Deaths MARTHA J. FELTZ Martha J. Feltz, 84, a life long resident of Mchenry, died Sunday, Dec. 7, in Mercy hos pital, Urbana, where she had been confined for several weeks. She and her daughter, Mrs. Emil (Pearl) Patzke had moved . to 105 S. Market street, Bondville, a suburb of Cham paign, about two months ago. Mrs. Feltz was born Dec. 19, 1884, in McHenry, the daughter of Henry and Minnie Pomrening Block. Members of her family were among pion eers in establishing the Lu theran church in this commun ity, several having helped to build the church on John street which now houses another con gregation. Mrs. Feltz was a skilled baker and for a number of years operated a home bakery on John street and later at the family residence, 3812 W. Waukegan road, where she re sided until moving to Bondville. The deceased was a mem ber of the Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran church, an organiza tion in which she was very ac tive for many years. Her husband, Fred C. Feltz, preceded her in death in 1952. She is survived by the one daughter, Mrs. Patzke; one grandson, Ralph Patzke, of Champaign; two grandchildren, Jeffrey and Karen Patzke; two sisters, Mrs. William (Elfreda) Dreyer and Mrs. Elsie Voeltz and one brother, Louis Block, all of the McHenry area. The body will rest at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until 11 o'clock Wednes day morning, when it will be taken to Zion Lutheran church, where it will remain after 1 o'clock. Last rites will be con ducted there at 2 o'clock Wed nesday, with burial in Wood land cemetery. EDWARD CHABOT Edward Chabot of 923 Hill side drive, Island Lake, died in McHenry hospital Saturday, Dec. 6, following a long period of poor health. He was 47 years of age. Mr. Chabot was born Oct. 8, 1922, in Chicago. The fam ily had resided at Island Lake for twenty-two years. The deceased was an em ployee of the Borden Dairy Co. in Woodstock. He was a mem ber of St. John's Lutheran church, Island Lake. Survivors are his wife, Dor othy; two daughters, Mrs. Di ane Kawell of McHenry and Corinne at home; two sons, James and Stephan at home; one grandchild, Cari Lynn Ka well; and two brothers, Frank of Riverside and Stephen of Chicago. Rev. W.H. Lehmann, Sr., of St. John's church officiated at last rites conducted at 10:30 Monday morning from the Wau- conda chapel. Burial was in Wauconda cemetery. WILLIAM L. VOSS, JR. William Lawrence Voss, Jr., a resident of 314 Timothy lane, McHenry, died Dec. 7 in Cal ifornia after an illness of a year. The family had resided in this community since 1963. Mr. Voss was born June 24, 1898, in Harvey, 111. Survivors are his wife, Max- ine, to whom he was married April 21, 1926; three children, William L., m, Tusten, Calif., Mrs. E.O. (Jean) Oxley, Jr., Orange, Calif., and Mrs. R.B. (Jacqueline) Olivanti, Bloom- field, Hills, Mich.; five grand children; a brother, John R. Voss, Houston, Texas; and one sister. Sister Maria Consolata Voss, C.M.C., Brookline, Mass. A funeral Mass will be of fered Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at Ascension church, Harvey. The body rests at the W.E. Kerr chapel, 26 W. 154th St., Harvey, with interment in Assumption cemetery, 186th and Cottage Grove. In lieu of flowers, donations were asked to McHenry hospital or the American Heart as sociation. ELEANOR MEYER Mrs. Eleanor Meyer, 35, died Sunday, Dec. 7, in LaCrosse, Wis. She was a former resi dent of McHenry. Survivors are her husband, Ronald; six children, Linda, 14, Colleen, 13, twins, Larry and Laura, 10, Ronald, Jr., 8, and WED. DEC. 10,1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 7 Timmy, 6; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Buxer, Sr., of McHenry; one brother, Dominic Buxer of McHenry; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Hamann of McHenry, Mrs. Luella Wesal of Chicago, Rosemary Vulpo of Elmwood Park and Virginia Gibson of Phoenix, Ariz., a former Mc Henry resident. Funeral services will be held Thursday in LaCrosse. ARTHUR F. METZGER Last rites were held Satur day at the Hamsher chapel in Fox Lake for Arthur F. Metz- ger, 78, of 804 Terrace lane, Spring Grove, who died Dec. 4 in a Waukegan hospital. He had moved to Spring Grove four years ago from Wisconsin. VISITS CAMPUSES Elizabeth Dunhahi, assistant director of admissions at Elm- hurst college, will visit McHen- ry*s East campus from 9 to 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 19, and the West campus from 10:30 to 11:30. She will be talking about the college's various academic programs and campus ac tivities. McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Roy Decker are parents of a daughter Dec. 3. A son was born Dec. 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stueben announce the birth of a daugh ter, Dec. 4. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Stanley Winkler of Won der Lake was a patient in Har vard hospital recently. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, WOODSTOCK On Dec. 1 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cummings, Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mer edith of Wonder Lake are par ents of twin boys Dec. 2. The second wife of Pres. Ty ler was younger than several of his children. CONDUCT DRILL -- Recently, when local firemen were pre paring to burn a home to make way for a parking lot, firemen used the opportunity to conduct drills which will benefit them in the future. Gerard Justen is shown shooting movie film for training purposes. ^ PLAINDEALER PHOTO BUY ALL Your Liquor Needs from 1 305 Virginia Street Crystal Lake Phone 459-4050 im - 1970 CHILTON'S AUTO REPAIR MANUAL American Cars from 1963-1970 ONLY Plus Volkswagen Full Color Illustrations w5 Deluxe (RUBBERMAID) Floor Mats Front Dwell & Tach $43.00 Val. Guaranteed 5 Yrs. ' ̂ $49.50 Val. Timing Lite $9.85 Val. Fog Lites 200,000 C.P. $14.95 Ea. Deluxe Lock On Wheel Covers Val. $3.95 Deluxe (Wood Inlay) Twin Gauge Val. $13.95 MECHANIC'S CREEPER $845 Fender Covers $4 Auto Parts & Accessories Gifts too numerous to mention All On Sale COMMUNITY ; AUTO 3021 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY DAILY 8-6 SUNDAY 9-1 Carton Use of Glasses and Champagne Fountain for Wed dings and for Parties with Purchase of Liquor at the Cardinal. We have free ice cubes with Liquor Purchase! IllllJJW* „ A PACKAGE THAT EVERYONE WINES and LIQUORS, Inc CAN ENJOY Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sun. 72 noon to 8 p.m. CIGARETTES COLD DUCK 1 q? BENEDICTINE GALLIANO B and B M # FIFTH DRAMBUE CHAMPION IMPORTED FIFTH CANADIAN MIST Oie of Ojr Better Makes 367 PHILADELPHIA 069 FULL QUART ^ Bottled In Scotland TEACHERS 'Vm Highland Cream J | Scotch Whiskey 1/2 Gal. Reg. $14.65 Ron 1/2 GALLON CARIOCA 8® PAUL jones Coffee Liqueur KAHLUA BUDWEISER HAMMS 6 PAK CANS 09 SOUTHERN fifth 4°* COMFORT ^gal 979 MEISTER BRAU Bottles 3 19 MILLERS 6 PAK CANS 99* Schenley's - 8 YEAR OLD 86 PROOF KENTUCKY BOURBON FIFTH 359 10 YEAR OLD BOURBON WHISKEY J.W. DANT FIFTH 3s* EARLY TIMES 1/2 Gallon 8 97 OLD FORESTER PEBBLE FORDfifth2" Straight Whiskey - ™ CARDINAL GIN or VODKA FULL **27 SPECIAL A 49 W 1/2 GAL. QUART PRICE Imported Scotch HAIG FIFTH 4" BLENDED WHISKEY THREE FEATHERS 367 FULL QUART From Mexico FIFTH Cordials FULL QUART J.W. PANT Italian Swiss Colony BRANDY FIFTH FULL QUART $4.37 - All Glass Crystal 18 Piece ( " . Punch Bowl Set \ 1 - 5 qt. Punch Bowl 8 - cups 8 hooks 1 ladle BLATZ CASE 24- »2 oz. PABST BLUE RIBBON 24-12 oz. BOTTLES 939 16oz-6 pak cans l09 v OLD MILWAUKEE BLATZ <Tr» 89' MILLERS 24-12 O Z . BOTTLES MICHELOB 6 PAK 1 OLD STAGG 8 YEAR OLD BOURBON WHISKEY FIFTH Brandy 1/2 GAL. ARISTOCRAT GIN OR VODKA GLENMORE 1/2 GAL. PETRI 327 BRANDY FIFTH 427 QUART See our complete line of imported wines $10.97 Value Oh# of our Finest Imported Scotch's , HOUSE OF PEER FIFTH 3s7 V«Yard ALE GLASS $19.95 Value 695 4 - 1 / 4 Y a r d Beer Glasses and Stand FRENCH 97* to 5«° GERMAN 1" to Imported Ballantine SCOTCH FIFTH IMPORTED FIFTH 857 DIET PEPSI WX. Welter's CABIN STILL ™ Handmade - Sourmash Kentucky 3,7I INVER HOUSE 369 Straight Bourbon Whiskey 8 PAK 16 oz. Blended Whiskey CARSTAIRS 3M FULL QUART KENTUCKY TAVERN 8 YEAR OLD 86 PROOF STRAIGHT BOURBON 1/2 Gal. OR YELLOWSTONE 6 YEAR OLD 86 PROOF *AOT KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON /