f / •1 MM Grandma Sez , SURPRISE SALUTE -- Mr. and Mrs. Don Justen (center) were surprised with a special salute and a cake during the Farm Bureau's Victory Dinner last week at the climax of the mem bership drive. Justen is McHenry township director. The Justens celebrated their wedding anniversary the same date as the dinner at the Timbers, a dinner where membership topped 3,000 for the first time as ninety-six new mem bers were signed during the month-long cam paign. DON PEASLEY PHOTO Johnsburg PTA Will Install New Officers / ' The last meeting of the Johns burg P.T.A. for this school year will be held on Tuesday, April 21, in the Johnsburg elementary school. The business meeting will be gin at. 8 p.m. and will include a report on the progress of the Fun Fair to be held April 25. This will be followed by installation of officers. New of ficers for the coming year will be Charles Boak, president; James Preston, vice-president; Sally Von Bruenchenhein, sec retary; and Beverly Greenwood, treasurer. Immediate past of ficers, Bill Neumann, Jr., Ar- lene Cahill and Ann Selof, are congratulated for a very suc cessful year. "Physical education" will be the program for the evening, directed by Diane DeWolfe, girls' physical education in structor, assisted by Harry May, beys' physical education instructor. The students will demon strate their skills and feats on various gymnastic ap paratus. This will include scooter relays, gymnastic stunts and coordinated exer cises. Some of the equipment purchased in the last year will be demonstrated. A syncronated exercise drill will be put on by the seventh grade girls; also, the seventh and eighth grade students will show off their square dancing skill. Purstdn' the subject I was a goin' on about, t' other day> this ol' lady gits a fair chance f observe things, not bein' so immersed in !em now, t' the point a body dotftpay attention t' the whims an' fancies o* the times. The comparisons between the younguns, a comin' from the homes where the good mother cares about the outcome o' the lives o" her offspring, an those that're so busy, tryin* f And outside things t' interest 'em, is outstandin*. Pve heard parents say they don't know what went wrong, 'cause they gave the youngsters ever'thin' they possible could an' they weren't deprived o* anythin'. Those childern were deprived, alrighty, o* laming* that it takes work t' attain the material things in life. Seems t' me, that a lot cf women have the idee that keepin' the house clean, cookin' the meals, an* seein* t' the washin* machine andthedryin' machine, is all that it takes t' keep a family. Well, that ain't so. Ful fillment o' the job, o* bein* a wife, mother, an' homemaker, requires a lot more than that. I cain't think o' a more sat- isfyin' thing, in this life, than t' try an* shape the lives o' the little ones, inter a pat tern o* love an' Christian pol icy, a helpin* the little minds t' absorb all the knowledge available, in developin* a good character, an' the ability t' turn the knowledge inter wis- waiting iOCK ALL̂ oit Fast, efficient and courtious service. Automatic CAR WASH & WAX Low prices. Try our 'Gas Plan for a Free Car Wash. 4416 WEST ROUTE 120 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS , PHONE 385-9729 H BLOCK WEST OF THE McHENRY MARKET PLACE Dresses Ensembles , Sportswear Genevieve's McHenry, Illinois 1315 Riverside Drive Friday to 9 p.m. Ph. 385-0238 FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 PLAINDEALER- PG. 3 'if dom. It was said t' me, by folks in charge & juvenile jur isdiction, twenty years ago, 'an more, that if parents didn't take a better attitude toward the young, sigwrvisin' them through the dangerous years, we'd see a generation o' floun- derin' youngsters, an' I guess we made it. Now, I don't mean t' say that all, or even most o* the young folks 're in this category, but there's an awful lot o' 'em, who've come t' realize that the world is a hard placet' make their way, an' the so-called "Generation Gap;; exist* be cause they ain't had the kind o" A . r . parents that tried f bridge ATYUTlCflTl LiG^IOTI dressin« contest it, as the little ones grew up. " will go on to the It cain't be accomplished in a Jnvi/iorv ISImhc day, but has t' be started in ^uJLWUlf J 1 WIVo 1 """ UNIT 491 by Kay Luing The McHenry County coun cil of the American Legion auxiliary met on Friday, April ior convention to be held in * Joliet on April 19 for judging. The May meeting will be held in Hebron and will honor the Gold Star members. New Arrivals MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK On April 10 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lund of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zeek, Wonder Lake, are parents of a daughter, April 13. Mrs. Pearl Cooper, president of McHenry Unit 491, American Legion auxiliary, l^rs. Maxine Gill, department president, Mrs. Ruth Mrachek, 11th district secretary, are shown at the Legion auxiliary county council meeting. This entry district jun- The first open heart surgery in Honduras was performed by Honduran thoracic surgeons with the assistance of an Amer ican heart team whose visit was sponsored by MEDICO, a service ofCARE. infancy, t' bring a close under- standin' between parent and child. Parents who are so strict that they ferget f listen t' the childern, ain't likely t' bridge the gap, but widen it. It takes a wise an' lovin' at titude, stressin' the love, but not to the point o* permissive ness. The old hickory stick, well anointed wi' love,accomplished wonders, in years gone by. Grandma Radtke Folk Service Of Worship At McHenry Church A contemporary folk service of worship will take place at the 8:20 and 11 a.m. services at the First United Methodist church in McHenry, on Sunday, April 19. This service was or iginally designed and planned by the youth groups of Faith Presbyterian church for their Youth Sunday emphasis in Jan uary of this year. Under the guidance and direc tion of Henry Koehl and Miss MBrjie Ruth, it is being present ed again with young people of other churches joining in, so that it is now an ecumenical endeavor of some of the young people of the community. It is an attempt of the young people to communicate the impact of the Christian message in their own words and their own way. We invite you to come and share the experience with us. 3, at Huntley. Thcjse from Mc Henry who attended this meeting were Mrs. Jack (Pearl) Coo per, Mrs. Courtney (Cecile) Violett, Mrs. Joseph (Margar et) MikOta, Mr?. George (Ruth) Mrachek, Mrs.'Roy (Lauretta) Homo and Mrs. Frank (Evelyn) Ficek. A delicious pot-luck dinner was served to all the council members and to our very spec ial guests, Who were Mrs. John (Maxine) Gill; Mrs. John (Lu cille) Acklin, department mem bership chairman; Mrs. George (Ruth) Mrachek, 11th district president; Mrs. Roy (Lauretta) Homo, 11th district secretary and first vice-president of the McHenry county council; Mrs. Robert (Mabel) Schultz, Hunt ley auxiliary president; Don Enstrom, county commander of the American Legion; Robert Schultz, county adjutant; John Goehl, post commander of Hunt ley; George Mrachek and Roy Homo. 1 A county Girls State tea Will be held in Huntley on May 17 from 2 to 4 and the present Girls Stater and mothers from all units in the county, as well as former Girls Staters are in vited to attend. A treat of fresh fruit was brought to the Woodstock Chil dren's home by Carol Murray, County Child Welfare cahirman. Felicia York of the McHen ry unit won the Nicaragua doll earn DRAPERY PIECES: .1 to 5 Yds ... 257»d. 6 to 10 Yds ... 507jd. 11 to 20 Yds ... $l"/yd. and up Dress Fabrics On Bolts 50* Per Yd. & Up Values To '2.00 Per Yard! - ALSO - Just Arrived ... Our Yearly Group (1,100 Yards) of Dress Remnants. 1 to 5 yard pieces. Polyester Blends; Sportswear Prints; Red, While and Blue Prints HAVEMEYER'S Mon.- Sat. 1008 E. ROUTE 120 9:30 to 5:30 MCHENRY, ILL. 4 Ml. EAST OF McHENRY NEAR VOLO PHONE (81 5 ) 385-2296 j. .. ^ aimto - ' -SJL BETH OKAL ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Announcement of the engagement of Miss Beth Okal has been made by her mother, Mrs. La Verne Hromec of McHenry, and her father, Morris Okal of Chicago. Her fiance is David B. Weikel of Long Beach, Calif., formerly of McHenry. Both young people are McHenry high school grad uates, Miss Okal in 1969 and Mr. Weikel in 1966. He Is attend ing Northern Michigan university at Marquette,' Mich., and she is a freshman at North Central college, Naperville. An Aug. 8 wedding is planned in DesPlaines. EVER SALE* on Famous 18 HOUR PLAYTEX girdles the first firm-control girdle that keeps you heavenly comfortable for hours and hours. Made with Playtex's own unique fabric, with thousands of tiny air holes for delightfully cool ventilation. rnrrii UKttn 1219 No. Green - McHenry - Ph. 385-0182 L N • 5 Sides and back panels: 100% 18 hour material (composed of 73% rubber, 27% nylon). Front panels: 74% acetate, 16% rayon, 10% spandex. Crotch: 100% nylon. Exclusive of other elastic. A. Playtex "Shortie"--perfect for panty hose and the shorter fashions. B. Pull-on Girdle--flatters and. molds you with gentle but firm restraint --won't ride up, lets you reach and bend with perfect ease. Shortie-reg. S9.95-NOW $7.95 Long Leg Panty-reg. $$12.95 NOW $10.95 Average Leg Panty--reg. $1'1.95--NOW $9.95 Girdle--reg. $9.95-NOW $7.95 White, Sizes XS, S. M, L (XL, XXL $1.00 more) * VI I»tv, WIA.WW 'W, V, ITI, U. \AU, A/XL. I ,w I 11WI C J ^B^ ̂B^ ^B^- ̂ B^ ^BB»» ^BB^ *BBB» « '? \