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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1969, p. 24

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\ checking --Plaindealer - Wed. Dec. 10,1969 Present Certificates For New Honor Roll A committee of faculty and student council members at Johnsburg Junior high school, met several times this fall to create a scholastic honor roll for pupils judged by their tea­ chers to be an outstanding per­ former in a subject area. This award will ordinarily go to pupils who are receiving an "A", but it may be awarded to a pupil who did not receive and "A". The art department, under the direction of Mrs. Ro- bel, designed a certificate that was presented to each pupil at a recent assembly by Mr. Andreas, principal of the jun­ ior high school. MATHEMATICS Grade 6: Brent Deppmeier, Karen Freund and Kimberly Jergens. Grade 7: Helen Farley, Steph­ anie Hiller, Kathy Hudson, Li­ sa Huemann, Maria Metzger, Keith Mierzwa, Karen Moe, . Monica Neiss, Lori Parker and Cynthia Pflug. * Grade 8: Marion Behrens, Debra Howenstine, Kevin Hud­ son, Kathy Munyon, Bud Pflug, Patricia Stark, Christine Tal­ bot, Lynnea Thorne and Ray Von Obstfelder. SCIENCE Grade 6: Dawn Campbell, Brett Decker, Brad Deppmeier, Brent Deppmeier, Otto Dschida, Karen Freund, Kimberly Hue­ mann, Eileen Marsh, Nancy Schmitt, Casey Stahlman, Karl Swanson, Raul Viteri, Joel Wak- itsch and William W«jlc?vnski. Grade 7: Kimberly Bute, Deb­ bie Fuqua, Sharon Harrison, Stephanie Hiller, Lisa Hue­ mann, Karen Jensen, Toni Jones, Mary Kanter, Skip Ko- cher, Gail Lehman, Maria Metzger, Donna Munyon, David Noah, Lori Parker, Cynthia Pflug, Loren Schmitt, Cindy Smid, Pamela Spengel, Glen Stade, Christine Thorne, Victor Vercouter and Michael Winters. Grade 8: Jay Connerty, Kev­ in Hudson, Debra Howenstine, Mary Lou Johnston, Steven Kan­ ter, Mary Jo Lieser, Laurie Radtke, Richard Sagers, Susan Scott, Patricia Stark, Sharee Swanson, Christine Thelen, Lynnea Thorne and Ray Von Obstfelder. SPANISH Grade 7: Melody Fail, Helen Farley, Michael Hagberg, Pat­ rick Hagberg, Sharon Harrison, Maria Metzger, Karen Moe, Jeff Parker, Lori Parker and Heather Siepman. Grade 8: Marion Behrens, Gayle Garn, Karen Smith and Patricia Stark. SOCIAL STUDIES Grade 6: Brad Deppmeier, Brent Deppmeier, Otto Dschida, Lisa Fairbanks, Karen Freund, Marian High Calendar Full For December The December activity scedule at Marian Central Catholic high school is full of things to do and new adventures for students. Many of the clubs have planned sock hops after basketball games and students are busily making the final ar­ rangements for the band, chap- erones, and various other re­ sponsibilities. The Science club is planning to sponsor a Science exposi­ tion where many special pro­ jects will be displayed. They also have guest speakers lined up to enrich their Science cour­ ses. The Math club is busily planning a chess and checkers tournament while the French club is directed by Mr. Burke. The non-credit course, "Aviation and Basic Theory of Flight", has just been com­ pleted; thirty-five students were enrolled in the course. A non-credit short course, "Basic Banking Knowledge", is scheduled for December and the instructor is a represen­ tative of a local bank. The intramural program has shifted to volleyball and eight teams are currently struggling to capture the championship of their respective class. A play­ off .will again be held between the freshmen-sophomores and juniors-seniors to determine the all-school champion. Boys who are not involved in ath­ letics have also been inviied to begin a progressive weight training program in Intramur- als. All students have the oppor­ tunity to see outstanding films that are offered during the com­ mon activity period of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The school has been fortunate in ob­ taining a fine football series authored by Coach Vince Lom- bardi, entitled "The Art and Science of Football". The stu­ dents have enthusiastically re­ ceived these fine football mo­ vies, and attendance has been high. Other films this month will deal with careers in agricul­ ture and pharmaceuticals, health and the human body, and the Negro in the economic life of the United States. The two big events on the December activity calendar are the Christmas music concert and art show on Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 8 p.m. and the sen­ ior Christmas dance scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 23. Anne Palmer, Laurie Sims, William Walezynski and Joel Wakitsch. Grade 7: Patti Anderson, Debra Fuqua, Sharon Harrison, Kathy Hudson, Julie Hunting­ ton, Karen Moe, Jeff Palmer, Lori Parker, Cynthia Pflug, Heather Siepman and Glen Stade. Grade 8: Marion Behrens, Kerry Decker, Gayle Garn, Debra Howenstine, Kevin Hud­ son, Bud Pflug, Patricia Stark, Sharee Swanson and Lynnea Thorne. PHYSICAL EDUCATION BOYS Grade 6: Richard Comstock, Chris Goetschel, PaulO'Malley and Dale Zamastil. Grade 7: John Heard, Robert Preston, Mark Rittorno and Da­ vid Robel. Grade 8; John Miller and Ray Von Obstfelder. GIRLS Grade 6: Cynthia Gildemeis- ter, Mary Jurczynski, Laura McClellan, Carolynn McWhin- nie and Anne Palmer. Grade 7: Patricia Anderson, Claire Dougherty, Kathy Hud­ son and Sara Weingart. Grade 8: Debra Howenstine. LANGUAGE ARTS Grade 6: Brent Deppmeier, Cynthia Gildemeister, Mary Ann Jurczynski, Peter Kasper- ski, Anne Palmer and Laurie Sims. Grade 7: Denise Dowe, Kathy Hudson, Sharal Koenigseder, Karen Moe, Jeff Palmer, Lori Parker, Cynthia Pflug, Heather Siepman, Cindy Smid and Glen Stade. Grade 8: Gayle Garn, Debra Howen­ stine , Kevin Hudson, Donna Kinder and Patricia Stark. MUSIC Advanced Band: Debra Fuqua, Maria Metzger, Andrew Oak­ ley, Anne Palmer, Jeff Palmer, Cynthia Pflug, Cheryl Ripley, Steven Ripley and Joy Vyduna. Intermediate Band: Casey Stahlman. Beginning Band: Dawn Camp­ bell and Merily FaiL Choir: Jackie Burkhardt, Mel­ ody Fail, Merily Fail, Debra Fuqua, Sharon Harrison, Kathy Hudson, Sharal Koensigseder, Bonnie Kramer, Gail Lehman, Holly Marshall, Maria Metz­ ger, Thomas Morin, Cathy Mun­ yon, Rod McClellan, Anne Pal­ mer, Lori Parker, Cynthia Pflug and Joy Vyduna. ART Michael Khidirian, Wayne Si- ma and Richard Travis. HANDWRITING Grade 6: Dorene Hendrick and Joy Vyduna. Grade 7: Karen Covalt and Julie Huntington. Grade 8: Gayle Garn and Mau­ reen Murphy. JOURNALISM Journalism: Tymia Durnil. Electronics Club: Nickey Diedrich. Student Council: Debra Fuqua and Daniel Williams. KIWANIS NEWS WONDER LAKE CLUB The club passed appropria­ tions for the Woodstock Chil­ dren's home, the Pioneer Work Center and for the Mental Health and Family Guidance center, to be paid out of the Peanut Day fund. Dec. 11 will be Kiwanis di­ vision Inspiration Night to be hosted by McHenry Kiwanis club at the Legion home in McHenry. Monday, Dec. 15, the Pleasant Valley farm will present the club program. Speaker at last Monday's meeting was George Brandt, district director of the Kish- waukee Council of Boy Scouts, who pointed out that the Won­ der Lake club is one of three groups which sponsor Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explor­ ers. UEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF WILLARD A., SCHULTZ Deceased, FILE NO. 69-P-299 Notice is hereby given pur­ suant to Section 194 of the Pro­ bate Act, of the death of above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on November 24, 1969, to Lynne D. Schultz Benson, 5112 Fountain Lane, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of rec­ ord is Leroy J. Welter, Mc­ Henry, Illinois. ^ Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of is­ suance of Letters of Office and that any claim not filed with­ in that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Coyrt, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Dec. 3, 10, 17, 1969) The Law Serves Yous); WITH | MINIMUM BALANCE OF $onnoo Take Charge Right and left turns aren't made safe by shoving your arm out of the car window or flip* ping, on some electrical gadget to advertise your intentions. The driver is responsible for making turn maneuvers safely by when and how he positions his car or truck in making the turn, warns the Institute for Safer Living. The use of signals is a rea­ sonable and legally essential requirement of all turning man­ euvers. Unfortunately, how­ ever, in some cases such sig­ nals are not sufficiently con­ spicuous to attract attention, while in others the flashing of an uncanceled signal merely indicates that someone failed to develop an intention. Whether due to either of these factors, or for other reasons, many drivers look only for a space to get by and will pass either right or left depending on which looks easier. First, it is the driver's re­ sponsibility not to alter a lane or speed position of the vehicle unless it can be done with rea­ sonable safety. This means that the turning driver must make an early check of the changing traf­ fic situation. Look ahead to de­ cide where you want to turn, but also check behind to make certain that no one is so close or coming up so fast as to make any pre-turn change of position or speed unsafe. Second, it is the driver's responsibility to position and slow his vehicle for each turn so that following traffic can pass to his left safely when he makes a right turn, or to his right safely when he makes a left turn. The important thing is to get into the jproper lane early, to slow down gradually and to maintain this position until the turn can be made safe­ ly. It is sometimes necessary to stop in making a left turn, but the early positioning and grad­ ual slowing of the vehicle should keep the driver from suddenly blocking the high-speed-lane travel of other vehicles. Stop­ ping is seldom necessary or expected for a right-turn man­ euver and "shying" either to left or right for any turn should always be avoided. If the length of a car or truck requires a wide turn, do the widening where you can see traffic approaching. Positioning the vehicle close to the curb for a right turn not only in­ creases the space for following vehicles to pass clear, it also protects the blind spot. "Nuts" can't get themselves cracked if nutcracker is closed! ON HONOR ROLL The name of Ted Hollander, was omitted from the eighth grade honor, roll listing given to the Plaindealer office from Junior high. * McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois cor­ p o r a t i o n , P l a i n t i f f - v s - MORTON QOULD and MARY ELIZABETH GOULD, his wife; METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST CO. as Trustee under Trust Deed recorded as Docu­ ment No. 493214 in McHeni"y County, Illinois on June 16, 1968: DAVID A. PACHTEfc, Judgment Creditor, Case No. 69-Ml-504639; DAVID A. PA- CHTER, Judgment Creditor, Case No. 69-M1-504640; MET­ ROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST CO., Judgment Creditor, Case No. 69-M1-5G4145, and UN­ KNOWN OWNERS, Defendants IN CHANCERY General No. 69-748 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree here-, tofore entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, CHARLES T. SMITH, A Mag­ istrate of this Court will on Thursday, the 18th day of De­ cember A.D. 1969, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M. (CENTRAli' STANDARD) TIME, atthe North- front door of the Court House Annex in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and sing­ ular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much there­ of as shall be sufficient to sat­ isfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 16 in Sunnyside Estates, a Subdivision of part of the North-' west Fraction of the Fractional Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Pla£- thereof recorded January 24," 1939 as Document No. 136856,1 in Book 9 of Plats, page 26, in McHenry County , Illinois?1 ALSO: M- Lot 14 in May's Subdivision <jfcV part of the North Half of the * Northeast Fractional Quarter of" Section 18, Township 45 Northi4h Range 9, East of the Third1' Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded1 -- October 10, 1912 as Document M No. 23500 in Book 3 of Plats, on page 32, in McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois * : " ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1413 Sunnyside Beach Drive, McHenry, Illinr'f ois together with all buildings!,1' and improvements thereon, arid " the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto13 belonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois,4 this 24th day of November A.D. 1969. MARGARET O'NEIL , , Clerk of the 'Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois LOOZE AND KINNE \ Attorney for Plaintiff 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60C50 Phone: 815-385-1580 (Pub. Nov. 26, Dec. 3,10,1969) Lawmakers Get Tough With College Students The Illinois legislature has laid down the law to college students -- in fact, several laws. Essentially, the legislators have told students that they must abide by the same rules of good conduct that apply to the rest of the citizenry, or else. The "or else" means that students holding state scholar­ ships may lose them if they participate in unlawful distur­ bances on campus and that to "knowingly .interfere with a public institution of higher learning" now is a crime. That isn't all. Another law passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Richard B. Ogil- vie requires all state support­ ed institutions of higher learn­ ing to formulate definite pol­ icies on campus demonstrations and enforce them. Their plans for carrying out this require­ ment must be filed with the Governor and with the State Board of Higher Education. According to the Illinois State Bar association, still another law makes it possible for cam­ pus security personnel to re­ ceive training comparable to that given to members of lo­ cal police departments. This law extends the jurisdiction of a Local Government Law En­ forcement Training Board to include security officers or campus police permanently em­ ployed by any participating state controlled university, college or junior college. The Board then may provide the approp­ riate professional training. The law .concerning schol­ arships authorizes the chief executive officer of the univer­ sity in which the student is enrolled to immediately revoke state-provided financial aid to any student who "participates in any disorderly disturbance., using means which are not pro­ tected by the (lUS*^Jd--ttlin- ois) constitution^." No revoeac tions will Jae-^made, however, without proper notice, hearings, and other due process proce­ dures. Prior to this, the primary grounds for revocation of state student assistance were a change in residency, change in financial circumstances, or un­ successful academic progress. Turn Maneuvers Responsibility Of All Drivers Under the law, the person wfib through the use or threat of violence "knowingly inter­ fered) with a public institu­ tion of higher learning" maybe charged with a misdemeanor. Included are persons who; oc­ cupy a college building for rea­ sons other than designate^; prevent freedom of moveijient on campus, or disrupt the "pur­ suit of educational activities M college staff, students and'in­ vitees' of the school." , ^ Each state school's statement of policy must include specific rules and regulations for main­ taining order on campus with­ out infringing on the civil rfetys of others and rules for with­ holding of scholarships violators. LEGAL NOTICE ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCittf. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION1 ESTATE OF Helen L. Gerl&h Deceased, FILE NO. 69-P-292 Notice is hereby given pur­ suant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on November 24, 1969, to William John Gerlach, 5470 W. Eddy St., Chicago, Illinois, whose attorney of record *ls James M. Mclntee, 3436 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois. . \ Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of is­ suance of Letters of Office and that any claim not filed with­ in that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Problie office of the Clerk of Court, County Court House, Woodstock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Cleck of the Court 'H' (Pub. Dec. 3, 10, 17, 19tf9) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF MAGISTRATE'S SALE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) KS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) r IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILUNOS 60050 815-385*5400

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