I V Spring l Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 L Volunteers Meet To Plan Cancer Crusade Drive Eva Freund, township chair man for the cancer crusade, held a meeting in her home on Tuesday night for the volun teer workers to start off the cancer drive. Important life- saving literature was given each worker. Soon they will be com ing to your door to pass out these pamphlets explaining the warning signals of cancer. Con tributions will be appreciated. Aid is given victims of can cer in your own county from funds received in these drives. Transportation to medical cen ters for x-ray and specialized treatment, bandages and dress ings are provided, all without charge. Sick room equipment is available...beds, walkers and wheel chairs. Contact any mem ber of the McHenry County Board. •« ATTEND FEDERATION MEETING Mrs. Frank Heine ma nn, Mrs. William Kruger, Mrs. Leo White and Mrs. Frank Mora- vac attended the McHenry Coun ty Federation meeting at Cary on Wednesday, April 8. There were fifty-two women in atten dance. Among them was the 1 Ith District President, Mrs. Lam bert W. Miller. Mrs. Heine - mann, club president, gave the annual report as did other club presidents. Rolls and coffee were served in the morning and a smorgasbord at noon. showed their culinary, arts. Breakfast was served following eight o'clock Mass. The Mass was a beautiful ceremony with members of the Christian Moth er's Society and their daugh ters marching in a liturgical processional and at the end of the Mss there was a liturgical recessional. Everybody sang and the music was beautiful. MRS. MARY HAZEL DIES IN RANTOUL Mrs. Nettie Panknin attend ed the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Mary Hazel, of Rantoul on Monday, April 6. Mrs. Haz el passed away, Saturday, Ap ril 4. She and her husband, Leroy Hazel, resided in Spring Grove from 1954 until 1961. Her husband passed away while living here and Mary went to Rantoul to live with her daugh ter. / HOSPITALIZED Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kober- stine arrived home from Hous ton, Texas, Wednesday, April 8. Mr. Koberstine had heart surgery at Methodist hospital and he was confined there for two months as complications developed. BIRTH Congratualtions to Rev. and Mrs. Willis Walker who arethe happy parents of a son "Arthur Willis" born at McHenry hos pital April 3, weighing in at 6 lbs., 5 ozs. Mrs. Ray May entertained members of her club on Thurs day night. A dessert lunch was served after which cards were played. Hiose winning prizes were Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Arthur Klein and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Edward May on April 30. POSTMASTERS MEET £ McHenry County postmasters who attended a Region I meeting ; in Elgin on Saturday, April 4, •r were President John Kvidera, Cary; Arthur Latham, Hebron; Eugene Tafel, Algonquin; Gweh * Allbrecht, Union and Eva V. Freund, Spring Grove. y • BREAKFAST SERVED BY HOLY NAME * A mother-daughter breakfast was held in St. Peter's parish * hall on Sunday, April 5, served * by members of the Holy Name * Society. Eighty-eight mothers •j and their daughters were pre sent to enjoy a delicious break- fast of juice, ham and eggs and * sweet rolls and all the coffee you could drink. The men really • ---------------------- • - - - - - - THE SIGN OF A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR • * . i The next Christian Mother's meeting will be on Thrusday, April 16, 8 p.m. Election of officers will be held electing a vice-president and treasurer. FRIDAY, APRIL 17,1970 PLAINDEALER- PG. 5 NEWS WONDER LAKE CLUB Miss Susan Ross, extension advisor, attended the meeting and talked on keeping club rec ords. A bake sale will be held on May 23, at Russ' Food Mart. Julie Weber is chairman for the sale. Kathy Barda will attend the Citizenship conference, repre senting the club. Salvation Army Tag Day will be held on June 12. Donna Dewerdt is chairman for this event. Twenty-five members are participating with her. The club will attend the Share The Fun contest on April 18 at 7:30. It will be held at the McHenry high school West cam pus in the auditorium. Three new members have joined the club. They are Lori Faber, Deb orah Wenk and Diane Eschner. The next meeting will beheld May 7. CLASS PROJECT -- Preparing their class project for St. Mary's. Science are fifth graders Judy Johnson and Tony Balchunas. Projects for the fair were to be constructed of simple, inex pensive but creative materials. In judging winners,much depended (Mi the children's oral presentation. PLAINDEALER PHOTO GREETS STUDENTS -- Harry Volkirian, weatherman for WGN-TV, Channel 9, visited Valley View school on April 10 and presented an interesting program for the children. He demonstrated and explained various signs that are used on the weather maps for television programs and also presented facts on all types of storms. An interesting question and answer period was held following the program. - PLAINDEALER PHOTO :$ --"MM v'I | For your car * (your home j your life (and your health BUC (HORN 7flmtkr ** ' mm#? THE SIGN OF A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor | State Farm is all | E you need to know ( | about insurance. ( See me. • I DENNIS CONWAY 13315 West Elm Ph. 385-71111 v. m in the community. For information call Lois Jacobs 653-9629 Mary Ann Cole 385-4273 STATE FARM | Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois | State Farm is all you need | | to know about insurance. J Dandelions and other spring weeds can disfigure your lavm. Do you know the easiest and most efficient way to be rid of them? The lawn may look weed free now, but all it takes is a few warm days and dormant weeds begin to bloom. Then, before you know it, they've spoiled the lawn. But now there's an easy way to control them. Simply spread Scotts TURF BUILDER PLUS 2. It clears out dandelions and a couple dozen other non grassy weeds, PLUS-2 penetrates deep down into the roots, which is the only sure way of at tacking weeds, PLUS-2 fertilizes at the same time. Helps good grass grow thicker and greener. Apply PLUS-2 after dandelions are in bloom ... but buy PLUS-2 now, while you can get it at sale prices,. Scores, April Sale Save $2 10,000 sqftJ4^5" 12,95 Save $1 5,000 sq ft^5"6.95 Save in April. . . use in May! Lawn & Garden FREE Gift For You! - Sample Bag Clean Up Bag Balloons For The Kids Fertilizer s? Weeds a problem but don't need fertilizer? If you've recently fed your lawn and you have dandelions and other weed problems, then KANSEL is for you. It has all the benefits of Plus-2, minus the fertilizer, KANSEL is sale priced now, too. So don't delay, get your KAN SEL this week end -- spread it on your lawn as soon as dandelions start to bloom. Like to save on a new lawn spreader? You can save $5 now on the purchase of Scotts Model #35 spreader when bought with any other Scotts product. The Scotts spreader is engineered to apply seed, fertil izer and control products evenly and accu rately. Has a rust-resistant finish and durable construction. 18 inch spreading width. Save $5. Reg.̂ JJM^T 14.95 with Scotts purchase Save 50$ 5,000 sq ft j^W4.45 authorized Scotts. -McHenry, Illinois - 3729 W. Elm Phone 385-0722 BBBBB retailer r * i 'f Y*