PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-FRI., OCTOBER 23, 1970 McHenry Gears Heavies Shut Out Grayslake 33-0 The McHenry Gears out played Grayslake'in every cat egory of the game Sunday, Oct. 18. The "Big Rids", referred to by their fans, kicked off to Grayslake to start the game.; Grayslake started from their own 37 yard line but unfor tunately after three plays they were back on their own 21. The punt attempt was blocked due to the tremendous rush put on by the Big Red's defense, led by Mike Dalton, Gary Ros ing and Neal Berry. The Gears took over on the Grayslake 15 yard line with quarterback Dave Richardson directing the attack. The Gears had a first down and goal to go on the Grayslake 4 yard line. From there, fullback Neal Berry scored the first McHenry touchdown. The extra point failed and the Gears led 6-0. Later in the first quarter, McHenry had the ball on their own 42 yard line. Ray Por- ton swept the right side of the line and went 38 yards, only to have it called back on off setting penalties. However, the Big Red's offense was ipk to be denied of what they were capable of doing. lad by the strong running of Steve Kas- prysyk and the rest of the Gears backfleld, the Gears 8cored again with Steve Kas- prysyk getting the honor. The extra point was good and the Gears led 13-0. In the second quarter, Neal Berry scored from the 12 yard line and the extra point try was good. With the score 20- 0, the McHenry coaches emp tied the bench, allowing second and third string players toper- form. The Gears scored again on a well executed pass play from Dave Richardson to Steve Kasprysyk before the end of the first half. The half ended with the Gears leading 26-0. The second half was more of an experimenting half for the Gears with second and third string players running the attack. The defense held Grays lake to no first down through the first three quarters. The only first down the defense gave iq) was the result of a roughing penalty on little Tim Cornwall in the fourth quarter. - The Gears scored again in the fourth quarter with Neal Berry getting one of his three touchdown runs of the after noon. The extra point was good and the Gears led 33-0. Gears Notes: Each week, the coaches name team captains according to their performan ces during the week in practice. The starting teams, both offense and defense are on the same scale. Team captains for the Grayslake game were Mike Dal- on, Gary Rosing and Neal Berry. Good luck next time, Gears. Larry Christy Initiated Into Fraternity LARRY CRISTY Larry Cristy, a sophomore at the University of Illinois in Champaign, has recently been initiated into the Tau chapter of Delta Phi fraternity. Delta Phi, the oldest continually ac tive social fraternity, is one of the fifty-seven fraternities on fiie University campus known as the " Fraternity Capitol of the World*'. An agricultural economics major, Larry is active in house sports and has been appointed to serve on the public relations: committee of the Interfraternity Council. In high school he was active in student council and was its president his senior year. He played on the varsity: football, wrestling and baseball teams, serving as captain of the wrestling squad. As a new initiate Christy is active in D*Phi's IM football and is striving to uphold the fine traditions of this great frater nity. He is the 8Chi of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cristy of Wonder Lake. ITEM: It is believed that 75 to 80 per cent of all women in ur ban areas own some type of hair piece or wig, with a smaller per centage of women in rural areas joining the fashion trend. MARK'S MARINE. Announces The First Sale On 1971 Snowmobiles • 20 MPH To 70 MPH • 3 Year Bank Financing-No Money Down • All Models, Trailers, Sleds Now In Stock Sale Prices So Cheap We Can't Print Brand Names! 3622 ELM ST. McHENRY 385-5200 WOODSTOCK 338-0032 "IT'S BOLD. OUTSPOKEN. ROUGH, EXPLICIT, SUGGESTIVE. REALISTIC ...THE KIND OF FILM THAT MAKES GOOD FRIENDS AND LIVELY ENEMIES -ARCHER WINSTEN. NEW YORK POST "Elliott Gould is perfection!" -JUDITH CRIST, NEW YORK MAGAZINE FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY 7:00-9:20 COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ELLIOTT CANDICE GOULD-BERGEN Screenplay by ROBERT KAUFMAN Bjsed on lheK,.fn>/K'JKOl OSTt !?J l ioiluceil and dir.'i led by RICHARD RUi>> I E3G i SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:30-OUT 4:35 SEATS 75* AND A FREE GIFT TO ALL The Cherry Valley 4-H club held its last meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schil ler on Oct. 16. The meeting was called to order by Pres ident Randy Anderson. The min utes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Elaine Lim- baugh. A federation report was given by Don Limbaugh. The treasurer's report was pre sented by Bill Schmuhl. The Halloween committee planned a hayride, cook out and games, for members and their families. The party fill take place at the Schiller home on Oct. 30 at 6:30 in the evening. For their communityproject, the club decided to make tray favors and preseht a program for a group of senior citizens in their area. Other announce ments were made in regard to future meetings. The County Achievement meeting will be held at the Farm Bureau build ing on Nov. 20 at 8 o'clock in the evening. An officers meeting will be held at the Clarence Olson school in Woodstock. The new officers for the Cherry Valley club are: Pres ident, Randy Anderson; Vice- President, Lyle Wright; Secre tary, Elaine Limbaugh; Trea surer, Bill Schmuhl; Recreation Chairman, Jim Stanbery; Fed eration Delegate, Don Lim baugh and Federation Alternate,, Elaine Limbaugh. The club is looking forward to a good /ear,' Club reporter Joan Lingeman ^ NORTH SUBURBAN CONFERENCE STANDINGS After four weeks of confer ence play Barrington still re mains the front runner with a perfect 4-0 record. A real jam occurs in the middle of the standings as four teams are bunched with 2-2 records. STANDINGS Barrington 4 0 0 Ctystal Lake 3 10 McHenry . 2 2 0 Woodstock 2 2 0 Dundee 2 2 0 Zion-Benton 2 2 Libertyville 1 3 North Chicago 0 4 0 Results last week: Crystal Lake, 14; McHenry, 8 Barrington, 41; Libertyville, 6 Zion-Benton, 20; Woodstock, 6 Dundee, 34; North Chicago, 20 Games this week: Barrington at Dundee, Friday McHenry at Woodstock, Saturday Zion-Benton at North Chi cago, Saturday - Crystal Lake at Libertyville, Saturday. PUBLIC PULSE Several letters come to this desk over the past two weeks regarding the Nov. 3 election. These have pertained to par ticular candidates, al though some of the refer ences have been veiled in diplomatic language. The Plaindealer iseager for widespread use of this Public Pulse column for the reader to express his views, including those per taining to any issues on which a vote is forthcom ing. However, contests for political office are person al issues which affect a few individuals more di rectly than the populace as a whole. For this reason, letters which refer in any way, no matter how well con cealed, to a particular pol itical race will not be pub lished as news. ' "Dear Editor: "I would like to call atten tion to the billion dollar Fam ily Planning BUI, S. 2108, which has been recently passed by the Senate. The author. Sen. Rob ert W. Packweod, (R. Oregon), has since been named to the President's Commission on Population Growth and Amer ica's Future. "Hiis bill is now under con sideration in the House. Al ready the Defense department has decided it will permit the killing of unborn children at military base hospitals without any regard to state anti-abortion laws. "To show you what insane things are taking place-there is a bill pending in the Flor ida State Legislature which would legalize the killing of old people and a bill in the Hawaii state legislature which would coitapel the sterilization of all women after they have their second child. "What' kind of madness is this? Let's not sit idly by without opposing these frightful measures. We are involved - our tax dollars, $1,000,000,000 would pay for the execution of these laws. Remember, if it is legal for government to take life in order to control pop ulation, the day may come when your own life may be in jeo pardy. "I urge all concerned Amer icans to write to their repre sentatives in opposition to this horrible legislation. Don't be afraid to stand iq> for your principles. We have much to gain and everything to lose. "Dorothy Himpelmann "Secretary-Motorede Committee of McHenry .' County" §iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiHiii'iiiMii^ E hunting for = a = deal? I READ s THE = CLASSIFIEDS = TODAY aiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Lake County Rifles Sew Up Southern Division Title r NOWELL'S SPORT & CENTER Antioch.lll 312-395-3200 -EXPERT GUNSMITH- Dealer in All Major Brands of Sporting Arms. A full line of reloading supplies... HARVARD THEATRE 21-23 N. Ayer St Harvard, Illinois 60033 Ptiom 816-9*3-4461 (FEATURES ANNOUNCED BY RECORDINGS) ADULT PROGRAM < Presented 9 PM Daily (Also 10:30 PM on Fri. and Sat.) TOTALLY NEW ADULT SERIES - And in the words of Al Jolsont...."You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" fr*1 ^TARTS^ Fri. Oct. 23rd Fri. Oct. 30th Fri. Nov. 6th Fri. Nov. 13th (Color) Rated XX - 36 MM'FEATURE PRESENTATION RATED "REGINA'S SECRET" (Color) XX "WOMEN FOR ALL REASONS" (Color) XX "DIVORCE LAS VEGAS STYLE" (Color) XX "DONT JUST LAY THERE" (Color) ' XX FAMILY AND ADULT PROGRAMS ARE SEPERATE PRESENTATIONS. THE AUDITORIUM IS CLEARED BETWEEN PROGRAMS. THE PURCHASE OF A SEPERATE ADMISSION FOR EACH Family Program EndsThur*. Oct. 22 Rated G W«h Disney of courw Double Feoture "Jungle Book" and "LoveBug" Note- Jungle Book" starts at 6 FM and "Love Bug" Starts at 7:16 Starts Fri. Oct. 23rd "A MAN CALLED HORSE" Staring Richard Harris . ' - NEW SEATS - AUTOMATIC CONCESSIONS - CLEAN - COMFORTABLE. FOOD ANO DRtNK ALLOWED IN AUDITORIUM * CUT OUT AND SAVE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PLANIMI The Red Baron and his aerial circus were grounded Satur day night as 3,200 fans watch ed the Lake County Rifles sew up the Southern Division title with a resounding 41 to 0 vic tory over the Delavan Red Dev ils, as they gave the Red Bar on and his favorite receiver, Snoopy, (alias, Jim Knoblauch) a thorough whitewashing. With rumors of NFL scouts in the stands watching Berezowitzand Knoblauch, the entire Lake County team put on a show as if they intended to replace some current NFL franchise. The Rifles draw a bye this coming Saturday and close out their regular season at Racine against the Raiders, on Oct. 31. The 41 to 0 victory over Delavan at Carmel stadium in Mundelein clinched a title game berth for the Rifles against the Madison Mustangs in Madison on Nov. 7. The victory also gave Lake County their fourth Southern Division title in their fine six year history in the Central States Professional Football League. 1970 Mercury 4 Dr. Sedan SPORT Whe mW65' GAME /S MRD-A/OS£D DAVE WHOSE HOWEZEOL LE4S £/)##/£& WM £4-3 YZ/305 W /969.. meets. 7XE JlOS POOVOEf FROAl MOKTH &A/&TA IS M H/3&eVEA7# 3E45CA/. Jf/S COMeB40C />F7&?A /ones /A/JURY to/ 1968 MS A KEY C73X? 7V£ ' PK>t>E TO THE SW&K AJH4T... Bright drip cap ipoldings, color keyed 2 spoke steering wheel, bright jlivheel lip mouldings, con cealed windshield wipers, flo- thru ventilation system, wood toned instrument panel. '2199 1970 FORD ECONOLINE 1968 FORD XI C0NVERTI8L E-300 SUPER VAN automatic. power steer Jim brakes, radio. \\indy Mue nun i urcs. lie spring MCJtv' 8 pK slw»kl.> and \pple red with wliit wlutcw^ll tires, plus jna SAVF 1969 COUGAR XR 7 2 door p. \ b l 4V VH vngm power steering, power brakes, rad factory air. console, bucket seat v. speed transmission. one owner, Whit with black vinyl interi 1987 FORD COUNTRYSEOA ^^HSTA. WGN.^H WO V8, automatic, p.s., p.b.. 10 pass., luggage rack, radio, w.w tires. FORD COUNTRY SQUIR SJA.WGN. (2 to cho<»sc Irom) 10 pass. V)0 VR. p.s„ p.b.. Factory ditioning. luggage rack. AM radio, w.w. tires, automatic. $3195 1965 THUNDERBIRD J90 V-8 engine, automatic, powc ' steering, power brakes, power windows, tilt steering wheel white wall tire*, radio, heat MAC DONALD Mewmj 90 S. ROUTE 12 FOX LAKE JU 7-2541 I DAILY 8 9. SAT. I S OPEN SUN. 11 5 AATE£plUAfc* -rHEiB- ! Christmas Interest < '• - '31 iihii [^WHtTHTWNKN^UNHIN^^ wWWWWWWWwWWWWWWwWWWWWW Shown above are Pat Kolls, Grace Reinhardt, Janice Zidekand Judy Schaefer employees of McHenry State Bank preparing the 1970 Christmas Club checks to insure an early mailing. Christmas Club checks will be in the mail on November 3, 1970 Interest Paid On 1971 Clubs New Christmas Clubs May Be Opened For 1971 Starting October 26, 1970 McHENRY W'HEMV STATE BANK 3510 W. Elm BANK Phone 385-1040