PG. 10- PLAINDEALER - TUES. DEC. 23.1969 Lakemoor-Lilymoor Rita Casey 385-2780 Servicemen Enjoy Holiday With Families Fred Thornton arrived home Wednesday, Dec. 17, on leave from the Army to spend the holidays with his parents. They are all looking forward to a happy holiday. Also home on leave is broth ers, Jerry and Clarence Sos- song. They also will be home for the holidays with their fam ily. Jerry is a mechanic in the Army and upon his return to base he will be sent to Viet nam. Hope all of these boys have a very happy and merry hol iday. BRIDAL SHOWER A general bridal shower was held for Debra Renne Brady on Sunday, Dec. 14, at the Brady residence. Mrs. Harry Brady was hostess and co- hostesses were Jo and Peg Sullivan from Chicago. The bride received a variety of lovely gifts. FUN CLUB The Fun Club held its an nual Christmas party on Tues day, Dec. 16. Everything was decorated in a gay holiday fash ion. There was a gift exchange and a delicious buffet was ser ved. All members called Em ma Kunz, who is still conval escing at home, and wished her the best. Hostess for the eve ning was Toni Ehredt. At the social the following prizes were won: Pat Morrison, first; Lu Bitterman, second; Helen Para, third; Doris Kibbe, fourth and Jen O'Leary, fifth. Buchanan was our only bach elor President, and was the only native to Pennsylvania elected to that position. MAYOR'S CHRISTMAS DINNER On Wednesday, Dec. 17, the mayor's Christmas dinner was held at the Crystal Lake Country try club. Officials from all towns and villages in McHenry county were invited. The Vil lage of Lakemoor was repre sented by President Richard Hyatt and four other couples from the village. An enjoyable time was had by everyone. The Village of Lakemoor will act as host in February, 1970 at a dinner for the McHenry county mayors. CHRISTMAS REMEMBERED As we are well aware, Christ mas is a time of giving. It has been brought to my at tention that the Ladies League and a group of anonymous wo men still know the true mean ing of Christmas. A family in the Village of Lakemoor had very dim hopes of a joyous Christmas. When these women heard of this they got together and collected toys, clothing and foodstuff. This family can no look for ward to a happier and thank ful Christmas. I wish all of you a very Blessed Christmas season. LADIES LEAGUE At the Ladies League Christ mas dinner an enjoyable time was had by everyone. After a delicious meal a gift exchange followed. At the ladies social night on Dec. 17, bunco was played. Winners were: first prize, Mar ge Peak, second Connie 0'- Rourke, third Viola Arbogast, iourin JP lorence Mix. Booby went to Ruth Freeman. BIRTHDAYS Best wishes to Art Lund, Maynard Johnson and Julie C as - sell on Dec. 25. Also, to Char les Thornton Dec. 27 and Baby Karen Sue Thomas who will be a great big one year old on Dec. 27. May you all have a very wonderful day. ANNIVERSARY Best wishes to Jacob and Con nie Johnson who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on Dec. 29. Much happiness al ways. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS In closing I would like to wish each and everyone of you, and those you hold dear a very Blessed and Merry Christmas season. P O L I T I C A L C O R N E R SEEKS REELECTION Judges Make Home Lighting Contest Awards (Continued from page 1) The Mauch display, high a- bove the house, carried out the very latest trend in space trav el. It depicts a moon on which santa had just landed in his space ship and placed an Amer ican flag. The Conway setting shows Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus rest ing in an outdoor swing, sur rounded by a variety of small animals, and the sleigh near by filled with toys. A sign a- bove the display reads, "Get in the swing and have a Merry Christmas". REP. R. BRUCE WADDELL State Rep. R. Bruce Waddell, Dundee, of the 33rd District, has announced his candidacy for re election to the Illinois House of Representatives at the general election in November, 1970. He will personally file his cer tificate of candidacy and other necessary papers with the sec retary of state in Springfield on Dec. 8, the first day for filing. Waddell's district is com-' prised of the counties of Mc Henry, Boone, Kendall, De- Kalb and Kane. He was elected on June 24 to fill out the unexpired term of former Rep. James B. (Jack) Hill, deceased. PUBLIC PULSE (The Ptaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of gener al interest in our commun ity. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 3U0 words or less signature, full address and phone num ber. We ask. too, that one in dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserv® the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) Letters To Santa Clans DIAL-A-DEVOTION PHONE Hear God's Word Wherever You Are •'Dear Santa Claus" "We have been good children at home and in school. We have been learning songs to sing for you. When you come on Christ mas Eve, we hope you like the cookies and hot chocolate. Mer ry Christmas!" "Mrs. Weber's Kindergarten Class" ••Johnsburg School" "Dear Santa," "I am only 7 years old so please excuse my mastakes. Please send me a Hot Wheels Super-charger and a Space Crawler and a deluxe Farm- set and a Tricky Peter Pen- gain. Also please send me a Marty the Maritan Robot. I have been a good little boy all my life."" "Love," "Terry McGibbon" "Wonder Lake, 111." "Dear Santa" My name is Christy Bradley. Pm 5% years old. My sister is 2& We have been pretty good this year. So would you please bring us some toys." "Love" "Christy & Pam Bradley" Our lists: Christy: Sewing Kit, Cash register, Chrissy Doll, Hair Curl Set and Ice skates. Pam: Cash register, Blocks, Snoopy Dog. "Dear Santa Claus" "Talking Buffy outfits for Buffy and all 4 small talk doll.. Little Chitty Chitty Bang Bang .unch Bucket..Big Family Af- !tir Lunch Bucket. Lucy Pa- ia_Basrs. HoDDttv HOD I want blue^Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Game. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Car. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Dictionary Book". "Shirley Marie Tonyan" "10 years old" "P.S. Don't forget my two brothers and new baby, Loren, Leo and Larry." "Editor: "A candlelight peace walk and vigil will be held on the eve of the birth of one who came to bring peace to all of us. Participants will meet at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 24 on the sidewalk in front of the Congregational Universalist church, Dean and South streets, Woodstock. A half-hour march around the square is planned, which will conclude at the Woodstock Op era House. "The guest speaker for the evening will be Howard Bartram of the American Friends Service committee from Chi cago. Mr. Bartram, a resident of Evanston, has long been as sociated with Quaker schools and other Quaker causes. He has taught science subjects in Friends' schools and before coming to the Midwest was headmaster of schools in Abing- ton, Penn., and Washington, D.C. While living on the east- em seaboard he served on Peace and Race Relations com mittees in that area. "Mr. Bartram will discuss the American Friends Service committee's concept of service. He will tell something about how the committee implements its service activities in the vi olent world of today, while fol lowing the Quakerprecept"that there is that of God in every man." "A question and answer per iod will follow. Folk songs and Christmas carols will conclude the evening's program. Berth the peace walk and meeting are open to the public and you are invited to attend. Kent Cowie of Crystal Lake, Jake Smith and Pearl Miyashiro of Wood stock and Chet and Betty Keeny of McHenry are members of the organizing committee. "Betty Keeney" Pictures of the winning dis plays will appear in the next issue of the piaindealer. Second ana third place win ners were named in the three categories as follows: Most Colorful, Herbert Rothering, 315 Timothy, second, and Har ry Dean, 804 N. John, third; original, Wayne Kraus, 214 N. Timothy, second, and James Lennon, 1721 W. Hollow, Kent Acres, third; amusing, Shirley Freund, 4513 W. Ponca, sec ond, and no third place. University Students Start Holiday Vacation Students at University of Ill inois in Urbana began their an nual Christmas holiday at 1 p.m. Dec. 20. Classes will resume at 1 p.m. Jan. 5. Among students attending the University of Illinois this sem ester were, Lawrence Adams, John H. Anderson, Jr., Karen Anderson, Cathie Becker, Den nis Blake, Thomas Broderick, Rodney Cole, Carol Curran, Jean Dixon, Lynne Dixon, Mark Domoto, Mary Eberhardt, Rob ert Funk and Sherry Gehrke. Also Mary Jo Gilpin, Stephen Marchi, Robert McCormick, Jr., Clifford Morris, Scott No lan, Ralph Nowak, Donald Ny- man, Peggy Peterson, Valerie Peterson, Ruth Porten, Bruce Potratz, Thomas Przetacznik, Steve Stahlman, William Sta- mer, James Vyduna and Jane Walsh. From Wonder Lake they were Larry Cristy, Edward Green. Ronald Meadie and Richard Paul; from Spring Grove, Jane and Robert Richardson from Solon Mills, Jane and Virginia Gardiner. AZ FREE ESTIMATES & PLANNING SERVICE INSURED. 385-0830 BUILDING & REMODELING ALUMINUM SIDING ROOFING SHINGLES ADDITIONS DORMERS STORES & OFFICES KITCHENS, BATHS CONCRETE WORK MASONRY Ch iiffSSS Warm and friendly wishes that never grow cold . each year they seete new. for they never grow old Green Pearl Club Joe and Emma 3425 W. Pearl St. To our many friends, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year In lieu of sending cards this year, the money has been given to the Woodstock Children's Home so they can have something extra this year. Ethel, Harry Conway and Sue THE bath shop 3012 W. Rte 120 McHenry, lUiaois 385-0048 HOURS: Monday-Friday 9-9 Saturday 9-5 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! DEADLINE! Deadline for refunds and exchanges on Christmas merchandise is 9®S,E,WW Wed. Dec. 31 at 6 p.m. TIT L B D S T C J N E 1219 N. Green 385-0182 McHenry Deaths ANTHONY J. DOOLIN A funeral Mass was offered at 11 o'clock Monday in St. Mary's Catholic church, Mc Henry, for Anthony J. Doolin, 67, of 5302 W. West lane, Mc- Cullom Lake, who died Dec. 17 in Phoenix, Ariz. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Doolin was born Oct. 22, 1902,. He was a retired sta tionary engineer for a mail or der company in Chicago. The deceased was a member of the Elks club of Woodstock. Survivors are the widow, Nancy Stemper Doolin; a son, Donald, of Milwaukee, Wis., and three grandchildren. Before time of last rites, the body rested at the George R. Justen & Son chapel. GERRY KARLOVSKY Gerry Karlovsky, 73, of 3217 Thompson road, Wonder Lake, died in McHenry hospital emer gency room Dec. 20. He was a retired Cicero policeman. Among survivors is his wife, Mary Dauber Karlovsky. The body was transferred to the Berwyn funeral home for ar rangements./ MARIE E/ERDMANN Marie E. Erdmann, 73, of 5413 Memor^ Trail, McHenry, died Dec. 21 in McHenry hos pital. The deceased was a native of Chicago, where she was born Jan. 16, 1896. §eruice News Marine Corporal Donald R. Stine, son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Stine of 1625 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, was promoted to his present rank while serving with the First Marine Aircraft wing in Viet nam. His promotion was based on time in service and rank, mil itary appearance, and his know ledge of selected military sub jects. The wing is the air arm of the Third Marine Amphibious force in the I Corps Tactical zone of Vietnam. It operates several hundred aircraft in cluding fighter, attack, recon naissance, helicopter and transport aircraft. In addition to providing av iation support for the First and Third Marine division, the First Marine Aircraft wing supports other American and free world forces in the five northern prov inces of South Vietnam. Here And There In BUSINESS CHRISTMAS CALLING Some twenty-five telephone operators here will have to cel ebrate Christmas a bit earlier or later than most McHenry County residents because they'll be working to connect holiday calls across the nation. To make sure most of those calls get through, local oper ators today suggested a couple of handy tips for Christmas calling: call early on Christ mas Eve or Christmas day, and dial your own calls when possible. For those calls you can't dial yourself, local operators will be ready to help. "A lot of people run into busy circuits and busy telephones on Christmas because they call be tween 7 and 10 p.m. ~1 the busiest time of day," said Mar garet Barton, chief operator. SOPHIE CANNESTRA A funeral Mass was sung in St. Edward's Catholic church, Chicago, Saturday for Sophie Cannestra, 53, of 421 W. Dow- ell road, McHenry, who died Dec. 16. Burial(Was in St. Jo seph's cemetery, River Grove. KIWANIS NEWS WONDER LAKE CLUB The brass group of the Har rison band, along with the sax ophone trio, under leadership of Richard Mikas, presented selections of Christmas songs at last week's meeting. Performers were Fred Bix- by, Andy Oleszczuk, Kendal Street, Andy Hansen, Bill Rug- gero and Bill Decker, all with brass, and Diane Sturm, Wen dy Gildemeister and Claire Hig- gins. In addition to Wonder Lake Kiwanians, there was am inter- club visit from the McHenry club, headed by President Dean Cunat, Ed Lane, Jim Spencer, Bob Small and Phil Paul. THE ALL NEW Tues-Thur-Fri-9-9 Wed -9-6 Sat 8-5 Call 385-4777 for App. 3929 W. Main McHenry WASTING Vi YOUR LUNCH HOUR WAITING FOR SERVICE Try Bill Lindwalls Lamplighter Cafe 3313 W. Elm St. Fast Service & good Food Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 a.m. f * • r1 * Cfjriatmaa (greeting* v May all Yuletide Joys be Yours From the Truck People RYSTAL AKE RUCK ALES, INC. Party Buffet Features Vegetable Medley Use soup sauces to cut out preparation stepsi Our colorful vegetable dish--Holiday Vege table Casserole--starts with a good Chedda'PYheese sauce. Ordinarily, you would mix up a white sauce and shred cheese for it. But now you just open a can of Cheddar cheese soup-- already seasoned and thickened --to make a perfect sauce. Add canned tomatoes to the soup to give it extra color and zing. Then stir in Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Top with buttered bread crumbs and bake Holiday Vegetable Casse role right along with the rest of your oven meal. If you are serving more than 6 people, double the recipe as we have done for the picture. The rest of your party buffet menu includes baked boneless ham studded with cloves; glazed with apple cider and honey and easy cherry sauce. Serve oven-baked sweet po tato puff and a tossed salad along with the ham and Holiday Vegetable Casserole. HOLIDAY VEGETABLE CASSEROLE 1 can (10% ounces) condensed Cheddar cheese soup Vb cup chopped canned tomatoes % teaspoon leaf thyme, crushed 1 package^ 10 ounces) froxen Brussels sprouts, cooked and drained 1 package (10 ounces) frozen cauliflower, cooked and drained "J tablespoons buttered bread crumbs In 1-quart casserole, combine soup, tomatoes, and thyme. Stir in vegetables. Top with crumbs. Bake at 350° F. for 30 minutes or until hot. Makes 6 servings. For It servings: Double all in gredients; bake in shallow bak ing dish (12 x 8 x 2"). NEW CAMPING GUIDE A new edition of "Illinois Camping Guide" will be pub lished early next year, Direc tor Ray C. Dickerson of the Ill inois Department of Business and Economic Development, said. The division has distribu^ ted more than 200,000 copies of the camping guide to campers throughout the United States in the last two years. Listings include campgrounds operated by agencies of state and fed eral governments as well as by those under private ownership. India is about half the size of U.S., has twice the popula tion, 29 states, and 14 lan guages. future personnel inc, the aKtcvei ta youi v i y Beauty Phone UNIQUE GIFT MOUSE B6AUTV SHOP 1330 N. Riverside Drive McHenry , Illinois 600S0 (815) 385-71 12 Rts. 31 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE INTO A POOL OF SAVINGS jrO % Try your hand at the ̂NEW SPEED QUEEN - DO IT YOURSELF DRY CLEANING 1. Come in with an armload to be dry cleaned 2. Follow a few easy step by step instructions 3. In only 30 minutes you are ready to leave. Excellent and Economical Cleaning Results 8 POUND LOAD - Special Wed., Thurs., Fri - 92°° SILVER HAMPER LAUNDROMAT 468 W Liberty (Rte. 176} Wauconda I