MATH DISPLAY -- This is a display of geo metric figures made by students in Mr. Dyck*s sixth grade math class at Edgebrook after they studied geometry. Students are Jim Spencer, Karen Day, Diane Bjorkman, Mary Jean Deja and Rosemary Pintozzi. Such figures are ten- trahendrons, octahedron, dodecahedron, cubes and rectangular prisms. In the background are examples of art produced to illustrate the use of circles and angles in art. This activity served to motivate students in the study of geometry. , * specially selected group & solids all styles genuine lamb & girls fake furs Mrs. Moran loves ceramics. They have two married sons. Kenneth who is at Southern 111. University and Robert has his master's degree from Knox College at Galesburg. - Mr. and Mrs. David Orr, 901 Haihpton, are new grand parents to a little baby girl, Kara Lisa. Kara's parents, are Mr. and Mrs. Roar Schadd. Mr. and Mfs. TeCry Long of Texas, all spent the holidays here with their parents. Terry Long is on his way to Vietnam. He is with the air force. Mrs. Schadd and Mrs. Long are daughters of the Orrs. ENJOY TV The children from the Lake Zurich retarded home for chil dren are enjoying television through the generosity of Mrs.' Lloyd Wcrheim, 914 Hampton. PG.5 - PLAINDEALER - WED. JAN. 7,1970 Whispering Oaks i or - • Gertrude Disney 385-; Visitors Enjoy Winter Time In Subdivision Mrs. Harold Bergslien, 4422 Front Royal. Mr. Bergslien has retired from the advertising business. He has always been interested in music so now will take time for it. Mrs. Bergs lien loves to read and so this is av good place for that too. They .will enjoy the serenity of Whispering Oaks. New also aile Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moran, 1008 Oakwood. Mr. Moran is with an insurance company. His jhobby is golfing, missy & junior sizes wools, acrylics, crepes sizes 28-38, 40-46 selected group % off SIR FRANCES DRAKE. In 1578, Sir Francis Drake raided Cadiz, Spain, And made off with 3,000 barrels of sherry. England liked it so well that it has been Spain's best sherry customer ever since. WASTING y2 YOUR LUNCH HOUR WAITING FOR SERVICE Try Bill Lindwalls Lamplighter Cafe 3313 W. Elm St. Fast Service & good Food Open Every Day at 5 a.m. Closed Wed. 10:00 a.m. •asbiR|tn.D.C. fflhmaS. urAj/r/Z/ry rr///m/r4trj /rrw MRT/ "TH I F IRST NATIONAL BANK OF MC4TSNFTT N , V /fir&jb/m MCHEN RY , . /trA// ILLINOIS . //Mr.j/er/K/ejt/Mr 7/n/i/r//,- /Jr/ej rap#rrr//r>/r /rfM/tyvr /rmy /rnMrryr*/ /c *r Mr 6o**r.iJ /vw/wy /xJ rr 1//rtA#*#/- f /h/vr/rArvt, Nolll.thprpforp. y?Ac/r/y rrr/r/yMsr/Mr ///**/»najS'SYs//rr># /utMsnprt/ A YYWimsHf* Mr Ar/j//trJj rj/ r/j /r V/zr/trw/r/. '/J/w/v'/tp. /i)/#Y/r/fsw cottons Daniel Greene One sfop shopping for the whole family< Jn tpstimony to hereof. a* 26TH ^ / NOVFMBER, / ?6 9 jp (Aeying /mmwm