true Note Mrs. Young's example of how advertising can tie-in with constructive youth organiza tions. Please salute our mod ern advertisers and salesmen for they are the real sparkplugs of our superb economic ma chinery. A nation soon lapses into stagnation without adver tising! We lead the world be cause we are the Go-Getter sales nation! By - George W. Crane, Ph. P.. M-ft. CASE M-520: MrS. Roger S. Young lives in Martlnsburg, West Virginia. * "Dr. Crane," she began, "I have enjoyed your column for several years. "And I was especially in terested in your case about constructive advertising. "Our Martinsburg JOURNAL also had a similar ad which I think you'll enjoy. "And the firm sponsoring ANY 12 EXPOSURE KODAK KodacolorFiLM DEVELOPED AMD iHUMMP FaflurM Cr*dit*4 V Only, $1 00 UMir oni *ou mt *o--coupon nn*» may i. itn COUPON MUST ACCOMPAMY OtDML VALID POR MAIL OtDH OHLY W. ,IM>H hM Mik Mta, JnflL Wo Pay Post*9« fo You! SUUOUUtOPMTOSma E HlMtOH. ILUHOtS M04 MH I s the ad has been doing this for a long time. "The youngsters are also at tracted to the clean environ ment and good fun they always have at this establishment." Then Mrs. Young gave me a copy of the ad which she had cut out of her JOURNAL. Here it is: SKATELAND'S REPORTCARD NIGHT > FRIDAY, JUNE 13th 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. Admission $1 Skate Ren tal 25 cents Bring your , report card ... oif you - passed your grade you will receive a free pass plus discount passes for ' each A & B on the last six week period! This advertisement shows how a good local firm can "play ball" with constructive youth organizations, such as the schools, churches, Boy Scouts, YMCA, etc^ Mrs. Young's reference to my previous column referred to the advertisement of a Dan ville, Illinois, eating place that offered a free soft drink for every church bulletin turned in. Hundreds of such bulletins were received from about 40 different churches in the area! Alas, some people have the wrong slant about advertising. * Actually, advertising is the most effective agent of adult education, for most people quit the formal classroom forever by the age of 18 years. Yet they live to be 70. So how can you teach them constructive new ideas dr place efficient tools or merchandise in their hands except by paid advertisements? Advertising is simply a su perb educational tool! Like the surgeon's scalpel, it may sometimes be wrongly used, just as a drunken doc tor might cut a vital artery or nerve. But in such cases, we don't blame the scalpel! For many years, I have thus urged state societies to verti j men logical and county dental run periodic ad- educate lay- psycho- dentures. ?uco w i UII peri sements to educ about the ipany al values of < straightening teen-agers' teeth, etc. * \ tt such ads were signed by the state or county dental so ciety, then they would be eth ical, for no local dental sur geon would get special spot lighting. Remember, Jtsus used ad vertising strategy when he sent his 70 Disciples ahead of Him, two by two, to recruit the crowds! •> So send for my booklet "The New Psychology of Advertising-* and Selling," enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents. Churches need it,too! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclos ing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his book lets.) * « • Fritz faces the acute problem confronting millions of high school graduates. So study this Case Record most carefully. Even if your parents are mil lionaires, you will benefit far more by following my advice to Fritz. And the same goes for those who wish to enter med icine, law or the other pro fessions! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE M-510: Fritz J., aged 18, is graduating from high school. "Dr. Crane," his mother in quired, "we haven't the money to send Fritz to college. "But he has earned $1,500 as a newspaper carrier and by working weekends. < "So what would you recom mend for Fritz?" BUSINESS COLLEGE Go to BUSINESS COLLEGE! With the aim of winning the one-year or two-year diploma! For Business colleges offer students a merchandisable skill Start The New Year Right- JANUARY STORE-WIDE HOME ' FURNISHINGS REGULAR DONAHUE CUSTOMERS ' r appreciate the fact that our mer chandise is always new and fresh. We achieve this because, by per sonal attention to each customer, * ' we do not need to deliver furniture back and forth on a-trial basis. this makes used/ worn-looking merchandise which nobody wants. REGULAR DONAHUE CUSTOMERS appreciate the honest values offered to them each January. If you are not yet a REGULAR DONAHUE CUSTOMER come in . and check our values and our % efforts to please each customer. Why shop around. . . you II come to Donahues tor the best Jonuary furniture buys. that is in great demand by em ployers. And they guarantee all grad uates a splended job at a good salary the day they receive their diploma! -P- Business colleges also stress several courses that arent even 4, offered to Liberal Arts students in their entire 4 years on cam pus. These include Business Law, plus. Accounting, Bookkeeping, Business English and the opera tion of varinfis computer ojr of fice machines. 7, Also, the girls may take a course in Charm or Personality Development. And Applied Psychology, Public Speaking and Technical Vocabulary are also offered, yet usually not required by Liberal Arts schools. Every girl has an average of 8 good jobs waiting for her as soon as she graduates from Business college! And there are 6 such positions competing for every male graduate. Even if* you wish to go on for further Liberal Arts cour ses, you can then pay your own way thereafter out of the good salaries you are earning in your daytime job. For you can generally take evening college courses in Lib eral Arts either in your own city or a neighboring university town not 50 miles away. Even if your parents are wealthy, you will still benefit greatly by first winning the one- year diploma from a Business college before you matriculate on the Liberal Arts campus. For the shorthand and typing, us Business Law, etc., will of great value to you later, whether you prepare for teach ing, medicine, law, dentistry, engineering, etc. Remember, too, that we don't hear about student riots or ju veni le ant i -es tabl i shment strikes at Business colleges! Their students ara taught re spect for our Republic and its mft rvolruic owfot«pr|gA» system, which has spawned most of our Liberal Arts col leges, hospitals, churches and other altruistic organizations. * Business has thus been basic to all governments, furnishing the taxes and employment that have nurtured civilization since mankind first started living in towns and cities. High school graduates who don't have much money and who aren't sure as to what career they want to follow, can always gain rich dividends on their Business college training. Furthermore, it offers girls superb insurance for happy marriage, for Business college girls, as well as nurses, are. best equipped for maintaining happy homes. Nowadays, many Liberal Arts graduates, after 4 years on campus, still have no merchan disable skill! So they either must then go to Business college to gain a good job, or take specialized training courses for a year FRIDAY. J^N. 16,1970 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 7 Distinguished National Award % ̂ Presented To Keister Church Page • In Washington, D. C., the Dis tinguished Service Award of Freedoms Foundation was pre sented to the Keister Advertis ing Service. Given only to those who have received 10 or more previous citations, the Keister series, produced for over a quar ter century, was the only recip ient in the advertising category ---other than the United States Chamber of Commerce. The Keister church page is now ap pearing regularly in this news paper. Vice - President, Mr. Burton Langhenry, of Freedoms Foun- in the firm where they wish to be employed. Business colleges also pay taxes, instead of constantly cry ing for more handouts from alumni or the taxpayers, so they deserve top respect and support from all patriotic A- mericans. So send for my "Vocational Guidance Booklet," enclosing a long stamped, return en veloped, plus 20 cents. (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclos ing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his book lets.) dation presented the award to Dr. Henry B. Luffberry, major contributing editor, who ex plained the _ origin and growth of the Keister service, which now appears in over 1000 news papers. Ke stressed the Keii ter conviction that a strong re ligious foundation is essential to the preservation of freedom and the character of America. . - > > George Washington travelled widely-for his day, roads and hotels. He ventured as far north as Kittery, Maine, and as far south as the Bahamas, and west, well into what is now Ohio. CHAIN-04AXB TRAVEL SERVICE Reservations ft for all tels * Abaggage America* •iMriean Sodetr Mjmrn Agents 1 Mi oiffures Introduces Our Professional Staff 0 0 0 Trained hair stylists available at convenient hours to give you the service you deserve. Visit our "Wiggery" end "Color Boutique" . . . here is the privecy you've always looked for when haviMMol°r done or trying e new look wi th wigs. . . just you and your s ty! •J JUDY CICCH-N/ Judy has an excellent background as hair stylist with special skill in doing long hair, as well as styling hair pieces and wigs. Professional all the way. •I JOYCE MARS Joyce is well known in the McHenry and Crystal Lake areas and comes to us with three years of experience that you will recognize and appreciate. All her styling is done with perfection. ]/£ C,CCHt //V/ Diane is the twin sister to Judy and comes to our shop with a back ground of experience in the Crystal Lake area. Excellent stylist with long hair in addition to her ability to style short hair or wigs. 11 < LINDA BECK Linda brings her styling "expertize" to our shop with a background of experience in Crystal Lake. Wigs and other hair pieces receive care ful attention and pro fessional styling also from her talented handy. 'MISTER" LARRY MILLER CAROL YN BECK Capable Manager and Receptionist. Carolyn will see to it that your appointment is recorded correctly and keep you happy in any way possible. Smooth operation of ^ our shop helps you to receive complete attention. Owner - Operator of Mister's Coiffures, Larry has been fit the Mc/Iejiry County area for more than four years, in beauty w ork since IV5S. Winner of many aw ards, his most recent was the Mid-West Hair Shaping award in IV6 7 Hair c<>lor and styling by "Mister " Larry will bring out the beauty in you ' 'Furniture Showplace of the Midwest" Route 4? 338-10s6 ' Woodstock Open Til 9 p.m. Monday and Friday (Open 6 Days a Week) Mori. - Wed. 8:30 to 5 Thurs. and Fri. 8:30 to 9 Saturday 8 to 4:30 Appointments Preferred But Not Aiways Necessary _ 107 Van Buren On The Square Woodstock - ^ M 3 , > * ^^3 oiffures I A)