Twice Told Tales COMPLETE CRUISE -- Just returning from a Caribbean cruise are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mayer of 905 W. River terrace, McHenry. During their seventeen-day cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles, they visited San Juan, Curacao, Cartagena, Aca- pulco, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan. A highlight of their cruise was transiting the Panama Canal in daylight on the way to Cal ifornia on the Caribbean. Ringwood News Phyllis Ackerman 653-9008 Bernard Tonyans Celebrate 55 th Wedding Date Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tonyan had the pleasure of celebrating their fifty-fifth anniversary this past weekend with all of their children and with their brothers and sisters. Hie event was held in the Alden hall in Alden. Everyone was served both din ner and supper. A very good time was had by all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY On June 22 we wish John Skidmore and Randy Bauer a happy birthday, on June 23 to my son, Brian Jay Ackerman, and on Thursday 25 to David Ackerman and also to Dorothy Bauer, and on the twenty-sixth to my sister-in-law, JoAnn Bruce, to all of you a happy birthday. < ANNIVERSARIES Those having the time to cel ebrate their anniversary we wish you all the very best: On Sunday June 21 to Arline and J.C. Pearson, and on the same day to Doris and Bill Brennan and also to Butch and Mary Leo nard. To Wes and Wanda Bruce a happy anniversary on the twenty-seventh. Best to all of you. AROUND TOWN The lucky ladies of the 500 Club went out to lunch a week ago in Algonquin, and I was told that they all had a very enjoy able day. Miss Maude Granger and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson were visitors in the Ruby Shepard home this past Friday. This past weekend Frank Kempfer spent a few days with his son, Frank, Jr., of Genoa, 111., and also attended the grad uation of his grandson, Joe, from the eighth grade. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glosson and sons of McHenry and Mrs. Vales and son, Albert, visited with Mrs. Ruby Shep ard and Frank Kempfer this past Sunday evening. Mrs. Michael (Judi Winston) Baldwin will celebrate her first anniversary with her husband, Mike, in Hawaii around June 19. Mike will be on his R. and R. Also Judi would like to hear from home Pm told. Her ad dress is Mrs. Judi Baldwin, 451 Roe street, Elmira, New York 14901 Mrs. Clyde Wright of Ring- wood has been confined to the hospital, and we expect she will be home this weekend, but would still like to receive cards. Hope that you will be up and about soon. HELP! Maybe some of our good citizens could help with mowing the park. Perhaps some of our Scouts, 4-Ifers and oth ers would help. Although it isn't very big it has always provided a place for the younger set to play. Please don't forget the Scout paper drive on June 20. If you wish you may leave your papers m the curbing if you are going shopping. Everyone should have a "sick income And a State Farm Medi-Cash Plan is it. Extra income to make your stay in the hos pital more comfortable. Medi-Cash pays you cash. Use it for whatever you need. See me today for the facts about a low-cost Medi-Cash Plan. Joe Podpora 1212 N. Green . McHenry \i 385-4080 State Farm is all you need to know about insurance. SIATI I ARM MUTUAL AUIOMMIIE INSURANCE COMPANY • HOMI Off ICC: MOON I NCI ON. ILLINOIS STATf FARM SWIMMING ran Now rggjjy summer with a fvn-fillod, worMrt* Nendo* Fool of your •wm! Authorized Dealer Anderson Pool Co. 616 Green Oak Dr. Crystal Lake, III. M xuxrsirstL'xs, teaks, Mtety tenia iMMcr*- •rt4 ft install *4. FREE SHOP* AT'HOME SERVICE CALL NOW 459-1810 BABY SHOWER A baby shower for Georgia Hogan was given by her sis ter, Carole Zank and sisters- in-law Charlotte Thompson and Pat Parsley. Although Pat was unable to attend, a delicious whip-cream frosted cake, ice cream, punch and coffee were served. Georgia received many lovely and useful gifts, large and small. Now the waiting game! Good Luck! J Two Students At Wesleyan's Junior Band Camp The third annual Illinois Wes- leyan university junior band camp at East Bay camp of Lake Bloomington opened Sunday, June 14, with an enrollment of 234. Among those attending are Carol Leighty, 3703 W. Young street, and Camy Steiner, 506 Mineral Springs, McHenry. "That's an absolutely capa city enrollment for us," said Maurice Willis, camp director and associate professor of mu sic. "Our facilities are com pletely filled, and we received many more applications than we could handle." Sixty-eight communities are represented among the students with Streator, for the third con secutive year, winning the honor of supplying the greatest num ber. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of June 12, 1930) Many people from this vicin ity are visiting the J. VanSteen peony farm near Crystal Lake. The blooms are now in the height of ttieir season. More than 40,000 plants are in bloom. Since purchasing the famous Congressman James E. Mann peony collection, Mr. VanSteen has added to the collection un til now there are more than 1400 varieties. His may be said to be the largest and finest col lection of peonies in the United States. Eugene Sayler entertained a party of friends June 9 in ob servance of his birthday. The first part of the evening was spent at the" Miller Theatre at Woodstock where they saw "Happy Days" after which the remainder of the evening was spent at his home on Main street in music and games. A very pretty wedding took place June 4 at St. Peter's church in Spring Grove when Miss,. Agnes Weber and George May, both of Spring Grove, were united in marriage by the Father Weitekamp of St. Peter's. Mr. Harry Wright of Oakhurst subdivision entertained a group of friends of Mrs. Ruth Hannah McCormick from Chicago and suburbs. Mr. and Mrs. Math Times with their daughters, Mary and Leona, and son, Norbert, left Chicago last week to spend a three months' vacation touring through Europe. They will sail on the Bremen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farringer of Columbus, Nebr., were visitors in the Anton Blake home recently. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of June 14, 1945) Mrs. Bertha McAnsh passed away June 10 in Chicago. She had been in poor health for the past two months. Mrs. McAnsh had resided at Pistakee Bay during the summer months for the past forty years. * 15 Mrs. Lee Larsen of Mc- Cuilom Lake suffered painful injuries to her left hand when she tried to shut off a power saw in her husband's work shop which had been left running. The Ringwood Happy Clover club organized and elected the following officers, Charlotte Hogan, president, Jene Betts, vice-president, Audrey An dreas, secretary, Jane Betts, recreation leader and Darlene Andreas, reporter. This is go ing to be a food club, staking use, preservation and storage of fruits and vegetables. A lovely candlelight cere mony was solemnized on June 9 in the Community Methodist church uniting in marriage Miss Laura Sherman and Mr. Lon Smith. Rev. Graham officiated at the doulbe ring ceremony. From 8 to 80, they're all anticipating with pleasure the fashion show to beheld June 29 at the Colony theatre under the sponsorship of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school P.T.A. Betty Nielsen will be in charge of the show. A farewell party was given at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. William Schoning at Pis takee Bay in honor of their daughter, Shirley, who is leaving soon on a singing tour of Canada. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of June 16, 1960) St. Mary's Catholic church was the scene of a lovely wed ding June 11 when Miss Mary Nye tif McHenry became the bride of Lt. Craig Baldwin of Pistakee Bay. Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges officiated at the nuptial ceremony. Clipped Wings, stewardess alumnae groiq>, will conclude a busy year with an installation luncheon today, June 16, in Chicago. Mrs. Marlin Kaplin of the McHenry area has been ap pointed northwest area chair man. The Riverside Athletic club presented two dozen baseballs to each manager at the opening of the McHenry Little League season on the local diamond Wednesday evening. Company one of the McHen ry Township Fire Protection district is desirous of obtaining new members. Sgt. Morris L. Raines of the U.S. Air Force recruiting of fice, Elgin, announced today that Airman Third Class Mar tin A. Zieble of Island Lake has been selected as one of the two top students in his class in the ground radio operators courses at Keesler Air Force base, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepping Donald Stinesprlng Receives Degree, St. Olaf College Donald Craig Stinesprlng, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stine sprlng, Jr., of 3329 N. Bay- view lane, McHenry, received his B.A, decree from St. Olaf college, Northfleld, Minn., re cently. The commencement speaker was Dr. John W. Na- son of Carleton college, North- field. The event culminated a full weekend of activities honoring the graduates. Don's wife, Su san, daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. William Richards of McHenry, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Stinesprlng and their grandson, Skip Ca:.n, to President Rand's reception for the graduates Sat urday. welcomed a son, June 8, at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital of McCullom Lake ate holding open house Sunday, June 26, for friends, neighbors and rel atives at the McHenry Legidty home in observance of their twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary. A highlight for the McHenry a man was the surprise of walking in for Baccalaureate service Sunday morning to see, among the large crowd, his brother, Harry, his wife, Peg, and son, Hal, Md^ David and Wyn Cain and theirchildren, Ann and Joe. They had driven to Northfleld for the graduation. Don's sis ter, Libby, who also attends St. Olaf college, joined the fam ily. Following the service, the St. Olaf band performed in a fi nal performance before leaving with the famous St. Olaf choir for a European tour. A dinner honoring Don was held in the King's room at the Student Union. In September, the young Mc Henry man is planning to enter law school. BENEFIT DINNER This Sunday, June 21, the Huntley Lions club will hold its annual chicken bar-b-que at the Huntley flrebarn. This dinner is the organization's pri mary money-making project. Serving time is from 11 a.m. through 4 p.m. Money raised by this non-profit organization will be used to promote youth activities throughout the area. 0 ST AH KEHT0H tad His 1 fRlDtf. JUNt WDM i JUtf 31 C0UHT BASIC BIG NAMES FOUR EAGLES 52 North Rte. 12 (at the Bridge) FOX LAKE FASHION SHOWS DURING LUNCHEON... Noon to 2 (TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS ONLY) LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY NITE OF THE WEEK . i of Sou nd OH®*. S\HKW Jete W9 ̂ Vfrth AI tt°or Shovi BUDDY -• DICKENS | AND DOLLS! Direct From Th« Us Vegas Riviari! The Nati ion's Most ! 'vtttsighr 0,„„1 nvMic i *»r the FOUR EAGLES FOX LAKI N ****** If AS And Hi SSfS) Tshw* l*h