'.SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKE S REGION SINCE 1875' PAGE 1 - SECTION 2 FRIDAY, MARCH 13,19/0 Spring Eva Freund Dean Sutton Inducted Into Honor Society Dean Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton, Bellevue avenue was elected to the na tional honor society. Dean is a junior at Carmel high school in Mundelein. Induction ceremon ies were held on March 9 fol lowed by a reception. Congrat ulations Dean! VALENTINE PARTY The Lotus Country Woman's Club entertained their husbands and guests at a valentine party on Sunday evening, Feb. 15, in the village hall. A pot-luck dinner was served at 5:30 p.m. Everyone broughtla valentine. These were handed out and the verse was read by the recipient. President Frances Heineman conducted a short business meeting and the playing of cards was the evening's entertain ment. The club is pleased to Grove i 675-2135 welcome six new members. Mrs. Nello Orsolini, Mrs. Ar thur Klein, Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Agnes May and Mrs. Al ice Weber. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 18, beginning with a one o' clock luncheon. HOSPITALIZED John Pulaski recently had eye surgery in St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. He is now back home and recuperating well. Philip May underwent sur gery in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, but is back home con valescing now. Mrs. Harvey Petska received word that her mother, Mrs. Charles Munickof Cornell, Wis., is hospitalized and seriously ill following re cent surgery. Mrs. Kenneth (Donna) Larsen is a patient at McHenry hospital. Her mother, Mrs. Agnes May, is in Hebron caring for the family. DIES IN VIETNAM Mrs. William Shotliff re ceived sad news from her sis- future personnel inc. t6e andwer to cf<\ux COVENTRY PROFESSIONAL BUI I D ING 4 ' ) / COVE N T RY t ANE C R Y S T A I I A K E ILLINOIS 4 ' iM ' )0 1 0 ter, Mrs. Martha Pierce of Wisconsin Rapids. Her grand son, Erick Olson of Tucson, Ariz., was killed in Vietnam three weeks ago. His parents who reside in Arizona are Mr. and Mrs. Jens Olson. Mrs. Ol son was the former Gwendolyn Pierce. BAPTISMS The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kattner has been chris tened Christopher Scott. The . baptism of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ka- gan's new daughter was held Sunday. She has been named Mary Lou. CONGRATULATIONS Happy birthday to Tillie May. Her birthday was celebrated on Feb. 15, with a family gather ing at the „ home of her daugh ter, Lorraine, and husband, Stanley Freund. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold May, Mr. and Mrs. Frank May from Rich mond and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene May. Mr. and Mrs. Charles freund, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Dan iel Miller enjoyed a turkey dinner and an evening of cards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller on Saturday night. PIONEER RESIDENT DIES Our heartfelt sympathy is ex tended the family of Anton May. Tony, who was 91, passed away on Feb. 27. He was a lifelong resident of this vicinity. Funeral services were held in St. Peter's church on Monday morning at ten with interment in St. Peter's cemetery. PARISHIONERS OPEN HOUSE The Christian Mothers So ciety of St. Peter's will not have their regular meeting on Thursday night, March 19. In stead, on this night they will sponsor an open house at 8 p.m. and invite all parishioners to attend. The program will be the showing of a film explain ing the Sacrifice of the Mass. A lunch will be served. V-' - <s V • Vv A | s \i£V *• I • • <v e v i . / V ' ; f ' • / r--« is \ M fx *' < i f / MJLCJ I * v A& . • ? v V- \ •i • < - • If you had crabgrass last summer, here's how to prevent it this year The answer is Scotts HALTS PLUS. Spread it this month and set up a barrier that will prevent crabgrass from showing its ugly head this year. Halts Plus also fertilizes your lawn at the same time and makes your grass grow thicker, greener, sturdier. All from a single application! Stock up now during Scotts EarlyBird Sale. Save $2 5,000 sq ft bagJAST 12.95 Also save $1 on 2,500 sq ft bagJZ^T 6.95 II -ssss: authorized ^SCOttŜ retailer Ace Hardware 3729 West Elm Ph. 385-0722 McHenry, Illinois Ringwood News Phyllis Ackerman 653-9008 Clayton Bruce Surprised At Birthday Supper A new cart for the tractor and a surprise supper greeted Clayton Bruce Saturday night as he grew another year old er. All those who attended were: Leonard and Phyllis?Ackerman and six children, Chuck and Bev Ackerman and five children, Wesley and Wanda Bruce and two children, Kenneth and Judy Beck and two children, Bonnie and Roger Petska and erne, aU of Ringwood, Larry and 'JoArme and two girls of Wonder Lake, Clayton's sister and her hus band, Estelle and Merrill Cul- vey of Belvidere, and Delmar and Isabelle Shook and John and Karen Hoyt and two chil dren of Woodstock. CHURCH NEWS Don't forget the rummage sale Friday, March 20, from 9-5 and 7-9 and on Saturday, March 21, at 9-12. All donations are asked to be brought to the church early as possible in the week. Why don't all come out and help welcome the new pastor and his family this Saturday, March 14, at 6:30 sharp. This will be a pot-luck supper. The meat is to be furnished and we are asked to bring either a sal - ad or dessert and our appetite. Their names are Rev. and Mrs. Walker and they have four chil dren. So come and get acquaint ed. O.K.? Don't forget April 11. What is it, you say? A square dance! AROUND TOWN. Frank Kempfer is out of the hospital following surgery, and is in Chicago recuperating at the home of his daughter. Hope you are better by the time this reaches you. Mrs. Helen Cage of McHen ry callsd on Ruby Shepard re cently, and this past Thurs-. day her daughter, Gladys Ain- ger, spent the day with her. Ruby also had a chance to vis it her new great-grandchild but had to decline because of a cold. Aunt Nellie Hepburn and her grandson, Bob Greb, of Man hattan Beach, Cal., recently spent their time visiting the Donald Blackman and John Blackman families of Antloch. They also visited in the Ar thur Laursen family of Antioch. Mae Wiedrick was hostess to the 500 Club this week and Vivian Jackson won high hon ors and Bertha Peet was hon ored with the low place. Home for a visit was Donna (Low) Meyer of Garden Grove, Calif. She spent many happy hours visiting with all her old friends and relatives. The Walt Low family, Donna, Mable Thomas of McHenry, Bob and Susie Low and Bobbi and Pattie and Dave and Lee Milk ier all helped Donna and Bobbie celebrate their birthdays at the home of Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and Emily Olsen stopped in the afternoon. IT'S A BOY John and Janice Shmalle of our fair village have given their one year old daughter, Debbie, a brother for a playmate. He will answer to the name of John Juris Shmalle. A great big wel come! One last note before departing for the week is DON'T forget to get out and cast your vote on March 17 and a happy Saint Pat's day to all you good Irish men. Till next week! Here And There In BUSINESS HONOR MEDAL WINNER Commonwealth Edison com pany has been awarded the George Washington honor medal for 1969 for its television pro gram "Three from Illinois." The announcement was made by Kenneth Wells, president of the Freedoms Foundation at Val ley Forge, for the National School Awards jury. The award is made annually to the tele vision program that makes the most outstanding contribution in achieving a better understand ing of the American way of life. Few utterances contain suf ficient wisdom to be repeated after a lapse of a few years. WEEK ' ' <;"'v 0 Sa turday-Sunday-Monday Decorator Clocks 12 ol Liquli Maalox Reg. 1 59 Farely Jellybird Eggs Colorful Wellestey Farms Ice Cream Limit 2 Aborted to 99* Nylons 5/100 Special Group i lb. Pkg. Paint Tray & Hollar Set c n mmmmm J.W. Dant 10 Yr. Old Blended Whiskey* FIFTH CHARCOAL ? WHISKEY 1 1 *CED 10 y ss Tribuno Vermouth . - Sw e e t a n d D r y E 1 E 1 FIFTH yy 10th ...59* Moth Balls & Moth Flakes Ladies & Mens Sun Glasses Foster Grants Large Selection Your Choice 20 %m w- Southern Comfort 6 Closeout - Miscellaneous Pocket Knifes Reg. P r AC r FIFTH osco 3720 W Elm