f J PG. 12 - WED. DEC, 10, 1969 - PLAINDEALER M THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER is £ 1 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED KICKING AROUND* BRAKE PARTS COMPANY has 20 job vacancies open now for people available 5 days week, plus occasional overtime. Male & Female 1st and 2nd shift * MACHINE OPERATORS • ASSEMBLERS • MATERIAL HANDLERS • TOOL CRIB ATTENDANT * ELECTRICIAN • MOLDERS * 385-7002 Everyone "on Board" prior to December 20th will receive a • free Christmas Turkey. PLY DAILY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. PERSONNEL OFFICE at 1600 N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY "an equal opportunity employer" future personnel inc. the dK<Uver t<x your fit a &Ce J O V E N T R Y P R O F t S S I O N A l B U I L D I N G 4 b 7 C O V E N T R Y L A N E C R Y S T A i L A K E I L L I N O I S 4 b 9 9 0 1 0 " Y O U R F U T U R E " What Does It Hold? ^ Where Are You Going? Come to SUN, where you can SEE YOUR FUTURE. OPPORTUNITY is yours at SUN. Why not come in and talk over YOUR FUTURE? We have an excellent opportunity for the right people qualified to work at SUN. Top starting salaries and a benefit package topped by few. Why wait? Come in and talk over YOUR FUTURE? INTERVIEWING HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pjn. Monday through Friday 9:00 aan to 1:00 pjn. Saturday or call: 815-450-7700 for your convenient appointment. As you drive by, check the SUN sign for current job openings. ELECTRIC CORPORATION 3011 EAST ROUTE 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 0001' 815-459-7700 Aero-Space Division "an equal opportunity employer" 1210-121269 FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, McHenry Shores, $175 month. Available January 1st Call 385-2897. 1210 69TF12 |3 ROOM furnished apartment, 2nd floor, beach rights. $110 including utilities. Adult. Re ferences and security deposit Call 385-5579. 1210-1212 69 WITH OPTION TO BUY. 13208 W. Terrace Dr., McHen- jry Shores. 5 rooms, automatic heat, attached garage, $160. Call 312-CH3-2727. 1210-1212 69 2 Bedroom .apartment in Mc- j Henry. Fully carpeted, re frigerator, range. No pets. Available Dec. 15th. Call 385- 8042 or 385-3556. 12 3 69TF12 To Late To Classify FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 car garage. Call 385-8169 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 12 5-1210 69 STORE FOR RENT. Good Elm St. location. 3412 W. Elm, Call 385-2145. 12-3-69TF1-2 360 ACRE DAIRY FARM Good land and 2 complete sets of good buildings. $30 per acre. Ralph Burnett FARM BROKER 226 W. Judd St., Woodstock, m. (815) 338-0300 121069 BRAKE PARTS CO* I - NOTICE ONE of the finer things of life --Blue Lustre carpet cleaner^ Rent electric shampooer I Ruck's , Hardware. ooer vO£10*9 -h NEW fashion colors are Sue's delight She . keeps her car pet colors bright -- with Blue Lustre! Rent electric sham pooer $1. Ace Hardware. 1210 69 WEED WORMS, 2 pair black bowling shoes, size 8, one re cord pole. Call 385-1950. 1210-121269 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO house cleaning by the hour. Call 385-1950. 1210-121269 LET'S LOOK AT THE * A RECORDS -- * 0 B Y L I N D A N O R R I S My Eyes NOTICE NOTICE Home to Small for ... WK YEAR'S EVE Al's White House is Available After 8:30 Phone 385-9892 future personnel inc. the <ZK4cver ta yawi fiKxttte C O V E N T R Y P R O F E S S I O N A L BUILDING 4 ' J / C O V f M T R Y L A N £ C R Y S T A L L A K E . I L L I N O I S 4 ' j 9 9 0 1 0 FOR BENT FOR RENT f. f, K I P \ "V For Rent Low Cash Basis 360 Acres ol LEVEL FARM LAND That's produced close to 100 bushels of corn per acre this year and it was a poor year. Good years yield up to 125 bushels per acre. Farm located mid way between McHenry and Crystal Lake on the blacktop, known as Westward Ways. Everyone knows sthis good farm. It will rent quickly. For further information write to: M.L.MAGEE 415 W. Touhy Ave. DeaPlalnea, HL 60018 or CaU 312-765-6767 12 5-121069 c i i i FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. 6 MONTH OLD male black Labrador. Call 385-8171. 121069 2 KITTENS, 5 weeks old. Call 385-4130.' 12-HW 7 RABBITS. Call 653-9494. 1210 69 4 KITTENS, part Angora. Call 385-1721 or 459-1492 FOUND: Male part Labrador Retriever puppy, approxi mately 6 months old. Well behaved. Call 3854235.121069 :> % K S 9 ft M S i I \ i \ i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i One of the most popular modes of music these days is captured on the sitar, an Indian instrument of intriguing and oft weird overtones . . . There are a number of famous interpretors of this quaint in strument, probably die most well-known of whom is Ravi Shankar, due to his many tele vision appearances . . . Ravi's latest LP is Six Ragas, in which he does (if you follow) Kaushi Bhairav, Khamach, Janasanmohini, Mishra Gara, Nand Anandi and Megh. The titles mean little, actually, but the sound is quite pleasant. Not as known are Ustad Vilayat Khan India's master of the sitar, and Jnan Prakash Ghosh who heads a percus sion ensemble . . . Khan has a new album out under his name in which he does a two- part raga entitled "Darbari Kanada," each part on one side of the disc . . .Ghosh and his ensemble have recorded some Indian music in Drums of India, which is well worth investigating . . . Side one has Pakhawa, Kholand Tabla and the flip side has seven hymns . . . Again, the titles do not tell the story -- only the soft and soothing strains of the sitar does that properly. An Album of romantic music is offered by Line Renaud in Line Renaud's In Love . . . Included in the reper toire are Majorca, Isle of Love, Goodbye, My Souvenirs. Teach Me French, La La La S o n g , L o v e I s T h e L i t t l e Things, It's Over, Summer Love, To You My Love, Roses of May, If I Love, I'd Love to Fall Asleep and Can't Take Off You. FREE - FREE OF YOUR CHOICE ( Average Height: 6 to 8 feet) L t With Each New Subscription To The McHenry Plaindealer Newstand Price *1040 ^7 Subscribe Now For Only $"750 take and McHeniy County ' "9" Elsewhere 3812 West Elm Street McHe 60050