MUSIN' N MEANDERIN' ;f:; (Continued from page 1) » ~ strength has often supported ... candidates new on the scene. Proof of the above was ev- : ident in last week's school board •. election, but this is only one r in a continuing series of votes which have followed the same pattern. We have in mind sev eral others, and not all in 'vilour community. •, It has been a saying of long standing that occasionally any 0 organized group "Needs new .< blood". This is true, and no > doubt the results of many e- „ .lections have borne out the wis- h dom of this belief. - What the candidates who lost and who lose in the future-- i should remember is that defeat is not usually because of the particular person as much as it is the times in which we live. 1 Never before have problems been so great and never be fore have people been asked to contribute so much in a financial way to solve them. Sometimes the thought of change - any change - seems the only answer. What all of us should remember -and again we re fer to positions of service in the community which have lit tle or no compensation - are the countless hours and the tremendous effort expended to carry the burden of any pub lic undertaking. We are indebt ed to those who have given and others who are just be ginning to $ve of themselves to better each community. One of the best places to look for lost items would seem to be the police station, but many folks don't realize it. Employ ees tell us they have a quan tity of keys for a variety of doors and numerous glasses which might make viewing bet* ter for some near-sighted folks. We challenge anyone to pro duce more beautiful pussywil lows than the "bouquet" which graces the Plaindealer office, a gift from Mrs. Alex (Elvera) Justen. If anyone comes forth to answer the challenge it seems to us there will have to be others who have received a gift from a bush which grows THE Tftf&StfRt tfc/Nr N (I IS COMING SOON! * PRIZES GALORE! See our Barbecue Grills and Gas lights. They will add just the right touch to your patio* m> • I II See this paper for further details Northern Propane Gas 4003 W. Main Street ' McHenry, Illinois > Ph. 385-4200 f in her mother's yard. The huge, silky pussies stand on a stem reaching well over 6 feet and provide our office with that harbinger of the Spring, which has already arrived on the cal endar. KAF TOM PARSLEY NAMED CHAIRMAN COLLEGE BOARD (Continued from page 1) this site. A third, private firm, Engineers Collaborative, de tailed a study which they would make for a cost of $11,600. No action was taken since this was not a regularly sched uled meeting. NELL ELECTED TO HEAD BOARD OF i DISTRICT 15 1 (Continued from page 1) The employment of Miss Jan et Blum, first or second grade teacher with MA-lst step, Miss Candice Wilson, BA 1st step, language arts, Junior high, and Miss Nancy Powers, BA 2nd step, first and second grades, was approved. Miss Christine Kern was em ployed as assistant bookkeeper at the administration office in conjunction with high school board action. 1 In another joint action, Dis trict 15 board approved the low bid of Carroll Seating Co., for carpeting for the administra tion building. The bid was in the amount of $1,894.50. Ac tion by District 156 is expect- ed later in the month. The board approved the ex penditure of $10,000 for Title in projects, an amount to be re imbursed by the government. Also given an okay was plan ning for a summer school pro gram. ' Harvey Ahitow, who coordin ates these programs, presented results of the recent spring va cation recreation program which ran March 30 through April 5 at West campus. Six ty children enjoyed the gym and 100 the pool facilities daily. Revenue from the program was $365 and expenses totalled $248.50 for a balance of $117.50. A motion was made and ac cepted that the McHenry State bank be named official depos itor for school funds for the year. LARGE BLAZE DESTROYS BARN iued from page 1) radioed for assistance from the other two fire compan ies. Water was hauled from the Modine plant, Ringwood, to bring the fire under control. Arriving at the Howenstine residence, they found the fam ily unaware of the fire. TTiey told firemen they had gone to bed about an hour before. Lost in the flames were hun dreds of bushels of shelled corn and a quantity of hay. The farm was purchased by the Howenstines recently and the barn was intended for use as a recreation center. No one had been inside the building during the day Wednesday. AFS DAY Next Tuesday, April 21, will be observed as American Field Service Day in McHenry, when foreign exchange students at tending schools in this area will visit the local school cam puses. OUTDOOR Colored Roll Roofing Sq. Ft. Roll Only $^20 ! Pre-Mix Concrete 90 Lb. Sack 1 1 l'x6* • Fence Boards 1 As Low As I i if Linear Foot Galvanized and White Painted Guttering Cedar Posts T Long 87* Each | Other Posts up to - ~ 29 feet long... m Patio Block 8"xl6" Gray 22* Each Colored Block Also In Stock Terrace Stone And Flag Stone Priced Per Pound cHenry Lumber Co. A DIVISION OF SPRING GROVE LUMBER CO., Inc. 4030 W. Main St McHenry, III. 60050- Ph. 385-4600 BOARD VIEWS SUBDIVISION (Continued from page 1) funds are available, the board issued anticipation warrants in the amount of $18,000 for the Mental Health department and $20,000 for the Illinois Muni cipal Retirement fund. Supervisor Walter Dean of McHenry questioned the neces sity of a survey when a build ing permit is granted for prop erty on a recorded plot. It was noted, in answer, that several agencies, require such a sur vey, but Dean felt this was an additional cost that served lit tle purpose. The discussion was concluded with a decision that the Build ing committee study the matter further. By a unanimous vote, Wil- lert Russel was re-elected chairman of the board for a sec ond year. The December county sales tax was announced at $24,584. It was announced that Ralph Ostrander had given,'his resig nation from the Planning com mission, effective July 1. - The board noted a recom mendation of the Legislative commission that the License committee immediately draw up a race track licensing or dinance for the county. Action was taken following a recent rumor that there was a pos sibility of a race track being built in the county. A report of the Election com mittee revealed a total of $21,- 975.58 expended by the coun ty to conduct the recent primary election. The state also shares in the total expense. Another report, made by the Health committee, indicated that members are disturbed over the fact that the Cook County Planning agency -has been using McHenry county in its population count and on its letterhead. Dr. Rossetti was invited to attend and explain the functions and by-laws of the Comprehensive Health Planning AREA THIEVES MEET SUCCESS, FAILURE (Continued from page 1) ed in front of his home about 1 a.m. Monday. McEvoy said he was walking home from a friend* s home when he noticed a youth removing the right rear tire from his car. He asked the stranger if he needed help and the youth told him his work was done. At this point McEvoy inform ed him it was his car and ask ed if he would put the tire on again, which he did. In talking, the would-be thifef stated he was from Florida and sometime ago someone stole his tires, which he reported to the police. He told McEvoy he de cided to "get even" by steal ing other tires. Since the stranger was taller and heavier, McEvoy said he felt he was in no position toar- gue with him. When the Robert F. Sayres of 1509 W. Terrace avenue, Sun- nyside, returned from vacation last Thursday,they found some one had removed a screen from a bedroom window. Miss ing were an electric portable sewing machine and one cuckoo clock, with total value at $130. / Agency association. Approval was given ^to the request of Clayton O. and Vir ginia A. Bruce «and Christian E. Jepsen for a reclassification from "R" residential to"L-l" light industrial, property north west of Ringwood, between Rt. 31 and the railroad tracks. The board learned of the or ganizational meeting of the new ly formed Merit commission of the county. Alexander MacAr- thur was elected chairman; Ray McGee of McHenry, vice-chair man; and William Tittle, sec retary. Traffic and criminal distri bution fines' and fees for a three-month period" disclosed the total amounts collected: Mc Henry, $3,706.30; Lakemoor, $667.20: McCullom Lake, $443; Richmond, $241; Spring Grove, $20; McHenry township, $428; and Nunda township, $20. PRESENT "BELLS ARE RINGING" AT SCHOOL APRIL 23-26 (Continued from page 1) Rick Wright, Bob Minor, John Laskowski, Bob Burton and Dave Winters. Student director for this pro duction is Marc Borcovan. The Comden and Green mus ical is being produced jointly by the music and drama de partments, under the auspices of John Leighty and A1 Lyn- drup. Tickets are now on sale. The show will run Thursday through Sunday, April 23-26. Curtain time is 8 p.m. each performance. BATTLE BLAZE -- Only charred remains of the framework of this barn on the William L Howenstine farm, 4614 N. Pioneer road, Mc Henry, remained after fire swept through the building Wednesday night. Members of Fire Companies I, H and I n, battled the blaze. PLAINDEALER PHOTO 100 Attend Historical Society Meet In City FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 13 Close to 100persons attended the McHenry County Historical society's area meeting, held last week in the East campus high school cafeteria in Mc Henry. The film, "Gunsmith of Wil liamsburg", was shown, telling how a tree would be selected for its grain, color and work ability. The step by step pro cess of shaping, forging var ious metals of brass, copper, iron and steel for various parts, the proper heating and cooling were explained. Testing for ac curacy is done several times before final assembly. The free hand engraving on various metal parts done by the gunsmith Showed him to be an artist as well as a craftsman. He never makes the same design |wice. The final coloring of the stock to give the deep warm jbrown or red color was most interesting. Many mgn in the audience were amazed to learn that it took 300 hours of work to produce such a beautiful gun. Edward Bisseler of Spring Grove brought some of his gun collection and it brought ad miring glances from men and women alike. Many items from the so ciety's collection that had come from the McHenry area were on display-clothing, photo graphs, old land records and social programs of long ago. Robert Thompson brought an antique clothes wringer made of wooden rollers; Mrs. Arlene Pearson brought a small brass lantern, suspended by a chain which was used for lighting the path ahead; C. Norton Owen of Glencoe, brother of Harold Owen, presented the society a book he had compiled of early pictures, snapshots, lane rec ords, letters written back to McHenry folks from men who had gone out to California during the Gold Rush days. President Dorothy McEach- ren gave a brief outline of the status of tfye building program and the many frustrations en countered but mentioned that all monies received over and above dues went into the building fund and it was slowly growing. Whenever research is done for people from out of county or state, they are asked to con tribute to the fund in lieu of a charge being made. Laverne Whiting of Rich mond and Mrs. Arlene Pearson, srs»s» Miss Lenora Frjurfby, Mrs. Don ald Swans on, Mrs. Anne "Nor ton and host, Clyde Blackwell, all of McHenry. Announcement was made of the annual meeting to be held Monday, May 25, at the Farm Bureau building, the program to be announced later; also the annual picnic to be held in Harvard this year on June 21. MOTOR FUEL ALLOTMENT McHenry county's share of $2,202,290 allocated of motor fuel taxes paid into the state treasury in March total led $44,- 047. ' DIVORCES Donna R. Weisenberger and Gart R. Weisenberger, McHen ry. Violet H. Johnson and Victor A. Johnson, McHenry. Jeanette M. Konaszewski ami Eugene F. Konaszewski, Mc Henry. JoAnn Magera and Gerald A. Magera, McHenry. Richard D. Carey and Sandra L. Carey, McHenry. Mt. Rainier, Washington, holds 62 lakes, 24 waterfalls, 40 glaciers, plus a 14,410 foot volcanic mountain. ^llllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllJr m m DON'T MISS IT1 DIAl-A-DEVOTION PHONE 185-8729 Hear God's Word Wherever You Are. THIS WEEK'S FEATURE FOR SAVINGS 6% .Certificate Minimum $10,000 2 Year to 4 Year - Maturity Automatically Renewed. Interest Paid or Compounded Quarterly This is one important part of our Savings program. Open your account today -- in person br by mail -- in McHenry County's oldest, laciest, strongest Association. Marengo Federal Savings A Loan Association 200 East Grant Highway, Marengo, IN. A $30,000,000 Mutual Association Serving Northern Illinois Since 1925 McHenry Moose Lodge No. 691 I Installation Of Officers! All Members, Guests, And Friends Invited • | To Attend | Saturday April 18 | Commencing At 7:00 P.M. At The lodge Pilgrim, J. Forrest Brown-Woodstock Installing Sgt. At Arms Past North Moose, Fellow Henry Repp-Woodstock 1970-197? Of f icers Governor: James Taylor Jr. Governor: Raymond Cynowa Jr. Past Governor: Carl Sima Prelate: Donald Humann Treasurer: Robert O'Brien Secretary: John Flannigan TRUSTEES: 3 Year-William Schabon 2 Year-Milton J. McHale 1 Year-Edward Ozog Sgt. At Arms: Robert Moulchin Inner Guard: James Crook Outer Guard: Raymond Bujack The Women Of The Moose -Carolyn Sima Sr. Regent- - Will Serve As Escorts For The Installation Refreshments \ For All | To Follow Installation (Liquid & Solid) I ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIItlllllllllllllllllMlliiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif =