Tribute T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Help Want* ELECTRONIC TECHS. to $800 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL S8S Benton Woodstock 338-3200 121069 FULLTIME Experienced in retail sales store. Good starting salary for right man. CARDINAL WINES fc LIQUORS 80S Virginia Crystal Lake, m. 4594050 1210-121269 Wander Lake, Itt. 815-885-6841 81S4BMN1 1210 69 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE O A K has Matt DAY SHIFT openings for MODEL MAKERS with tool and die background. 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Apply In Personnel Office 8 a.m. to 4:80 pan. t O A K auuivfACfSBMS ce. • -»•«.»••«. OAK uemijiiwm CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 1210-121269 PRODUCTION CONTROL to $10,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton Woodatoek 888-8200 121069

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